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Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes - S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) predominantly accumulates in tissues and biological fluids of patients affected by liver dysmethylating diseases,...  相似文献   
Carmel  Yohay  Kadmon  Ronen 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):243-254
The dynamics of Mediterranean vegetation over 28 years was studied in the Northern Galilee Mountains, Israel, in order to identify and quantify the major factors affecting it at the landscape scale. Image analysis of historical and current aerial photographs was used to produce high resolution digital vegetation maps (pixel size = 30 cm) for an area of 4 km2 in the Galilee Mountains, northern Israel. GIS tools were used to produce corresponding maps of grazing regime, topographic indices and other relevant environmental factors. The effects of those factors were quantified using a multiple regression analyses. Major changes in the vegetation occurred during the period studied (1964–1992); tree cover increased from 2% in 1964 to 41% in 1992, while herbaceous vegetation cover decreased from 56% in 1964 to 24% in 1992. Grazing, topography and initial vegetation cover were found to significantly affect present vegetation patterns. Both cattle grazing and goat grazing reduced the rate of increase in tree cover, yet even intensive grazing did not halt the process. Grazing affected also the woody-herbaceous vegetation dynamics, reducing the expansion of woody vegetation. Slope, aspect, and the interaction term between these two factors, significantly affected vegetation pattern. Altogether, 56% and 72% of the variability in herbaceous and tree cover, respectively, was explained by the regression models. This study indicates that spatially explicit Mediterranean vegetation dynamics can be predicted with fair accuracy using few biologically important environmental variables.  相似文献   
Abstract. Historical aerial photographs are an important source for data on medium- to long-term (10 - 50 yr) vegetation changes. Older photographs are panchromatic, and manual interpretation has traditionally been used to derive vegetation data from such photographs. We present a method for computerized analysis of panchromatic aerial photographs, which enables one to create high resolution, accurate vegetation maps. Our approach is exemplified using two aerial photographs (from 1964 and 1992) of a test area on Mt. Meron, Israel. Spatial resolution (pixel size) of the geo-rectified photos was 0.30 m and spatial accuracy (RMS error) ca. 1 m. An illumination adjustment prior to classification was found to be essential in reducing misclassification error rates. Two classification approaches were employed: a standard maximum-likelihood supervised classifier, and a modification of a supervised classification, which takes into account spectral properties of individual pixels as well as their neighbourhood characteristics. Accuracy of the maximum likelihood classification was 81 % in the 1992 image and 54 % in the 1964 image. The neighbour classifier increased accuracy to 89 % and 82 % respectively. The overall results suggest that computerized analysis of sequences of panchromatic aerial photographs may serve as a valuable tool for the quantification of medium-term vegetation changes.  相似文献   


Late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (LINCL), one form of Batten’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder resulting from a CLN2 gene mutation. The spectrum of ophthalmic manifestations of LINCL and the relationship with neurological function has not been previously described.


Patients underwent ophthalmic evaluations, including anterior segment and dilated exams, optical coherence tomography, fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography. Patients were also assessed with the LINCL Neurological Severity Scale. Ophthalmic findings were categorized into one of five severity scores, and the association of the extent of ocular disease with neurological function was assessed.


Fifty eyes of 25 patients were included. The mean age at the time of exam was 4.9 years (range 2.5 to 8.1). The mean ophthalmic severity score was 2.6 (range 1 to 5). The mean neurological severity score was 6.1 (range 2 to 11). Significantly more severe ophthalmic manifestations were observed among older patients (p<0.005) and patients with more severe neurological findings (p<0.03). A direct correlation was found between the Ophthalmic Severity Scale and the Weill Cornell Neurological Scale (p<0.002). A direct association was also found between age and the ophthalmic manifestations (p<0.0002), with older children having more severe ophthalmic manifestations.


