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Procedures for the purification of native phytochrome from etiolatedpea seedlings without the use of immuno-purification techniquesare described. Phytochrome (in the PFR form) was purified bypolyethyleneglycol fractionation, adsorption to pentyl agaroseand batch elution, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, adsorptionto phenyl Toyopearl and batch elution, and chromatography onRed Toyopearl. The resulting phytochrome had specific absorbanceratios (SAR = A666/A280 of PR) that ranged from 0.55 to 0.6.The subsequent chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 yielded verypure phytochrome with a SAR of 0.98. PR and PFR peaks in thedifference spectrum of the phytochrome were centered at 665and 730 nm, respectively. The spectral change ratio (Ar/Afr)of the difference spectrum was unchanged after the chromatographyon phenyl Toyopearl, and the value was 1.05–1.08, indicatingthat the spectral properties of this preparation were intact.The absorption spectra indicated that the peak absorbance ofPFR was at 728–730 nm and that of PR was at 666–667nm. These peak positions were essentially same as those obtainedwith the undegraded oat phytochrome. Incubation of the samplepurified on Sephacryl S-300 at 25?C for 5 h in either the PRor PFR form did not result in degradation of the molecule. Therate of dark reversion of PFR observed with the purified peaphytochrome was similar to that observed in vivo. The additionof dithionite had no effect on the reversion rate. 2Present address: Fuji-Gotenba, Research Lab. of Chugai PharmaceuticalCo. Ltd., Gotenba, Shizuoka, 412 Japan (Received February 22, 1990; Accepted May 28, 1990)  相似文献   
Polymorphism of the ABO blood group gene was investigated in 262 healthy Japanese donors by a polymerase chain reactions-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method, and 13 different alleles were identified. The number of alleles identified in each group was 4 for A1 (provisionally called ABO*A101, *A102, *A103 and *A104 according to the guidelines for human gene nomenclature), 3 for B (ABO*B101, *B102 and *B103), and 6 for O (ABO*O101, *O102, *O103, *O201, *O202 and *O203). Nucleotide sequences of the amplified fragments with different SSCP patterns were determined by direct sequencing. Phylogenetic network analysis revealed that these alleles could be classified into three major lineages, *A/*O1, *B and *O2. In Japanese, *A102 and *13101 were the predominant alleles with frequencies of 83% and 97% in each group, respectively, whereas in group O, two common alleles, *O101 (43%) and *O201 (53%), were observed. These results may be useful for the establishment of ABO genotyping, and these newly described ABO alleles would be advantageous indicators for population studies.  相似文献   
Peptide fragments were obtained by limited proteolysis withtrypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V 8 protease from either thePR or the PFR form of 121-kDa phytochrome purified from etiolatedpea (Pisum sativum L.) shoots. Patterns of bands after polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS of the digests weredifferent, with some bands appearing preferentially when thedigestions were carried out with the PR or the PFR form. Amino-terminalsequences of the fragments were analyzed to determine the exactlocations of the amino-termini of the fragments within the aminoacid sequence of the apoprotein of pea phytochrome. The aminoacid compositions of some of the sequenced fragments were determinedin order to confirm the carboxy-terminal amino acids. Threecleavage regions were identified as kinetically favored sitesof cleavage of PFR (Arg-746 to Lys-752, around Glu-877 and aroundArg-1010), whereas only one was identified for PR (Glu-38 toArg-62). Regions of Glu-255, Arg-383, Arg-583 to Glu-620 andLys-1093 to Glu-1115 were also identified as potential sitesof proteolytic cleavage in both forms of the phytochrome. Othercleavage sites, the specificities of which have not yet beendetermined, are Glu-404, Glu-695 and Lys-1045. Surface-exposed parts of phytochrome in the PR and PFR formsare discussed. (Received June 13, 1992; Accepted October 27, 1992)  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of phenotypes controlled by three HLA-linked loci BF, C2, and GLO has been studied in Japanese patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). A slight but significant higher incidence of a rare varian BF *FT (=* F075) in patients was confirmed in the combined data with our previous study (Tokunaga et al. 1981 b). No significant association of C2 and GLO alleles with IDDM was found.  相似文献   

1. 1. The objective of this paper is to investigate the indoor environment from the viewpoint of interaction between physical environment and the human responses. The field survey has been conducted over 1 year.

