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The subcellular localization of human skin chymase to mast cell granules was established by immunoelectron microscopy, and binding of chymase to the area of the dermo-epidermal junction, a basement membrane, was demonstrated immunocytochemically in cryosections incubated with purified proteinase prior to immunolabeling. Because heparin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans are major constituents of mast cell granules and basement membranes, respectively, the ability of chymase to bind to glycosaminoglycans (GAG) was investigated. Among a variety of GAGs, only binding of chymase to heparin and heparan sulfate appears physiologically significant. Binding was ionic strength-dependent, involved amino groups on the proteinase, and correlated with increasing GAG sulfate content, indicating a predominantly electrostatic association. Interaction with heparin was observed in solutions containing up to 0.5 M NaCl, and interaction with heparan sulfate was observed in solutions containing up to 0.3 M NaCl. Binding of heparin did not detectably affect catalysis of peptide substrates, but may reduce accessibility of proteinase to protein substrates. Measurements among a series of serine class proteinases indicated that heparin binding was a more common property of mast cell proteinases than proteinases stored in other secretory granules. Binding of chymase to heparin is likely to have a storage as well as a structural role within the mast cell granule, whereas binding of chymase to heparan sulfate may have physiological significance after degranulation.  相似文献   
The dehydration condensation of glycine with trimetaphosphate in aqueous solution has been reinvestigated. Although it has been reported that the condensation of glycine under the alkaline conditions was brought about through the formation of cyclic acylphosphoramidate and hence the condensation of polyglycines could not occur, we found that the condensation of oligoglycines with trimeta- and tetrametaphosphate in aqueous solution are possible through the formation of their acylphosphates under the neutral or weak acidic conditions.Aqueous solutions of 1.0 M glycylglycine and 1.0 M trimetaphosphate in the various pH from 4.0 to 9.0 were incubated at 38 °C. The solutions were analyzed by HPLC with ninhydrin reaction system. Tetraglycine and hexaglycine were detected and their maximum yields were given in the reaction carried out around pH 7. They are approximately 15% and 4% after 30 days, respectively. Analogous experiments were performed with tetrametaphosphate. The results showed a similar pH dependence for the condensation, but the yields were about one-tenth of those of corresponding experiments with trimetaphosphate.Relative rates of dimerization of glycine, diglycine and triglycine in the equimolar concentration were also investigated at pH 6.0 at 38 °C. The rates for digylcine and triglycine were approximately twice and four times as large as that for glycine.Relevance of the experiments to chemical evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
The vacuolar degeneration of central myelin was produced in Sprague-Dawley rats by oral administration of triethyl tin. The wet weight of brain stems which seems to reflect the degree of accumulation of water increased during the administration of the toxin, whereas the activity of 2, 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase altered less remarkably. When TET was withdrawn from the drinking water, the rats showed a dramatic clinical improvement along with reduction in wet weight of brain stems. Treatment with acetazolamide following TET inhibited the clinical improvement and reduction in wet weight of brain stems. The present results indicates that central myelin has plasticity in recovering from the vacuolar degeneration by removing the accumulated fluid and carbonic anhydrase is possibly involved in the dehydration, of myelin in such a recovery phase.  相似文献   
Microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 2 was purified from the microtubule fraction of mouse brain by heat treatment and BioGel A-5m gel filtration. The purified preparation showed a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using both a gradient gel (3.75-12.5%) and a low-percentage gel (5%), a finding indicating that MAP2B was absent under the conditions used. Amino acid analysis revealed that mouse MAP2 was an acidic protein with an isoelectric point (pI 4.5) and amino acid composition similar to those of porcine brain MAP2. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the antigens that reacted with MAP2 antiserum were present in large quantities in mouse brain. However, we also found a weak reaction in various tissues other than brain, and the major antigens involved were recognized to be common molecular species with the same molecular mass, 162 and 170 kilodaltons. Using antiserum against mouse brain MAP2, the developmental localization patterns of MAP2 in the mouse cerebellar cortex were studied by immunohistochemistry. MAP2 was mainly localized in the neuronal cells throughout development, with the expression in Purkinje cell dendrites being especially remarkable in the growth of arborization from postnatal day 3 to day 20. At the mature stage, the reaction was strong in the dendritic tree but very weak in the proximal dendrites and cell bodies.  相似文献   
