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Under laboratory conditions the development of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lütken from Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan) was studied at 14 and 17°C. At 14°C and a salinity of 31.6–32.6, ciliated coeloblastulae hatched from egg envelopes 19 h after fertilization. At this temperature the development proceeded slowly and stopped at the stage of bipinnaria. At 17°C and normal salinity of seawater, the development of A. amurensis was successful. The swimming blastula appeared in 14 h. It took 30.5 h for the embryos to reach the gastrula stage. The larvae began swimming in a horizontal position with the apical tip ahead. The dipleurula appeared at 60 h. These larvae began feeding. At 71 h after the beginning of development, the early bipinnaria has developed. In the larva, the edged ciliated band, the preoral plate, and the anal plate were already formed. At the age of 4.2 days, the larvae reached the stage of bipinnaria and the brachiolaria stage developed by 26–28 days after fertilization. The larvae had three identical brachiolar arms with attachment papillae on their tips and an attachment disk. In 37–44 days (at 17°C) the pelagic phase of A. amurensis development was completed by the attachment of larvae to the bottom plates and termination of metamorphosis. Most likely, the specificity to a substrate is not expressed in the brachiolaria of A. amurensis. They can settle on almost any hard substrate which is coated with a bacterial film. The newly settled juvenile starfish had five well-developed arms and moved using their ambulacral podia.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Kashenko.  相似文献   
Our studies show that seawater from different sites in Nakhodka Bay has a deleterious effect on the development of the sea urchinStrongylocentrotus intermedius. As development proceeded to the pluteus I stage, the percentage of abnormal larvae maintained in water from Nakhodka, Novitskogo, and Vrangelya Bights increased markedly (66.7±2.2, 67.1±2.6, and 54.6±1.8%, respectively). These larvae developed more slowly, were smaller, and differed from those in the control in the intensity of color of their echinochrome granules. In water from Nakhodka and Novitskogo bights, larval survival rates were lower than in the control. This suggests that the water of Nakhodka Bay is heavily polluted, especially in its harbor areas.  相似文献   
The combined effects of temperatures of 14, 17, 20, 22, and 25°C and salinities of 36–12‰ on embryos and larvae of the sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis was studied. Embryonic development is the most sensitive stage in the early ontogenesis of S. mirabilis. It is completed at a temperature of 14–20°C in a salinity range of 36–24‰ and at temperature of 22°C to 26‰. The fertilization proceeds in wider ranges of temperature and salinity. Among the swimming larvae, blastulae showed the greatest resistance to variations of these environmental factors. All the larvae survived at a temperature of 14–22°C and a salinity of 36–20‰, and more than 70% of them at 18‰. The pluteus I is the most vulnerable stage; probably this is related to the formation of the larval skeleton and transition to phytoplankton feeding. The survival of larvae at the age of 20 days was 100% at 14–22° C and a salinity of 36–24‰, most of them survived at 14–20°C and a salinity 18‰. The temperature 25 ° C is the most damaging for early development of S. mirabilis. The duration of development of that species lasts 28.5–29 days at 20°C and a salinity of 32.2–32.6‰. At 20 and 22°C, the larvae settled and completed metamorphosis more quickly if sand from the parental habitat was present. The larvae did not settle during the experiment (14 days) at 14 ° C and in the absence of sand.  相似文献   
The reactions of the starfish Asterias amurensis and Patiria pectinifera that live in Vostok Bay at the salinity of 32–33 to a salinity decrease were studied under laboratory conditions. The lower limits of the desalination tolerance range of A. amurensis and P. pectinifera were, respectively, 24 and 20. A. amurensis proved to be less resistant to desalination. Under experimental conditions, all specimens of this species survived the salinity of 22, while those of P. pectinifera tolerated 18. At the same time, A. amurensis responded more actively than P. pectinifera to unfavorable changes in the environment. Turned to their dorsal side and exposed to a salinity of 16 to 32, the former reverted to the normal position within a shorter time than the latter. Being a more euryhaline species, P. pectinifera endured a salinity decrease to 6 or 8 over, respectively, 21 or 28 h. However, only 30–40% of all specimens could recover locomotory activity 12 or 8.5 h after being placed into water of normal salinity.  相似文献   
Apostichopus (= Stichopus) japonicus blastulae and gastrulae were acclimated for 18 h to salinities of 32 (control), 24 and 22 (the lower limit of the range of tolerance), and 20 (below the range of tolerance). Acclimation to 20 resulted in the appearance of teratic larvae, most of which subsequently died. Acclimation to 24, 22, and 20 led to a shift in the range of tolerance of the larvae at further stages of development. With a decrease in salinity, acclimated larvae developed more successfully than unacclimated larvae. Acclimated larvae attained the pentactula stage and settled at a salinity range of 32–20; unacclimated larvae, at 32–22. At different stages of development, acclimated larvae survived greater decreases in salinity than unacclimated larvae. The acclimation effects could be traced up to metamorphosis and settling, i.e., two weeks after the end of the acclimation process.  相似文献   
