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To find the role of any influenza virus gene in regulation of the RNA-segments replication the transfer of ts-mutants to nonpermissive temperature on the late step of infection has been used (shift-up). The mutants having impaired the NS or NP-genes have been obtained and studied. The transfer of mutants to partially nonpermissive conditions (when the amount of replication is decreased, but it still continues) results in the distinct return to the early mode of replication in ts-mutant with the mutation in NS-gene. This suggests the NS-gene role in replication of viral RNA-segments, in particular, in the switch from the "early" stage of replication to the "late" one. In NP-gene mutant only the decrease in general replication takes place without the shift to "early" replication mode.  相似文献   
Reassortment analysis of the pneumovirulence for mice marker of influenza virus has been performed. The original A/USSR/90/77 (H1H1) influenza virus strain or its mouse-adapted variant were crossed with a variant of A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) influenza virus highly virulent for mice. The reassortant having HA gene of the original A/USSR/90/77 virus and the other genes of the highly virulent A/Aichi/2/68 strain was avirulent for mice, whereas a similar reassortant possessing HA gene of the mouse-adapted A/USSR/90/77 strain was as virulent as A/Aichi/2/68 parent virus. The reasortant having HA and M genes of A/Aichi/2/68 and other genes of the mouse-adapted A/USSR/90/77 was moderately virulent, resembling in this respect the latter parent. The data indicates that changes in the different genes in course of viral adaptation to mice result in a differential acquisition of virulence for mice.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the intracellular virus-specific nucleocapsids containing either a negative or a positive RNA strand were studied. The immunosorption of nucleocapsids by the monoclonal antibodies against the three epitopes of NP protein failed to reveal any antigenic difference between the negative strand or positive strand-containing nucleocapsids. On the other hand, the sensitivity of virus-specific RNA in the nucleocapsids to digestion by the pancreatic ribonuclease proved to be lower for the positive strand-containing nucleocapsids.  相似文献   

In 2016, an outbreak of anthrax killing thousands of reindeer and affecting dozens of humans occurred on the Yamal peninsula, Northwest Siberia, after 70 years of epidemiological situation without outbreaks. The trigger of the outbreak has been ascribed to the activation of spores due to permafrost thaw that was accelerated during the summer heat wave. The focus of our study is on the dynamics of local environmental factors in connection with the observed anthrax revival. We show that permafrost was thawing rapidly for already 6 years before the outbreak. During 2011–2016, relatively warm years were followed by cold years with a thick snow cover, preventing freezing of the soil. Furthermore, the spread of anthrax was likely intensified by an extremely dry summer of 2016. Concurrent with the long-term decreasing trend in the regional annual precipitation, the rainfall in July 2016 was less than 10% of its 30-year mean value. We conclude that epidemiological situation of anthrax in the previously contaminated Arctic regions requires monitoring of climatic factors such as warming and precipitation extremes.

In MDCK cells inoculated with an appropriate dilution of influenza virus, single hemadsorbing cells could be counted 8 h postinfection against a background of nonadsorbing cells. Standard virus preparation exhibited a linear relationship between the virus dilution and the number of hemadsorbing cells. With incomplete virus preparations obtained by passages of undiluted virus in chicken embryo, the dependence was nonlinear. A ts mutant (ts-29) of A/FPV/Weybridge (Hav1 Neq1) failed to convert MDCK cells into a hemadsorbing state at 42 degrees C. The ability of ts-29 to produce hemadsorbing cells could be rescued by incomplete wild-type virus. The capacity of incomplete virus for this partial functional complementation was inactivated by UV irradiation with one-hit kinetics. The size of the target was estimated to be 5.5 times smaller than that of the virus genome. The results suggest that at least some of the influenza virus genes in defective interfering particles are functional.  相似文献   
We used a panel of monoclonal antibodies to H9 hemagglutinin to select 18 escape mutants of mouse-adapted influenza A/Swine/Hong Kong/9/98 (H9N2) virus. Cross-reactions of the mutants with the antibodies and the sequencing of hemagglutinin genes revealed two minimally overlapping epitopes. We mapped the amino acid changes to two areas of the recently reported three-dimensional structure of A/Swine/Hong Kong/9/98 hemagglutinin. The grouping of the antigenically relevant amino acid positions in H9 hemagglutinin differs from the pattern observed in H3 and H5 hemagglutinins. Several positions in site B of H3 hemagglutinin are distributed in two sites of H9 hemagglutinin. Unlike any subtype analyzed so far, H9 hemagglutinin does not contain an antigenic site corresponding to site A in H3 hemagglutinin. Positions 145 and 193 (H3 numbering), which in H3 hemagglutinin belong to sites A and B, respectively, are within one site in H9 hemagglutinin. This finding is consistent with the peculiarity of the three-dimensional structure of the H9 molecule, that is, the absence from H9 hemagglutinin of the lateral loop that forms site A in H3 and the equivalent site in H5 hemagglutinins. The escape mutants analyzed displayed phenotypic variations, including decreased virulence for mice and changes in affinity for sialyl substrates. Our results demonstrate a correlation between intersubtype differences in three-dimensional structure and variations among subtypes in the distribution of antigenic areas. Our findings also suggest that covariation and pleiotropic effects of antibody-selected mutations may be important in the evolution of H9 influenza virus, a possible causative agent of a future pandemic.  相似文献   
Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) are functionally related envelope glycoproteins of the influenza virus (Flu). HA interacts with terminal sialyl residues of oligosaccharides and ensures the binding of the virus particle to the cell surface. NA is a receptor-destroying enzyme that removes sialyl residues from oligosaccharides contained in cell and virus components and thereby prevents aggregation of virus particles. Analysis of reassortants combining low-functional NA of human Flu with HA of avian Flu showed that sialyl residues are not completely removed in some cases. With high HA affinity for sialyl substrates, such virus particles aggregate, aggregates accumulate on the cell surface, and virus yield decreases. Serial passaging of low-yield aggregating reassortants may lead to selection of high-yield variants, which do not aggregate. The loss of aggregation is due to a decrease in HA affinity for high-molecular-weight sialyl substrates. On evidence of sequencing of the HA gene in original reassortants and their nonaggregating variants, for different HA antigenic subtypes (H2, H3, H4, and H13) the affinity is reduced and aggregation lost through a common mechanism: an increase in the negative charge as a result of an amino acid substitution in the vicinity of the receptor-binding pocket of HA. Taken together, these findings suggest a way of postreassortment adaptation, which improves the functional match of HA and NA. The experimental system employed provides a model of natural processes associated with emergence of Flu variants having a pandemic potential.  相似文献   
PGRP-S (Tag7) is an innate immunity protein involved in the antimicrobial defense systems, both in insects and in mammals. We have previously shown that Tag7 specifically interacts with several proteins, including Hsp70 and the calcium binding protein S100A4 (Mts1), providing a number of novel cellular functions. Here we show that Tag7–Mts1 complex causes chemotactic migration of lymphocytes, with NK cells being a preferred target. Cells of either innate immunity (neutrophils and monocytes) or acquired immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes) can produce this complex, which confirms the close connection between components of the 2 branches of immune response.  相似文献   
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