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Summary The developing pigment strand of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied by conventional electron microscopy and also by use of thick sections post-fixed with zinc iodide and osmium (ZIO).When the rice caryopsis achieves maximum length, a suberised adcrusting wall layer is laid down over the original primary walls of the pigment strand. Concomitant with suberin deposition a proliferation of tubular endoplasmic reticulum occurs in the cytoplasm giving rise to numerous interconnected vesicles which bear ribosomes. The vesicles in the general cytoplasm retain their ribosomes while those close to the wall become smooth and contain an electron-opaque granular material which is eventually deposited to the outside of the plasmalemma. This granular material may be the precursor(s) from which suberin is polymerised. The suberised wall attains about six times the width of the original primary wall and plasmodesmata, which traverse both primary wall and suberised wall layers, become greatly elongated.Lipid bodies increase in both size and frequency during development, eventually coalescing to form a complete plug across the pigment strand and occluding the symplast of this tissue. The significance of these ultrastructural observations is discussed in relation to the previously demonstrated role of the pigment strand as a translocation pathway for water and assimilates during grain filling.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodide-osmium fixation  相似文献   
The distribution of the phloem-mobile fluorescent probe carboxyfluorescein(CF) within the primary root of Arabidopsis thaliana was imagedusing a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and the tissueand subcellular distribution of the probe was shown to be influencedby treatment with a number of metabolic inhibitors. Sodium azidecompletely inhibited the phloem transport of CF into the treatedregion of root. Treatment with both CCCP and probenecid inducedthe lateral movement of CF from the transport phloem to theadjacent cell layers, and the probe accumulated in the cytoplasmof the pericycle, endodermis, cortex, and epidermis. This lateraltransfer of CF was restricted to the pericycle in the presenceof plasmolysing concentrations of sorbitol. Ultrastructuralinvestigations demonstrated the presence of a plasm odesmatalpathway leading from the sieve elementcompanion cell complex(SE-CC) out into the cortex. The results are consistent withthe operation of this symplastic pathway under conditions ofmetabolic energy reduction and are discussed in relation tothe regulation of plasmodesmatal conductance in the transportphloem. Key words: Arabidopsis, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), metabolic inhibitors, phloem transport, symplastic phloem unloading  相似文献   
The coat protein (CP) of potato virus X was localized immunocytochemically in infected leaves of susceptible Nicotiana species and shown to be targeted to the central cavity of plasmodesmata in virus-infected cells. A viral deletion mutant, in which the CP gene was replaced with the gene for the green fluorescent protein (GFP), was restricted to single, inoculated cells. However, movement of the mutant virus was rescued on transgenic plants constitutively expressing the CP gene, and the CP was again targeted to plasmodesmata. The CP was not localized to plasmodesmata in uninfected transgenic plants and, in contrast to the plasmodesmata of PVX-infected cells, the plasmodesmata of the transgenic plants did not allow the passage of 10 kDa fluorescent dextrans. We propose that the CP is not involved in plasmodesmal gating per se , but is necessary for transport of the viral RNA to, and possibly through, plasmodesmata.  相似文献   
Plasmodesmata (PD) form tubular connections that function as intercellular communication channels. They are essential for transporting nutrients and for coordinating development. During cytokinesis, simple PDs are inserted into the developing cell plate, while during wall extension, more complex (branched) forms of PD are laid down. We show that complex PDs are derived from existing simple PDs in a pattern that is accelerated when leaves undergo the sink–source transition. Complex PDs are inserted initially at the three-way junctions between epidermal cells but develop most rapidly in the anisocytic complexes around stomata. For a quantitative analysis of complex PD formation, we established a high-throughput imaging platform and constructed PDQUANT, a custom algorithm that detected cell boundaries and PD numbers in different wall faces. For anticlinal walls, the number of complex PDs increased with increasing cell size, while for periclinal walls, the number of PDs decreased. Complex PD insertion was accelerated by up to threefold in response to salicylic acid treatment and challenges with mannitol. In a single 30-min run, we could derive data for up to 11k PDs from 3k epidermal cells. This facile approach opens the door to a large-scale analysis of the endogenous and exogenous factors that influence PD formation.  相似文献   
