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Varicose veins are the most common vascular disease in humans. Veins have valves that help the blood return gradually to the heart without leaking blood. When these valves become weak, blood and fluid collect and pool by pressing against the walls of the veins, causing varicose veins. In the cardiovascular system, mechanical forces are important determinants of vascular homeostasis and pathological processes. Blood vessels are constantly exposed to a variety of hemodynamic forces, including shear stress and environmental strains caused by the blood flow. In varicose veins within the leg, venous blood pressure rises in the vein of the lower extremities due to prolonged standing, creating a peripheral tension in the vessel wall thereby causing mechanical stimulation of endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle. Studies have shown that long-term increased exposure to vascular wall tension is associated with the overexpression of HIF-1α and HIF-2α and increased levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9, thereby reducing venous contraction and progressive venous dilatation, which is involved in the development of varicose veins. Following the expression of metalloproteinase, the expression of type 1 collagen increases, and the amount of type 3 collagen decreases. Therefore, collagen imbalance will cause the varicose veins to not stretch. Loss of structural proteins (type 3 collagen and elastin) in the vessel wall causes the loss of the biophysical properties of the varicose vein wall. This review article tries to elaborate on the effect of mechanical forces and sensors of these forces on the vascular wall in creating the mechanism of mechanosignaling, as well as the role of the onset of molecular signaling cascades in the pathology of varicose veins.  相似文献   


To examine herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)/HIV co-infection as a contributing factor in the increase in HIV infection among non-injecting heroin and cocaine users in New York City.


Subjects were recruited from the Beth Israel Medical Center drug detoxification and methadone maintenance programs in New York City in 1995–1999 and 2005–2011. All reported current heroin and/or cocaine use and no injection drug use. A structured questionnaire was administered and serum samples collected for HIV and HSV-2 testing. Population-attributable risk percentages (PAR%s) were estimated for associations between HSV-2 and increased susceptibility to and increased transmissibility of HIV among female NIDUs.


785 subjects were recruited from 1995–1999, and 1764 subjects from 2005–2011. HIV prevalence increased from 7% to 13%, with nearly uniform increases among all demographic subgroups. HSV-2/HIV co-infection was common in both time periods, with an average (over the two time periods) of 80% of HIV negative females infected with HSV-2, an average of 43% of HIV negative males infected with HSV-2; an average of 97% of HIV positive females also infected with HSV-2 and an average of 67% of HIV positive males also infected with HSV-2. The increase in HIV prevalence was predominantly an increase in HSV-2/HIV co-infection, with relatively little HIV mono-infection in either time period. The estimated PAR%s indicate that approximately half of HIV acquisition among females was caused by HSV-2 infection and approximately 60% of HIV transmission from females was due to HSV-2 co-infection.


