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Silica phytoliths in grasses are thought to serve as a defence mechanism against grazing ungulates by causing excessive tooth wear. It is posited that they contributed to the evolution of hypsodonty in these animals. However, some have questioned whether grass phytoliths can abrade enamel. Here Mohs hardness testing was conducted on Blue Grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis) to determine phytolith hardness. Microindentation was performed on horse and American bison molars to establish dental constituent hardness values. To infer the phytoliths' abrasion capacity, the hardness values were contrasted. Phytolith hardness ranged from 18.0 to 191.5 HV. This is considerably softer than the values obtained for ungulate enamel, which range from 332.6 to 363.4 HV, but harder than the other dental constituents. Although Blue Grama phytoliths are incapable of directly abrading enamel, when viewed in conjunction with other data on phytolith hardness, there is considerable variation across grass species and some phytoliths are actually harder than ungulate enamel. Blue Grama grass phytoliths may even promote enamel wear due to pressure accentuation caused by the recession of softer tissues. Given these findings and considerations, it is plausible phytoliths served an integral role in the co-evolution of grasses and herbivorous ungulates, although more testing is needed to bear this out.  相似文献   
Marine sponges as microbial fermenters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The discovery of phylogenetically complex, yet highly sponge-specific microbial communities in marine sponges, including novel lineages and even candidate phyla, came as a surprise. At the same time, unique research opportunities opened up, because the microorganisms of sponges are in many ways more accessible than those of seawater. Accordingly, we consider sponges as microbial fermenters that provide exciting new avenues in marine microbiology and biotechnology. This review covers recent findings regarding diversity, biogeography and population dynamics of sponge-associated microbiota, and the data are discussed within the larger context of the microbiology of the ocean.  相似文献   
Autologous cell therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for hematological malignancies. Cell therapies for solid tumors are on the horizon, however the high cost and complexity of manufacturing these therapies remain a challenge. Routinely used open steps to transfer cells and reagents through unit operations further burden the workflow reducing efficiency and increasing the chance for human error. Here we describe a fully closed, autologous bioprocess generating engineered TCR-T cells. This bioprocess yielded 5–12 × 10e9 TCR-expressing T cells, transduced at low multiplicity of infections, within 7–10 days, and cells exhibited an enriched memory T-cell phenotype and enhanced metabolic fitness. It was demonstrated that activating, transducing, and expanding leukapheresed cells in a bioreactor without any T-cell or peripheral blood mononuclear cell enrichment steps had a high level of T-cell purity (~97%). Several critical process parameters of the bioreactor, including culturing at a high cell density (7e6 cells/mL), adjusting rocking agitations during phases of scale-up, lowering glycolysis through the addition of 2-deoxy- d -glucose, and modulating interleukin-2 levels, were investigated on their roles in regulating transduction efficiency, cell growth, and T-cell fitness such as T-cell memory phenotype and resistance to activation-induced cell death. The bioprocess described herein supports scale-out feasibility by enabling the processing of multiple patients' batches in parallel within a Grade C cleanroom.  相似文献   
Infant tolerance by adult males has been observed in many primate species with multimale–multifemale mating systems, but males do not usually initiate interactions with infants. In male philopatric species, such as spider monkeys, adult males within a community exhibit high levels of cooperation and affiliation, and they might therefore be motivated to create bonds with potential future allies. Based on this hypothesis we predicted that adult male spider monkeys would participate in infant handling more than adult females and they would preferentially direct handling toward male infants. Between January 2008 and July 2010, we collected 884?h of observation on a community of wild spider monkeys at Runaway Creek Nature Reserve in Belize. During this period we observed 120 incidences of affiliative interactions between infants and adults other than their mother. The adult initiated the majority of nonmother adult–infant interactions (78?%). All available infants (5 males, 7 females) were handled during the study. All 9 of the community adult males handled infants but only 7 of 14 adult females did so. Adult males handled infants significantly more often than did adult females and males also handled young infants more often than older infants. Significant infant sex differences in handling appeared in infants >6?mo when adult males handled males significantly more than females. The patterns of infant handling among age–sex class dyads reflect the affiliative social patterns that we see in adult spider monkeys. These results provide support for the hypothesis that adult males preferentially handle male infants as a strategy for fostering social bonds.  相似文献   
Routine production of haploid plants has not been reported for any legume, despite the major role these species play in sustainable farming systems and human nutrition. It is within this context that we report a protocol for the induction of haploid development in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using isolated microspore culture. The cultivars “Rupali”, “Narayen”, and “Kimberley Large” were identified as responsive to isolated microspore culture. Flower bud length and microspore developmental stage were correlated for these cultivars. Depending on the cultivar, buds 2.85–3.5 mm in length contained uninucleate microspores. Microspores from donor plants grown in winter and spring were more responsive than those grown in summer. A cold treatment (4°C) of between 24 and 48 h enhanced microspore response in winter- and spring-grown material but was not effective in summer-grown material. A medium developed by the authors was effective for microspore induction and early-stage embryo development. The addition of hormones to this medium was promotive of microspore induction in winter- and spring-grown material, but not in summer-grown material. The initial haploid division predominantly occurred via symmetrical division of the vegetative nucleus. Further research is under way to convert pro-embryos into plants.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle extracellular matrix (ECM) is critical for muscle force production and the regulation of important physiological processes during growth, regeneration, and remodelling. ECM remodelling is a tightly orchestrated process, sensitive to multi-directional tensile and compressive stresses and damaging stimuli, and its assessment can convey important information on rehabilitation effectiveness, injury, and disease. Despite its profound importance, ECM biomarkers are underused in studies examining the effects of exercise, disuse, or aging on muscle function, growth, and structure. This review examines patterns of short- and long-term changes in the synthesis and concentrations of ECM markers in biofluids and tissues, which may be useful for describing the time course of ECM remodelling following physical activity and disuse. Forces imposed on the ECM during physical activity critically affect cell signalling while disuse causes non-optimal adaptations, including connective tissue proliferation. The goal of this review is to inform researchers, and rehabilitation, medical, and exercise practitioners better about the role of ECM biomarkers in research and clinical environments to accelerate the development of targeted physical activity treatments, improve ECM status assessment, and enhance function in aging, injury, and disease.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterial symbionts of the marine sponge Chondrilla australiensis (Demospongiae) were examined using fluorescent microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy. Unicellular cyanobacteria with ultrastructure resembling Aphanocapsa feldmannii occur in the cortex and bacterial symbionts are located throughout the mesohyl. In C. australiensis, the developing eggs are distributed throughout the mesohyl and are surrounded by nurse cells attached to them by thin filaments. The nurse cells form cytoplasmic bridges with the eggs, apparently releasing their contents into the egg cytoplasm. The presence of cyanobacterial and bacterial symbionts inside developing eggs and nurse cells in 25% of female Chondrilla australiensiswas established using Transmission Electron Microscopy, suggesting that these symbionts are sometimes passed on to the next generation of sponges via the eggs.  相似文献   
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