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A Ts cell subset has been identified in the spleens of responder mice 3 to 6 wk after immunization with an optimally immunogenic dose of L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT). These Ts were positively selected by panning procedures by using a mAb (1248 A4.10) produced by immunization of rats with semipurified mouse GAT-specific, single polypeptide chain suppressor factor. These Ts cells inhibited the activity of virgin Th cells but not memory Th cells and this activity was genetically restricted by genes which are linked to the Ig H chain (Igh) locus on chromosome 12. Use of the Igh recombination strain, BAB.14, which has a crossover near the VHCH region junction, demonstrated that the genes regulating the Igh restriction map telomeric to the VH genes. The Igh-linked restriction regulated the interaction of A4.10+ Ts cells with virgin T cells and not B cells. However, A4.10+ Ts did not act directly on Lyt-2-Th cells, but required the presence of Lyt-2+ cells for suppression. Suppression by GAT-primed A4.10+-Ts cells also required syngenicity at Igh-linked genes by both Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cells. These results indicated that A4.10+-Ts cells were inducer Ts cells which activated Lyt-2+ effector Ts cells which prevented primary GAT specific Th cell activity. The interaction between A4.10+-Ts inducer and effector Ts cells and/or the interaction of the effector Ts and its target cell were restricted by genes linked to the Igh constant region.  相似文献   
Murine antibody responses to heterologous insulins are controlled by MHC-linked immune response genes. Although nonresponder mice fail to make antibody when injected with nonimmunogenic variants of insulin, we have recently shown that nonimmunogenic variants stimulate radioresistant, Lyt- 1+2- helper T cells that support secondary antibody responses. However, the helper activity can not be detected unless dominant, radiosensitive Lyt-1-2+, I-J+ suppressor T cells are removed. In this paper we report that extracts of primed Lyt-2+ suppressor T cells contain insulin-specific suppressor factors (TsF) that are capable of replacing the activity of suppressor T cells in vitro. The activity of these factors is restricted by MHC-linked genes that map to the I-J region, and immunoadsorption studies indicated that they bind antigen and bear I-J-encoded determinants. Insulin-specific TsF consists of at least two chains, one-bearing I-J and the other the antigen-binding site. Furthermore, mixing of isolated chains from different strains of mice indicates that the antigenic specificity is determined by the antigen-binding chain and the MHC restriction by the H-2 haplotype of the source of the non-antigen-binding, I-J+ chain. Moreover, mixtures containing antigen-binding chain from allogeneic cell donors and I-J+ chain from responder cell donors have activity in cultures containing responder lymphocytes. This suggests that preferential activation of suppressor T cells, rather than differential sensitivity to suppression, results in the nonresponder phenotype to insulin.  相似文献   
A GAT-specific, MHC-restricted "second-order" suppressor T cell factor (TsF2) from the hybridoma 762 B3.7 was biosynthetically radiolabeled with 35S-methionine and was isolated from cell extracts. The isolation procedure involved two-dimensional nonreducing/reducing SDS-PAGE and electroelution of the reduced off-diagonal polypeptide chains from the gel. Biochemical characterization studies revealed that TsF2 is a disulfide-linked heterodimer composed of a basic and an acidic polypeptide chain, both having m.w. of 30,000. Both chains are glycosylated and contain sialic acid residues. The basic polypeptide reacts with anti-I-J antisera, whereas the acidic chain contains the antigen-binding capacity. Monoclonal antibodies induced by immunizing rats with TsF2 purified from hybridoma supernatants were selected for the ability to block immunosuppression mediated by TsF2 in vitro. These antibodies, but not irrelevant antibodies, immunoprecipitated the 35S-methionine-labeled protein that migrates off the diagonal in two-dimensional gels. Thus, we have verified that the immunosuppressive protein that migrates off the diagonal in two-dimensional gels binds to antibodies that are known to inhibit the biologic activity of unpurified TsF2.  相似文献   
A GAT-specific "second order" suppressor T cell factor (TsF2) from the hybridoma 762 B3.7 has been purified and biochemically characterized. The protein has a m.w. of approximately 66,000, an isoelectric point of 6.8 to 6.9, and elutes from a reversed phase HPLC column in two peaks, one in 55% acetonitrile, the other in 70% propanol. Amino acid analysis of both forms gave similar molar ratios, suggesting that the two forms are closely related and may differ mainly in the degree of posttranslational modification. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis under reducing conditions gave two chains of the apparent m.w. of 42,000 and 35,000.  相似文献   
Flow cytometric analyses were performed to study intracellular single-cell calcium transients ([Ca2+]i) in suspended human neutrophils during the initial phase of N-formyl peptide stimulation. Thereby, two neutrophil populations became apparent. Early maximally Ca2+-responding (high fluorescence) neutrophils and not-yet Ca2+-responding (low fluorescence) neutrophils, but no neutrophils with intermediate levels of [Ca2+]i, were detected. Within 7 s the number of low fluorescence neutrophils decreased and the number of high fluorescence neutrophils increased maximally. This suggests that [Ca2+]i transients occurred abruptly in individual neutrophils within a time interval below 1 s. At lower N-formyl peptide concentrations the lag times of individual neutrophils and the interval time of maximal activation of the [Ca2+]i-responding neutrophil population increased, however the percentage of [Ca2+]i-responding cells decreased. Surprisingly, no