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This article analyzes the legal status of unmanned instruments (particularly, floats and gliders) for observation purposes in the ocean environment. These new kinds of instruments are being deployed by the thousands into the oceans, not the least as part of the Argo Project of the International Oceanographic Commission. Their uncontrolled drifting has raised legal questions, especially when such instruments enter waters subject to the jurisdiction of foreign states. The authors argue that the current international legal framework is insufficient to address the pertinent issues, and that a new legal regime is needed.  相似文献   
Juvenile material with the main focus on the upper jaw of the fossil predator Hyaenodon was evaluated to study the tooth eruption sequence and to examine the ontogeny of its dentition in detail. The comparison in size of milk to permanent teeth indicates a growth rate of 12–16 % in Hyaenodon. The thin section of a deciduous canine of a North American taxon shows four dental rings. Based on the knowledge of recent carnivores, this implies an age of 3–4 years in the last stage of tooth eruption and thus a long juvenile phase. The mandibles ascertained the most recent established tooth eruption sequence for North American and European species. For the first time ever, juvenile material from Asia is documented and interpreted. This study likewise shows a difference in the sequence of the upper jaw: the first upper premolar erupts before the first upper molar in North American species, whereas the European taxa show an earlier eruption of the first upper molar. This fact further confirms the divergence between the Hyaenodon lineages from North America and Europe.  相似文献   
We studied the behavioral and emotional dynamics displayed by two people trying to resolve a conflict. 59 groups of two people were asked to talk for 20 minutes to try to reach a consensus about a topic on which they disagreed. The topics were abortion, affirmative action, death penalty, and euthanasia. Behavior data were determined from audio recordings where each second of the conversation was assessed as proself, neutral, or prosocial. We determined the probability density function of the durations of time spent in each behavioral state. These durations were well fit by a stretched exponential distribution, with an exponent, , of approximately 0.3. This indicates that the switching between behavioral states is not a random Markov process, but one where the probability to switch behavioral states decreases with the time already spent in that behavioral state. The degree of this “memory” was stronger in those groups who did not reach a consensus and where the conflict grew more destructive than in those that did. Emotion data were measured by having each person listen to the audio recording and moving a computer mouse to recall their negative or positive emotional valence at each moment in the conversation. We used the Hurst rescaled range analysis and power spectrum to determine the correlations in the fluctuations of the emotional valence. The emotional valence was well described by a random walk whose increments were uncorrelated. Thus, the behavior data demonstrated a “memory” of the duration already spent in a behavioral state while the emotion data fluctuated as a random walk whose steps did not have a “memory” of previous steps. This work demonstrates that statistical analysis, more commonly used to analyze physical phenomena, can also shed interesting light on the dynamics of processes in social psychology and conflict management.  相似文献   
Books reviewed:
Kowarik I., Biologische Invasionen: Neophyten und Neozoen in Mitteleuropa .  相似文献   
Selected cholinergic markers (choline acetyltransferase, acetylcholinesterase, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, high-affinity choline uptake) were studied in the hindlimb representation areas of the rat somatosensory cortex and within the visual cortex 1 to 63 days after unilateral transection of the sciatic nerve. In the contralateral somatosensory cortex, peripheral deafferentation resulted in a significant reduction of choline acetyltransferase activity (by 15%) 3 days after sciatic nerve injury, and in a significant reduction of high-affinity choline uptake (by 30%) 1 day after nerve transection, in comparison to untreated control rats. Investigations in individual cortical layers revealed that the decrease of both choline acetyltransferase activity and high-affinity choline uptake sites was mainly due to reductions in cortical layer V. Acetylcholinesterase activity and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors were not affected by unilateral transection of the sciatic nerve. In the ipsilateral somatosensory cortex, as well as in the visual cortex at both cortical hemispheres, no significant changes in the cholinergic parameters studied could be detected. The data indicate that peripheral deafferentation of the somatosensory cortex results in a transient change of presynaptic cholinergic parameters within the affected somatosensory area as early as 1 to 3 days after the lesion; thus, they emphasize the involvement of cholinergic mechanisms in cortical reorganizational events.  相似文献   
The synthetic ACTH/MSH(4-9) analog HOE 427 ("ebiratide"), which is behaviorally the most potent ACTH-derived peptide but which is devoid of endocrine activity, was administered intravenously in a pulsatile mode 4 times (120 micrograms each) at 2200, 2300, 2400 and 0100 to study its effect on the sleep EEG and on concomitant hormonal secretion of cortisol and growth hormone. In comparison to placebo, the peptide produced signs of general activation associated with specific deteriorating effects on the quality of sleep. Sleep onset latency and intermittent wakefulness were increased, slow wave sleep was reduced, but only during the first 3 hours of the sleep period. The nocturnal secretory patterns of cortisol and growth hormone were unaffected by HOE 427. These effects are different from those reported in similar studies in which corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was applied in humans, and they suggest that peripherally administered neuropeptides have specific nonendocrine behavioral effects.  相似文献   