The increase in HIV infection among these non-injecting drug users is better considered as an increase in HSV-2/HIV co-infection rather than simply an increase in HIV prevalence. Additional interventions (such as treatment as prevention and suppressing the effects of HSV-2 on HIV transmission) are needed to reduce further HIV transmission from HSV-2/HIV co-infected non-injecting drug users.  相似文献   
We report the first application of a microfluidic device to observe chemotactic migration in multicellular spheroids. A microfluidic device was designed comprising a central microchamber and two lateral channels through which reagents can be introduced. Multicellular spheroids were embedded in collagen and introduced to the microchamber. A gradient of fetal bovine serum (FBS) was established across the central chamber by addition of growth media containing serum into one of the lateral channels. We observe that spheroids of oral squamous carcinoma cells OSC–19 invade collectively in the direction of the gradient of FBS. This invasion is more directional and aggressive than that observed for individual cells in the same experimental setup. In contrast to spheroids of OSC–19, U87-MG multicellular spheroids migrate as individual cells. A study of the exposure of spheroids to the chemoattractant shows that the rate of diffusion into the spheroid is slow and thus, the chemoattractant wave engulfs the spheroid before diffusing through it.  相似文献   
Within the framework of continuum mechanics, Singh et al. [1] developed an integro-differential equation, which applies to both Darcian (Fickian) and non-Darcian (non-Fickian) modes of fluid transport in swelling biological systems. A dimensionless form of the equation was obtained and transformed from moving Eulerian to the stationary Lagrangian coordinates. Here a solution scheme for the transport equation is developed to predict moisture transport and viscoelastic stresses in spheroidal biopolymeric materials. The equation was solved numerically and results used for predicting drying and sorption curves, moisture profiles, and viscoelastic stresses in soybeans. The Lagrangian solution was obtained by assembling together several schemes: the finite element method was used to discretize the equation in space; non-linearity was addressed using the Newton-Raphson method; the Volterra term was handled via a time integration scheme of Patlashenko et al. [2] and the Galerkin rule was used to solve the time-differential term. The solution obtained in Lagrangian coordinates was transformed back to the Eulerian coordinates. In part II of this sequence we present the numerical results.Revised version: 5 October 2003  相似文献   
Ischemic renal injury can be classified into the initiation and extension phase followed by the recovery phase. The recovery phase is characterized by increased dedifferentiated and mitotic cells in the damaged tubules. Suppression subtractive hybridization was performed by using RNA from normal and ischemic kidneys to identify the genes involved in the physiological response to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). The expression of stathmin mRNA increased by fourfold at 24 h of reperfusion. The stathmin mRNA did not increase in sodium-depleted animals or in animals with active, persistent injury secondary to cis-platinum. Immunofluorescent labeling demonstrated that the expression of stathmin increased dramatically at 48 h of reperfusion. Labeling with antibodies to stathmin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) indicates that the expression of stathmin was induced before the upregulation of PCNA and that all PCNA-positive cells expressed stathmin. Double immunofluorescent labeling demonstrated the colocalization of stathmin with vimentin, a marker of dedifferentiated cells. Stathmin expression was also significantly enhanced in acute tubular necrosis in humans. On the basis of its induction profile in IRI, the data indicating its enhanced expression in proliferating cells and regenerating organs, we propose that stathmin is a marker of dedifferentiated, mitotically active epithelial cells that may contribute to tubular regeneration and could prove useful in distinguishing the injury phase from recovery phase in IRI.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: RED-T is a Java application for phylogenetic analysis based on a unique method, RED, that utilizes the ratios of evolutionary distances E(d) to distinguish between alternative evolutionary histories. RED-T allows the user to examine if any given experimental gene shares the same evolutionary history as the designated control gene(s). Moreover, the tool detects any differences in evolutionary history and allows the user to examine comparisons of E(d) for a likely explanation. Lateral gene transfer, which may have a significant influence in organismal evolution is one mechanism that could explain the findings of these RED-T analyses. AVAILABILITY: The application is available online at http://www.arches.uga.edu/~whitman/RED.  相似文献   
The application of green-synthesis principles is one of the most impressive research fields for the production of nanoparticles. Different kinds of biological systems have been used for this purpose. In the present study, AuNPs (gold nanoparticles) were prepared within a short time period using a fresh cell extract of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica as a reducing agent of HAuCl4 (chloroauric acid) solution. The UV-visible spectrum of the aqueous medium containing AuNPs indicated a peak at 530 nm, corresponding to the surface plasmon absorbance of AuNPs. The X-ray diffraction pattern also showed a Bragg reflection related to AuNPs. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was performed for analysis of surface functional groups of AuNPs. Transmission electron microscopy and particle-size-distribution patterns determined by the laser-light-scattering method confirmed the formation of well-dispersed AuNPs. The most frequent size of particles was 79 nm.  相似文献   
Expression of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) increases in kidneys subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Increased expression of SSAT in vitro leads to alterations in cellular polyamine content, depletion of cofactors and precursors of polyamine synthesis, and reduced cell proliferation. In our model system, a >28-fold increase in SSAT levels in HEK-293 cells leads to depletion of polyamines and elevation in the enzymatic activities of ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, suggestive of a compensatory reaction to increased polyamine catabolism. Increased expression of SSAT also led to DNA damage and G2 arrest. The increased DNA damage was primarily due to the depletion of polyamines. Other factors such as increased production of H2O2 due to polyamine oxidase activity may play a secondary role in the induction of DNA lesions. In response to DNA damage the ATM/ATR Chk1/2 DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways were activated, mediating the G2 arrest in SSAT-expressing cells. In addition, the activation of ERK1 and ERK2, which play integral roles in the G2/M transition, is impaired in cells expressing SSAT. These results indicate that the disruption of polyamine homeostasis due to enhanced SSAT activity leads to DNA damage and reduced cell proliferation via activation of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint and disruption of Raf MEK ERK pathways. We propose that in kidneys subjected to IRI, one mechanism through which increased expression of SSAT may cause cellular injury and organ damage is through induction of DNA damage and the disruption of cell cycle. ischemia-reperfusion injury; polyamine depletion; cell proliferation; DNA repair; cell cycle arrest  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) interacts in complex ways with the brain and the endocrine and immune systems. Arterial CO(2) may be elevated or decreased following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury or stroke. The aim of the present review is to delineate potential changes in the neuroimmunoendocrine system following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and to provide evidence for the modulatory role of carbon dioxide in this setting. It appears that lesions of the right and left cerebral hemispheres are associated with different patterns of immune activation and cytokine release. Changes in arterial CO(2) can profoundly alter the neuroimmunoendocrine system, especially the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Hypercapnia activates the HPA axis, exerts antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects, and can alter the secretion and function of various brain neurotransmitters. There is conflicting evidence surrounding arterial CO(2): its effects on the ischemic brain may be either beneficial or deleterious. Mild hypercapnia may exert some neuroprotection following cerebral ischemia, but severe hypercapnia may aggravate neuronal injury by extra- and intra-cellular acidification and/or impairment of cellular calcium hemostasis. Future studies are required to delineate the potential relationship between arterial CO(2) and prognosis and long-term survival following cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. "Therapeutic hypercapnia" seems to be a promising approach to the treatment of stroke patients, and its use should be justified by further experimental and clinical studies.  相似文献   
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