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By immersing a few small cellophane bags containing BaCO3 powderin STARKEY's medium, the duration of lag phase in the growthof Thiobacillus thiooxidans is minimized and the yield of cellsis increased ten times that of the previous method. The activitiesof oxidation for sulfur and sulfite change with growth. Sulfiteis oxidized at a comparable rate to that of sulfur oxidationat pH values between 6.0 and 6.5. In the presence of cysteineor glutathione, thiosulfate can be oxidized at a pH above 5.0.At pH values below 4.5, apparent oxidation of thiosulfate andtetrathionate to sulfate is observed. This result is accountedfor by the facts that thiosulfate is decomposed to sulfur andsulfite under the acidic condition at pH values below 4.5, andthat tetrathionate is reduced to thiosulfate enzymatically.In the oxidation of tetrathionate, oxygen uptake begins aftera lag phase, the duration of which depends on the concentrationsof cells and of tetrathionate. Cysteine is oxidized to cystine.The oxidation is strongly inhibited by metal-chelating agents.The cysteine oxidizing activity is, however, quite stable andis not lost by treating cells with organic solvents, sonic oscillation,by heating or lyophilization. 1III=References (11). 2Partly supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   
Properties of the oxidation systems of sulfur and sulfite ofa sulfur oxidizing bacterium, Thiobacillus thiooxidans, arecompared by using various inhibitors. Oxidation of sulfur isinhibited by a low concentration of monoiodoacetic acid, NEMand pCMB. Inhibition by pCMB is diminished by the addition ofan equivalent amount of cysteine to that of added pCMB. Althoughinhibition by pCMB is also observed in the oxidation of sulfite,it is not diminished by the addition of excess cysteine andthe extent of inhibition is lower than that in the oxidationof sulfur. Metal chelating agents, such as DDC, 8-hydroxyquinoline, salicylaldoximeand neocuproine have inhibitory effects on the oxidation ofsulfur but do not affect the oxidation of sulfite. Carbon monoxide inhibits the oxidation of sulfur photo-irreversiblyand the oxidation of sulfite photo-reversibly. Alcohols and organic acids, inhibit the oxidation of both sulfurand sulfite. The cell-free extract prepared by sonic disruptionof cells can oxidize sulfite, but not sulfur. The sulfur oxidizingextract can be, however, prepared by disruption under a nitrogenatmosphere. Both the soluble and participate fractions are requiredfor the oxidation of sulfur, while sulfite oxidation is catalyzedby the participate fraction alone. 1Partly supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   
We aimed to quantify the separate effects of photosynthetic and postphotosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination on δ13C of the fast‐turn‐over carbon pool (water soluble organic carbon and CO2 emitted from heterotrophic tissues), including their diel variation, along the pathway of carbon transport from the foliage to the base of the stem. For that purpose, we determined δ13C in total and water‐soluble organic matter of the foliage plus δ13C and δ18O in phloem organic matter of twigs and at three heights along the stem of Pinus sylvestris over a nine‐day period, including four measurements per day. These data were related to meteorological and photosynthesis parameters and to the δ13C of stem‐emitted CO2. In the canopy (foliage and twigs), the δ13C of soluble organic matter varied diurnally with amplitudes of up to 1.9‰. The greatest 13C enrichment was recorded during the night/early morning, indicating a strong influence of starch storage and remobilization on the carbon isotope signatures of sugars exported from the leaves. 13C enrichment of soluble organic matter from the leaves to the twig phloem and further on to the phloem of the stem was supposed to be a result of carbon isotope fractionation associated with metabolic processes in the source and sink tissues. CO2 emitted from the stem was enriched by 2.3–5.2‰ compared with phloem organic matter. When day‐to‐day variation was addressed, water‐soluble leaf δ13C and twig phloem δ18O were strongly influenced by ci/ca and stomatal conductance (Gs), respectively. These results show that both photosynthetic and postphotosynthetic carbon isotope fractionation influence δ13C of organic matter over time, and over the length of the basipetal transport pathway. Clearly, these influences on the δ13C of respired CO2 must be considered when using the latter for partitioning of ecosystem CO2 fluxes or when the assessment of δ13C in organic matter is applied to estimate environmental effects in ci/ca.  相似文献   
DNA Ligase and Exonuclease Activities in Virions of Rous Sarcoma Virus   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Virions of Schmidt-Ruppin avian sarcoma virus have both polynucleotide ligase activity and DNA exonuclease activity. These enzymes complete the machinery necessary to transfer information from RNA to double stranded DNA integrated in the host DNA.  相似文献   
