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In this study, we analysed morphological, anatomical and physiological effects of polyploidisation in Spathiphyllum wallisii in order to evaluate possible interesting advantages of polyploids for ornamental breeding. Stomatal density was negatively correlated with increased ploidy level. Stomatal size increased in polyploids. Tetraploid Spathiphyllum plants had more ovate and thicker leaves. The inflorescence of tetraploids had a more ovate and thicker spathum, a more cylindrical spadix and a thicker but shorter flower stalk. Biomass production of the tetraploids was reduced, as expressed by lower total dry weights, and tetraploids produced fewer shoots and leaves compared with their diploid progenitors. Furthermore, tetraploid Spathiphyllum plants were more resistant to drought stress compared with diploid plants. After 15 days of drought stress, diploids showed symptoms of wilting, while the tetraploids showed almost no symptoms. Further, measurements of stomatal resistance, leaf water potential, relative water content and proline content indicated that the tetraploid genotypes were more resistant to drought stress compared with the diploids.  相似文献   
Box blight is a widespread disease of Buxus caused by the pathogen Calonectria pseudonaviculata. It is responsible for significant losses in nurseries, gardens and wild boxwood populations. Our goal was to maximize the efficiency of a breeding programme towards increased disease resistance. The use of artificial inoculation of young F1 seedlings with Cpseudonaviculata spores under greenhouse conditions appeared to be a reliable tool for early selection of interesting prebreeding material. Overall, the four hybrid populations screened showed a segregating behaviour between their parents when determining the percentage of diseased leaves and lesion diameter. Genotypes were also found with an increased tolerance as compared to the parental species. Approximately 50% of the seedlings had the same score for both parameters after artificial inoculation in the greenhouse and in the field. Of the seedlings that showed severe symptoms in the greenhouse, <15% showed no disease symptoms in the field. Therefore, for larger breeding programmes, we propose a two‐step selection procedure: first artificial inoculation at seedling level to eliminate all genotypes with severe symptoms and then evaluation of the remaining seedlings in the field. Using this strategy, we were able to select several genotypes in our four hybrid populations with improved resistance to Cpseudonaviculata.  相似文献   
ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate to what extent 9 to 11 year old children participating in a specific sport already exhibit a specific anthropometric, physical fitness and motor coordination profile, in line with the requirements of that particular sport. In addition, the profiles in children with a different training volume were compared and possible differences in training hours per week between children from a low, moderate, and high level of physical fitness and motor coordination were investigated.DiscussionThe study showed that in general, children at a young age do not exhibit sport-specific characteristics, except in children with a high training volume. It is possible that on the one hand, children have not spent enough time yet in their sport to develop sport-specific qualities. On the other hand, it could be possible that they do not take individual qualities into account when choosing a sport.  相似文献   
Indirect genetic effects (IGEs) are the basis of social interactions among conspecifics, and can affect genetic variation of nonsocial and social traits. We used flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) of two phenotypically distinguishable populations to estimate genetic (co)variances and the effect of IGEs on three life‐history traits: development time (DT), growth rate (GR), and pupal body mass (BM). We found that GR was strongly affected by social environment with IGEs accounting for 18% of the heritable variation. We also discovered a sex‐specific social effect: male ratio in a group significantly affected both GR and BM; that is, beetles grew larger and faster in male‐biased social environments. Such sex‐specific IGEs have not previously been demonstrated in a nonsocial insect. Our results show that beetles that achieve a higher BM do so via a slower GR in response to social environment. Existing models of evolution in age‐structured or stage‐structured populations do not account for IGEs of social cohorts. It is likely that such IGEs have played a key role in the evolution of developmental plasticity shown by Tenebrionid larvae in response to density. Our results document an important source of genetic variation for GR, often overlooked in life‐history theory.  相似文献   


Through social interactions, individuals affect one another’s phenotype. In such cases, an individual’s phenotype is affected by the direct (genetic) effect of the individual itself and the indirect (genetic) effects of the group mates. Using data on individual phenotypes, direct and indirect genetic (co)variances can be estimated. Together, they compose the total genetic variance that determines a population’s potential to respond to selection. However, it can be difficult or expensive to obtain individual phenotypes. Phenotypes on traits such as egg production and feed intake are, therefore, often collected on group level. In this study, we investigated whether direct, indirect and total genetic variances, and breeding values can be estimated from pooled data (pooled by group). In addition, we determined the optimal group composition, i.e. the optimal number of families represented in a group to minimise the standard error of the estimates.


