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Single- (whole-cell patch) and two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques were used to measure transient (Ifast) and sustained (Islow) calcium currents, linear capacitance, and slow, voltage-dependent charge movements in freshly dissociated fibers of the flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle of rats of various postnatal ages. Peak Ifast was largest in FDB fibers of neonatal (1-5 d) rats, having a magnitude in 10 mM external Ca of 1.4 +/- 0.9 pA/pF (mean +/- SD; current normalized by linear fiber capacitance). Peak Ifast was smaller in FDB fibers of older animals, and by approximately 3 wk postnatal, it was so small as to be unmeasurable. By contrast, the magnitudes of Islow and charge movement increased substantially during postnatal development. Peak Islow was 3.6 +/- 2.5 pA/pF in FDB fibers of 1-5-d rats and increased to 16.4 +/- 6.5 pA/pF in 45-50-d-old rats; for these same two age groups, Qmax, the total mobile charge measurable as charge movement, was 6.0 +/- 1.7 and 23.8 +/- 4.0 nC/microF, respectively. As both Islow and charge movement are thought to arise in the transverse-tubular system, linear capacitance normalized by the area of fiber surface was determined as an indirect measure of the membrane area of the t-system relative to that of the fiber surface. This parameter increased from 1.5 +/- 0.2 microF/cm2 in 2-d fibers to 2.9 +/- 0.4 microF/cm2 in 44-d fibers. The increases in peak Islow, Qmax, and normalized linear capacitance all had similar time courses. Although the function of Islow is unknown, the substantial postnatal increase in its magnitude suggests that it plays an important role in the physiology of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Earliest cetaceans (whales) originated from the early Eocene of Indo-Pakistan, but the group dispersed through most of the oceans of the planet by the late middle to late Eocene. This late Eocene global distribution indicates that important dispersal events took place during the middle Eocene (Lutetian), a globally undersampled time interval that is well documented in the Togolese phosphate series. We report here the first discovery of a partial cetacean cranium from middle Eocene deposits of Togo (West Africa). A 3D model of the cranium and teeth was reconstructed in order to reveal hidden anatomical features. The dental and cranial characteristics of the Togolese specimen recall those of protocetid taxa described in Africa, Asia, and North America, but also display significant differences. In particular, we show that the new specimen shares a number of morphological features with the Togolese taxon Togocetus. Such a hypothesis is further supported by a cladistic analysis including 45 taxa and 167 morphological characters, which recovers the new specimen close to Togocetus as the first offshoot of protocetids. Phylogenetic analysis including all the protocetids remains of Kpogamé confirms the singular diversity of the Togolese phosphate basin, and enables to examine potential connections with faunas from contemporaneous localities in Africa.  相似文献   
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a pest of grain and vegetable crops endemic to the Western Hemisphere that has recently become widespread in sub‐Saharan Africa and has appeared in India. An important tool for monitoring S. frugiperda in the USA is pheromone trapping, which would be of value for use with African populations. Field experiments were conducted in Togo (West Africa) to compare capture of male fall armyworm using three commercially available pheromone lures and three trap designs. The objectives were to identify optimum trap × lure combinations with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and cost. Almost 400 moths were captured during the experiment. Differences were found in the number of S. frugiperda moths captured in the various trap designs and with the three pheromone lures, and in the number of non‐target moths captured with each lure. The merits of each trap × lure combination are discussed with respect to use in Africa. A nearly equal number of COI‐CS (161) and COI‐RS (158) moths was captured with no differences found in COI marker proportions among traps or lures. However, the diagnostic rice strain marker Tpi was rarely found. Overall, the genetic characterization of the pheromone trap collections indicated a consistent distribution of genetic markers from 2016 to 2017, suggesting a population at or near equilibrium.  相似文献   
We have analyzed nucleic acid and amino acid sequence alignments of a variety of voltage-sensitive ion channels, using several methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. Ancient duplications within this family gave rise to three distantly related groups, one consisting of the Na+ and Ca++ channels, another the K+ channels, and a third including the cyclic nucleotide-binding channels. A series of gene duplications produced at least seven mammalian homologues of the Drosophila Shaker K+ channel; clones of only three of these genes are available from all three mammalian species examined (mouse, rat, and human), pointing to specific genes that have yet to be recovered in one or another of these species. The Shaw-related K+ channels and the Na+ channel family have also undergone considerable expansion in mammals, relative to flies. These expansions presumably reflect the needs of the high degree of physiological and neuronal complexity of mammals. Analysis of the separate domains of the four-domain channels (Ca++ and Na+) supports their having evolved by two sequential gene duplications and implies the historical existence of a functional two-domain channel.   相似文献   


Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is the most serious form of malnutrition affecting children under-five and is associated with many infectious diseases including Tuberculosis (TB). In India, nutritional rehabilitation centres (NRCs) have been recently established for the management of SAM including TB. The National TB Programme (NTP) in India has introduced a revised algorithm for diagnosing paediatric TB. We aimed to examine whether NRCs adhered to these guidelines in diagnosing TB among SAM children.


