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SYNOPSIS. Mice were used as a model system to demonstrate theeffects of increased loading on the trabecular bone in the developingproximal femur. A two-dimensional free body diagram revealedthat because the femur is normally held in a horizontal positionduring support, functional loading resulted in a net posteriorbending moment and a muscle generated axial compressive loadthat was 7.7 times the normal support weight for that limb.Experimental treatment consisted of four times normal gravityfor 10 min, six times per day for 30 days in addition to unrestrainednormal exercise. Unrestrained normal exercise served as thecontrol. An animal whose foot was amputated by his mother shortlyafter birth was used as a less than normal load example forcomparison with the hypergravity and control groups. All groupswere treated for 30 days. Two areas of trabecular bone wereexamined: a proximal central webbing area that may be underpredominantly tensile loading much of the time, and a more distalarea near the third trochanter that presumably experiences bendingstresses when the animal is exposed to normal activity or hypergravity.Results indicate that: 1) The central webbing area appears tohave a similar mass of bone regardless of loading conditions;however, with increased loading the trabeculae become orientedin directions that approximate directions of presumed principaltensile stresses. 2) There is no genetically predetermined amountof bony tissue in the third trochanter area; when the limb isrelatively unloaded no trabeculae are present, as the loadingincreases trabecular bone is formed. In the hypergravity group,trabeculae in the area of the third trochanter increased inlength and complexity and became more centrally positioned inthe lumen of the femur, a position that presumably would allowthe femur to better resist bending moments. These results demonstratethat short duration, high intensity functional loading can stimulategrowth of trabecular bone, and further, specific types of functionalloading can be correlated with specific architectural changes.  相似文献   
Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants were grown in two naturally lighted, outdoor controlled environment plant growth chambers. The approach velocity to the plant growing zone was 75 cm s?1 in one chamber and 225 cm s?1 in the other. The lower air velocity represents the presently considered maximum permissible air velocity in controlled environment plant growth chambers. The humidity in both chambers was near saturation. After three weeks' growth in these chambers, there were no significant differences in fresh or dry weights of the plants or any parts thereof. The high air velocity reduced the transpiration rate as predicted by energy budget considerations and significantly lowered the average leaf temperature of the crop by three degrees. The data strongly support the hypothesis that the maximum permissible air velocity in controlled environment plant growth chambers can be raised considerably if the humidity is maintained high.  相似文献   
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