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Somatic embryogenesis in cultured plant cells is an ideal system for investigating the whole process of differentiation and development from single cells to whole plants, and especially the molecular mechanism of expression of totipotency. This review reports recent progress the studies on somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   
1. The upper thermal limits of the present distributions of two charr species, Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma , and white-spotted charr, S. leucomaenis , in streams of the Japanese archipelago were examined using groundwater temperature as an index of thermal condition. The lower limits of the altitudinal distributions of Dolly Varden and white-spotted charr were delineated, respectively, by 8 and 16 °C groundwater isotherms.
2. The potential impact of future climatic warming on the geographical distribution, habitat extent and population fragmentation of each species was predicted at both the full archipelago and individual catchment levels.
3. For Dolly Varden, analysis at the full archipelago level indicated a loss of 27.6, 67.2, 79.6 and 89.6% of the current geographical range, respectively, for a 1, 2, 3 and 4 °C increase in mean annual air temperature. The present distribution area of white-spotted charr would likewise reduce by 4.1, 20.5, 33.8 and 45.6%, respectively.
4. Based on the analyses of three individual catchments, one for Dolly Varden and two for white-spotted charr, the lower habitat boundaries for the two charr species could be expected to rise increasingly to higher elevations in each catchment as warming proceeded. As a consequence, there would be large reductions in mean habitat area, with increasing habitat fragmentation followed by localized extinctions of the two species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Microsporidian spores were developed from cells which were grown in vitro from a human liver lesion which was due to larval Echinococcus multilocularis . The microsporidian spores developed in the same fashion as an Encephalitozoon cuniculi . The Encephalitozoon -like spores were completely separated on Percoll gradients. The separated spores contained DNA capable of amplification by two different primer sets designed for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of E. multilocularis DNA. However, the cell DNA from which microsporidium developed was thoroughly insensitive to the PCR using the E. multilocularis primer sets. The results strongly suggested that Encephalitozoon should be taken into consideration, when DNA isolated from larval E. multilocularis is analyzed.  相似文献   
1. The upper thermal limits of the present distributions of two charr species, Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma , and white-spotted charr, S. leucomaenis , in streams of the Japanese archipelago were examined using groundwater temperature as an index of thermal condition. The lower limits of the altitudinal distributions of Dolly Varden and white-spotted charr were delineated, respectively, by 8 and 16 °C groundwater isotherms.
2. The potential impact of future climatic warming on the geographical distribution, habitat extent and population fragmentation of each species was predicted at both the full archipelago and individual catchment levels.
3. For Dolly Varden, analysis at the full archipelago level indicated a loss of 27.6, 67.2, 79.6 and 89.6% of the current geographical range, respectively, for a 1, 2, 3 and 4 °C increase in mean annual air temperature. The present distribution area of white-spotted charr would likewise reduce by 4.1, 20.5, 33.8 and 45.6%, respectively.
4. Based on the analyses of three individual catchments, one for Dolly Varden and two for white-spotted charr, the lower habitat boundaries for the two charr species could be expected to rise increasingly to higher elevations in each catchment as warming proceeded. As a consequence, there would be large reductions in mean habitat area, with increasing habitat fragmentation followed by localized extinctions of the two species.  相似文献   
The growth responses of dermal fibroblasts and chondrocytes obtained from 1-week-old hamsters to a growth factor from platelets [platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)] were compared. Autoradiography showed that most of the whole nuclei of dermal fibroblasts were labeled with 3H-thymidine in 5% whole blood serum (WBS), which contains platelet releasate, but only a few percent were labeled in 5% plasma-derived serum (PDS), which is free of platelet releasate. Addition of platelet releasate to PDS restored the growth stimulatory activity of the serum for dermal fibroblasts. In contrast, most of the nuclei of chondrocytes were labeled with 3H-thymidine both in 5% WBS and 5% PDS. Dermal fibroblasts grew in 5% WBS, but not in 5% PDS, whereas chondrocytes grew in both 5% WBS and 5% PDS. Partially purified PDGF added to the medium with 0.5% fetal calf serum stimulated DNA synthesis in dermal fibroblasts, but not in chondrocytes.  相似文献   
