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Kinetics of the change of photosystem (PS) composition in cyanobacteriainduced by chromatic light were studied in relation to cellproliferation. The study was made for two unicellular strains,Synechococcus NIBB 1059 and Synechocystis (Aphanocapsa) PCC6714. We found that (1) the change to a higher or lower PS I/IIratio was due to acceleration or suppression of apparent PSI formation, and (2) it progressed on a similar time scale tothat of the cell proliferation. The apparent rate constant ofthe change in the PS I/II ratio was proportional to that ofcell proliferation, µ, when this was low, but at highvalues of µ the increase in the rate constant of the changein the PS I/II ratio became smaller, causing a deviation fromthe linear relationship. Results indicate that under autotrophicconditions, the photoregulated composition change occurs asa result of thylakoid development, which accompanies cell proliferation. (Received June 23, 1986; Accepted December 5, 1986)  相似文献   
Cells of the auxotrophic mutant, Ad1, of Datura innoxia requiredadenine, adenosine, or inosine for their growth on solid agarmedium which contained Murashige-Skoog salts, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyaceticacid, and sucrose. Thirteen purine and pyrimidine nucleotidesin extracts of wild-type and Ad1 cells were separated and quantifiedby HPLC. Levels of ADP-glucose and UMP were significantly higherin Ad1 than in wild-type cells, but those of other nucleotideswas found when Ad1 cells were transferred to fresh medium withoutadenine. The rate of the biosynthesis de novo of purines, asestimated from the rate of incorporation of 14C from [2-14C]-glycine and [14C]formate into adenine nucleotides, was reducedin Ad1 cells to 21 and 13% of the wild-type rate, respectively.The activities involved in the salvage of adenine and adenosinein Ad1 cells were similar to those in wild-type cells. Ad1 cellshad the capability to convert adenine to guanine nucleotidesand guanine to adenine nucleotides. 1 Part 27 of the series, "Metabolic Regulation in Plant CellCulture". (Received March 7, 1988; Accepted August 3, 1988)  相似文献   
One-stage repair of blepharophimosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Congenital blepharophimosis is a congenital anomaly characterized by abnormalities in the area of the eyes, including bilateral ptosis, shortening of the horizontal fissure of the lid, expansion of the intercanthal distance, and epicanthus inversus. The condition is subject to autosomal-dominant heredity and is said to occur more frequently in Orientals than in Occidentals. Over the past 9 years, we have surgically treated 11 cases of congenital blepharophimosis using a procedure in which levator resection and medial canthoplasty are performed in one stage. It has been commonly believed that when levator resection and medial canthoplasty are performed at the same time, tension in the eyelid becomes too strong to achieve favorable results; therefore, the standard procedure has been to divide the operation into two stages. In all 11 cases we experienced, however, it was possible to obtain good results with a single-stage operation.  相似文献   
To obtain antiparallel and parallel dimers of alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (alpha-hANP), two fully protected peptides I and II having the same amino acid sequence as alpha-hANP with different protective groups at the cysteinyl residues were synthesized, the former having Acm and Npys and the latter MeBzl and Acm. Equivalent amounts of peptides I and II were mixed and subjected to HF deprotection. Next, the first disulfide bond was linked between the remaining Npys group in I and the liberated SH group in II to form a monodisulfide dimer. The second disulfide bond was formed within the newly formed dimer between the remaining Acm groups by treatment with iodine, giving an antiparallel dimer. The parallel dimer of alpha-hANP was synthesized similarly starting from the protected peptide II. These dimers could be clearly segregated on HPLC. The retention time on HPLC of the antiparallel dimer was identical with that of natural beta-hANP. Both dimers showed biological activities as high as one third to one sixth of alpha-hANP in smooth muscle spasmolytic activity, and almost the same level of natriuretic activity as alpha-hANP at a high dose (10 nmol/kg) but about one fifth the activity at a low dose (1 nmol/kg). In these assay systems, the antiparallel dimer showed a slower onset and a tendency of longer duration than alpha-hANP.  相似文献   
