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A biosensor system for continuous flow determination of plural enzyme activities was prepared from the combination of two pyruvate sensors, a prereactor and a flow cell. This system was applied to the simultaneous determination of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activities in the same sample. These enzyme activities can be determined by measuring pyruvate produced by the enzyme reactions as follows. The amount of pyruvic acid can also be determined from the amount of oxygen consumed upon oxidation of pyruvic acid by pyruvate oxidase. (Formula: see text). Therefore, both of the detectors for the determination of lactic dehydrogenase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activities were prepared from the combination of a pyruvate oxidase membrane and an oxygen electrode. Pyruvate oxidase was covalently immobilized on a membrane prepared from cellulose triacetate. A linear relation was obtained between the output current and LDH or GPT activities in the range of 50 to 3,600 IU l-1 or 6 to 1,000 IU l-1, respectively. Each assay of these enzyme activities was completed within 15 min. The results obtained had a precision of ca. 4%. The sensor was stable for more than 25 days at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   
Bark and wood of the creeper Dalbergia variabilis contain the previously described friedelin, O-acetyl-oleanolic acid, formononetin, 8-O-methylretusin, (+)-vestitol, (±)-mucronulatol, (+)- and (±)-medicarpin, besides (+)-variabilin [(6aR,11aR)-6a-hydroxy-3,9-dimethoxypterocarpan]. This structure was confirmed by the conversion of (+)-variabilin into di-O-methylcoumestrol.  相似文献   
The absolute configurations of isoflavans and isoflavanquinones isolated from Cyclolobium, Dalbergia and Machaerium species were established by comparison of their ORD curves with that of (3S)-5,7,3′,4′-tetra-methoxyisoflavan and (3S)-7,4′-dimethoxyisoflavan-2′,5′-quinone, respectively. The assignments were checked by the ozonolysis of the isoflavan (?)-duartin to (R)-paraconic acid and the oxidation of isoflavans to isoflavanquinones. The PMR spectra of the dihydropyran ring of the isoflavans are discussed in terms of the preferred conformation of this ring.  相似文献   
An adenosine deaminase (ADA;EC B lymphoblastoid cell line BADO5 derived from a Japanese patient with severe combined immunodeficiency disease and two B lymphoblastoid cell lines, BAMO5 from his mother and BAFO5 from his father, were characterized. To identify mutations affecting ADA activity, we prepared cDNAs to ADA mRNAs of the BADO5 cell line for nucleotide sequencing. Sequence analysis of one of the BADO5 ADA cDNA clones revealed deletion of exon 7, and one point mutation of base 629 from G to A that did not affect the amino acid sequence. All clones of the BADO5 cell line so far examined showed the absence of exon 7 by Southern blotting analysis. Ribonuclease protection assay with an RNA probe spanning from exon 5 to exon 11 showed that the BADO5 ADA mRNA had a deletion of exon 7, the BAMO5 mRNA had normal length, and the BAFO5 mRNA had two species with a deletion of exon 7 and with normal length. Consequently, the patient's ADA genes resulted from one allele of the BAMO5 ADA gene that did not produce a detectable mRNA, and the other allele of the BAFO5 ADA gene producing an aberrant mRNA without exon 7.  相似文献   
Coding sequence of human placenta cofilin cDNA.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of human platelet functions of 9,11-dithio analogues of prostaglandin endoperoxide was investigated. Methyl (5z,9α,11α,13e,15S)-9,11-epidithio-15-hydroxyprosta- 5,13-dienoate induced platelet aggregation, while the 9β,11β-epimer was inactive. The platelet aggregation caused by the 9α,11α-dithio analogue was associated with serotonin release from platelets, and was inhibited by methyl ester of prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin) but not by indomethacin.  相似文献   
Acute inflammation is a prominent feature of central nervous system (CNS) insult and is detrimental to the CNS tissue. Although this reaction spontaneously diminishes within a short period of time, the mechanism underlying this inflammatory resolution remains largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that an initial infiltration of Ly6C+Ly6G? immature monocyte fraction exhibited the same characteristics as myeloid‐derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and played a critical role in the resolution of acute inflammation and in the subsequent tissue repair by using mice spinal cord injury (SCI) model. Complete depletion of Ly6C+Ly6G? fraction prior to injury by anti‐Gr‐1 antibody (clone: RB6‐8C5) treatment significantly exacerbated tissue edema, vessel permeability, and hemorrhage, causing impaired neurological outcomes. Functional recovery was barely impaired when infiltration was allowed for the initial 24 h after injury, suggesting that MDSC infiltration at an early phase is critical to improve the neurological outcome. Moreover, intraspinal transplantation of ex vivo‐generated MDSCs at sites of SCI significantly reduced inflammation and promoted tissue regeneration, resulting in better functional recovery. Our findings reveal the crucial role of an Ly6C+Ly6G? fraction as MDSCs in regulating inflammation and tissue repair after SCI, and also suggests an MDSC‐based strategy that can be applied to acute inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
