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R. Karban 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):298-303
Summary The effects of clonal variation, interspecific competition, and climate upon the population size of Apterothrips secticornis was assessed by a series of observations and experimental manipulations. Three clones of the host plant, Erigeron glaucus, consistently supported different numbers of thrips during monthly censuses. When rosettes of the three clones were transplanted to a common garden, relative numbers of thrips on the clones remained the same as those observed where the clones grew in situ. The presence or absence of other hervivores had no effect on thrips numbers in the common garden. Plume moth caterpillars and thrips were observed to co-occur less often than expected in the field but this was caused by differences in habitat selection by these two species rather than being the result of interspecific competition. Populations of thrips were affected by climate, but analyses suggest that the host clone was a more important factor.  相似文献   
Willamette mites and Pacific mites are often negatively associated on grape vines. In particular, vineyards with early season infestations of the less damaging Willamette mite rarely develop high populations of the economically important Pacific mite. We report that Willamette mites had a negative effect on Pacific mite populations in both the greenhouse and field. In some experiments, the negative effect was more pronounced when vines had been damaged by previous feeding of Willamette mites and in other experiments concurrent feeding by both mite species was necessary to demonstrate a negative effect. Therefore, we cannot conclude if the mechanism of the response involves induced resistance against Pacific mites, more conventional interspecific competition, or both. Since predators were uncommon in our experiments, predator build up on Willamette mites did not cause the low Pacific mite population that we observed, although this mechanism may be important in many vineyards. Further, larger scale experiments are necesary to determine if growers can introduce Willamette mites to help control Pacific mites.
Résumé E. willametti et T. pacificus sont souvent antagonistes dans les vignobles. En particulier, dans les vignobles contaminés tôt dans la saison par E. willametti,-dont les dégâts sont moins conséquents-, on observe rarement des populations élevées de T. pacificus, dont les dégâts sont économiquement importants. Nous avons constaté que E. Willametti a réduit les populations de T. pacificus, tant en serres qu'à l'extérieur. Dans quelques cas, l'effet antagoniste était plus marqué quand les vignes avaient été préalablement endommagées par l'alimentation de E. willametti. Dans d'autres expériences, la compétition alimentaire entre les deux espèces d'acariens était nécessaire pour produire un effet antagoniste. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas en conclure que la réponse implique une résistance induite contre T. pacificus, ou une compétition interspécifique plus classique, ou les deux à la fois. Puisque les prédateurs étaient rares dans nos expériences, une explosion des prédateurs sur E. willametti n'a pu provoquer le faible niveau de population observé avec T. pacificus, bien qu'un tel méchanisme puisse être important dans certains vignobles. Quoi qu'il en soit, des expériences à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour déterminer si les vignerons peuvent introduire Eotetranychus willametti afin de limiter les populations de Tetranychus pacificus.
We observed the number of predatory mites (Phytoseiidae:Typhlodromus caudiglans) on the foliage of 20 North American species of grapes (Vitis spp) plus the domesticated EuropeanVitis vinifera, all grown in a common garden. We found relatively few phytophagous mites. The numbers of phytophagous mites were not correlated with the plant characteristics that we measured. We found approximately five times as many predatory mites as phytophagous mites and the numbers of these phytoseiid predators were not affected by the availability of prey. Similarly, numbers of phytoseiids were unaffected by plant gender and, hence, the availability of pollen, another source of food. The numbers of phytoseiids were not clustered according to the taxonomic grouping of the tested plant species. Leaf surface characteristics explained over 25% of the variance in the numbers of phytoseiids. Numbers of phytoseiids were positively associated with the density of vein hairs, the density of bristles in leaf axils, and the presence of leaf domatia. These results suggest that sheltered habitats rather than food availability may limit the numbers of phytoseiid mites on grapevines.  相似文献   
Richard Karban 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):385-390
Summary Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) rarely flew distances greater than 50 m across an open field or along a forest edge. Most cicadas caught after flying 50 m or more were females and all of these females had mated. Flights were most common when adults were 2 to 3 weeks old. Among insects in general, most dispersing individuals are barely post-teneral or extremely young. Cicadas are discussed as an exception to this generality. Both sexes of cicadas are attracted by the male song to chorusing centers for mating (Alexander and Moore 1958). Trees which were chorusing centers had more eggnests than those which were not, suggesting a lack of postmating dispersal from the chorusing trees.  相似文献   
The importance of interplant volatile signaling in plant–herbivore interactions has been a contentious issue for the past 30 years. We revisit willows as the system in which evidence for interplant signaling was originally found, but then questioned. We established three well-replicated experiments with two willow species (Salix exigua and Salix lemmonii) to address whether the receipt of an interplant signal from a neighboring willow reduces herbivore damage. Additionally we tested whether this signal is volatile in nature, and whether plants signal better to themselves than they do to other individuals. In all three experiments, we found evidence that cues from a damaged neighbor reduce subsequent herbivory experienced by willows. In one experiment, we showed that bagging of clipped tissue, which prevents the exchange of volatile signals, removed the effect of neighbor wounding. This was consistent with results from the other two experiments, in which clipping potted neighbors connected only through airborne volatile cues reduced damage of receivers. In one year, we found evidence that the perception of volatile signals from genetically identical clones was more effective at reducing foliar damage to a neighbor than signals from a genetically different individual. However, this trend was not significant in the following year. In three well-replicated experiments, we found strong evidence for the importance of interplant volatile cues in mediating herbivore interactions with willows.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Considerable evidence indicates that the Earth's climate has warmed over the past 20 years and most models predict that this process will continue or accelerate. Previous studies involving butterflies and other species have shown that ranges have shifted towards the poles although the mechanisms responsible for these range shifts have not been demonstrated conclusively.
