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Taste preferences of four classic taste substances (NaCl, CaCl2, and sucrose, all—10%; and citric acid—5%), and 21 free amino acids (L-isomers, 0.1–0.001 M) for adult threespine stickebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus is determined in marine and fresh waters. Gustatory responses were compared in the fish caught in marine and placed in marine water or in freshwater and in the fish caught in a stream mouth during spawning migration and in a closed freshwater water body. Taste preferences of threespine sticklebacks depend little on water salinity. Of amino acids, cysteine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid are attractive, as well as glutamine for the fish living permanently in fresh water. Differences in the reaction of fish to agar-agar pellets with NaCl, CaCl2, and sucrose are considered to be insignificant. Maximum changes occur in the attitude of threespine sticklebacks to citric acid whose taste is palatable to fish in fresh water. It is assumed that the components of marine water render a modifying action on gustatory receptors, the function of receptor cell, and influence susceptibility of fish to the taste of citric acid and, probably, of some other substances. The foraging behavior of fish in fresh water is more active, they consume more pellets, make more numerous repeated grasps, and keep pellets longer in the mouth cavity before swallowing or rejection. It is concluded that, in migratory fish, the abrupt change of external osmotic conditions is not accompanied by noticeable changes on taste preferences and the majority of substances retain their gustatory properties.  相似文献   
Using the behavioural bioassay, food search behaviour was investigated in paddlefish Polyodon spathula juveniles (2.3, 3.0, 5.0, 15.0 and 35.0 cm TL; and 16, 23, 35, 50 and 130 days post‐hatch respectively) evoked by Daphnia water extracts. Main characteristics of this behaviour were increased swimming speed, sinking to the lower water layer, short and straight trajectories in the odour cloud and opening of the mouth. These responses were seldom clearly pronounced and had a fairly short time‐pattern. Biting and snapping, common in food search by many other species, were never observed. Ability to respond to food odour developed at the beginning of exogenous feeding. Olfactory sensitivity of P. spathula to natural food extract was relatively low, 10−1–10−2 g L−1, 2–3 orders of magnitude lower than in some sturgeons. It was concluded that olfaction plays a minor role in the food search behaviour of paddlefish.  相似文献   
It has been found that the pearl gourami Trichopodus leerii evaluates the quality of food objects (agar–agar pellets with standard size, shape, and color but having different composition) by touching them with their lips without using its long filamentous ventral fins. Orosensory testing is accompanied by repeated grasps?rejections?grasps of the pellets (up to 28 times). Such manipulations become significantly more frequent and the pellet is retained several times longer if the trial ends with ingestion rather than final refusal of the object by the fish. It has been found for the first time that pearl gourami produces clicking sounds while grasping the pellets. The number of sounds is directly related to the number of grasps of the object performed by the fish. Only two (alanine, serine) of 21 amino acids (L-isomers) were attractive to pearl gourami, another 13 acids turned out to be indifferent stimuli, and six acids had a repulsive taste. Pearl gourami was attracted to the taste of sucrose and Chironomidae larvae extract. The addition of citric acid, calcium chloride, and sodium chloride to the pellets did not influence their consumption by the fish. The more attractive the substances contained by the pellets, the longer time is spent by the fish on orosensory testing of the pellet quality.  相似文献   
Taste preferences towards 20 free amino acids (L-isomers, 0.1–0.0001 M) were determined in juveniles of Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus. It was found that most amino acids (16) had a positive effect on extraoral gustatory reception (increased the frequency of catching artificial pellets by fishes). The most efficient amino acids were the following: threonine, histidine, arginine, asparagine, phenylalanine, cysteine, glutamine, and glycine. Fifteen amino acids were efficient for intraoral gustatory receptors: serine, arginine, cysteine, histidine, alanine, and some others. The presence of these amino acids in pellets increased the consumption. Amino acids decreasing the frequency of catching or consumption of pellets were not found. Highly significant positive correlation was found between the amino acid ranges mediated by the extraoral and intraoral gustatory reception. The fishes demonstrated maximum sensitivity to aspartic acid, 0.01 and 0.001 M, respectively, for intraoral and extraoral gustatory systems. The threshold concentrations of arginine and glycine were higher for the intraoral gustatory system (0.01 M) than for the extraoral one (0.1 M). The comparison of Persian sturgeon with sturgeon fishes (Russian sturgeon A. gueldenstaedtii, Siberian sturgeon A, baerii, and starred sturgeon A. stellatus) studied earlier confirmed high species specificity of intraoral taste preferences in representatives of Acipenser genus. Species specificity of extraoral taste ranges was less pronounced.  相似文献   
