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The relation of changes in internal, free Ca2+, measured with arsenazo III, to the membrane potential, measured with the cyanine dye di-S-C2(5) or 86Rb+ distribution ratio, was studied in isolated guinea pig cortical nerve endings. Depolarization of the plasma membrane with veratridine or gramicidin as well as addition of ionophore A23187 led to an increase in cytosolic Ca2+. Only the response to veratridine was inhibited by tetrodotoxin. The dependence of the depolarization-induced increase in intraterminal, free Ca2+ on the membrane potential between about -50 to 0 mV was sigmoidal. A maximal increase in cytosolic Ca2+ was reached when the membrane potential was depolarized from the resting level, about -64 mV, to about -40 mV. These results show that in isolated nerve endings the activation of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels concomitantly leads to an increase in cytosolic, free Ca2+. Comparison of the results of the present study with the previous electrophysiological observations indicate that Ca2+ channels in synaptosomes, presynaptic nerve terminals of the squid giant synapse and cardiac cells have essentially similar voltage dependency.  相似文献   
Aim To describe a protocol for incorporating a temporal dimension into historical biogeographical analysis, while maintaining the essential independence of all datasets, involving the generation of general area cladograms. Location Global. Methods General area cladograms (GACs) are a reconstruction of the evolutionary history of a set of areas and unrelated clades within those areas. Nodes on a GAC correspond to speciation events in a group of taxa; general nodes are those at which multiple unrelated clades speciate. We undertake temporal calibration of GACs using molecular clock estimates of splitting events between extant taxa as well as first appearance data from the fossil record. We present two examples based on re‐analysis of previously published data: first, a temporally calibrated GAC generated from secondary Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA) of six extant bird clades from the south‐west of North America using molecular clock estimates of divergence times; and second, an analysis of African Neogene mammals based on a phylogenetic analysis for comparing trees (PACT) analysis. Results A hypothetical example demonstrates how temporal calibration reveals potentially critical information about the timing of both unique and general events, while also illustrating instances of incongruence between dates generated from molecular clock estimates and fossils. For the African Neogene mammal dataset, our analysis reveals that most mammal clades underwent geodispersal associated with the Neogene climatic optimum (c. 16 Ma) and vicariant speciation in central Africa correlated with increased aridity and cooler temperatures around 2.5 Ma. Main conclusions Temporally calibrated GACs are valuable tools for assessing whether coordinated patterns of speciation are associated with large‐scale climatic or tectonic phenomena.  相似文献   
Experiments were performed on sheep cardiac Purkinje fibres using pH- and sodium-selective microelectrodes, while simultaneously measuring tension, to determine if the fall in intracellular pH (pHi) following a rise in intracellular Na+ activity (aiNa) is caused by inhibition or reversal of acid extrusion on Na+-H+ exchange. A rise in aiNa was induced either by using the cardioactive steroid strophanthidin to inhibit the sarcolemmal Na+-K+ pump or by increasing the frequency of stimulation (0-4 Hz). Both of these manoeuvres led to an increase in aiNa and a decrease in pHi. Following exposure to strophanthidin, amiloride (an inhibitor of sarcolemmal Na+-H+ exchange) produced a decrease in both pHi and aiNa. These effects of amiloride increased with decreasing pHi, indicating that acid extrusion on Na+-H+ exchange is stimulated by the fall in pHi. The changes in intracellular Na+ and H+ caused by amiloride were quantitatively consistent with an electroneutral stoichiometry. The fall in pHi during strophanthidin exposure is therefore not caused by inhibition or reversal of acid extrusion Na+-H+ exchange. It is likely that the fall in pHi during a rate increase is also independent of Na+-H+ exchange. This is because (i) it has been shown previously to occur in the presence of amiloride and (ii) the calcium antagonist D600 completely abolished the stimulation-dependent fall in pHi. It is concluded that the intracellular acidosis following inhibition of the sarcolemmal Na+-K+ pump or following an increase in the rate of stimulation is secondary to a rise in intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