It has been known for some time that pokeweed antiviral protein acts by enzymatically inhibiting protein synthesis on eucaryotic ribosome systems. The site of this action is known to be the ribosome itself. In this paper we show that the pokeweed antiviral protein reaction against ribosomes is a strong function of salt concentrations, where 160 mM K+ and 3 mM Mg2+ retards the reaction, while 20 mM K+ and 2 mM Mg2+ allows maximum reaction rate. It is also shown, however, that an unidentified protein in the postribosomal supernatant solution, together with ATP, allows the ribosome to be attacked even in the presence of high salt. Kinetic analysis of the antiviral protein reaction has been carried out under both sets of conditions, and reveals that the turnover number for the enzyme is about 300–400 mol/mol per min. in each case. The Km for ribosomes is 1 μM in the presence of low salt and 0.2 μM at higher salt in the presence of postribosomal supernatant factors plus ATP. The antiviral protein reaction is also shown to be pH dependent and is controlled by a residue with pKa value of approx. 7.0, apparently a histidine. Stoichiometric reaction of the enzyme with iodoacetamide results in a significant loss of antiribosomal activity.  相似文献   
Of 100 children''s emergency admissions to hospital nearly half (49%) were admitted during the mother''s paramenstruum. There was a statistically significant association between the mother''s menstruation and the child''s admission both for accidents and for illnesses. The eldest child in the family appeared to be most affected.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Kinetik der Ionenaufnahme durch junge und alte Sprosse von Mnium cuspidatum wurde untersucht. Die verschieden alten Sprosse unterscheiden sich vor allem durch das Vorhandensein einer aktiven Gipfelknospe bei den jungen Gametophyten, die bei den alten offenbar ihre Tätigkeit eingestellt hat. Im niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich (0–0,5 mM) haben jungen und alte Sprosse hyperbolische Isothermen der Ionenaufnahme, die sich etwas hinsichtlich der apparenten Michaeliskonstanten und der Maximalgeschwindigkeit unterscheiden. Im hohen Konzentrationsbereich (1–10 mM) ist der Unterschied qualitativ. Mit jungen Sprossen erhält man eine lineare oder exponentielle Isotherme, mit alten Sprossen eine hyperbolische Kurve. Der vermutete Einfluß der Gipfelknospe kann mit Effekten von Wuchsstoffen auf den Stofftransport zusammenhängen und läßt einen Einfluß dieser Regulationssysteme auf die Membranfunktion vermuten.
The kinetics of ion uptake by young and old branches of mnium cuspidatum
Summary Isotherms of K(Rb)-, Cl- and SO4-uptake by young and old branches of the moss Mnium cuspidatum were investigated. Old moss gametophytes from the 1966 vegetation period were collected in the forests surrounding Darmstadt from February to mid-April 1967 and from the 1967 season in late September 1967. Young plants were sampled from mid-April to the end of May 1967 and they were also grown by water culture of old plants.Both young and old branches have hyperbolic isotherms of ion uptake in the low concentration range (0–0.5 mM) (Fig. 1–3), which slightly differ in K mand V max (Table). Isotherms in the high range (1–10 mM), however, are drastically different, changing from linear or exponential with young moss branches to hyperbolic with old gametophytes (Figs. 1–3).The linear or exponential high-range isotherm obtained with young moss plants is compared with other examples reported in the literature (Fig. 4). As the leaflets of the moss plants, which constitute 2/3 of the fresh weight of the material used in the experiments, have well developed vacuoles, the correlation between hyperbolic isotherms and vacuolation does not apply here (Fig. 4a, Torii and Laties, 1966).The change in shape of the high-range moss isotherm with age resembles the change from exponential to hyperbolic kinetics in isolated potato discs during washing (Fig. 4b, Laties, Macdonald and Dainty, 1964). The events triggered by isolation of potato discs from the interior of the tuber may be similar to the changes in the moss material under the control of the terminal bud, which is only active in the young branches.The suggested influence of the active terminal bud of young moss plants on the ion absorption process of cells in the tissue may be related to effects of growth substances on translocation reported in the literature and may point to a direct effect of these regulatory systems on membrane function.In this respect the comparison of corn root stele and cortex is of interest. Isolated steles, both freshly isolated and after washing, have exponential isotherms in the high range (Fig. 4c), whereas cortex displays a hyperbolic isotherm which changes little with ageing (Lüttge and Laties, 1967). In contrast to the case in potato and moss materials, this phenomenon is not simply due to ageing but involves morphogenetic differences.Temperature is another factor which influences the shape of the high range isotherm. All examples discussed so far refer to experiments at room temperature. At low temperatures high-range isotherms for proximal root tissue or aged potato discs have an exponential shape (Torii and Laties, 1966; Laties, Macdonald and Dainty, 1964). It thus appears that the exponential isotherm of young moss branches indicates that as in freshly isolated potato discs or in corn root stele the metabolic high-range uptake system is not developed.
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