Effect of three- and fivefold intramuscular injections of antibiotics oxytetracyclin hydrochloride and benzylpenicillin sodium (20 mg/kg) on immunophysiological status of juveniles of rainbow trout Parasalmo (=Oncorhynchus) mykiss (pathomorphological evaluation of internal organs, determination of the number of different types of leucocytes in the blood, and electrophoretic investigation of protein profile of the blood serum) was investigated. It was determined that both antibiotics cause neutropenia, removal of albumin fraction in the blood serum, and appearance of lipoid assemblages and different pathologies of internal organs. Taste attractiveness of oxytetracyclin hydrochloride, benzylpenicillin sodium, cefazolin-akos, and neomycin sulfate at the concentration in artificial food pellets of 1, 10, and 100 mg/ml was evaluated. It was determined that neomycin sulfate has more preferable taste for fishes, cefazolin-akos is less attractive, and reaction of fishes to oxytetracyclin hydrochloride and benzylpenicillin sodium depends on their concentration. The presence of two strongly different behavioral stereotypes of testing of food taste was confirmed.  相似文献   
It was established that, as in many other representatives of Teleostei, there is a pheromonal regulation of reproductive behavior in Acipenseridae. The postovulatory releasing sex pheromone in Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Persian sturgeon A. persicus, and starred sturgeon A. stellatus is in the ovarian fluid of females, whose odor has an interspecific efficiency and causes manifestation of typical spawning behavior (increase in locomotor activity, attraction to the site of solution presentation, circular swimming, and slightly convulsive movements) in mature males of its own and closely related species. A relationship was found between the ability of males injected with suspension of acetonized hypotheses of acipenserids to respond to odor of ovarian fluid and by both quality and quantity of sperm obtained from them. Data obtained extend our concepts of the role of chemical reception in biology of acipenserids and the range of their chemocommunications.  相似文献   
The paper lists basic data on the role of sounds in fish behavior. The involvement of acoustic signaling in the control of reproductive, territorial, agonistic, aggressive, social, and feeding behavior in fish that differ in the systematics and mode of life is considered. Species and population specifics and individual sound variation in fish, diurnal and seasonal cyclicity of sound activity, and behavior that accompany acoustic signaling and the effects upon it of different environmental factors are considered. Evidence on the formation of acoustic signaling in ontogenesis of fish is provided; the range of sound signaling and correspondence between sound spectra and auditory sensitivity are discussed. Possible applied aspects of results of study of fish bioacoustics are analyzed.  相似文献   
Available fragmentary data on tactile sensie of fish are summed up for the first time. Data are presented on morphology and distribution of tactile receptors (free nerve endings, Merkel cells, Rohon-Beard cells, etc.) and on their innervation. Main tactile organs of fish are considered—barbels and various other cutaneous outgrowths, free rays of fins, rostrum, breeding tubercles, dermal teeth. Information is presented on functional parameters of tactile reception and its significance in orientation and in manifestation by fish of reproductive, defensive, social, exploratory, and food searching behavior. An important role is shown of the intraoral tactile reception in estimation by fish of texture and attractiveness of food objects. Time of formation of tactile sensitivity in fish ontogenesis is indicated and dynamics of its formation is analyzed. A low level of knowledge of structure and function of the tactile system is noted. The majority of the available data are mostly facts indicating the importance of tactile sense in various life manifestations of fish but not disclosing the functional potential of the system.  相似文献   
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