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Acute exposure to insecticide (Baygon-spray; 5 ml/animal/5 min) inhalation in rats did not affect the learning process but produced a significant loss of memory (P less than 0.01 less than 0.001) whereas chronic exposure (one exposure per day for three weeks) produced a significant delay in learning (P less than 0.05) and memory (P less than 0.01). Acetylcholinesterase activity in brain after acute and chronic exposure declined significantly (P less than 0.01) during the learning process but returned to normal after 24 hr.  相似文献   
Significant correlations between allelic frequencies and environmental variables in a number of insect species have been demonstrated by multivariate techniques. Since many environmental variables show a strong relationship to geographic location and since gene flow between populations can also produce patterns of gene frequencies which are related to the geographic location, both selection and gene-flow hypotheses are consistent with the observed correlations. The genetic variables can be corrected for geographic location and so for linear gene-flow patterns. If, after correction, the genetic variables still show significant correlations with similarly corrected environmental variables, then these correlations are consistent with hypotheses of selection but not of gene flow. The data of Johnson and Schaffer (1973) have been reanalyzed using the method of canonical correlation after correction for geographical location by means of multiple regression. Five of the nine loci studied exhibit significant canonical correlations. These results, under the assumption of linear gene flow, support hypotheses of selective action of environmental variables in the genotype-environment relationships observed.  相似文献   
Résumé Chez les souris du Basler Laboratoriumsstamm, atteintes d'une lésion dégénérative héréditaire du neuro-épithélium rétinien, les cellules visuelles se différencient de façon normale au cours de la première semaine post-natale. Les premiers signes de condensation et puis de pycnose nucléaires apparaissent au niveau de la granuleuse externe au moment même où s'ébauche la différenciation de l'article externe des bâtonnets. L'immense majorité des cellules visuelles disparaît au cours des deuxième et troisième semaines de la vie. Quelques rares cellules visuelles survivent pourtant jusqu'aux stades les plus avancés de l'affection dégénérative, et ces cellules conservent des bourgeons cytoplasmiques dont la structure rappelle celle des articles internes des bâtonnets.Parallèlement avec la disparition progressive des cellules visuelles, on observe la prolifération à partir de la région apicale de l'épithéliuni pigmentaire, d'un système lamellaire organisé qui entre en contact étroit avec les cellules visuelles subsistantes, et plus précisément avec ce qui reste de leurs articles internes.Une hypothèse est formulée, selon laquelle ce système lamellaire organisé pourrait être porteur d'un pigment photolabile et pourrait ainsi suppléer à l'absence des articles externes des bâtonnets. Le processus initial de l'excitation visuelle prendrait naissance au niveau de ce système membranaire organisé, l'état d'excitation se propageant ensuite à la membrane plasmique des restes d'articles internes.  相似文献   
A recently cloned mouse cDNA designated F52 encodes a putative protein with striking sequence similarity to the MARCKS protein, a major cellular substrate for protein kinase C (PKC). Major regions of sequence similarity include the amino-terminal myristoylation consensus sequence and the central calmodulin-binding/PKC phosphorylation site domain. The F52 protein was expressed in Escherichia coli with apparent M(r) 50,000; it was a substrate for PKC and comigrated on two-dimensional electrophoresis with a myristoylated protein whose phosphorylation was stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate in mouse neuroblastoma cells. The F52 protein also was myristoylated in E. coli by co-expression with N-myristoyltransferase. A 24-amino acid peptide derived from the protein's phosphorylation site domain was a good substrate for PKC; like the cognate MARCKS peptide, it was phosphorylated with high affinity (S0.5 = 173 nM) and positive cooperativity (KH = 5.4). The F52 peptide also bound calmodulin with high affinity (Kd = less than 3 nM); this binding could be disrupted by phosphorylation of the peptide with PKC, with a half-time of 8 min. The F52 protein is clearly a member of the MARCKS family as defined by primary sequence; in addition, the two proteins share several key attributes that may be functionally important.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to compare the effect of low to normal serum calcium on biochemical parameters in the myocardium of dogs subjected to 90 min of coronary artery ligation followed by 30 min reperfusion. The accumulation of calcium, the decrease of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP) and the inhibition of sarcolemmal ouabain-sensitive Na+/K(+)-ATPase which are prominent findings in the ischemic-reperfused myocardium, were studied under normal and low serum Ca produced by normal and modified hemodialysis (HD). The results showed a lower accumulation of Ca (P less than 0.002) in the ligated-reperfused myocardium of dogs subjected to low-calcium HD. In the same group of animals ATP was protected to some extent while CP was completely preserved. This may indicate that during reperfusion with low Ca, restored ATP is further utilized for CP regeneration. The activity of Na+/K(+)-ATPase was within normal values in the ligated-reperfused myocardium of the low-calcium group. The significantly (P less than 0.001) negative correlation between tissue calcium concentration and Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity under various conditions examined, provided additional evidence that low calcium is a protective factor of the enzyme activity during ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   
Intravenous heparin administration caused a marked inhibition of Mg++-dependent (Na++K+)-stimulated ATPase activity of sarcolemmal (SL) membranes prepared from rabbit heart, whereas basal Mg++-ATPase was not affected. The inhibition depended on K+ concentration and was reversed only in the presence of albumin. Plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations were raised in all animals, after heparin administration. The results obtained support the concept that FFA or other lipids originating in the plasma by the action of lipolytic enzymes released by heparin are involved in the mechanism of inhibition.  相似文献   
Prostasin is a tryptic peptidase expressed in prostate, kidney, lung, and airway. Mammalian prostasins are related to Xenopus channel-activating protease, which stimulates epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) activity in frogs. In human epithelia, prostasin is one of several membrane peptidases proposed to regulate ENaC. This study tests the hypothesis that prostasin can regulate ENaC in cystic fibrosis epithelia in which excessive Na+ uptake contributes to salt and water imbalance. We show that prostasin mRNA and protein are strongly expressed by human airway epithelial cell lines, including immortalized JME/CF15 nasal epithelial cells homozygous for the DeltaF508 cystic fibrosis mutation. Epithelial cells transfected with vectors encoding recombinant soluble prostasin secrete active, tryptic peptidase that is highly sensitive to inactivation by aprotinin. When studied as monolayers in Ussing chambers, JME/CF15 cells exhibit amiloride-sensitive, transepithelial Na+ currents that are markedly diminished by aprotinin, suggesting regulation by serine-class peptidases. Overproduction of membrane-anchored prostasin in transfected JME/CF15 cells does not augment Na+ currents, and trypsin-induced increases are small, suggesting that baseline serine peptidase-dependent ENaC activation is maximal in these cells. To probe prostasin's involvement in basal ENaC activity, we silenced expression of prostasin using short interfering RNA targeting of prostasin mRNA's 3'-untranslated region. This drops ENaC currents to 26 +/- 9% of baseline. These data predict that prostasin is a major regulator of ENaC-mediated Na+ current in DeltaF508 cystic fibrosis epithelia and suggest that airway prostasin is a target for therapeutic inhibition to normalize ion current in cystic fibrosis airway.  相似文献   


Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major carrier of cholesterol and essential for synaptic plasticity. In brain, it’s expressed by many cells but highly expressed by the choroid plexus and the predominant apolipoprotein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The role of apoE in the CSF is unclear. Recently, the glymphatic system was described as a clearance system whereby CSF and ISF (interstitial fluid) is exchanged via the peri-arterial space and convective flow of ISF clearance is mediated by aquaporin 4 (AQP4), a water channel. We reasoned that this system also serves to distribute essential molecules in CSF into brain. The aim was to establish whether apoE in CSF, secreted by the choroid plexus, is distributed into brain, and whether this distribution pattern was altered by sleep deprivation.


We used fluorescently labeled lipidated apoE isoforms, lenti-apoE3 delivered to the choroid plexus, immunohistochemistry to map apoE brain distribution, immunolabeled cells and proteins in brain, Western blot analysis and ELISA to determine apoE levels and radiolabeled molecules to quantify CSF inflow into brain and brain clearance in mice. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA or Student’s t- test.


We show that the glymphatic fluid transporting system contributes to the delivery of choroid plexus/CSF-derived human apoE to neurons. CSF-delivered human apoE entered brain via the perivascular space of penetrating arteries and flows radially around arteries, but not veins, in an isoform specific manner (apoE2?>?apoE3?>?apoE4). Flow of apoE around arteries was facilitated by AQP4, a characteristic feature of the glymphatic system. ApoE3, delivered by lentivirus to the choroid plexus and ependymal layer but not to the parenchymal cells, was present in the CSF, penetrating arteries and neurons. The inflow of CSF, which contains apoE, into brain and its clearance from the interstitium were severely suppressed by sleep deprivation compared to the sleep state.


Thus, choroid plexus/CSF provides an additional source of apoE and the glymphatic fluid transporting system delivers it to brain via the periarterial space. By implication, failure in this essential physiological role of the glymphatic fluid flow and ISF clearance may also contribute to apoE isoform-specific disorders in the long term.
Spatial separation of ions in the gas phase, providing information about their size as collisional cross-sections, can readily be achieved through ion mobility. The timsTOF Pro (Bruker Daltonics) series combines a trapped ion mobility device with a quadrupole, collision cell, and a time-of-flight analyzer to enable the analysis of ions at great speed. Here, we show that the timsTOF Pro is capable of physically separating N-glycopeptides from nonmodified peptides and producing high-quality fragmentation spectra, both beneficial for glycoproteomics analyses of complex samples. The glycan moieties enlarge the size of glycopeptides compared with nonmodified peptides, yielding a clear cluster in the mobilogram that, next to increased dynamic range from the physical separation of glycopeptides and nonmodified peptides, can be used to make an effective selection filter for directing the mass spectrometer to analytes of interest. We designed an approach where we (1) focused on a region of interest in the ion mobilogram and (2) applied stepped collision energies to obtain informative glycopeptide tandem mass spectra on the timsTOF Pro:glyco-polygon–stepped collision energy-parallel accumulation serial fragmentation. This method was applied to selected glycoproteins, human plasma– and neutrophil-derived glycopeptides. We show that the achieved physical separation in the region of interest allows for improved extraction of information from the samples, even at shorter liquid chromatography gradients of 15 min. We validated our approach on human neutrophil and plasma samples of known makeup, in which we captured the anticipated glycan heterogeneity (paucimannose, phosphomannose, high mannose, hybrid and complex glycans) from plasma and neutrophil samples at the expected abundances. As the method is compatible with off-the-shelve data acquisition routines and data analysis software, it can readily be applied by any laboratory with a timsTOF Pro and is reproducible as demonstrated by a comparison between two laboratories.  相似文献   
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