Hephaestin (Hp) is a trans-membrane protein, which plays a critical role in intestinal iron absorption. Hp was originally identified as the gene responsible for the phenotype of sex-linked anaemia in the sla mouse. The mutation in the sla protein causes accumulation of dietary iron in duodenal cells, causing severe microcytic hypochromic anaemia. Although mucosal uptake of dietary iron is normal, export from the duodenum is inhibited. Hp is homologous to ceruloplasmin (Cp), a member of the family of multi copper ferroxidases (MCFs) and possesses ferroxidase activity that facilitates iron release from the duodenum and load onto the serum iron transport protein transferrin. In the present study, attempts were made to produce biologically active recombinant mouse hephaestin as a secretory form tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP), Hpsec-GFP. Plasmid expressing Hpsec-GFP was constructed and transfected into COS and CHO cells. The GFP aided the monitoring expression in real time to select the best conditions to maximise expression and provided a tag for purifying and analysing Hpsec-GFP. The protein had detectable oxidase activity as shown by in-gel and solution-based assays. The methods described here can provide the basis for further work to probe the interaction of hephaestin with other proteins using complementary fluorescent tags on target proteins that would facilitate the fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements, for example with transferrin or colocalisation studies, and help to discover more about hephaestin works at the molecular level.  相似文献   
BackgroundAdvances in antimalarial drug development are important for combating malaria. Among the currently identified antimalarial drugs, it is suggested that some interact directly with the malarial parasites while others interact indirectly with the parasites. While this approach leads to parasite elimination, little is known about how these antimalarial drugs impact immune cells that are also critical in malarial response.MethodsHerein, the effects of two common antimalarial drugs, chloroquine and quinine, on platelets were explored at both the bulk level, using high performance liquid chromatography, and the single cell level, using carbon-fiber microelectrode amperometry, to characterize any changes in chemical messenger secretion.ResultsThe data reveal that both drugs cause platelet activation and reduce the number of platelet exocytosis events as well as delay fusion pore opening and closing.ConclusionsThis work demonstrates how chloroquine and quinine quantitatively and qualitatively impact in vitro platelet function.General significanceOverall, the goal of this work is to promote understanding about how antimalarial drugs impact platelets as this may affect antimalarial drug development as well as therapeutic approaches to treat malarial infection.  相似文献   
Genetic variation in SLC12A5 which encodes KCC2, the neuron-specific cation-chloride cotransporter that is essential for hyperpolarizing GABAergic signaling and formation of cortical dendritic spines, has not been reported in human disease. Screening of SLC12A5 revealed a co-segregating variant (KCC2-R952H) in an Australian family with febrile seizures. We show that KCC2-R952H reduces neuronal Cl extrusion and has a compromised ability to induce dendritic spines in vivo and in vitro. Biochemical analyses indicate a reduced surface expression of KCC2-R952H which likely contributes to the functional deficits. Our data suggest that KCC2-R952H is a bona fide susceptibility variant for febrile seizures.  相似文献   
The various therapeutic benefits of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium spp. have resulted in their increased incorporation into dairy foods such as yoghurts. Currently however, the efficacy of these probiotic bacteria is limited by their poor survival during the shelf life of yoghurt. Oxygen toxicity is widely considered to be responsible for the cell deaths of these bacteria. The intestinal origins and the microaerophilic and anaerobic characteristics of L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium spp. respectively, can render them susceptible to oxygen contained in the food products. This review discusses the influence of the dissolved oxygen in yogurt on the viability of these bacteria. Suggested techniques to protect these probiotic bacteria from oxygen toxicity are evaluated. Although the problem of oxygen toxicity in probiotic bacteria is regarded as significant, little is known however about the cellular interaction of these bacteria with oxygen. This review summarizes what is known about the biochemistry of oxygen toxicity in these bacteria. The various metabolic and biochemical responses of L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium to oxygen are examined. Additionally, the importance of NADH oxidase and NADH peroxidase in the oxygen tolerance of these bacteria is evaluated and assays used to measure their cellular concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   