An extract of cultured Agroxieinma githago L. cells was found to show potent inhibitory activity against plans virus infection. The effects of cultural conditions on the growth of the cell suspension and on the production of the inhibitor were examined. Since the production of substance was dependent on growth. experiments were made to improve growth. The optimum temperature was 26 to 30°C and optimum pH of the medium before autoclaving was between 5 and 7. In a medium of higher osmotic pressure, the water content of the cultured cells was lowered markedly. The growth rate in a small volume of the medium was higher than that in a larger volume at an early stage of the cultivation, but it was not changed by different inoculum sizes. The cells required thiamine and 2,4-D for growth but no other vitamins or growth regulators. The optimum level of 2,4-D was 0.1 mg/l. Higher sucrose concentration in the medium gave higher production of cell mass and of the inhibitor. However, 3% of sucrose was selected as the most economical concentration. For normal cell growth, the presence of both NH4NO3 and KNO3 as nitrogen sources was required. The use of a single nitrogen source caused a long lag period or inhibition of the cell growth. KH2PO4 stimulated the growth when in was used in the level of 2.5 to 5 mM. The cell adhesion on the surface of the fermentor sometimes causes trouble in a large-scale cultivation. It was found that reducing the Ca2+ level in the medium prevented the cell adhesion and foaming remarkably. Based on the results obtained, a modified medium was established which was excellent for shortening the culture period and for efficient production of the anti-plant virus inhibitor.  相似文献   
Aposematic animals advertise their unprofitability to potential predators with conspicuous coloration, occasionally in combination with other life-history traits. Theory posits that selection on functionally interrelated aposematic characters promotes the unidirectional evolution of these characters, resulting in an increase or decrease in the effectiveness of the signal. To test whether this prediction applies on a microevolutionary scale, the intra- and interpopulational variations in aposematic coloration, behaviour (which enhances the effectiveness of the coloration) and body size of newts, Cynops pyrrhogaster (Urodela: Salamandridae), were investigated. A parallel geographical mosaic of variation in aposematic coloration and behaviour among populations, independent of body size, was found. Newts on islands displayed more conspicuous aposematic traits than those on the mainland, both morphologically and behaviourally. There was no significant relationship between variation in coloration and behaviour within populations. Male newts displayed more conspicuous coloration than females. Surveys of potential predators suggest that variable natural selection at a local scale, such as predation pressure, may primarily be responsible for the microevolution of variable aposematic traits in newts.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 613–622.  相似文献   
Light and temperature are two environmental factors that deeply affect bud outgrowth. However, little is known about their impact on the bud burst gradient along a stem and their interactions with the molecular mechanisms of bud burst control. We investigated this question in two acrotonic rose cultivars. We demonstrated that the darkening of distal buds or exposure to cold (5 °C) prior to transfer to mild temperatures (20 °C) both repress acrotony, allowing the burst of quiescent medial and proximal buds. We sequenced the strigolactone pathway MAX‐homologous genes in rose and studied their expression in buds and internodes along the stem. Only expressions of RwMAX1, RwMAX2 and RwMAX4 were detected. Darkening of the distal part of the shoot triggered a strong increase of RwMAX2 expression in darkened buds and bark‐phloem samples, whereas it suppressed the acropetal gradient of the expression of RwMAX1 observed in stems fully exposed to light. Cold treatment induced an acropetal gradient of expression of RwMAX1 in internodes and of RwMAX2 in buds along the stem. Our results suggest that the bud burst gradient along the stem cannot be explained by a gradient of expression of RwMAX genes but rather by their local level of expression at each individual position.  相似文献   
Translucent bract transmittance of ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR) radiation (between 320 and 800 nm) and leaf anatomy were examined in a glasshouse plant, Rheum nobile Hook. f. & Thomson (Polygonaceae) to assess the function of avoiding injury by UV radiation while keeping the inflorescence warm by photosynthetically active (PA) and IR radiation. Although the translucent bracts and rosulate leaves transmitted little UV radiation, the former always transmit more PA and IR radiation. Additionally, the bracts transmit much more scattered solar radiation than direct radiation. The bracts are also anatomically different from the rosulate leaves. They have two or three layers of mesophyll cells with neither palisade nor spongy parenchymatous cells; in addition, the uppermost layer of mesophyll and the epidermis stain easily, and both are thought to play a role in attenuating UV radiation. The leaf epidermis of many land plants has UV absorbing pigments such as flavonoids, which absorb almost all UV radiation. Thus the role of the bracts of R. nobile is to protect the reproductive organs by absorbing UV radiation and to keep them warm by transmitting PA and IR radiation. The bracts are believed to have adapted function and form to the environment, in particular, to the weather conditions of the eastern Himalaya.  相似文献   
WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
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