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The objective of this study was to show that prolonged restriction of motor activity (hypokinesia) could reduce phosphate (P) deposition and contribute to P loss with tissue P depletion. To this end, measurements were made of tissue P content, P absorption, plasma P levels, urinary and fecal P excretion of rats during and after hypokinesia (HK) and daily phosphate supplementation. Studies were conducted on male Wistar rats during a pre-hypokinetic period, a hypokinetic period and a post-hypokinetic period. All rats were equally divided into four groups: unsupplemented vivarium control rats (UVCR), unsupplemented hypokinetic rats (UHKR), supplemented vivarium control rats (SVCR) and supplemented hypokinetic rats (SHKR). Bone and muscle P content, plasma intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels, P absorption, plasma P levels and urinary and fecal P excretion did not change in SVCR and UVCR compared with their pre-HK values. During HK, plasma P levels, urinary and fecal P excretion increased significantly (p<0.05) while muscle and bone P content, P absorption and plasma iPTH levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in SHKR and UHKR compared with their pre-HK values and the values in their respective vivarium controls (SVCR and UVCR). During the initial 9-days of post-HK, plasma, urinary and fecal P levels decreased significantly (p<0.05), and plasma iPTH levels, muscle and bone P levels remained significantly (p<0.05) depressed in hypokinetic rats compared with their pre-HK values and the values in their respective vivarium control rats. By the 15th day, these values approached the control values. During HK and post-HK, changes in P absorption, plasma iPTH levels, and P levels in muscle, bone, plasma, urine and feces were significantly (p<0.05) greater in SHKR than in UHKR. Decreased tissue P content with increased P loss in animals receiving and not receiving P supplementation demonstrates decreased P deposition during HK. Higher P excretion with lower tissue content in SHKR and UHKR demonstrates that P deposition is decreased more with P supplementation than without. Because SHKR with a lower tissue P content showed higher P excretion than UHKR it was concluded that the risk of decreased P deposition with greater tissue P depletion is inversely related to P intake, that is, the higher the P intake the greater the risk for decreased P deposition and the greater tissue P depletion. It was shown that P (regardless of the intensity of its tissue depletion) is lost during HK unless factors contributing to the decreased P deposition are partially or totally reversed. It was concluded that dissociation between (decreased) tissue P content and (increased) P uptake indicates decreased P (absorption and) deposition as the main mechanisms of tissue P depletion during prolonged HK.  相似文献   
Hypokinesia (HK) induces electrolyte losses in electrolyte-deficient tissue, yet the mechanisms of electrolyte losses in electrolyte-deficient tissue remain unknown. Mechanisms of electrolyte deposition could be involved. To determine the effect of prolonged HK on potassium (K+) deposition were measured muscle K+ content and K+ losses. Studies were conducted on 20 physically healthy male volunteers during 30 days pre-experimental period and 364 days experimental period. Subjects were equally divided into two groups: control subjects (CS) and experimental subjects (ES). The CS group was run average distances of 9.8 ± 1.7 km day−1 and the ES group was walked average distances of 2.7 ± 0.6 km day−1. Muscle K+ content decreased (p < 0.05) and plasma K+ concentration, and K+ losses in urine and feces increased (p < 0.05) in the ES group compared to their pre-experimental level and the values in their respective CS group. Muscle K+ content, plasma K+ level, and urine and fecal K+ losses did not show any changes in the CS group compared to their pre-experimental values. The conclusion was that K+ losses in K+-deficient muscle of healthy subjects could have been attributable to the less efficient K+ deposition inherently to prolonged HK.  相似文献   
This study aims at showing that during hypokinesia (HK) tissue magnesium (Mg2+) content decreases more with higher Mg2+ intake than with lower Mg2+ intake and that Mg2+ loss increases more with higher than lower tissue Mg2+ depletion due to inability of the body to use Mg2+ during HK. Studies were conducted on male Wistar rats during a pre-HK period and a HK period. Rats were equally divided into four groups: unsupplemented vivarium control rats (UVCR), unsupplemented hypokinetic rats (UHKR), supplemented vivarium control rats (SVCR) and supplemented hypokinetic rats (SHKR). SVCR and SHKR consumed 42 mEq Mg2+ per day. The gastrocnemius muscle and right femur bone Mg2+ content decreased significantly, while plasma Mg2+ level and urine and fecal Mg2+ loss increased significantly in SHKR and UHKR compared with their pre-HK values and their respective vivarium controls (SVCR and UVCR). However, muscle and bone Mg2+ content decreased more significantly and plasma Mg2+ level, and urine and fecal Mg2+ loss increased more significantly in SHKR than in UHKR. The greater tissue Mg2+ loss with higher Mg2+ intake and the lower tissue Mg2+ loss with lower Mg2+ intake shows that the risk of higher tissue Mg2+ depletion is directly related to the magnitude of Mg2+ intake. The higher Mg2+ loss with higher tissue Mg2+ depletion and the lower Mg2+ loss with lower Mg2+ tissue depletion shows that the risk of greater Mg2+ loss is directly related to the magnitude of tissue Mg2+ depletion. It was concluded that tissue Mg2+ depletion increases more when the Mg2+ intake is higher and that Mg2+ loss increases more with higher than lower tissue Mg2+ depletion indicating that during prolonged HK the tissue Mg2+ depletion is not due to the Mg2+ shortage in food but to the inability of the body to use Mg2+.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to show that hypokinesia (diminished movement) could affect differently water and electrolyte content in muscles having minimum differences in their function and morphology. To this end, we studied water and electrolyte content in skeletal and cardiac muscles, fluid excretion, electrolyte absorption, and electrolyte levels in plasma, urine and feces of rats during prolonged hypokinesia (HK). Studies were conducted on one-hundred-twenty-six 13-weeks old male Wister rats during a pre-hypokinetic period and a hypokinesia period. Animals were equally divided into two groups: vivarium control rats (VCR) and hypokinetic rats (HKR). Hypokinetic animals were kept in small individual cages which restricted their movements in all directions without hindering food and water intake. Control rats were housed in individual cages under vivarium control conditions. Sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) absorption, electrolyte and water content in cardiac muscles (right and left ventricle), thigh extensor (quadriceps femoris muscle) and long muscle of the back (biceps femoris muscle), urine volume, and electrolyte levels in plasma and urine and feces did not change in VCR when compared to their pre-hypokinetic levels. The absorption of Na+ and K+, water and electrolyte content in cardiac and skeletal muscles decreased significantly, while urine volume, plasma electrolyte levels and urine and fecal electrolyte excretion increased significantly in HKR compared with their pre-HK values and with their respective vivarium control (VCR). Water and electrolyte content decreased more significantly in skeletal than in cardiac muscles. Water and electrolyte levels decreased more in the thigh extensor and in the right ventricle than in the long muscle of the back, the left ventricle or the septum. Muscles suffering from higher water and electrolyte loss against the background of lower water and electrolyte content show lower water and electrolyte deposition. Lower electrolyte and water content in skeletal than in cardiac muscle shows that water and electrolyte content decreases more in skeletal than cardiac muscles. Skeletal muscle showed lower water and electrolyte content than cardiac muscle indicating that the risk for decreased muscle water and electrolyte content is inversely related to the muscle function and morphology, i.e., the more weight-bearing supporting function and morphology muscles have, the higher the risk for lower muscle water and electrolyte content. It was concluded that the greater muscle function and morphology, the lower electrolyte and water deposition, the higher water and electrolyte losses, and the lower water and electrolyte content.  相似文献   
Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase is present in several types of bacteria and undergoes degradation of environmental pollutants through an important key biochemical pathways. Specifically, this enzyme cleaves aromatic rings of several environmental pollutants such as toluene, xylene, naphthalene and biphenyl derivatives. Hence, the importance of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase and its role in the degradation of environmental pollutants made us to predict the three-dimensional structure of Catechol 2, 3-dioxygenase from Burkholderia cepacia. The 10ns molecular dynamics simulation was carried out to check the stability of the modeled Catechol 2, 3- dioxygenase. The results show that the model was energetically stable, and it attains their equilibrium within 2000 ps of production MD run. The docking of various petroleum hydrocarbons into the Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase reveals that the benzene, O-xylene, Toluene, Fluorene, Naphthalene, Carbazol, Pyrene, Dibenzothiophene, Anthracene, Phenanthrene, Biphenyl makes strong hydrogen bond and Van der waals interaction with the active site residues of H150, L152, W198, H206, H220, H252, I254, T255, Y261, E271, L276 and F309. Free energy of binding and estimated inhibition constant of these compounds demonstrates that they are energetically stable in their binding cavity. Chrysene shows positive energy of binding in the active site atom of Fe. Except Pyrene all the substrates made close contact with Fe atom by the distance ranges from 1.67 to 2.43 Å. In addition to that, the above mentioned substrate except pyrene all other made π-π stacking interaction with H252 by the distance ranges from 3.40 to 3.90 Å. All these docking results reveal that, except Chrysene all other substrate has good free energy of binding to hold enough in the active site and makes strong VdW interaction with Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase. These results suggest that, the enzyme is capable of catalyzing the above-mentioned substrate.  相似文献   