2. Here it is reported that the range of the meadow spittlebug has moved northward along the California coast since 1988.
3. Survival and reproduction of this species in previous laboratory experiments were very sensitive to humidity and temperature. Small deviations from optimal conditions resulted in high mortality.
4. These laboratory results were corroborated by annual field censuses from one location since 1983 in which population densities of spittlebug nymphs were positively correlated with summer humidity and negatively correlated with temperature deviations from the published optimum. Thus it is shown that there are strong links between physiological tolerance and a geographic range shift associated with climatic change.  相似文献   
The crystal structures of a complete series of configurational isomers of 2,3-epimino and 3,4-epimino derivatives of 1,6-anhydro-β-d-hexopyranoses were determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. The structures exhibited conformational rigidity within the series regardless of the position and orientation of the aziridine ring. Possible formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds involving the NH group is discussed with respect to the results of IR spectroscopy and to the intermolecular hydrogen bonds found in the crystal packing.  相似文献   
Theory predicts that plants should employ constitutive (fixed) defenses when herbivory is consistently strong among years and induced (plastic) defenses when herbivory varies among years but is predictable within a season. We tested this theory by examining the herbivore species and damage censused over three seasons for 20 populations of wild radish in northern California. We conducted assays of constitutive resistance by challenging undamaged plants from these 20 populations with their common herbivores in the greenhouse. We assayed induced resistance by comparing the performance of herbivores on plants that had been experimentally damaged to undamaged plants from the same populations. Following damage, plants generally became more resistant to chewing herbivores (caterpillars) but more susceptible to sucking herbivores (aphids). Constitutive resistance to caterpillars was not stronger for populations that had high levels of herbivory that varied little among years, contrary to theory. Induced resistance may be stronger for plants from populations where herbivory varied more among years, consistent with expectations, although low power makes this conclusion equivocal. Induced resistance was not stronger for populations where early herbivory was a good predictor of late season herbivory. This lack of support for theory could have been caused by inadequacies with the experimental tests or with the theory and its assumptions. The theory assumes a coevolutionary equilibrium; however, high gene flow that has been reported for wild radish could disrupt matches between risk of herbivory and plant defense. The theory also assumes that resistance traits evolved as defenses against herbivory although these traits also serve other functions. Finally, the correlation we measured between early and late season herbivory may be at a temporal scale that is irrelevant since wild radish appears to adjust its defenses very rapidly.  相似文献   
Trichomes are an important physical resistance mechanism of plants, as they reduce insect herbivore movement, feeding, and digestion. However, we know little about how trichomes influence herbivore distributions and populations. We conducted laboratory and field experiments to evaluate the preferences of Platyprepia virginalis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) caterpillars to natural and manipulated densities of trichomes on their primary food, Lupinus arboreus Sims (Fabaceae). We then conducted field surveys to determine whether variation in trichome density among lupine bushes affected caterpillar spatial distribution on the landscape. Platyprepia virginalis caterpillars preferred lupine leaves with fewer trichomes in choice and no‐choice experiments. In the field, caterpillar feeding damage was found more often on leaves with fewer trichomes. These preferences scaled up to the level of bushes in the landscape such that more caterpillars were found on bushes with lower trichome densities than on bushes with higher trichome densities. This is one of few studies to show the potential for trichome density to influence herbivore population size and distribution in a natural system at a landscape level. The results are consistent with trichomes functioning as a resistance mechanism with consequences for herbivore choice, performance, and distribution.  相似文献   
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