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The complete sequence of 12,851 nucleotides of the mouse lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A) gene has been determined. It includes eight exons, seven introns, promoter and regulatory regions. The B1 repetitive elements present in intron III and VI are oriented in opposite orientation, and they share 72% sequence homology. The exon-intron organization of mouse LDH-A gene is compared with the organizations of other dehydrogenase genes, and the molecular evolution of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide binding domains is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Snell dwarf mice display remarkable retardation of growth after birth and are known to lack prolactin (PRL), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and growth hormone (GH). The aim of this study was to determine the reason for these hormonal deficiencies. We examined the fine structure of the gland and its immunohistochemical staining pattern with respect to antisera raised against PRL, TSH, GH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). The gland of control mice reacted immunohistochemically against all antisera used, whereas only ACTH-producing cells (ACTH cells) and LH-producing cells (LH cells) were distinguished in the dwarf mice. ACTH cells in dwarf mice varied in cell shape, although they were similar in size to those of controls. The distribution of secretory granules in the cytoplasm varied from cell to cell. LH cells in the dwarf mice showed immature features, having poorly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The cells were about half the size of controls, and secretory granules were smaller. In dwarf mice, non-granulated cells were encountered in addition to granulated ACTH and LH cells. Some of them formed small clusters, characteristic cell junctions being found between the cells; they thus appeared to be follicular cells. The above results suggest that hormone deficiency in Snell dwarf mice is a result of a defect in the hormoneproducing cells in the gland.  相似文献   
The previous study from this laboratory demonstrated that the corneal epithelium of 19-d-old chick embryo synthesizes two classes of sulfated glycoconjugates consisting of sulfated glycoproteins and proteoglycans (Yonekura, H., Oguri, K., Nakazawa, K., Shimizu, S., Nakanishi, Y., & Okayama, M. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11166-11175). The present study demonstrated that when the sulfated glycoproteins labeled metabolically with [35S]sulfate and [3H]glucosamine were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, the 70,000 component (accounting for approximately 30% of the 35S and 35% of the 3H of the total sulfated glycoprotein) co-migrated with five major proteins with apparent molecular weights (Mrs) of 70,000, 66,000, 58,000, 51,000, and 48,000, which together accounted for about 57% of the total tissue protein. All five proteins cross-reacted with an antibody against human sole keratin, indicating that they are cytokeratin polypeptides of the corneal epithelium. Amino acid analysis demonstrated that they had high contents of glycine, serine, glutamic acid, leucine, and aspartic acid. Two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps indicated that they were all different. Analysis of radiolabeled materials released by alkaline borohydride treatment of the sulfated glycoproteins which were synthesized in the presence and absence of tunicamycin and co-purified with the five cytokeratin polypeptides, revealed that they contained both N- and O-glycosidically linked sulfated oligosaccharides. All the results obtained in the present study indicate that the five sulfated glycoproteins are similar, if not identical, to the cytokeratin polypeptides. This is consistent with the result in the accompanying paper that these sulfated glycoproteins are localized intracellularly.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro and in vivo developmental abilities of equine embryos cryopreserved by vitrification. Twenty-eight embryos were recovered from Native pony and Thoroughbred mares at Days 5 to 7 by nonsurgical uterine flushing (detection of ovulation=Day 0). The vitrification solution contained 40% ethylene glycol, 18% Ficoll, and 0.3 M sucrose in PBS. The embryos were placed for 1 to 2 min in vitrification solution (Group 1) or following exposure to 20% ethylene glycol in PBS for 10 to 20 min (Groups 2 and 3). Single embryos were loaded in 0.25-ml straws, cooled for 1 min in liquid nitrogen vapor and immersed in liquid nitrogen. Straws were warmed in water (20 degrees C, 20 sec), and the contents were expelled with 0.5 M sucrose in PBS. Then the sucrose was diluted in 1-step (Groups 1 and 2) or 4-steps (Group 3). Embryos (n=21) were cultured for 120 h in TCM199 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum at 37 degrees C in 5% CO(2) in air and evaluated morphologically. Development to the hatching or hatched blastocyst stage was obtained in 0 7 , 4 7 and 4 7 embryos in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. An additional 7 embryos were vitrified-warmed according to the treatment of Group 2 (4 embryos) and Group 3 (3 embryos). Five embryos were selected after in vitro culture for 4 h and were transferred nonsurgically into the uterine horn of Day-4 recipient mares. Transfer of 2 embryos (both Day-6 blastocysts: Group-2 treatment) resulted in pregnancies with a viable fetus at Day-60 of the gestation period.  相似文献   