influence of the N-formyl peptide concentration on the [Ca2+]i-induced fluorescence signal of the individual cell was observed: it was always in an almost maximal range or not responding. In parallel, binding studies performed with fluorescein-labeled N-formyl peptide revealed that the heterogeneity of [Ca2+]i-responding cells cannot be explained by different receptor occupancy. In summary, this study demonstrates that [Ca2+]i transients induced by N-formyl peptides in suspended individual human neutrophils occur very rapidly in an almost “all-or-none manner” and that the mean increasing fluorescence signal of a calcium indicator within a whole neutrophil population results from varying lag times of the individual cells, rather than from the mean simultaneous progress of many cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis has an alkaline phosphatase multigene family. Two members of this gene family, phoAIII and phoAIV, were cloned, taking advantage of in vitro constructed strains containing a plasmid insertion within one or the other of the structural genes. The DNA sequences of the two genes showed approximately 64% identity at the DNA level and 63% identity in the deduced primary amino acid sequences. The phoAIII and phoAIV genes code for predicted proteins of 47,149 and 45,935 Da, respectively. Comparison of the deduced primary amino acid sequence of the mature proteins with other sequenced alkaline phosphatases from Escherichia coli, yeast, and humans shows 25-30% identity. Based on the refined crystal structure of E. coli alkaline phosphatase, it appears that the active site and the core of the structure are retained in both Bacillus alkaline phosphatases. However, both proteins are truncated at the amino terminus compared with other mature alkaline phosphatases, three sizable surface loops of E. coli are deleted, and a minidomain is replaced with a larger domain in the model. Neither Bacillus alkaline phosphatase sequenced contains any cysteine residues, an amino acid implicated in intrachain disulfide bond formation in other alkaline phosphatases.  相似文献   
Alloantigen-specific, radiation-resistant T cells generated in mixed-lymphocyte cultures inhibited the generation of allospecific CTL responses in vitro. This regulatory T cell population was studied using mAb generated to Ag-specific suppressor factors that regulate the response to the synthetic terpolymer L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT). Both monoclonal 984 D4.6.5 and a pool of four mAb 2441, when added in the presence of complement, eliminated alloantigen-specific inhibition of the CTL response. When separate cell cultures treated with mAb 984 or 2441 plus complement were recombined, inhibition was reestablished, suggesting that two or more populations of cells are required for active inhibition. Furthermore, neither the mAb 984 nor the mAb 2441 plus complement had any effect on any stage of CTL development. This suggests that the inhibition of the CTL response was not the result of cytolytic activity via the regulatory T cells. Experiments in which these antibodies were added without complement treatment showed that the mAb 2441 neutralized the inhibitory activity, whereas mAb 984 augmented inhibition. It is concluded from these studies that regulatory T cells originally identified in humoral immune responses also regulate cell-mediated immune responses. Suppressor epitopes are displayed on the surface of these cells that allow them to be distinguished from other T cells. These data also show the utility of the mAb 984 and 2441 raised against specific suppressor T cell products in different experimental models of immunity. These studies suggest that phenotypically distinct Ts cell populations can play a normal regulatory role in both cell-mediated and humoral immunity.  相似文献   
Unirradiated mouse leukemic L5178Y cells were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine continuously for up to 150 minutes. The resulting DNA fiber autoradiograms showed a continuously increasing fiber length up to 70 μm. However, in cells irradiated with 500 to 2000 rad of γ-rays, the resulting DNA fiber lengths leveled off at approximately 35 μm. Independent experiments to estimate replicon size by measuring the center-to-center distance in tandem tracks yielded a value of 48 μm. These results are consistent with a model proposing that the average replicon size is equal to √2 times the plateau value of the average length of labeled DNA measured in irradiated cells.  相似文献   
DNA fork displacement rates were measured in three lines of Bloom's syndrome cells and in a normal diploid fibroblast line. Fork displacement rates in Bloom's cells were approx. 55–65% of the rate in normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   
A new method is described for estimating replicon sizes in mammalian cells. Cultures were pulse labeled with [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR) and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for up to 1 h. The lengths of the resulting labeled regions of DNA, Lobs, were estimated by a technique wherein the change in molecular weight of nascent DNA strands, induced by 313 nm light, is measured by velocity sedimentation in alkaline sucrose gradients. If cells are exposed to 1,000 rads of X-rays immediately before pulse labeling, initiation of replicon operation is blocked, although chain elongation proceeds almost normally. Under these conditions Lobs continues to increase only until operating replicons have completed their replication. This value for Lobs then remains constant as long as the block to initiation remains and represents an estimate for the average size of replicons operating in the cells before X-irradiation. For human diploid fibroblasts and human HeLa cells this estimated average size is approximately 17 micron, whereas for Chinese hamster ovary cells, the average replicon size is about 42 micron.  相似文献   
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