A cross-sectional study involving review of records of all SAM children identified by health workers during 2012 in six tehsils (sub-districts) with NRCs (population: 1.8 million) of Karnataka, India.


Of 1927 identified SAM children, 1632 (85%) reached NRCs. Of them, 1173 (72%) were evaluated for TB and 19(2%) were diagnosed as TB. Of 1173, diagnostic algorithm was followed in 460 (37%). Among remaining 763 not evaluated as per algorithm, tuberculin skin test alone was conducted in 307 (41%), chest radiography alone in 99 (13%) and no investigations in 337 (45%). The yield of TB was higher among children evaluated as per algorithm (4%) as compared to those who were not (0.3%) (OR: 15.3 [95%CI: 3.5-66.3]). Several operational challenges including non-availability of a full-time paediatrician, non-functioning X-ray machine due to frequent power cuts, use of tuberculin with suboptimal strength and difficulties in adhering to a complex diagnostic algorithm were observed.


This study showed that TB screening in NRCs was sub-optimal in Karnataka. Some children did not reach the NRC, while many of those who did were either not or sub-optimally evaluated for TB. This study pointed to a number of operational issues that need to be addressed if this collaborative strategy is to identify more TB cases amongst malnourished children in India.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: To study the genetic structure among three morphotypes of an African rainforest tree species, Santiria trimera, nuclear microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized. ? Methods and Results: Seven polymorphic loci were isolated using a pyrosequencing-based protocol and successfully amplified on three different morphotypes of S. trimera. For six of the seven loci, there is at least one private allele for one of the three morphotypes. The mean effective number of alleles is about four for each of the three morphotypes. ? Conclusions: These microsatellite markers are promising to explore the genetic delimitation among sympatric morphotypes found in Gabonese forests and to study the spatial genetic structure within each gene pool.  相似文献   
Shoot organogenesis was successfully achieved in petiole explants excised from 6 to 8-week old in vitro plantlets of yam Dioscorea rotundata P. cv. Kponan fissa, Dioscorea cayenensis L. cv. Krengle IB14 and cv. Krengle IB35, and Dioscorea alata L. cv. Bete bete. Only the basipetal portion of the petiole acquired competence, and plants regenerated within 21?days on MS medium supplemented with 2?% sucrose, 100?mg/l myo-inositol, 10???M kinetin and 1.5?mM putrescine referred to as yam regeneration medium (YRM). Plant regeneration was significantly (p?<?0.01) higher (42?%) with 2?% sucrose compared to 1, 3 and 4?% sucrose which produced 4, 25 and 15?% regeneration respectively. The age of the donor yam plantlet was critical to regeneration, and the highest regeneration efficiency was obtained with explants from 8-week old plantlets. Addition of the antioxidants lipoic acid (19.4???M), and l-cysteine (28.5???M) to the culture medium stimulated axillary branching in regenerated shoots. Among the four yam cultivars tested, cv. Kponan fissa, cv. Krengle IB14 and cv. Bete bete had similar response at 10???M kinetin, while the cv. Krengle IB35 regenerated best at a lower concentration of kinetin (0.5???M).  相似文献   
Protected areas constitute strategy for biodiversity conservation. Unfortunately, these sanctuaries of biodiversity are submitted to a high human pressure in Togo. This study carried out in the Alédjo protected area, aimed to make an analysis of various forms of human footprints and their impact on its plant resources. Methodological approach was based on forest inventory completed by inquiries. Ninety‐four wooded species belonging to 35 families were counted. Floristic data analysis showed that seven species: Isoberlinia doka Craib & Stapf, Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalz., Berlinia grandiflora (Vahl) Hutch. & Dalz., Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir., Zanha golungensis Hiern, Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss., Pentadesma butyracea Sabine was prominent. Five vegetation types were identified: riparian forests, dry forests, open forests, savanna woodlands, tree/shrub savannas with variable structural characteristics. The diversity indices in these plant communities are well significant and indicate a good distribution of species in the area. Several human activities such as fuel wood, fruits and medicinal plants gathering, carbonization, pasture were found within the protected area. Local authorities and associations are involved in the management of the protected area, but the participation of local populations needs to be improved.  相似文献   
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