Properties of the cell-free extract, prepared from a strainof Thiobacillus thiooxidans by sonic disruption followed byfractionation with centrifugatiori, were investigated with referenceto its sulfite-oxidizing activity. Without the addition of cofactors the particulate fraction(F-P)catalyzed oxidation of sulfite with oxygen or bacterial cytochromec-552 obtained from Pseudomonas stutzeri as electron acceptor.TMPD reduced by ascorbic acid was also oxidized by F-P. Thesoluble fraction(F-S) showed no activity in oxidizing sulfiteand TMPD, but stimulated TMPD oxidation by F-P. Oxygen uptake with either sulfite or TMPD as substrate was inhibitedby KCN, NaN3, CO and c-phenanthroline. CO-Inhibition was reversedby light. Reduction of cytochrome c-552 by sulfite was insensitiveto these agents. Antimycin A markedly inhibited sulfite oxidation with eitheroxygen or cytochrome c-552 as electron acceptor, but was withouteffect on TMPD oxidation. DDC and SAO, both strong inhibitors of sulfur oxidation, didnot affect sulfite and TMPD oxidations. Cytochromes of the a, b and c types were contained in F-P. Thesecytochromes were rapidly reduced when F-P was incubated withsulfite. Cytochrome(s) of the c type was present in F-S, too. 1VI.=References (3) 2Partly supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education 3Present address: Sanyo Women's College, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima738, Japan 4Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Hiroshima UniversitySchool of Dentistry, Hiroshima 734, Japan (Received May 15, 1970; )  相似文献   
Organelles change their subcellular positions in response to various environmental conditions. Recently, we reported that cold treatments alter the intracellular position of chloroplasts and nuclei (cold positioning) in the fern Adiantum capillus‐veneris; chloroplasts and nuclei localized to the periclinal cell wall relocated to anticlinal cell wall after cold treatments. To further understand organelle positioning under cold conditions, we studied cold‐induced organelle relocation in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. When sporelings and gemmmalings were treated under low temperature (5 °C), chloroplast cold positioning response was successfully induced both in the sporelings and the gemmmalings of M. polymorpha. Using a genetic transformation, nuclei, mitochondria or peroxisomes were visualized with a fluorescent protein, and the transgenic gemmmalings were incubated under the cold condition. Nuclei and peroxisomes, but not mitochondria, clearly relocated from the periclinal cell wall to the anticlinal cell wall after cold treatments. Our findings suggest that several organelles concurrently change their positions in the liverwort cell to cope with cold temperature.  相似文献   
Cytochrome systems in cells of a denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonasstutzeri (VAN NIEL strain), grown under different atmosphericconditions were compared with reference to the effects of nitrateand nitrite on cytochrome synthesis. When a culture was sufficiently aerated (aerobic conditions),synthesis of all cytochrome components was repressed, regardlessof the presence or absence of nitrate and nitrite. When aeratedmoderately (semi-aerobic conditions), both soluble and paniculatecytochromes c-552 and cytochrome b-558 contents markedly increasedeven in the absence of nitrate and nitrite. Under anaerobic or semi-aerobic conditions, nitrite inducedcytochrome a2–c synthesis. This inductive effect of nitritewas counteracted by nitrate. Nitrate also repressed particulatecytochrome c-552 synthesis to some extent but nitrite did not. 1Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Hiroshima UniversitySchool of Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan (Received June 24, 1969; )  相似文献   
Growth of Pseudomonas stutzeri(VAN NIEL strain) in the presenceof a limiting amount of nitrate under anaerobic conditions ischaracterized by 2 logarithmic phases separated distinctly byan intermediate phase where the growth rate is very low. Inthe first logarithmic phase nitrate is reduced stoichiometricallyto nitrite stage, and in the second phase nitrite is reducedto nitrogen gas. The nitrite reducing activity of cells in the second growthphase is 3–4 times higher than that of cells in the firstphase. The rise in nitrite reducing activity is correlated witha remarkable increase in the content of cytochromes a2 and c-552. 1Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Hiroshima UniversitySchool of Dentistry, Hiroshima, Japan. 2Present address: Institute of Molecular Biology, Faculty ofScience, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. (Received June 16, 1969; )  相似文献   
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