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Several human studies have shown an inverse relation between vitamin A intake (and serum concentrations of retinol and carotene) and cancer. Serum cholesterol concentrations have also been reported in inverse relation to cancer. In a study of 3102 people in Evans County, Georgia, who were followed for over 12-14 years to assess the incidence of cancer there was an inverse association between the risk of cancer and both serum retinol and serum cholesterol concentrations. The data also showed an unexpectedly strong correlation between serum retinol and total cholesterol concentrations. The inverse relationship with cancer was stronger with serum retinol than with cholesterol, which suggested that the association with cholesterol might be secondary. This suggestion may also explain the cholesterol-cancer association reported in several other cohort studies. Further studies of the relation between serum concentrations of cholesterol, retinol, and carotene and the incidence of cancer are needed.  相似文献   
Summary Familial aggregation of serum uric acid was studied in a sample of families examined in the Jerusalem Lipid Research Clinic. We first examined homogeneity of familial correlations across the major origin groups in the Israeli population sample. In general correlations were homogeneous across origin groups, except for spouse pairs. Pooled correlations among biological relatives across the origin groups were all statistically significant. Spouse correlation upon adjustment for concomitant variables was moderately positive (r=0.115), yet significantly different from zero. Genetic and cultural determinants of uric acid were estimated utilizing a path model with 10 parameters to be estimated from a total of 16 correlations. Under a reduced model, genetic heritability (h2) was estimated to be 0.47±0.05 and cultural heritability (c2) was 0.11±0.03. However, our data gave suggestive evidence that cultural heritability was higher in parents (c2=0.28) than in children (c2=0.10). Commingling analysis and segregation analysis were also performed, and our findings imply that in the Israeli population there is no evidence for a major gene for high uric acid levels segregating in families.  相似文献   
Aim Understanding the response of species to ecotones and habitat edges is essential to designing conservation management, especially in mosaic agricultural landscapes. This study examines how species diversity and composition change with distance from semi‐natural habitats, over ecotones into agricultural fields, and how within‐site patterns of community transition change across a climatic gradient and differ between crop types. Location A total of 19 sites in Israel where semi‐natural habitats border agricultural fields (wheat fields or olive groves) distributed along a sharp climatic gradient ranging between 100 and 800 mm mean annual rainfall. Methods  We performed butterfly surveys in 2006. We analysed species richness (α‐diversity), diversity, community nestedness and species turnover (β‐diversity) within sites and between sites (γ‐diversity). We also assessed where species of conservation concern occurred. Results In wheat sites, richness and diversity declined abruptly from ecotones to fields and remained homogenously poor throughout the fields, regardless of climate. In olive sites, despite the sharp structural boundary, richness and diversity remained high from the semi‐natural habitat to the grove margins and then declined gradually into groves. Species of conservation concern occurred across all habitats at olive sites, but none were found inside wheat fields or at their ecotones. The contrast in community structure between semi‐natural habitats and fields was affected by both climate and field type. Irrigation in arid regions did not augment species diversity. Main conclusions Our results indicate that consideration of crop type, within a climatic context, should receive high priority in biodiversity conservation in agricultural areas. In ‘hostile’ crops, such as wheat, we suggest favouring a combination of high‐intensity management and wide margins over less intensive management without margins, which may merely aid generalist butterfly species. The scarcity of butterflies in arid irrigated fields suggests a need to carefully assess the effects of irrigation and agrochemicals on species’ communities.  相似文献   
Alien invasive species have detrimental effects on invaded communities. Aliens do not invade a vacuum, but rather a community consisting of native and often other alien species. Our current understanding of the pathways and network of interactions among multiple invasive species within whole communities is limited. Eradication efforts often focus on a single target species, potentially leading to unexpected outcomes on interacting non-target species. We aimed to examine the interaction network in a cavity-nesting community consisting of native and invasive birds. We studied the nesting cavities in the largest urban park in Israel over two breeding seasons. We found evidence for a complex interaction network that includes negative, neutral and positive interactions, but no synergistic positive interactions among aliens. Three major factors shaped the interaction network: breeding timing, nesting preferences and the ability to excavate or widen the cavities, which were found to be a limited resource. Cavity enlargement by the early-breeding invasive rose-ringed parakeet may enhance breeding of the invasive common myna in previously unavailable holes. The myna excludes the smaller invasive vinous-breasted starling, a direct competitor of the primary nest excavator, the native Syrian woodpecker. Therefore, management and eradication efforts directed towards the common myna alone may actually release the vinous-breasted starling from competitive exclusion by the common myna, increasing the negative impact of the vinous-breasted starling on the native community. As found here, interactions among multiple alien species can be crucial in shaping invasion success and should be carefully considered when aiming to effectively manage biological invasions.  相似文献   
