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Effect of season, media type, carbon source, growth regulators and transplanting media on micropropagation of Dendrocalamus asper, an important bamboo species, was examined. The season of explant collection played an important role in axillary bud sprouting and spring (February?CApril) was found to be the best period for explant collection. Among the different media MS was found to be the best for micropropagation. Maximum numbers (4.83/explant) of shoots were initiated in MS?+?15???M BAP. For shoot multiplication, MS medium supplemented with 10???M BAP and 75???M Adenine sulfate was used. BAP was superior to KIN for both explant establishment, as well as, shoot multiplication. Optimal rooting was achieved in shoots cultured on ? strength MS medium supplemented with 5???M each of IBA and NAA. Regenerated plantlets were acclimatized and hardened in green house using dune sand and vermi-compost (3:1) with 92.34% success and transferred to the field with 100% survival rate. In the field, plants supplied with FYM along with urea showed better growth and development. Macroproliferation, plant multiplication by separating the rooted tillers of well established in vitro raised plantlets after 5 to 6?months of growth in the green house could double the multiplication rate. More than 25000 in vitro raised plants were successfully transferred to the field and no morphological variations in growth were observed, thus proving the potential of tissue culture for raising large scale plantations of D. asper.  相似文献   
Genetic and developmental analysis of an X-linked vital locus vnd was undertaken. Embryos hemizygous for the original allele vnd did not hatch and exhibited a disorganized ventral nervous system (VNS). The mutation maps in the region 1B6-7 to 1B9-10, a subregion of an area previously shown to be essential to normal neural development. In this paper, we report isolation of five new alleles at the locus vnd. Genetic complementation analysis of all mutations at the vnd locus, with lethal alleles at adjacent loci, indicates that all lesions at the locus vnd affect only one vital gene function in the region. Four of the five alleles are embryonic lethal; one allele is subvital and behaves like an hypomorphic mutation. Hemizygous embryos for three of the four embryonic lethal alleles were inspected in histological sections; all exhibited disorganized VNS similar to the original allele. The developmental analysis in gynandromorphic genetic mosaics shows that (1) vnd+ gene function is not essential in most imaginal-disc cell derivatives, (2) only about 30% of the mosaic zygotes survive as adults, (3) mosaic zygotes with mutant tissue close to the head cuticle are least likely to survive, and (4) mutant tissue in the thoracic ganglion in the adult is not necessarily lethal. The mosaic data are consistent with the vnd+ gene function being necessary in neural cells derived from the anterioventral region of the blastoderm.  相似文献   
Y N Kalia  F Pirot    R H Guy 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(5):2692-2700
The objective of this study was to determine whether a structurally heterogeneous biomembrane, human stratum corneum (SC), behaved as a homogeneous barrier to water transport. The question is relevant because the principal function of the SC in vivo is to provide a barrier to the insensible loss of tissue water across the skin. Impedance spectra (IS) of the skin and measurements of the rate of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were recorded sequentially in vivo in human subjects as layers of the SC were progressively removed by the serial application of adhesive tape strips. The low-frequency (< or = 100 rad s-1) impedance of skin was much more significantly affected by tape stripping than the higher frequency values; removal of the outermost SC layer had the largest effect. In contrast, TEWL changed little as the outer SC layers were stripped off, but increased dramatically when 6-8 microns of the tissue had been removed. It follows that the two noninvasive techniques probe SC barrier integrity in somewhat different ways. After SC removal, recovery of barrier function, as assessed by increasing values of the low-frequency impedance, apparently proceeded faster than TEWL decreased to the prestripping control. The variation of TEWL as a function of SC removal behaved in a manner entirely consistent with a homogeneous barrier, thereby permitting the apparent SC diffusivity of water to be found. Skin impedance (low frequency) was correlated with the relative concentration of water within the SC, thus providing an in vivo probe for skin hydration. Finally, the SC permeability coefficient to water, as a function of SC thickness, was calculated and correlated with the corresponding values of skin admittance derived from IS.  相似文献   
