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Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a cytoplasmic protein kinase that is defective in X-linked agammaglobulinaemia in man and in X-linked immunodeficiency in the mouse. There is controversy regarding the stages of B cell development that are dependent on Btk function. To determine the point in B cell differentiation at which defects in Btk become apparent, we generated a mouse model by inactivating the Btk gene through an in-frame insertion of a lacZ reporter by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. The phenomenon of X-chromosome inactivation in Btk+/- heterozygous female mice enabled us to evaluate the competition between B cell progenitors expressing wild-type Btk and those expressing the Btk-/lacZ allele in each successive step of development. Although Btk was already expressed in pro-B cells, the first selective disadvantage only became apparent at the transition from small pre-B cells to immature B cells in the bone marrow. A second differentiation arrest was found during the maturation from IgD(low)IgM(high) to IgD(high)IgM(low) stages in the periphery. Our results show that Btk expression is essential at two distinct differentiation steps, both past the pre-B cell stage.  相似文献   
The relationships within theAsteraceae-Asteroideae are scrutinized by means of cladistic analyses of morphological and chemical data. New data are presented, and novel interpretations of features previously used in cladistic analyses are made. Examples are insertion of anther filaments in the corolla, and morphology of disc floret styles, respectively. The results include a polyphyletic or paraphyleticInuleae s. l., and a paraphyleticHeliantheae s.l. in which theEupatorieae constantly form a subclade. Comparisons are made with previous cladistic analyses of morphological data, and those acquired from molecular data. Speculations about the evolution of certain organs are presented.  相似文献   
Evidence from numerous Pan‐African savannah mammals indicates that open‐habitat refugia existed in Africa during the Pleistocene, isolated by expanding tropical forests during warm and humid interglacial periods. However, comparative data from other taxonomic groups are currently lacking. We present a phylogeographic investigation of the African puff adder (Bitis arietans), a snake that occurs in open‐habitat formations throughout sub‐Saharan Africa. Multiple parapatric mitochondrial clades occur across the current distribution of B. arietans, including a widespread southern African clade that is subdivided into four separate clades. We investigated the historical processes responsible for generating these phylogeographic patterns in southern Africa using species distribution modelling and genetic approaches. Our results show that interior regions of South Africa became largely inhospitable for B. arietans during glacial maxima, whereas coastal and more northerly areas remained habitable. This corresponds well with the locations of refugia inferred from mitochondrial data using a continuous phylogeographic diffusion model. Analysis of data from five anonymous nuclear loci revealed broadly similar patterns to mtDNA. Secondary admixture was detected between previously isolated refugial populations. In some cases, this is limited to individuals occurring near mitochondrial clade contact zones, but in other cases, more extensive admixture is evident. Overall, our study reveals a complex history of refugial isolation and secondary expansion for puff adders and a mosaic of isolated refugia in southern Africa. We also identify key differences between the processes that drove isolation in B. arietans and those hypothesized for sympatric savannah mammals.  相似文献   
Perennial bioenergy crops have been shown to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, potentially offsetting anthropogenic C emissions. The effects of perennial bioenergy crops on SOC are typically assessed at shallow depths (<30 cm), but the deep root systems of these crops may also have substantial effects on SOC stocks at greater depths. We hypothesized that deep (>30 cm) SOC stocks would be greater under bioenergy crops relative to stocks under shallow‐rooted conventional crop cover. To test this, we sampled soils to between 1‐ and 3‐m depth at three sites in Oklahoma with 10‐ to 20‐year‐old switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) stands, and collected paired samples from nearby fields cultivated with shallow rooted annual crops. We measured root biomass, total organic C, 14C, 13C, and other soil properties in three replicate soil cores in each field and used a mixing model to estimate the proportion of recently fixed C under switchgrass based on 14C. The subsoil C stock under switchgrass (defined over 500–1500 kg/m2 equivalent soil mass, approximately 30–100 cm depth) exceeded the subsoil stock in neighboring fields by 1.5 kg C/m2 at a sandy loam site, 0.6 kg C/m2 at a site with loam soils, and showed no significant difference at a third site with clay soils. Using the mixing model, we estimated that additional SOC introduced after switchgrass cultivation comprised 31% of the subsoil C stock at the sandy loam site, 22% at the loam site, and 0% at the clay site. These results suggest that switchgrass can contribute significantly to subsoil organic C—but also indicated that this effect varies across sites. Our analysis shows that agricultural strategies that emphasize deep‐rooted grass cultivars can increase soil C relative to conventional crops while expanding energy biomass production on marginal lands.  相似文献   
Mine tailing deposits in semiarid and arid environments frequently remain devoid of vegetation due to the toxicity of the substrate and the absence of a diverse soil microbial community capable of supporting seed germination and plant growth. The contribution of the plant growth promoting bacterium (PGPB) Azospirillum brasilense Sp6 to the growth of quailbush in compost-amended, moderately acidic, high-metal content mine tailings using an irrigation-based reclamation strategy was examined along with its influence on the rhizosphere bacterial community. Sp6 inoculation resulted in a significant (2.2-fold) increase in plant biomass production. The data suggest that the inoculum successfully colonized the root surface and persisted throughout the 60-day experiment in both the rhizosphere, as demonstrated by excision and sequencing of the appropriate denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) band, and the rhizoplane, as indicated by fluorescent in situ hybridization of root surfaces. Changes in rhizosphere community structure in response to Sp6 inoculation were evaluated after 15, 30, and 60 days using DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA polymerase chain reaction amplicons. A comparison of DGGE profiles using canonical correspondence analysis revealed a significant treatment effect (Sp6-inoculated vs. uninoculated plants vs. unplanted) on bacterial community structure at 15, 30, and 60 days (p?<?0.05). These data indicate that in an extremely stressed environment such as acid mine tailings, an inoculated plant growth promoting bacterium not only can persist and stimulate plant growth but also can directly or indirectly influence rhizobacterial community development.  相似文献   
Anderberg, A. A. & Karis, P. O. 1995. Psednotrichia , a genus of the tribe Senecioneae hitherto misplaced in the Astereae (Asteraceae). — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 375–379. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
The tribal position for the little known genus Psednorrichia , is established. This monotypic genus, hitherto placed in the tribe Astereae, is a congener of Xyridopsis of the tribe Senecioneae (Asteraceae). The two species of Xyridopsis are here transferred to Psednotrichia and the new combinations P. xyridopsis and P. newtonii are made. A brief discussion of the morphology of the genus, and its systematic position within the tribe Senecioneae is provided.  相似文献   
We depleted reticulocytes from erythrocytes of both sickle cell disease (SCD) subjects and healthy controls by four methods: fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), Miltenyi immunomagnetic depletion (MACS), a combination of these methods (FACS + MACS) and Percoll density separation. The efficiency of these methods was assessed by new methylene blue staining and manual enumeration of the reticulocytes. FACS sorted erythrocytes from reticulocytes based on size and granularity, as well as the absence of dsDNA staining. MACS depleted reticulocytes from erythrocytes based on the immunoaffinity to CD36 and CD71. Reticulocytes from healthy controls were depleted to 相似文献   
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