Fluorescent proteins (FPs) were developed for live-cell imaging and have revolutionized cell biology. However, not all plant tissues are accessible to live imaging using confocal microscopy, necessitating alternative approaches for protein localization. An example is the phloem, a tissue embedded deep within plant organs and sensitive to damage. To facilitate accurate localization of FPs within recalcitrant tissues, we developed a simple method for retaining FPs after resin embedding. This method is based on low-temperature fixation and dehydration, followed by embedding in London Resin White, and avoids the need for cryosections. We show that a palette of FPs can be localized in plant tissues while retaining good structural cell preservation, and that the polymerized block face can be counterstained with cell wall probes. Using this method we have been able to image green fluorescent protein-labeled plasmodesmata to a depth of more than 40 μm beneath the resin surface. Using correlative light and electron microscopy of the phloem, we were able to locate the same FP-labeled sieve elements in semithin and ultrathin sections. Sections were amenable to antibody labeling, and allowed a combination of confocal and superresolution imaging (three-dimensional-structured illumination microscopy) on the same cells. These correlative imaging methods should find several uses in plant cell biology.The localization of fluorescent proteins (FPs) in cells and tissues has become one of the major tools in cell biology (Tsien, 1998; Shaner et al., 2005). Advances in confocal microscopy have meant that many proteins can be tagged with appropriate fluorescent markers and tracked as they move within and between cells (Chapman et al., 2005). Additional approaches involving photobleaching and photoactivation of FPs have opened up new avenues for exploring protein dynamics and turnover within cells (Lippincott-Schwartz et al., 2003). However, not all cells are amenable to live-cell imaging, which in plants is usually restricted to surface cells such as the leaf epidermis. An example is the phloem. The delicate nature of sieve elements and companion cells, which are under substantial hydrostatic pressure, has made studies of the fine structure of these cells particularly difficult (Knoblauch and van Bel, 1998). Despite this, significant advances have been made in imaging the phloem through inventive use of imaging protocols that allow living sieve elements to be observed as they translocate assimilates (for review, see Knoblauch and Oparka, 2012). However, determining the precise localization of the plethora of proteins located within the sieve element (SE)-companion cell (CC) complex remains a technical challenge. The phloem is the conduit for long-distance movement of macromolecules in plants, including viral genomes. For several viruses, the entry into the SE-CC complex is a crucial step that determines the capacity for long-distance movement. Identifying the cell types within the phloem that restrict the movement of some viruses is technically challenging due to the small size of phloem cells and their location deep within plant organs (Nelson and van Bel, 1998).The problems associated with imaging proteins in phloem tissues prompted us to explore methods for retaining the fluorescence of tagged proteins within tissues not normally amenable to confocal imaging. Previously, we used superresolution imaging techniques on fixed phloem tissues sectioned on a Vibroslice, providing information on the association between a viral movement protein (MP) and plasmodesmata (PD) within the SE-CC complex (Fitzgibbon et al., 2010). However, we wished to explore the same cells using correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), necessitating the development of methods that would allow sequential imaging of cells using fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To this end, we developed a protocol that retains fluorescent proteins through aldehyde fixation and resin embedding.In the last 10 years there has been significant interest in imaging fluorescent proteins in semithin sections (for review, see Cortese et al., 2009). Luby-Phelps and colleagues (2003) first described a method for retaining GFP fluorescence after fixation and resin embedding, but their method has not seen widespread application. The advent of superresolution imaging techniques (for review, see Bell and Oparka, 2011) has stimulated considerable interest in this field as the retention of fluorescence in thin sections means that cells can be imaged using techniques such as photoactivation light microscopy and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, allowing a lateral resolution of less than 10 nm to be achieved (Subach et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2012). A number of studies have described CLEM on the same cells (Luby-Phelps et al., 2003; Betzig et al., 2006; Watanabe et al., 2011). Advances in this field were reviewed recently (Jahn et al., 2012; see contributions in Muller-Reichert and Verkade, 2012). For example, Pfeiffer et al. (2003) were able to image SEs and CCs using high-pressure freezing, followed by freeze substitution in acetone and resin embedding. They then used thick optical sections of the tissue to locate cells of interest, and these were subsequently imaged using TEM. However, there have been few attempts to retain FPs in resin-embedded plant tissues. Thompson and Wolniak (2008) described the retention of mCitrine fused to an SE-plasma membrane protein in glycol methacrylate sections. The fluorescent signal was stable using wide-field microscopy but bleached rapidly under the confocal microscope.To date, cryosections have been the preferred choice for CLEM in mammalian tissues (Watanabe et al., 2011). Recently, Lee et al. (2011) chemically fixed Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings, cut 50-μm sections, and examined these with a confocal microscope. After confocal mapping the sections were embedded in resin and thin sectioned. These authors were able to locate the same PD pit fields using confocal and TEM, providing important