2. 2. A continuous measurement has been carried out for 1 week and distribution of variables have been measured for 1 day.

3. 3. The attitude of workers was investigated by a questionnaire.

4. 4. As the result, average luminance represented more than 1000 lx in the new building, in contrast with less tha 300 lx in the existing building.

5. 5. There was a significant difference of the occupants' response to the light environment between the two buildings.

6. 6. Measured thermal conditions are on the edge of the ASHRAE comfort envelope in summer, and in the neighborhood of the lower dry limit of the envelope in spring.

7. 7. The occupants' evaluations were remarkably changed before and after the moving. The office environment is better than that of the factory.

Author Keywords: Office; post occupancy evaluation; physical environmental condition; occupants' evaluation  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is a rare sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, great difficulty upon awakening, and prolonged sleep time. In...  相似文献   
The Ainu people are considered to be the descendants of preagricultural native populations of northern Japan, while the majority of the population of contemporary Japan (Wajin) is descended mainly from postneolithic migrants. Polymorphisms of the HLA-DRB1, DRB3, and DQB1 alleles were investigated in DNA samples of 50 Ainu living in Hidaka district, Hokkaido. Unique features of the Ainu in this study were high incidences of DRB1*1401, DRB1*1406, and a newly described allele, DRB1*1106 (20%, 17%, and 5%, respectively). On the other hand, several common alleles in Wajin (DRB1*1502, 1302, 0803, and 1501) were found at relatively low frequencies (1–2%) in Ainu. Previously DRB1*1406 was described as a characteristic allele of some Native American or northeast Asian ethnic groups, and DRB1*1106 had been found in only two Singapore Chinese and one Korean. Principal component analysis of various populations based on HLA class II allele frequencies places the Ainu population midway between other east Asian populations, including Wajin, and Native Americans. These observations may support the hypothesis that the Ainu people are the descendants of some Upper Paleolithic populations of northeast Asia from which Native Americans are also descended. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Calcium plays a fundamental role as second messenger in intracellular signaling and bone serves as the body's calcium reserve to tightly maintain blood calcium levels. Calcium in ingested meal is the main supply and inadequate calcium intake causes osteoporosis and bone fracture. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of how ingested calcium is deposited on bone. Meal ingestion elicits secretion of the gut hormone gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) from endocrine K cells in the duodenum. Bone histomorphometrical analyses revealed that bone formation parameters in the mice lacking GIP receptor (GIPR(-/-)) were significantly lower than those of wild-type (GIPR(+/+)) mice, and that the number of osteoclasts, especially multinuclear osteoclasts, was significantly increased in GIPR(-/-) mice, indicating that GIPR(-/-) mice have high-turnover osteoporosis. In vitro examination showed the percentage of osteoblastic cells undergoing apoptosis to be significantly decreased in the presence of GIP. Because GIPR(-/-) mice exhibited an increased plasma calcium concentration after meal ingestion, GIP directly links calcium contained in meal to calcium deposition on bone.  相似文献   
We have analyzed 105 autosomal polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) loci for nine East and South-eastern Asian populations (two Japanese, five Han Chinese, Thai, and Burmese populations) and a Caucasian population using a multiplex PCR typing system. All the STR loci are genomewide tetranucleotide repeat markers of which the total number of observed alleles and the observed heterozygosity were 756 and 0.743, respectively, for Japanese populations. Phylogenetic analysis for these allele frequency data suggested that the Japanese populations are more closely related with southern Chinese populations than central and/or northern ones. STRUCTURE program analysis revealed the almost clearly divided and accountable population structure at K=2–6, that the two Japanese populations always formed one group separated from the other populations and never belong to different groups at K≥3. Furthermore, our new allele frequency data for 91 loci were analyzed with those for 52 worldwide populations published by previous studies. Phylogenetic and multidimensional scaling (MDS) analyses indicated that Asian populations with large population size (six Han Chinese, three Japanese, two Southeast Asia) formed one distinct cluster and are closer to each other than other ethnic minorities in east and Southeast Asia. This pattern may be the caviar of comparing populations with greatly differing population sizes when STR loci were analyzed.  相似文献   
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