Intraspecific nest usurpation by foundresses was studied in 2 haplometrotic (solitary founding) species of different subgenera,Polistes (P.) riparius andP. (Polistella) snelleni, in areas where they cohabited. The overall probability for a nest to be usurped by a foreign foundress during the season was about twice as large inP. snelleni as inP. riparius. In both, however, probability of usurpation was largest on late pre-emergence nests, or in late June and early July. InP. riparius, all the usurpers of known origins were those foundresses that had lost their pre-emergence nests to destruction probably by some vertebrates; inP. snelleni, some usurpers had the same history as above, while the others had lost many of all larvae to predation by unknown agents before worker emergence. Usurpers of both species destroyed eggs and younger larvae to much greater extents than older larvae or pupae, and they produced fewer numbers of reproductives in comparison with non-usurping foundresses. We concluded that usurpation behavior has been maintained despite its relatively low productivity because renesting would lead to even lower or no reproductive production.  相似文献   
Abstract Vibrio cholerae strain TSI-4 was incubated in an M9 salt solution at 15 °C for more than 100 days. The plate counts showed no viable cells on day 30, but a broth culture from that day showed the growth of bacteria. However, after 35 days the bacteria entered the nonculturable state, based on the assessment of both the plate counts and broth culture. A portion of the culture was heated at 45 °C for 1 min in a water bath and subsequently plated onto a nutrient agar plate. More than 1000 colonies were recovered after this heat-shock treatment. The recovered cells showed the same chromosomal DNA pattern in the restriction map and the same outer membrane protein pattern in SDS-PAGE. Recovery of viable cells by heat-shock was achieved in cultures grown on M9 salt but not from cultures grown in phosphate-buffered saline. This suggests that the presence of NH4Cl in the M9 salt solution may support the growth of the bacteria in a low nutrient medium, while also playing an important role in resuscitation.  相似文献   
Three groups of rats were fed two types of synthetic diets for 52 d. The—A group was allowed free access to a vitamin A-deficient diet and showed classical signs of vitamin A deficiency. The brain was the only organ in our experiment where no significant weight difference was present among the three groups. In the brain, calcium concentration was significantly higher in the—A group when compared with the PF (Pair-fed; allowed restricted amount of control diet) and +A groups (allowed free access to control diet). In the tibia, calcium and magnesium concentrations were significantly lower in the—A group when compared with other two groups. Excessive accumulation of calcium in brain and apparently similar unbalance in bone, mineral concentration were observed in central nervous system (CNS) degenerative diseases. Our results suggest that abnormal metabolism of calcium and magnesium in some tissues and excessive accumulation of calcium in brain may be responsible for the development of neurological disorders in vitamin A-deficient rats.  相似文献   
Connections among species-abundance (i-m i ), species-frequency (i-F i ), and species-sample size (S n -n) relationships were examined on the basis of the mapping data of a natural forest in Thailand. The spatial distribution of individual trees without any discrimination of species was nearly random. Provided that the spatial distribution of each species was random, thei-m i and thei-F i relationship was reconstructed from each other in terms of the total number of species (S) and the total number of individuals (N) in the data. The number of species (S n ) in a subsample consisting ofn individuals was then obtained from thei-F i relationship. Logarithm ofS n increased with logn and showed a convex curve through the origin. The values of diversity indices based onN andS(orn andS n ) were affected by sample size. These trends were further examined on the basis of 944 data sets of biotic communities and three mathematical models of anS-N relationship. The properties of species-area relation were discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   
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