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The effect of early postnatal undernutrition and subsequent rehabilitation on wet weight, DNA, RNA, protein and the activities of acid and alkaline DNases in the cerebellar region of rat brain was studied. The cerebellar region was found to be affected significantly during early undernutrition. Further, earlier the initiation of nutritional rehabilitation the better was the recovery and in some cases timely nutritional rehabilitation resulted in better than normal biochemical composition of the brain. The specific activities of acid and alkaline DNases were not affected by early undernutrition. However, the total activities of these enzymes were significantly low in undernourished rats (R115 and R21) Rehabilitation of these deprived groups upto 150 days resulted in higher amounts of these enzymes as compared to those of age-matched controls. It is concluded that the two DNases, are synthesized in a preferential manner during rehabilitation, It is further concluded that cerebellar region, in terms of development schedule and response to imposed calorie restriction, is intermediary between grey and white matter regions.  相似文献   
Goodpasture syndrome is an autoimmune disease of the kidneys and lungs mediated by antibodies and T-cells directed to cryptic epitopes hidden within basement membrane hexamers rich in alpha3 non-collagenous globular (NC1) domains of type IV collagen. These epitopes are normally invisible to the immune system, but this privilege can be obviated by chemical modification. Endogenous drivers of immune activation consequent to the loss of privilege have long been suspected. We have examined the ability of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to expose Goodpasture epitopes buried within NC1 hexamers obtained from renal glomeruli abundant in alpha3(IV) NC1 domains. For some hexameric epitopes, like the Goodpasture epitopes, exposure to ROS specifically enhanced recognition by Goodpasture antibodies in a sequential and time-dependent fashion; control binding of epitopes to alpha3(IV) alloantibodies from renal transplant recipients with Alport syndrome was decreased, whereas epitope binding to heterologous antibodies recognizing all alpha3 NC1 epitopes remained the same. Inhibitors of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical scavengers were capable of attenuating the effects of ROS in cells and kidney by 30-50%, respectively, thereby keeping the Goodpasture epitopes largely concealed when compared with a 70% maximum inhibition by iron chelators. Hydrogen peroxide administration to rodents was sufficient to expose Goodpasture epitope in vivo and initiate autoantibody production. Our findings collectively suggest that ROS can alter the hexameric structure of type IV collagen to expose or destroy selectively immunologic epitopes embedded in basement membrane. The reasons for autoimmunity in Goodpasture syndrome may lie in an age-dependent deterioration in inhibitor function modulating oxidative damage to structural molecules. ROS therefore may play an important role in shaping post-translational epitope diversity or neoantigen formation in organ tissues.  相似文献   
Canstatin, a novel matrix-derived inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
We isolated and identified an endogenous 24-kDa human basement membrane-derived inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth, termed canstatin. Canstatin, a fragment of the alpha2 chain of type IV collagen, was produced as a recombinant molecule in Escherichia coli and 293 embryonic kidneys cells. Canstatin significantly inhibited human endothelial cell migration and murine endothelial cell tube formation. Additionally, canstatin potently inhibited 10% fetal bovine serum-stimulated endothelial cell proliferation and induced apoptosis, with no inhibition of proliferation or apoptosis observed on non-endothelial cells. Inhibition of endothelial proliferation was not concomitant with a change in extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. We demonstrate that apoptosis induced by canstatin was associated with a down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic protein, FLIP. Canstatin also suppressed in vivo growth of large and small size tumors in two human xenograft mouse models with histology revealing decreased CD31-positive vasculature. Collectively, these results suggest that canstatin is a powerful therapeutic molecule for suppressing angiogenesis.  相似文献   