Temperature (25, 22, 16, and 12°C) and salinity (32–14‰) effects on the development of the low-boreal holothurianEupentacta fraudatrix were investigated. By studying the desalination resistance of adult holothurians,E. fraudatrix was shown to be a stenohaline species. The lower salinity limit at which both the larvae and adults survived was 22‰. Fertilization and development to the stage of free-swimming blastula occurred at the bottom. Embryogenesis, a critical stage of development, was successfully completed at a salinity of 32–26‰ and temperature of 22–16°C. The fertilization and development of a free-swimming blastula proved to be most resistant to temperature changes. The blastulae that developed at lowered temperatures (16–12°C) were capable of further development and settling at the same temperatures, which is likely associated with the peculiarities of the species range. If the early development proceeded at a higher temperature (22°C), the larvae failed to adapt to and perished from sharp temperature decreases at later stages of development. Thus, the lecithotrophic larva and a short period of larval development in the pelagial larvae (3–3.5 days from fertilization to settlement) ofE. fraudatrix are caused by the stenohalinity and environmental conditions of the species and, in turn, contribute to the fact that the young animals settle in the vicinity of their parents.  相似文献   
The survival ability of the adult sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis (Agassiz) in varying environments was studied. In an experiment on a hard substrate, 88% of the animals survived for 40 days (August–September) during variation of sea water temperature from 21.0 to 16.5°C and variation of salinity from 33.3 to 31.5‰. At 17°C, the salinity tolerance range was 34–24‰. At the same temperature. 100% of the animals remained alive for 14 days within a salinity range from 34 to 18‰; at 16 and 14‰ the ratio of surviving sea urchins was 30 and 20% respectively. Thus, S. mirabilis has considerable adaptive capabilities and is able to survive for a long time under extreme environmental changes.  相似文献   
The responses of the larvae of the cirripede barnacle Peltogasterella gracilis (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Rhizocephala) that parasitizes the hermit crab Pagurus pectinatus to different combinations of seawater temperature (25, 22, 20, 16, and 12°C) and salinity (from 34 to 8) were studied in a laboratory. The nauplii of P. gracilis completed the entire cycle of development at 22 to 12°C in a narrow range of salinity (from 34 to 28), which agrees well with the environmental conditions of the crab hosts' habitat. At favorable temperatures (22–20°C) and salinity (34–28), the nauplii reached the cypris stage in 88 ± 2 h, while at 12°C and 34–30, the naupliar development took 156 ± 5 h. The cypris larvae appeared more resistant compared with the nauplii, in terms of changes in both the temperature and salinity of seawater. They actively swam at all experimental temperatures and in the salinity range of 34–18. At temperatures (22–16°C) and salinities (34–24) favorable for the cyprids, their longevity in plankton equaled 6–10 days. Thus, the nauplii of P. gracilis is the more vulnerable stage of development in the life cycle of this parasitic barnacle. The tolerance against changes in environmental factors is due to the adaptive capabilities of parasitic larvae and the environmental conditions in the habitats of its host, a typical marine crustacean. The insignificant parasitization rate of the hermit crab by its rhizocephalan parasite may be explained by the death of the nauplii of P. gracilis, which occurs when they enter to the surface water layer.  相似文献   
Under laboratory conditions, the development of larvae of the sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis (Agassiz) took 28.5–29 days from fertilization to settling and the end of metamorphosis at a temperature 20°C and salinity 32.2–32.6‰ The cleavage divisions were completed in 12 hours after fertilization (AF) by the release of free swimming ciliary blastula from the egg membrane. The larvae attained pluteus I stage with one pair of arms at an age of 40 hours. In 4.5–5 days the pluteus II stage with three pairs of arms, and in 9 days the pluteus III stage with four pairs of arms were formed. On the 20–21st day AF the larvae developed a vestibule, in which the adult skeleton rudiments, spicules, plates and pedicellariae were formed on the 26–27th day AF. The size of the larvae at an age of 22.5 days was 1064.3 ± 44.7 μm. The settling of larvae was recorded on the 28–29th day of development. Most of the larvae completed their metamorphosis in 4.5–5 hours after settling.  相似文献   
The combined effects of temperature (8, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22 and 25°C) and a salinity decrease from 36 to 12‰ on the development of the sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant) were studied. Embryonic development proved to be the process most vulnerable to a salinity decrease. It was completed successfully at 8–20°C within a narrow salinity range of 36–28‰ Larvae at the most resistant stage, the blastula, survived at 12–22°C and a salinity of 36–18‰. Larvae at the most sensitive stage, pluteus I with the first pair of arms, died even in a favorable environment, a temperature of 17–20°C and a salinity of 34–28‰. That may be related to qualitative alterations during skeleton formation and to transition to phytoplankton feeding. The resistance of larvae to variations in environmental factors gradually increased in the pluteus II and III stages; however, it significantly decreased before the settling of the larvae. Larvae that were 37 days old survived at a temperature of 14–20°C within a salinity range of 36–22‰ and at 22 and 25°C, they survived at a salinity of 36–24‰; however, all the larvae became abnormal at 25°C. The larvae settled earlier on sand inhabited by adult individuals of E. cordatum than on sand from other locations, and they settled faster at 20–25°C, than at 14 and 17°C. The juveniles, if lacking an opportunity to burrow in the sand, died within 14 days after settling.  相似文献   
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