Mountains provide an opportunity to examine changes in biodiversity across environmental gradients and areas of transition (ecotones). Mountain ecotones separate vegetation belts. Here, we aimed to examine whether transition areas for birds and butterflies spatially correspond with ecotones between three previously described altitudinal vegetation belts on Mt. Hermon, northern Israel. These include the Mediterranean Maquis, xero-montane open forest and Tragacanthic mountain steppe vegetation belts. We sampled the abundance of bird and butterfly species in 34 sampling locations along an elevational gradient between 500 and 2200 m. We applied wombling, a boundary-detection technique, which detects rapid changes in a continuous variable, in order to locate the transition areas for bird and butterfly communities and compare the location of these areas with the location of vegetation belts as described in earlier studies of Mt. Hermon. We found some correspondence between the areas of transition of both bird and butterfly communities and the ecotones between vegetation belts. For birds and butterflies, important transitions occurred at the lower vegetation ecotone between Mediterranean maquis and the xero-montane open forest vegetation belts, and between the xero-montane open forest and the mountain steppe Tragacanthic belts. While patterns of species turnover with elevation were similar for birds and butterflies, the change in species richness and diversity with elevation differed substantially between the two taxa. Birds and butterflies responded quite similarly to the elevational gradient and to the shift between vegetation belts in terms of species turnover rates. While the mechanisms generating these patterns may differ, the resulting areas of peak turnover in species show correspondence among three different taxa (plants, birds and butterflies).  相似文献   


Many high-throughput genomic experiments, such as Synthetic Genetic Array and yeast two-hybrid, use colony growth on solid media as a screen metric. These experiments routinely generate over 100,000 data points, making data analysis a time consuming and painstaking process. Here we describe ScreenMill, a new software suite that automates image analysis and simplifies data review and analysis for high-throughput biological experiments.  相似文献   
The worldwide spread of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 showed that influenza remains a significant health threat, even for individuals in the prime of life. This paper focuses on the unusually high young adult mortality observed during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Using historical records from Canada and the U.S., we report a peak of mortality at the exact age of 28 during the pandemic and argue that this increased mortality resulted from an early life exposure to influenza during the previous Russian flu pandemic of 1889–90. We posit that in specific instances, development of immunological memory to an influenza virus strain in early life may lead to a dysregulated immune response to antigenically novel strains encountered in later life, thereby increasing the risk of death. Exposure during critical periods of development could also create holes in the T cell repertoire and impair fetal maturation in general, thereby increasing mortality from infectious diseases later in life. Knowledge of the age-pattern of susceptibility to mortality from influenza could improve crisis management during future influenza pandemics.
“The war is over – and I must go” Egon Schiele, 1890–1918.
Living in the city: can anyone become an ‘urban exploiter'?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim As urban landscapes expand, shifts in biodiversity are occurring. This is leading biogeographers and ecologists to consider human‐dominated landscapes in their current work. One question that arises is: what characterizes those species that are widespread in the most highly urban environments compared with those restricted to less urbanized areas in the city? Here, we aim to identify the traits that enable species to become urban exploiters, i.e. to dominate highly urbanized surroundings. Identifying these traits may help us better predict and possibly mitigate the biotic homogenization occurring in these areas. Location Israel in general, with special focus on the city of Jerusalem. Methods Combining literature and field‐based data for birds in Israel we compared phenotypic, behavioural and life‐history traits between urban exploiters and urban adapters. The latter occur in urban landscapes, but are characteristic of the less urbanized parts of the city. We then examined the trends along a finer field‐sampled gradient of increasing urbanization from sub‐natural to downtown areas within the city of Jerusalem. Results Urban exploiters and adapters differed primarily in social structure and migratory status: exploiters were significantly more social and sedentary than urban adapters. Clear trends were also seen for dietary preferences along a gradient of increasing urbanization in Jerusalem, such that, with increasing urbanization, the proportion of granivorous species increased whereas the proportion of species feeding on invertebrates declined. In contrast, neither relative brain size nor behavioural flexibility, as measured by feeding innovations, differed significantly among urban exploiters and adapters in Israel or along the urbanization gradient in Jerusalem specifically. Main conclusions The results of our study suggest that being successful in more vs. less urbanized environments in the city is not necessarily a factor of brain size nor of how flexible and behaviourally innovative the species is; rather, it depends on a combination of traits, including diet, degree of sociality, sedentariness and preferred nesting sites.  相似文献   
Heart rate variability (HRV) measures are associated with coronary heart disease incidence and mortality. Therefore insight into the genetic and environmental determinants of these measures may have clinical relevance. We assessed the role of genetic and environmental factors of time domain and frequency domain HRV indices. Participants were 451 kibbutz members, aged 15 and up, belonging to 80 families. HRV indices were calculated from Holter recordings measured over 5 min. Our data indicate that for the two time- and four frequency domain indices, a mixture of two normal distributions fit the data significantly better than a single normal distribution (P<0.05). We used complex segregation analysis to infer the modes of inheritance of these HRV measures. We found evidence for possible involvement of a recessive major gene in the inheritance of the root mean square of successive differences in RR intervals (RMSSD), which is predominantly vagally mediated. A putative major gene explains 28%-34% of the adjusted inter-individual variability. The SD, determined by a mixture of mechanisms, is influenced by environmental and polygenic effects, but not by a major gene. The findings regarding the heritability of the frequency domain indices were not conclusive. However, the involvement of genetic factors was not rejected. Additional studies in extended families are needed to confirm the involvement of major genes in the determination of the autonomic activity.  相似文献   
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