High-performance mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics enabled the construction of a detailed proteome atlas for Populus, a woody perennial plant model organism. Optimization of experimental procedures and implementation of current state-of-the-art instrumentation afforded the most detailed look into the predicted proteome space of Populus, offering varying proteome perspectives: (1) network-wide, (2) pathway-specific, and (3) protein-level viewpoints. Together, enhanced protein retrieval through a detergent-based lysis approach and maximized peptide sampling via the dual-pressure linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LTQ Velos), have resulted in the identification of 63,056 tryptic peptides. The technological advancements, specifically spectral-acquisition and sequencing speed, afforded the deepest look into the Populus proteome, with peptide abundances spanning 6 orders of magnitude and mapping to ∼25% of the predicted proteome space. In total, tryptic peptides mapped to 11,689 protein assignments across four organ-types: mature (fully expanded, leaf plastichronic index (LPI) 10–12) leaf, young (juvenile, LPI 4–6) leaf, root, and stem. To resolve protein ambiguity, identified proteins were grouped by sequence similarity (≥ 90%), thereby reducing the protein assignments into 7538 protein groups. In addition, this large-scale data set features the first systems-wide survey of protein expression across different Populus organs. As a demonstration of the precision and comprehensiveness of the semiquantitative analysis, we were able to contrast two stages of leaf development, mature versus young leaf. Statistical comparison through ANOVA analysis revealed 1432 protein groups that exhibited statistically significant (p ≤ 0.01) differences in protein abundance. Experimental validation of the metabolic circuitry expected in mature leaf (characterized by photosynthesis and carbon fixation) compared with young leaf (characterized by rapid growth and moderate photosynthetic activities) strongly testifies to the credibility of the approach. Instead of quantitatively comparing a few proteins, a systems view of all the changes associated with a given cellular perturbation could be made.Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, leading to the establishment of numerous protocols, platforms, and workflows for the characterization of protein expression at the genome level (1). Although these advancements have facilitated comprehensive proteomic investigations of simple bacterial isolates and microbial communities, the application of MS-based proteomics for plants and other higher eukaryotes remains underdeveloped. Recently, large-scale proteomic studies have been directed at characterization of Populus, a woody perennial model organism. With the recent release and subsequent curation of the P. trichocarpa genome (2), these large-scale MS-based proteomic investigations offer the potential to introduce new biological insights into woody perennial plant biology (3, 4, 5). For example, we have recently demonstrated the ability to measure ∼17% of the Populus proteome by coupling multidimensional liquid chromatography (MudPIT)1 with nano-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (2D-LC-MS/MS) (6). Relative to the two-dimensional gel-based approaches (7), MudPIT provides enhanced separation and when used in conjunction with MS/MS, surpasses the throughput and number of identifiable proteins detected in complex mixtures (8). Although we have demonstrated the general effectiveness of this approach, the identification and quantitation of the proteins expressed in a plant cell or tissue are still notoriously complicated by a number of factors, including the size and complexity of plant genomes, abundance of protein variants, as well as the dynamic range of protein identification. To overcome these challenges, improvements are needed in sample preparation, MS instrumentation, and data interpretation.The architecture of plant cell walls provides resistance to chemical and biological degradation, thus requiring mechanical and detergent-based lysis for optimal proteome analysis. However, this criterion presents a major challenge for plant proteomic research using electrospray mass spectrometry, as detergent-containing solutions can impede enzymatic digestion and cause significant analyte suppression (9). Therefore, most plant proteomic studies using the “MudPIT” strategy apply mechanical disruption in conjunction with a detergent-free preparation method (10). Typically, strong chaotropic agents such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride are used for the extraction, denaturation, and digestion of proteins. In a recent study, Mann et al. (2009) introduced a filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) method that uses and effectively removes sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) before enzymatic digestion and electrospray analysis (11). This study demonstrated enhanced retrieval of peptides from biological materials, yielding a more accurate representation of the proteome. We developed a similar experimental approach for extraction of proteins from plant tissue to obtain a more comprehensive, unbiased proteome characterization well beyond that achievable with currently available methods. Similar to the FASP method, we demonstrate the power