information on the localization of a novel PD protein. As general rule, cryosectioning is a time-consuming process, and subcellular details may be obscured in cryosections because of poor tissue contrast (Watanabe et al., 2011). A major problem with imaging FPs in resin sections has been that GFP and its derivatives are quenched by the acidic, oxidizing conditions required for fixation, dehydration, and embedding of delicate specimens (Tsien, 1998; Keene et al., 2008). Recently, however, Watanabe et al. (2011) explored the retention of FPs in Caenorhabditis elegans cells after fixation by different aldehydes and embedding media. These authors tested a range of resins and found that Citrine and tandem dimer Eos (tdEos) could be retained in methacrylate plastic sections. This material was difficult to cut thinly (<70 nm) compared to epoxy-based resins, but the authors obtained valuable correlative images using stimulated emission depletion microscopy and photoactivation light microscopy followed by low-voltage scanning electron microscopy.Because the retention of fluorescent proteins may differ between plant and animal cells, we explored a number of approaches for retaining fluorescent proteins in resin. Using low-temperature conditions (<8°C) during fixation and dehydration, we could retain strong fluorescence prior to tissue embedding. We also explored different embedding media and found that tissue could be effectively polymerized in London Resin (LR) White while retaining sufficient fluorescence for confocal imaging. Using water-dipping lenses, we were able to detect fluorescent proteins in optical sections up to 40 μm below the surface of the block face. Ultrathin sections from the same blocks showed good structural preservation and allowed CLEM. Subsequently, we cut 1- to 2-μm sections and examined these using confocal microscopy and three-dimensional-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM). Sections could be counterstained with a number of conventional fluorophores and antibodies, allowing colocalization studies. These simple methods allow successive imaging of FPs with the light and electron microscope, combining the strengths of both imaging platforms. We believe this approach will have significant utility for tissues that are recalcitrant to conventional confocal imaging.  相似文献   
Plant viruses use movement proteins (MPs) to modify intercellular pores called plasmodesmata (PD) to cross the plant cell wall. Many viruses encode a conserved set of three MPs, known as the triple gene block (TGB), typified by Potato virus X (PVX). In this paper, using live-cell imaging of viral RNA (vRNA) and virus-encoded proteins, we show that the TGB proteins have distinct functions during movement. TGB2 and TGB3 established endoplasmic reticulum–derived membranous caps at PD orifices. These caps harbored the PVX replicase and nonencapsidated vRNA and represented PD-anchored viral replication sites. TGB1 mediated insertion of the viral coat protein into PD, probably by its interaction with the 5′ end of nascent virions, and was recruited to PD by the TGB2/3 complex. We propose a new model of plant virus movement, which we term coreplicational insertion, in which MPs function to compartmentalize replication complexes at PD for localized RNA synthesis and directional trafficking of the virus between cells.  相似文献   
Pannexins (Panxs) are a multifaceted family of ion and metabolite channels that play key roles in a number of physiological and pathophysiological settings. These single membrane large-pore channels exhibit a variety of tissue, cell type, and subcellular distributions. The lifecycles of Panxs are complex, yet must be understood to accurately target these proteins for future therapeutic use. Here we review the basics of Panx function and localization, and then analyze the recent advances in knowledge regarding Panx trafficking. We examine several intrinsic features of Panxs including specific post-translational modifications, the divergent C-termini, and oligomerization, all of which contribute to Panx anterograde transport pathways. Further, we examine the potential influence of extrinsic factors, such as protein-protein interactions, on Panx trafficking. Finally, we highlight what is currently known with respect to Panx internalization and retrograde transport, and present new data illustrating Panx1 internalization following an activating stimulus.  相似文献   
Evidence for symplastic phloem unloading in sink leaves of barley   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The pathway of phloem unloading in sink barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves was studied using a combination of electron microscopy, carboxyfluorescein transport, and systemic movement of barley stripe mosaic virus expressing the green fluorescent protein. Studies of plasmodesmatal frequencies between the phloem and mesophyll indicated a symplastic sieve element- (SE) unloading pathway involving thick-walled and thin-walled SEs. Phloem-translocated carboxyfluorescein was unloaded rapidly from major longitudinal veins and entered the mesophyll cells of sink leaves. Unloading was "patchy" along the length of a vein, indicating that sieve element unloading may be discontinuous along a single vascular bundle. This pattern was mirrored precisely by the unloading of barley stripe mosaic virus expressing the green fluorescent protein. Transverse veins were not utilized in the unloading process. The data collectively indicate a symplastic mechanism of SE unloading in the sink barley leaf.  相似文献   
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