The incompleteness of electrolyte deposition during hypokinesia (HK; diminished movement) is the defining factor of electrolyte metabolic changes, yet the effect of prolonged HK upon electrolyte deposition is poorly understood. The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of muscle calcium (Ca++) changes upon Ca++ losses during prolonged HK. Studies were conducted on 20 physically healthy male volunteers during a pre-experimental period of 30 days and an experimental period of 364 days. Subjects were equally divided in two groups: control subjects (CS) and experimental subjects (ES). The CS group ran average distances of 9.2?±?1.2 km day?l, and the ES group walked average distances of 2.3?±?0.2 km day?l. Muscle Ca++ contents, plasma Ca++ concentrations, and Ca++ losses in urine and feces were measured in the experimental and control groups of subjects. The muscle Ca++ contents decreased (p?<?0.05), and plasma Ca++ levels and Ca++ losses in the urine and feces increased (p?<?0.05) in the ES group compared with their pre-experimental levels and the values in their respective CS group. Muscle Ca++ contents and plasma Ca++ levels and urinary and fecal Ca++ losses did not change in the CS group compared to their pre-experimental levels. It is concluded that prolonged HK increase plasma Ca++ concentrations and Ca++ losses in Ca++ deficient muscle indicating decreased Ca++ deposition.  相似文献   
Even though the liver synthesizes most of circulating IGF-1, it lacks its receptor under physiological conditions. However, according to previous studies, a damaged liver expresses the receptor. For this reason, herein, we examine hepatic histology and expression of genes encoding proteins of the cytoskeleton, extracellular matrix, and cell-cell molecules and inflammation-related proteins. A partial IGF-1 deficiency murine model was used to investigate IGF-1’s effects on liver by comparing wild-type controls, heterozygous igf1+/?, and heterozygous mice treated with IGF-1 for 10 days. Histology, microarray for mRNA gene expression, RT-qPCR, and lipid peroxidation were assessed. Microarray analyses revealed significant underexpression of igf1 in heterozygous mice compared to control mice, restoring normal liver expression after treatment, which then normalized its circulating levels. IGF-1 receptor mRNA was overexpressed in Hz mice liver, while treated mice displayed a similar expression to that of the controls. Heterozygous mice showed overexpression of several genes encoding proteins related to inflammatory and acute-phase proteins and underexpression or overexpression of genes which coded for extracellular matrix, cytoskeleton, and cell junction components. Histology revealed an altered hepatic architecture. In addition, liver oxidative damage was found increased in the heterozygous group. The mere IGF-1 partial deficiency is associated with relevant alterations of the hepatic architecture and expression of genes involved in cytoskeleton, hepatocyte polarity, cell junctions, and extracellular matrix proteins. Moreover, it induces hepatic expression of the IGF-1 receptor and elevated acute-phase and inflammation mediators, which all resulted in liver oxidative damage.  相似文献   
We present information on the prey taken by the Bat Hawk Macheiramphus alcinus in two different areas of lowland western central Madagascar. These are the first dietary data from Madagascar for this widespread Old World species. The recovered remains were almost exclusively of bats and birds, with a few examples of reptiles and insects. In total, 178 pellets were analysed. On the basis of minimum number of individuals and biomass, bats accounted for 58.3% and 30.3%, respectively, and birds 36.1% and 69.7%, respectively. Amongst the nine species of bats recovered from the pellets, four were represented by multiple individuals, particularly taxa belonging to the families Molossidae and Vespertilionidae that fly in open areas, and for the 11 species of identified birds, all were represented by a single individual. These patterns are interpreted as a specialisation of feeding on bats during a narrow window of time at dusk, as they leave day roost sites, and then using birds in a more general manner to fill in nutritional needs.  相似文献   
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