of SDS for proteomic sample preparation, not only in its ability to more-thoroughly lyse cells, but also its ability to better solubilize both hydrophilic and hydrophobic proteins. This powerful attribute gives proteolytic enzymes maximum opportunity to generate peptides specific to their cleavage potential so that at least a few representative peptides can be obtained for proteins that would have otherwise been discarded or lost because of insolubility, e.g. membrane-bound proteins. Rather than performing a buffer exchange with urea, depletion of SDS is achieved by precipitating proteins out of solution using trichloroacetic acid.Characterization of protein expression in plants is further complicated by the heterogeneous mixture of various cell types, each with a unique proteome signature and individualized response to environmental chemical or physical signals. This inherent complexity of plant proteomes and the large dynamic range in protein abundance overwhelms current analytical platforms (12). Moreover, biochemical regulatory networks in plants are more elaborate and dynamic than in microbial species; consequently, many biological components are left undiscovered, including modified peptides and low-abundance proteins (13, 14, 15). Recent developments in ion-trap MS instrumentation, namely the dual-pressure linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LTQ Velos), have demonstrated improved ability to comprehensively characterize complex proteomics samples (16). Featuring a newly designed ion source and a two-chamber ion trap mass analyzer, the LTQ Velos achieves greater dynamic range, sensitivity, and speed of spectral acquisition when applied to complex proteomic samples. Cumulatively, the technological advancements afford substantial increases in the detection and identification of both proteins and unique peptides when compared with existing state-of-the-art technologies. Therefore, to satisfy the need for depth of proteome characterization in plants, we apply the newly developed LTQ Velos for mass spectrometry measurements of the Populus proteome.For most terrestrial plants, life begins and ends in the same physical location. For woody perennial plants, this sedentary lifestyle may last thousands of years. One consequence of this lifestyle is that each plant typically experiences dramatic changes in its ambient environment throughout its lifetime and, at any given time, equilibrium between endogenous growth processes and exogenous constraints exerted by the environment must be tightly controlled. To survive under varying environmental conditions, temporal plastic responses evoke patterns of protein expression that progressively influence morphological, anatomical, and functional traits of three principal organs—leaf, root, and stem. Collectively and individually, these organs operate to perceive and respond to periodic and chronic environment conditions. Currently, a comprehensive understanding of the spatial variation in protein expression patterns across the organ types is lacking for woody perennial plants, in which most large-scale proteome analyses with Populus were performed on isolated organs, tissues, organelles, or subcellular structures. For this reason, we combined the state-of-the-art LTQ-Velos platform with the SDS/TCA sample preparation methodology to generate a high-coverage proteome atlas of the principal organ types from Populus.  相似文献   
Alpha-actinin-4 is required for normal podocyte adhesion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mutations in the alpha-actinin-4 gene ACTN4 cause an autosomal dominant human kidney disease. Mice deficient in alpha-actinin-4 develop a recessive phenotype characterized by kidney failure, proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, and retraction of glomerular podocyte foot processes. However, the mechanism by which alpha-actinin-4 deficiency leads to glomerular disease has not been defined. Here, we examined the effect of alpha-actinin-4 deficiency on the adhesive properties of podocytes in vivo and in a cell culture system. In alpha-actinin-4-deficient mice, we observed a decrease in the number of podocytes per glomerulus compared with wild-type mice as well as the presence of podocyte markers in the urine. Podocyte cell lines generated from alpha-actinin-4-deficient mice were less adherent than wild-type cells to glomerular basement membrane (GBM) components collagen IV and laminin 10 and 11. We also observed markedly reduced adhesion of alpha-actinin-4-deficient podocytes under increasing shear stresses. This adhesion deficit was restored by transfecting cells with alpha-actinin-4-GFP. We tested the strength of the integrin receptor-mediated linkages to the cytoskeleton by applying force to microbeads bound to integrin using magnetic pulling cytometry. Beads bound to alpha-actinin-4-deficient podocytes showed greater displacement in response to an applied force than those bound to wild-type cells. Consistent with integrin-dependent alpha-actinin-4-mediated adhesion, phosphorylation of beta1-integrins on alpha-actinin-4-deficient podocytes is reduced. We rescued the phosphorylation deficit by transfecting alpha-actinin-4 into alpha-actinin-4-deficient podocytes. These results suggest that alpha-actinin-4 interacts with integrins and strengthens the podocyte-GBM interaction thereby stabilizing glomerular architecture and preventing disease.