Citrus flavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory and -carcinogenic effects being reported. However, little information is known on the bioavailability of these compounds in vivo. The objectives of this study were to determine the tissue distribution of naringenin after gastric gavage of [3H]-naringenin to rats. Unlabelled naringenin was also used to quantify the levels of naringenin and its major metabolites in tissues and eliminated in the urine and faeces. Significant radioactivity was detected in the plasma as well as all tissues examined 2 h post-gavage. After 18 h, higher levels of radioactivity were retained in plasma and tissues (55% of the administered radioactivity). Investigation of the nature of metabolites, using unlabelled naringenin, revealed that the glucuronides were the major components in plasma, tissues and urine, in addition to the colonic metabolite 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, detected in the urine. The aglycone was the form extensively retained in tissues after 18 h post-gavage. Total identified metabolites detected after 18 h in most tissues were only 1-5% of the levels detected after 2 h. However, the brain, lungs and heart retained 27, 20 and 11%, respectively, relative to the total metabolites detected at 2 h. While radioactive detection suggests increased levels of breakdown products of naringenin after 18 h versus 2 h, the products identified using unlabelled naringenin are not consistent with this, suggesting that a predominant proportion of the naringenin breakdown products at 18 h are retained as smaller decomposition molecules which cannot yet be identified.  相似文献   
Ghrelin is a 28-residue peptide hormone that is principally released from the stomach during fasting and prior to eating. Two forms are present in human plasma: the unmodified peptide and a less abundant acylated version, in which octanoic acid is attached to the third residue, a serine, via an ester linkage. The acylated form of ghrelin acts as a ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor and can stimulate the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. It also initiates behavioral and metabolic adaptations to fasting. Here we show that an immobilized form of ghrelin specifically binds a species of high density lipoprotein associated with the plasma esterase, paraoxonase, and clusterin. Both free ghrelin and paraoxon, a substrate for paraoxonase, can inhibit this interaction. An endogenous species of ghrelin is found to co-purify with high density lipoprotein during density gradient centrifugation and subsequent gel filtration. This interaction links the orexigenic peptide hormone ghrelin to lipid transport and metabolism. Furthermore, the interaction of the esterified hormone ghrelin with a species of HDL containing an esterase suggests a possible mechanism for the conversion of ghrelin to des-acyl ghrelin.  相似文献   
Each holotype specimen provides the only objective link to a particular Linnean binomen. Sequence information from them is increasingly valuable due to the growing usage of DNA barcodes in taxonomy. As type specimens are often old, it may only be possible to recover fragmentary sequence information from them. We tested the efficacy of short sequences from type specimens in the resolution of a challenging taxonomic puzzle: the Elachista dispunctella complex which includes 64 described species with minuscule morphological differences. We applied a multistep procedure to resolve the taxonomy of this species complex. First, we sequenced a large number of newly collected specimens and as many holotypes as possible. Second, we used all >400 bp examine species boundaries. We employed three unsupervised methods (BIN, ABGD, GMYC) with specified criteria on how to handle discordant results and examined diagnostic bases from each delineated putative species (operational taxonomic units, OTUs). Third, we evaluated the morphological characters of each OTU. Finally, we associated short barcodes from types with the delineated OTUs. In this step, we employed various supervised methods, including distance‐based, tree‐based and character‐based. We recovered 658 bp barcode sequences from 194 of 215 fresh specimens and recovered an average of 141 bp from 33 of 42 holotypes. We observed strong congruence among all methods and good correspondence with morphology. We demonstrate potential pitfalls with tree‐, distance‐ and character‐based approaches when associating sequences of varied length. Our results suggest that sequences as short as 56 bp can often provide valuable taxonomic information. The results support significant taxonomic oversplitting of species in the Elachista dispunctella complex.  相似文献   
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