This study was performed in three steps. First, all research questions were answered by theoretical derivations. Second, a simulation study was conducted to investigate the estimation of variance components and optimal group composition. Third, individual and pooled survival records on 12 944 purebred laying hens were analysed to investigate the estimation of breeding values and response to selection.


Through theoretical derivations and simulations, we showed that the total genetic variance can be estimated from pooled data, but the underlying direct and indirect genetic (co)variances cannot. Moreover, we showed that the most accurate estimates are obtained when group members belong to the same family. Additional theoretical derivations and data analyses on survival records showed that the total genetic variance and breeding values can be estimated from pooled data. Moreover, the correlation between the estimated total breeding values obtained from individual and pooled data was surprisingly close to one. This indicates that, for survival in purebred laying hens, loss in response to selection will be small when using pooled instead of individual data.


Using pooled data, the total genetic variance and breeding values can be estimated, but the underlying genetic components cannot. The most accurate estimates are obtained when group members belong to the same family.  相似文献   
Bacterial type I signal peptidase is a potential target for the development of novel antibacterial agents. In this study we demonstrate that a substrate based peptide aldehyde inhibits signal peptidases with a lower IC50 value than the lipopeptides described to date. The length of the core lipopeptide could be reduced by removing several amino acids from both termini. Conversion of this peptide to an aldehyde resulted in a molecule with an IC50 value of 0.09 μM when tested against Saccharomyces aureus SPase I, SpsB.  相似文献   
AD (Alzheimer's disease) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a gradual loss of neurons and the accumulation of neurotoxic Aβ (amyloid β-peptide) and hyperphosphorylated tau. The discovery of mutations in three genes, PSEN1 (presenilin 1), PSEN2 (presenilin 2) and APP (amyloid precursor protein), in patients with FAD (familial AD) has made an important contribution towards an understanding of the disease aetiology; however, a complete molecular mechanism is still lacking. Both presenilins belong to the γ-secretase complex, and serve as the catalytic entity needed for the final cleavage of APP into Aβ. PSEN only functions within the γ-secretase complex through intra- and inter-molecular interactions with three other membrane components, including nicastrin, Aph-1 (anterior pharynx defective-1) and Pen-2 (PSEN enhancer-2). However, although the list of γ-secretase substrates is still expanding, other non-catalytic activities of presenilins are also increasing the complexity behind its molecular contribution towards AD. These γ-secretase-independent roles are so far mainly attributed to PSEN1, including the transport of membrane proteins, cell adhesion, ER (endoplasmic reticulum) Ca(2+) regulation and cell signalling. In the present minireview, we discuss the current understanding of the γ-secretase-independent roles of PSENs and their possible implications in respect of AD.  相似文献   


This study aimed to (1) generate normative data in healthy boys aged 5–12 years for the six-minute walk test (6MWT), an outcome measure currently used in clinical trials in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), (2) to describe the relation with anthropometric variables and myometry, and (3) to compare our data with published equations.


The 6MWT was conducted in 442 boys according to a standardized protocol, as currently used in clinical trials in DMD. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions for knee flexion and extension were recorded with a hand-held myometer.


The 6MWD increased significantly with age, from 478.0±44.1 m at age 5, to 650.0±76.8 m at age 12, with the steepest increase between 5 and 8 years. Age- and height related percentile curves of the 6MWD were developed. Correlations with anthropometric variables were fair to good (age r = 0.60, height r = 0.57, weight r = 0.44). Myometric variables (knee flexors and extensors) showed correlations of 0.46 and 0.50 respectively. When dividing into two age categories (5–8 years, 9–12 years), these magnitudes of correlations only applied to the younger age group. Additionally, predicted values were calculated according to available reference equations (Geiger and Ben Saad), indicating an overestimation by those equations. Finally, the Geiger equation was refitted to our population.


The percentile curves according to age and height provide a useful tool in the assessment of ambulatory capacity in boys aged 5 to 12 years. Significant correlations with anthropometric variables and myometry were only found in the 5–8 years age group. The Geiger prediction equation, currently used to assess ambulatory capacity in DMD was refitted to obtain a more accurate prediction model based on a large sample with a homogenous distribution across the age categories 5 to 12 years and applying the methodology as currently used in clinical trials in DMD.  相似文献   
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