The paper records the presence of sixteen species of aquatic oligochaetes, belonging to the Aeolosomatidae (1 species). Naididae (13 species) and Tubificidae (2 species), living in association with the floating roots of the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes Solms., from a tank in Vizianagaram town in Andhra Pradesh, India. Of these, Aeolosoma hyalinum Bunke, 1967 and Dero obtusa D'Udekem, 1855 are new records for the Indian sub-continent.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used to provide fundamental understanding of eukaryotic genetics, gene product function, and cellular biological processes. Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) has been supporting the yeast research community since 1993, serving as its de facto hub. Over the years, SGD has maintained the genetic nomenclature, chromosome maps, and functional annotation, and developed various tools and methods for analysis and curation of a variety of emerging data types. More recently, SGD and six other model organism focused knowledgebases have come together to create the Alliance of Genome Resources to develop sustainable genome information resources that promote and support the use of various model organisms to understand the genetic and genomic bases of human biology and disease. Here we describe recent activities at SGD, including the latest reference genome annotation update, the development of a curation system for mutant alleles, and new pages addressing homology across model organisms as well as the use of yeast to study human disease.  相似文献   
An exopolysaccharide producing marine bacterium, Enterobacter cloacae, was isolated from marine sediment collected from Gujarat coast, India. Chemical investigation of exopolysaccharide (EPS 71 a) revealed that this exopolysaccharide was an acidic polysaccliaride containing high amount of uronic acid, fucose and sulfate which is rare for bacterial exopolysaccharides. EPS 71a was found to have fucose, galactose, glucose and glucuronic acid in a molar ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.  相似文献   
Water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions can be used to compartmentalize and select large gene libraries for a predetermined function. The aqueous droplets of the w/o emulsion function as cell-like compartments in each of which a single gene is transcribed and translated to give multiple copies of the protein (e.g., an enzyme) it encodes. While compartmentalization ensures that the gene, the protein it encodes, and the products of the activity of this protein remain linked, it does not directly afford a way of selecting for the desired activity. Here we show that re-emulsification of w/o emulsions gives water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) emulsions with an external (continuous) water phase through which droplets containing fluorescent markers can be isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). These w/o/w emulsions can be sorted by FACS, while the content of the aqueous droplets of the primary w/o emulsion remains intact. Consequently, genes embedded in these water droplets together with a fluorescent marker can be isolated and enriched from an excess of genes embedded in water droplets without a fluorescent marker. The ability of FACS instruments to sort up to 40000 events per second may endow this technology a wide potential in the area of high-throughput screening and the directed evolution of enzymes.  相似文献   
Development of transgenic plants by introducing defense genes is one of the strategies to engineer disease resistance. Transgenic ASD16 rice plants harbouring rice chitinase chi11 gene, belonging to a PR-3 group of defense gene conferring sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn) resistance, were used in this study. Three T2 homozygous lines (ASD16-4-1-1, 5-1-1, and 6-1-1) were identified from seven putative (T0) transgenic lines expressing chi11 using Western blotting analysis. The inheritance of sheath blight resistance in those lines was studied over generations. The stability of chi11 expression up to T4 generation in all the three homozygous lines was proved by Western blot and the stability of sheath blight resistance in the homozygous lines was proved up to T4 generation using detached leaf and intact leaf sheath assays. Among the three homozygous lines tested, ASD16-4-1-1 showed consistent results in all the generations and gave a better protection against the sheath blight pathogen than the other two lines.  相似文献   
Cdc42 is a small RhoGTPase regulating multiple functions in eukaryotic cells. The activity of Cdc42 is significantly elevated in several tissues of aged mice, while the Cdc42 gain‐of‐activity mouse model presents with a premature aging‐like phenotype and with decreased lifespan. These data suggest a causal connection between elevated activity of Cdc42, aging, and reduced lifespan. Here, we demonstrate that systemic treatment of aged (75‐week‐old) female C57BL/6 mice with a Cdc42 activity‐specific inhibitor (CASIN) for 4 consecutive days significantly extends average and maximum lifespan. Moreover, aged CASIN‐treated animals displayed a youthful level of the aging‐associated cytokines IL‐1β, IL‐1α, and INFγ in serum and a significantly younger epigenetic clock as based on DNA methylation levels in blood cells. Overall, our data show that systemic administration of CASIN to reduce Cdc42 activity in aged mice extends murine lifespan.  相似文献   
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