Light-induced currents were measured with a two-microelectrode voltage clamp of type B photoreceptor somata, which had been isolated by axotomy from all synaptic interactions as well as from all membranes capable of generating impulse activity. In artificial seawater (ASW), light elicited a transient early inward current, INa+, which depended on Na+o and had a linear current-voltage relation and an extrapolated reversal potential of 30-40 mV (absolute). In 0-Na+ ASW, light elicited a transient short-latency outward current that dependent on K+o, increased exponentially with more positive voltages (greater than or equal to -40 mV), and reversed at -70 to -75 mV. This outward current was not blocked by Ca++ channel blockers (e.g., Cd++, Co++) or substitution of Ba++o, for Ca++o, but was reduced by iontophoretic injection of EGTA. In both ASW and 0-Na+ ASW, light also elicited a delayed, apparently inward current, which was associated with a decreased conductance, depended on K+o, increased exponentially with more positive voltages (greater than or equal to -40 mV), reversed at the equilibrium potential for K+ flux in elevated K+o was eliminated by substitution of Ba++o for Ca++o, and was greatly reduced by Cd++o or Co++o. Thus, light elicited an early Ca++-dependent K+ current, IC, and a prolonged decrease of IC. Iontophoretic injection of Ca++ through a third microelectrode caused prolonged reduction of both IC and the light-induced decrease of IC, but did not alter ICa++ or the current-voltage relation of IC. Ruthenium red (1 microM) in the external medium caused a prolongation of the light-induced decrease of IC. Iontophoretic injection of EGTA often eliminated the light-induced IC decrease while decreasing peak IC (during depolarizing steps to -5 or 0 mV) by less than one-half. EGTA injection, on the average, did not affect steady state IC but reduced the light-induced decrease of steady state IC to approximately one-third of its original magnitude. The prolonged IC decrease, elicited by dim light in the absence of light-induced IC or INa+, was more completely eliminated by EGTA injection. It was concluded that light, in addition to inducing a transient inward Na+ current, causes both a transient increase and a prolonged decrease of IC via elevation of Ca++i.  相似文献   
The kaolin-mediated reciprocal activation of bovine factor XII and prekallikrein was divided into the following two reactions: the activation of factor XII by plasma kallikrein (reaction 1) and the activation of prekallikrein by factor XIIa (reaction 2). The effects of high-Mr kininogen and kaolin surface on the kinetics of these activation reactions were studied. High-Mr kininogen markedly enhanced the rate of reactions 1 and 2 in the presence of kaolin, and the enhancements were highly dependent on the concentrations of the protein cofactor and amount of kaolin surface. For the activation of factor XII by plasma kallikrein (reaction 1), high-Mr kininogen was required when a low concentration of factor XII and kaolin was used. The molar ratio of the protein cofactor to factor XII for optimal activation was found to be approximately 1:1. The apparent Km value and the kcat/Km value for plasma kallikrein on factor XII were calculated to be 4 nM and 5.2 X 10(7) s-1 X M-1, respectively. The activation of prekallikrein by factor XIIa, (reaction 2) proceeded even in the absence of high-Mr kininogen and kaolin. The addition of the protein cofactor and surface to the reaction mixture remarkably accelerated the reaction, and the apparent Km value for factor XIIa on prekallikrein was reduced from 1 microM to 40 nM. Moreover, the kcat/Km value was altered from 7.3 X 10(4) to 1.1 X 10(6) s-1 X M-1). These results suggest that high-Mr kininogen accelerates the surface-mediated activation of factor XII and prekallikrein by enhancing the susceptibility of factor XII to plasma kallikrein, on the one hand, and the affinity of factor XIIa for prekallikrein, on the other hand. Kaolin may play an important role in the concentration and organization of these components on the negatively charged surface.  相似文献   
An African green monkey naturally infected with simian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV) developed spontaneous malignant lymphoma of diffuse pleomorphic type. The clinical, hematological and histopathological characteristics were very similar to those of human adult T-cell leukemia.  相似文献   
The effect of a novel antianginal agent, molsidomine (N-ethoxycarbonyl-3-morpholinosydnonimine) (SIN-10) and its metabolites, 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) and N-nitroso-N-morpholinoaminoacetonitrile (SIN-1A) on isolated dog blood vessels were investigated. SIN-1 and SIN-1A elicited a concentration-dependent relaxation of prostaglandin F2 alpha, contracted strips, while SIN-10 was without effect even in a concentration of 10(-4) M. The mean effective concentration (EC50) values of SIN-1A were much lower than SIN-1 and other vasodilators including nitroglycerin. The time course of relaxation was more rapid and transient in response to SIN-1A than to SIN-1. Adrenergic and cholinergic blocking agents did not affect the relaxing responses to SIN-1 and SIN-1A. SIN-1A also attenuated the norepinephrine-, KCl-, Ca2+-, or electrical transmural stimulation-induced contractile response, but SIN-1A increased the [3H]norepinephrine release from the adrenergic nerve terminals in response to transmural stimulation. Methemoglobin, which reportedly binds nitric oxide, or methylene blue, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, attenuated the relaxing response to SIN-1A. These results indicate that the vasodilating action of molsidomine results from the direct action on the vascular smooth muscle and suggest that the action is caused by its metabolites, probably SIN-1A, which contains a nitric oxide-moiety in the molecule. The possible mechanism of vasorelaxing action of SIN-1A is discussed in comparison with that of nitroglycerin.  相似文献   
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