Ophthalmic manifestations of LINCL correlate closely with the degree of neurological function and the age of the patient. The newly established LINCL Ophthalmic Scale may serve as an objective marker of LINCL severity and disease progression, and may be valuable in the evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies for LINCL, including gene therapy.  相似文献   
Invadopodia are protrusive, F-actin–driven membrane structures that are thought to mediate basement membrane transmigration during development and tumor dissemination. An understanding of the mechanisms regulating invadopodia has been hindered by the difficulty of examining these dynamic structures in native environments. Using an RNAi screen and live-cell imaging of anchor cell (AC) invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans, we have identified UNC-60A (ADF/cofilin) as an essential regulator of invadopodia. UNC-60A localizes to AC invadopodia, and its loss resulted in a dramatic slowing of F-actin dynamics and an inability to breach basement membrane. Optical highlighting indicated that UNC-60A disassembles actin filaments at invadopodia. Surprisingly, loss of unc-60a led to the accumulation of invadopodial membrane and associated components within the endolysosomal compartment. Photobleaching experiments revealed that during normal invasion the invadopodial membrane undergoes rapid recycling through the endolysosome. Together, these results identify the invadopodial membrane as a specialized compartment whose recycling to form dynamic, functional invadopodia is dependent on localized F-actin disassembly by ADF/cofilin.  相似文献   
Conservation planning requires knowledge of the distribution of all species in the area of interest. Surrogates for biodiversity are considered as a possible solution. The two major types are biological and environmental surrogates. Here, we evaluate four different methods of hierarchical clustering, as well as one non-hierarchical method, in the context of producing surrogates for biodiversity. Each clustering method was used to produce maps of both surrogate types. We evaluated the representativeness of each clustering method by finding the average number of species represented in a set of sites, one site of each domain, which was carried out with Monte-Carlo permutations procedure. We propose an additional measure of surrogate performance, which is the degree of evenness of the different domains, e.g., by calculating Simpson's diversity index. Surrogates with low evenness leave little flexibility in site selection since often some of the domains may be represented by a single or very few sites, and thus surrogate maps with a high Simpson's index value may be more relevant for actual decision making. We found that there is a trade-off between species representativeness and evenness. Centroid clustering represented the most species, but had very low values of evenness. Ward's method of minimum variance represented more species than a random choice, and had high evenness values. Using the typical evaluation measures, the Centroid clustering method was most efficient for surrogate production. However, when Simpson's index is also considered, Ward's method of minimum variance is more appropriate for managers.  相似文献   
Species distribution models (SDMs) are often limited by the use of coarse-resolution environmental variables and by the number of observations required for their calibration. This is particularly true in the case of elusive animals. Here, we developed a SDM by combining three elements: a database of explanatory variables, mapped at a fine resolution; a systematic sampling scheme; and an intensive survey of indirect observations. Using MaxEnt, we developed the SDM for the population of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), a rare and elusive species, at three spatial scales: 10, 100, and 1000 m per pixel. We used indirect observations of feces mounds. We constructed 14 layers of explanatory variables, in five categories: water, topography, biotic conditions, climatic variables and anthropogenic variables. Woody vegetation cover and slopes were found to have the strongest effect on the distribution of wild ass and were included as the main predictors in the SDM. Model validation revealed that an intensive survey of feces mounds and high-resolution predictor layers resulted in a highly accurate and informative SDM. Fine-grain (10 and 100 m) SDMs can be utilized to: (1) characterize the variables influencing species distribution at high resolution and local scale, including anthropogenic effects and geomorphologic features; (2) detect potential population activity centers; (3) locate potential corridors of movement and possible isolated habitat patches. Such information may be useful for the conservation efforts of the Asiatic wild ass. This approach could be applied to other elusive species, particularly large mammals.  相似文献   
Lithophyllum byssoides is a common coralline alga in the intertidal zone of Mediterranean coasts, where it produces biogenic concretions housing a high algal and invertebrate biodiversity. This species is an ecosystem engineer and is considered a target for conservation efforts, but designing effective conservation strategies currently is impossible due to lack of information about its population structure. The morphological and molecular variation of L. byssoides was investigated using morphoanatomy and DNA sequences (psbA and cox2,3) obtained from populations at 15 localities on the Italian and Croatian coasts. Lithophyllum byssoides exhibited a high number of haplotypes (31 psbA haplotypes and 24 cox2,3 haplotypes) in the central Mediterranean. The psbA and cox2,3 phylogenies were congruent and showed seven lineages. For most of these clades, the distribution was limited to one or a few localities, but one of them (clade 7) was widespread across the central Mediterranean, spanning the main biogeographic boundaries recognized in this area. The central Mediterranean populations formed a lineage separate from Atlantic samples; psbA pair‐wise divergences suggested that recognition of Atlantic and Mediterranean L. byssoides as different species may be appropriate. The central Mediterranean haplotype patterns of L. byssoides were interpreted as resulting from past climatic events in the hydrogeological history of the Mediterranean Sea. The high haplotype diversity and the restricted spatial distribution of the seven lineages suggest that individual populations should be managed as independent units.  相似文献   
Aims Studies of species distribution patterns traditionally have been conducted at a single scale, often overlooking species–environment relationships operating at finer or coarser scales. Testing diversity-related hypotheses at multiple scales requires a robust sampling design that is nested across scales. Our chief motivation in this study was to quantify the contributions of different predictors of herbaceous species richness at a range of local scales.Methods Here, we develop a hierarchically nested sampling design that is balanced across scales, in order to study the role of several environmental factors in determining herbaceous species distribution at various scales simultaneously. We focus on the impact of woody vegetation, a relatively unexplored factor, as well as that of soil and topography. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) imaging enabled precise characterization of the 3D structure of the woody vegetation, while acoustic spectrophotometry allowed a particularly high-resolution mapping of soil CaCO 3 and organic matter contents.Important findings We found that woody vegetation was the dominant explanatory variable at all three scales (10, 100 and 1000 m 2), accounting for more than 60% of the total explained variance. In addition, we found that the species richness–environment relationship was scale dependent. Many studies that explicitly address the issue of scale do so by comparing local and regional scales. Our results show that efforts to conserve plant communities should take into account scale dependence when analyzing species richness–environment relationships, even at much finer resolutions than local vs. regional. In addition, conserving heterogeneity in woody vegetation structure at multiple scales is a key to conserving diverse herbaceous communities.  相似文献   
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