The 1H–13C HMQC signals of the 13CH3 moieties of Ile, Leu, and Val residues, in an otherwise deuterated background, exhibit narrow line-widths, and thus are useful for investigating the structures and dynamics of larger proteins. This approach, named methyl TROSY, is economical as compared to laborious methods using chemically synthesized site- and stereo-specifically isotope-labeled amino acids, such as stereo-array isotope labeling amino acids, since moderately priced, commercially available isotope-labeled α-keto acid precursors can be used to prepare the necessary protein samples. The Ile δ1-methyls can be selectively labeled, using isotope-labeled α-ketobutyrates as precursors. However, it is still difficult to prepare a residue-selectively Leu and Val labeled protein, since these residues share a common biosynthetic intermediate, α-ketoisovalerate. Another hindering drawback in using the α-ketoisovalerate precursor is the lack of stereo-selectivity for Leu and Val methyls. Here we present a differential labeling method for Leu and Val residues, using four kinds of stereo-specifically 13CH3-labeled [U–2H;15N]-leucine and -valine, which can be efficiently incorporated into a protein using Escherichia coli cellular expression. The method allows the differential labeling of Leu and Val residues with any combination of stereo-specifically isotope-labeled prochiral methyls. Since relatively small amounts of labeled leucine and valine are required to prepare the NMR samples; i.e., 2 and 10 mg/100 mL of culture for leucine and valine, respectively, with sufficient isotope incorporation efficiency, this approach will be a good alternative to the precursor methods. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated for 82 kDa malate synthase G.  相似文献   
Transpiration and gas exchange occur through stomata. Thus, the control of stomatal aperture is important for the efficiency and regulation of water use, and for the response to drought. Here, we demonstrate that SIZ1mediated endogenous salicylic acid (SA) accumulation plays an important role in stomatal closure and drought tolerance. siz1 reduced stomatal apertures. The reduced stomatal apertures of siz1 were inhibited by the application of peroxidase inhibitors, salicylhydroxamic acid and azide, which inhibits SA‐dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, but not by an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenyl iodonium chloride, which inhibits ABA‐dependent ROS production. Furthermore, the introduction of nahG into siz1, which reduces SA accumulation, restored stomatal opening. Stomatal closure is generally induced by water deficit. The siz1 mutation caused drought tolerance, whereas nahG siz1 suppressed the tolerant phenotype. Drought stresses also induced expression of SA‐responsive genes, such as PR1 and PR2. Furthermore, other SA‐accumulating mutants, cpr5 and acd6, exhibited stomatal closure and drought tolerance, and nahG suppressed the phenotype of cpr5 and acd6, as did siz1 and nahG siz1. Together, these results suggest that SIZ1 negatively affects stomatal closure and drought tolerance through the accumulation of SA.  相似文献   
alpha2beta1 integrin, CD36, and GP VI have all been implicated in platelet-collagen adhesive interactions. We have investigated the role of these glycoproteins on activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex induced by platelet adhesion to type I fibrillar and monomeric collagen under static conditions. In the presence of Mg2+, platelet adhesion to fibrillar collagen induced activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex and complete spreading. Anti-alpha2beta1 integrin and anti-GP VI antibodies inhibited the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex by about 40 and 50%, respectively, at 60 min although minimal inhibitory effects on adhesion were seen. Platelet spreading was markedly reduced by anti-alpha2beta1 integrin antibody. The combination of anti-alpha2beta1 integrin with anti-GP VI antibody completely inhibited both platelet adhesion and activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex. Anti-CD36 antibody had no significant effects on platelet adhesion, spreading, and the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex at 60 min. Aspirin and the thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist SQ29548 inhibited activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex about 30% but had minimal inhibitory effect on adhesion. In the absence of Mg2+, there was significant activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex but minimal spreading was observed. Anti-GP VI antibody completely inhibited adhesion whereas no effect was observed with anti-alpha2beta1 integrin antibody. Anti-CD36 antibody partially inhibited both adhesion and the activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex. Platelet adhesion to monomeric collagen, which requires Mg2+ and is exclusively mediated by alpha2beta1 integrin, resulted in partial activation of the GPIIb-IIIa complex and spreading. No significant effects were observed by anti-CD36 and anti-GP VI antibodies. These results suggest that both alpha2beta1 integrin and GP VI are involved in inside-out signaling leading to activation of the GP IIb-IIIa complex after platelet adhesion to collagen and generation of thromboxane A2 may further enhance expression of activated GP IIb-IIIa complexes.  相似文献   
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