In northwest European countries maternal age is increasing. This will lead to an increase of the prevalence of Down syndrome conceptuses. Meanwhile, the increased use of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis (PCD) will lead to a decrease in the prevalence of Down syndrome among livebirths. We were interested to know what the result of these two opposite developments would be in the near future, and we describe here a model to quantify these processes and the resulting livebirth prevalence of Down syndrome. The model is demonstrated for The Netherlands from 1992 to 2001. The predicted livebirth prevalence for The Netherlands in 1992 is 1.36 per 1000. Demographic factors will cause an increase to 1.76 per 1000 in 2001 with present indications for PCD and a utilization ratio of 50%. An increase of the utilization ratio to 90% in 2001 will lead to a prevalence of 1.22 per 1000, a little less than the present prevalence. Alternative screening programs, including maternal serum screening, could lead to a further decrease of the livebirth prevalence. The model described here can be used for evaluation of the consequences of alternative forms of Down syndrome screening.  相似文献   
Changes in the activity of UDP-galactose:diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase(UDGT), a key enzyme in galactolipid biosynthesis, during germinationwere investigated in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Aonagajibai)seedlings. After germination, UDGT activity increased duringgrowth in darkness for 4 days, reaching 10 times the activityin ungerminated seeds. Illumination of 4-day-old dark-grownseedlings strongly stimulated the activity. By contrast, inseedlings grown continuously in darkness, the increase in UDGTactivity ceased after 4 days and the activity remained constantthereafter. A similar increase in the specific activity of UDGTwas observed i n the envelope fraction from seedlings, indicatingthat the increase in the enzymatic activity preceded synthesisof other proteins in the envelope membrane. Coincident withthe change in the enzymatic activity, here was an increase inlevels of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG), two major constituents of chloroplastmembrane lipids, in the germinated seedlings. Cycloheximideinhibited the light-mediated increase in the enzymatic activityby illumination of 4-day-old dark-grown seedlings, and, as aconsequence, it inhibited the accumulation of MGDG and DGDG.It was clear, therefore, that protein synthesis was necessaryduring this activation. Addition of a cytokinin, benzyladenine(BA), stimulated the increase in the UDGT activity. The increasein the UDGT activity caused by BA was accompanied by the accumulationof galactolipids, as in the case of the activation by light.These results suggest that activation of the final reactionin the synthesis of MGDG, which is catalyzed by the galactosyl-transferase,contributes to the accumulation of galactolipids during thedevelopment of the chloroplast membrane. (Received December 3, 1994; Accepted July 3, 1995)  相似文献   
A maleimide spin label (N-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidinyl)-maleimide) was reacted with oxyhemoglobin-free cell stromata of normal and sickle cells. The EPR spectrum of spin-labeled red cell membranes showed that the spin labels are attached to at least two different binding sites. There was a major signal, A, which characterized a strongly immobilized environment and a minor signal, B, which characterized a weakly immobilized environment. Quantitative EPR measurements using equal amounts of Hb AA and Hb SS red blood cells demonstrated that Hb SS red cell membranes had an approximately four times higher EPR signal intensity than Hb AA red cell membranes ((7.98 ± 1.14) · 105 and (2.2 ± 1.2) · 105 spin labels/cell, respectively). Moreover, the ratio of signal intensities A and B are different in these cells. Comparative spectrophotometric studies of membrane-associated denatured hemoglobins of Hb AA and Hb SS red cell membranes suggested that the EPR signal A is derived from spin labels attached to membrane-associated denatured hemoglobin, while signal B is mainly from spin labels attached to membrane-associated denatured hemoglobin, while signal B is mainly from spin labels attached to membranes. The combination of EPR spectrum of Hb AA membranes pretreated with N-ethyl-maleimide and that of spin-labeled precipitated hemoglobin further strengthened this conclusion.  相似文献   
When pheromone-pretreated cells of an inducible a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying the inducible gene saa1 were incubated in a growth medium at 28°C, induction of sexual agglutinability began after a 10 min lag period. If the cells were incubated at 38°C during the lag period, no induction occurred even after incubation at 28°C. Contrary to this, if the cells were incubated at 28°C during the lag period, almost complete induction occurred, even after transfer to 38°C. Temperature shift experiments revealed that 5 min incubation at 28°C was necessary for the initiation of the temperature-sensitive period and further 5 min incubation for the completion of the period. The temperature-sensitive period was sensitive to phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride.Non-common abbreviations PBS 10-2 M phosphate buffer solution, pH 5.5 - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
Reaction of β-maltotriose hendecaacetate with phosphorus pentachloride gave 2′,2″,3,3′,3″,4″,6,6′,6″,-nona-O-acetyl-(2)-O-trichloroacetyl-β-maltotriosyl chloride (2) which was isomerized into the corresponding α anomer (8). Selective ammonolysis of 2 and 8 afforded the 2-hydroxy derivatives 3 and 9, respectively; 3 was isomerized into the α anomer 9. Methanolysis of 2 and 3 in the presence of pyridine and silver nitrate and subsequent deacetylation gave methyl α-maltotrioside. Likewise, methanolysis and O-deacetylation of 9 gave methyl β-maltotrioside which was identical with the compound prepared by the Koenigs—Knorr reaction of 2,2′,2″,3,3′,3″,4″,6,6′,6″-deca-O-acetyl-α-maltotriosyl bromide (12) with methanol followed by O-deacetylation. Several substituted phenyl β-glycosides of maltotriose were also obtained by condensation of phenols with 12 in an alkaline medium. Alkaline degradation of the o-chlorophenyl β-glycoside decaacetate readily gave a high yield of 1,6-anhydro-β-maltotriose.  相似文献   
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