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis is associated with several pathological disorders as well as with normal physiological maintenance. Components of vascular basement membrane are speculated to regulate angiogenesis in both positive and negative manner. Recently, we reported that tumstatin (the NC1 domain of alpha 3 chain of type IV collagen) and its deletion mutant tum-5 possess anti-angiogenic activity. In the present study, we confirm that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin and tum-5 is independent of disulfide bond requirement. This property of tum-5 allowed us to use overlapping synthetic peptide strategy to identify peptide sequence(s) which possess anti-angiogenic activity. Among these peptides, only the T3 peptide (69-88 amino acids) and T7 peptide (74-98 amino acids) inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis specifically in endothelial cells. The peptides, similar to tumstatin and the tum-5 domain, bind and function via alpha(v)beta(3) in an RGD-independent manner. Restoration of a disulfide bond between two cysteines within the peptide did not alter the anti-angiogenic activity. Additionally, these studies show that tumstatin peptides can inhibit proliferation of endothelial cells in the presence of vitronectin, fibronectin, and collagen I. Anti-angiogenic effect of the peptides was further confirmed in vivo using a Matrigel plug assay in C57BL/6 mice. Collectively, these experiments suggest that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin is localized to a 25-amino acid region of tumstatin and it is independent of disulfide bond linkage. Structural features and potency of the tumstatin peptide make it highly feasible as a potential anti-cancer drug.  相似文献   
Components of vascular basement membrane are involved in regulating angiogenesis. Recently, tumstatin (the NC1 domain of alpha3 chain of type IV collagen) was identified as possessing anti-angiogenic activity. In the present study, the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin was localized to the putative 54-132-amino acid Tum-5 domain, and the activity mediated by alpha(v)beta(3) integrin interaction in an RGD-independent manner. The recombinant Tum-5 produced in Escherichia coli and Pichia Pastoris specifically inhibited proliferation and caused apoptosis of endothelial cells with no significant effect on nonendothelial cells. Tum-5 also inhibited tube formation of endothelial cells on Matrigel and induced G1 endothelial cell cycle arrest. Moreover, anti-angiogenic effect of Tum-5 was also examined in vivo using both a Matrigel plug assay in C57BL/6 mice and human prostate cancer (PC-3) xenografts in nude mice. The in vivo results demonstrate that Tum-5 at 1 mg/kg significantly inhibited growth of PC-3 tumors in association with a decrease in CD31 positive vasculature. These in vivo studies also show that, at molar equivalents, human Tum-5 is at least 10-fold more active than human endostatin. In addition, these studies for the first time suggest that through the action of endogenous inhibitors, alpha(v)beta(3) integrin may also function as a negative regulator of angiogenesis. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that Tum-5, a domain derived from tumstatin, is an effective inhibitor of tumor-associated angiogenesis and a promising candidate for the treatment of cancer.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, changes in the calcium calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of proteins have been examined in murine fetal cortical neurons and adult cortex. An approximately 80-kD protein in the fetal neurons was not phosphorylated/dephosphorylated in a calmodulin-dependent manner. However, this protein was phosphorylated by PMA both in the presence and absence of calcium. These data suggest that calmodulin inhibits the phosphorylation of a approximately 80-kD protein by inhibiting PKC in murine fetal cortical neurons but not in the adult cortex. More importantly, we demonstrate that the calmodulin-mediated inhibition of phosphorylation was restored by preincubating the cortical neurons with KN-62, a CaM kinase inhibitor.  相似文献   


Digital watermarking is a technique of hiding specific identification data for copyright authentication. This technique is adapted here for interleaving patient information with medical images, to reduce storage and transmission overheads.  相似文献   
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