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Since the beginning of fisheries in Lake Victoria, two native tilapiine species, Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis , were the main target of the local fishermen. A continuous increase in fishing pressure led initially to a declining catch per unit of effort, and a smaller average fish size; eventually, there was a reduced landing of tilapiines. To boost the fisheries, three alien tilapiine species and the Nile perch Lates niloticus were introduced. Thirty years after its introduction, Oreochromis niloticus appeared to be the most successful tilapiine species. It replaced the indigenous tilapiines almost completely before the Nile perch came to dominate the ecosystem of Lake Victoria. Reduced fishing pressure on the tilapiines in the 1980s, due to the shift of the local fishery towards the Nile perch, resulted in an increase in the stock of O. niloticus and an increase in average fish size. Subsequently, the total mass of O. niloticus landed increased. The stocks of the indigenous tilapiines did not recover but declined to extremely low levels, or vanished from the main lake. Currently, these species still occur in satellite lakes of Lake Victoria, from which O. niloticus is absent. Nile perch feed on O. niloticus; however, the limited overlap in distribution between piscivorous Nile perch and O. niloticus of consumable sizes is probably an important factor in explaining the coexistence of the two species. The main cause of the disappearance of the native tilapiine species is presumed to be competitive dominance by O. niloticus .  相似文献   
Flexibility in the feeding habits of juvenile Nile perch (1–30 cm total length) was studied from September 1988 to September 1989 at four sites (depth range: 1–25 m) in the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. During this period haplochromine cichlids were virtually absent in the area. We looked at the combined effects of predator size, season and habitat. Stomach content analysis showed that with increase in size, the diet of Nile perch shifted from zooplankton and midge larvae, to macro-invertebrates (shrimps and dragonfly nymphs) and fish. At a size of 3–4 cm Nile perch shifted from size-selective predation on the largest cyclopoids to predation on the largest, less abundant, calanoids. Zooplanktivory ended at a size of ca. 5 cm. Although an ontogenetic shift in the diet of juvenile Nile perch was obvious at all sampling stations, the contribution of prey types appeared to be habitat related. With increasing water depth the frequency of occurrence in the diet of most prey types decreased, but that of shrimps increased. At the entrance of the gulf (20–25 m deep) shrimps were the main food source throughout the year. Halfway the gulf (12–16 m), Nile perch showed seasonality in their feeding behaviour. Shrimps were taken there especially during the rainy season (January to May) when their densities at this station were high, whereas cannibalism prevailed during the rest of the year. In an environment with Nile perch and dagaa as alternative prey, shrimps were taken almost exclusively. They could be regarded as a key prey for Nile perch between 5 and 30 cm.  相似文献   
Nile perch, a large predatory fish, was introduced into Lake Victoria in 1954. The upsurge of Nile perch in Lake Victoria was first observed in the Nyanza Gulf, Kenya, in 1979. In Ugandan waters this occurred 2–3 years later and in the Tanzanian Mwanza Gulf 4–5 years later. At the beginning of the upsurge in the Mwanza Gulf in 1983/1984 only sub-adult and adult fishes were found. The first juveniles appeared in 1985, suggesting that the initial increase of Nile perch was mainly caused by migration of sub-adults and adults. Shortly after the onset of trawl fishery in the area in 1973, haplochromines in the Mwanza Gulf started to decline. The final disappearance of the haplochromines, in 1987, only occurred after the Nile perch boom, and despite the abandoning of the haplochromine fishery in 1986. We hypothesize that the decline of haplochromines decreased predation on and competition with juvenile Nile perch and then facilitated survival of these juveniles. Consequently the immigration of sub-adult and adult Nile perch in an area may have paved the way for successful recruitment. Over-exploitation of haplochromine cichlids in the 1970s in the Nyanza Gulf, where the Nile perch upsurge was first observed, may have played a similar role.  相似文献   
Bats have important ecological roles in ecosystems, but many species are threatened because of anthropogenic impacts. Tanzania has limited information on how bats respond to habitat modification. This makes it difficult to anticipate which bat species are at risk. Bat activity and species richness were assessed in five land‐use types: forest and banana–coffee (upland habitats), rice paddy, riverine and sisal estate (lowland habitats). Mist nets, harp traps and bat detectors were used to sample bats. Species richness differed between habitats. Bat activity levels were higher in lowland habitats than upland habitats. Riverine and rice paddy habitats were shown to have an important role as foraging sites for many insectivorous bats as bat species richness and activity were generally higher than other habitats. Fruit‐eating bats preferred riverine and banana–coffee habitats. We recommend using organic manure as alternatives to chemical fertilisers, and pesticide use should be avoided in rice paddies. Riparian vegetation along rivers and water bodies should be maintained as important faunal nesting, roosting and/or foraging grounds. The requirement that farming practices be at least 60 m from the river should be strictly enforced. These recommendations will help in the conservation of bats and their habitats in modified agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries -  相似文献   
Understanding of migration patterns is essential in the interpretation of hydro-acoustic stock assessment data of partly demersal partly pelagic fish stocks. In this paper we provide this kind of information for some species that were common in the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria in the 1980s, before and after the upsurge of introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus). Detritivorous haplochromines and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), both stay near the bottom during day and night. Feeding seems to occur predominantly during the day. The zooplanktivorous haplochromines and dagaa (Rastrineobola argentea) dwell near the bottom by day and migrate towards the surface during the night. They seem to follow their prey, zooplankton and lake-fly larvae. Piscivorous nembe (Schilbe intermedius) show similar migration patterns to zooplanktivorous fishes, but their behaviour cannot be unambiguously explained by pursuit of prey. Nile perch to some extend migrate into the column at night, though the majority remains near the bottom. Feeding takes place during day and night.  相似文献   
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