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This study was conducted in a secondary broad-leaved forestin northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned on 20–21 April1998. The study plot, set up on 13 July 1998, contained Quercusmongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonicatrees. The latter were more severely damaged by the fire. Size-dependentsurvivorship was observed in both species with larger treesbeing more likely to survive the fire. However, many largeBetulatrees were completely destroyed. Both species developed abundantroot collar sprouts immediately after the fire. The number ofsprouts ranged from 0 to 296 in Betula and from 0 to 34 in Quercus.Trees with no sprouts were not necessarily dead. The frequencydistribution of the sprouting pattern in Betula was bimodal.This was related to damage severity, with the most abundantsprouting manifest in the most severely damaged trees. Thispattern was not observed inQuercus . Stem diameter also appearedto influence the extent of sprouting in Betula, while in Quercusthere was no distinct correlation between basal area and thenumber of sprouts. In Betula, the relationship between the numberof sprouts and the damage severity suggests a trade-off in resourceallocation for sprouting vs. shoot flushing in the crown. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Betula platyphylla var. japonica, fire, fire tolerance, Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata , resource allocation, root collar sprouting, stem diameter size.  相似文献   
Effects of Cl and other anions on the rate of HILL reactionin Euglena chloroplasts were investigated. Cl acceleratedthe reaction rate with ferricyanide as HILL oxidant; Br,F and I were also effective; NO3, PO42–and SO42– were less effective. Divalent cations, Ca2+and Mg2+, were also highly effective. The promoting effectsof these ions were highly dependent on pH and the nature andconcentration of the HILL oxidant used. Accelerating effectsof the ion increased with decreasing concentrations of ferricyanide.Generally, the stimulating effect of Cl was much moremarked at pH 7–7.5, with little effect at pH 5. Thus,the pH-activity relationship in the HILL reaction is more orless markedly modified by addition of ions. Cl, and other anions, accelerated the reaction by affectingonly the dark rate-limiting portion of the HILL reaction; thelight reaction constant remained uninfluenced. We inferred thatsome reaction step, at which ferricyanide receives electronfrom photosystem 2, is accelerated by Cl and other ions.Cl effects were rather small, or undetectable, with DPIPor p-benzoquinone as oxidants. (Received January 8, 1970; )  相似文献   
Similar karyotypes of In = 22 in Cycas circinalis, C. media var. basaltica, C. revoluia var. rewluta, C. revoluta var. taiwaniana and C. siammsis were compared with each other by using the CMA and DAPI fluorescent staining methods. Their four largest submedian-centromeric chromosomes each had a CMA band at the terminal region in common. Their 12 terminal-centromeric chromosomes commonly displayed CMA bands at the terminal region and the pericentric region. Two of the 12 terminal-centromeric chromosomes carried a CMA band somewhere in the interstitial region of the long arm. C. circinalis alone showed it at a relative position closer to the centromere. The other taxa showed it at a relative position near the terminal region. All of the chromosomes exhibited the DAPI dot at the centromeric region.  相似文献   
The present work was undertaken to find if there are relations between light and auxin action on elongation of coleoptilar node and mesocotyl with Avena seedlings. Red light inhibited the elongation of mesocotyl and simultaneously decreased the rate of transport of diffusible auxin through the node. Red light also inhibited the transport of exogenously given IAA through the nodal region. The light inhibition of IAA transport was closely related to the increase of IAA immobilization. As the age proceeds, the ability of IAA immobilization increased with the decrease in the rate of mesocotyl elongation, even if the seedling was grown in complete darkness. The nature of radioactive substances found in the IAA-C14 treated tissue was examined by paper chromatography. The above results strongly suggested that the increase of IAA immobilization might result in the inhibition of mesocotyl elongation.  相似文献   
Two modern cultivars [Yangmai16 (Y16) and Yangfumai 2 (Y2)] of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with almost identical phenology were investigated to determine the impacts of elevated ozone concentration (E‐O3) on physiological characters related to photosynthesis under fully open‐air field conditions in China. The plants were exposed from the initiation of tillering to final harvest, with E‐O3 of 127% of the ambient ozone concentration (A‐O3). Measurements of pigments, gas exchange rates, chlorophyll a fluorescence and lipid oxidation were made in three replicated plots throughout flag leaf development. In cultivar Y2, E‐O3 significantly accelerated leaf senescence, as indicated by increased lipid oxidation as well as faster declines in pigment amounts and photosynthetic rates. The lower photosynthetic rates were mainly due to nonstomatal factors, e.g. lower maximum carboxylation capacity, electron transport rates and light energy distribution. In cultivar Y16, by contrast, the effects of E‐O3 were observed only at the very last stage of flag leaf ageing. Since the two cultivars had almost identical phenology and very similar leaf stomatal conductance before senescence, the greater impacts of E‐O3 on cultivars Y2 than Y16 cannot be explained by differential ozone uptake. Our findings will be useful for scientists to select O3‐tolerant wheat cultivars against the rising surface [O3] in East and South Asia.  相似文献   
金花茶(Camellia petelotii)的小孢子单核期花药,经培养和继代培养6个月后的愈伤组织中,发现有少量体细胞进行减数分裂。在减数第一和第二次分裂中,同源染色体的配对和分离基本正常,最后形成四分体。该愈伤组织经石蜡切片和压片观察,发现其主要由大量的液化细胞和贮藏细胞所组成,此外,还有少部分分生细胞。没有发现进一步的分化。其染色体数目,2n=30者占71.7%其余则为非整倍体。  相似文献   
Adults of the Euthalia phemius complex, which is composed of three South‐East Asian nymphalid species, Euthalia phemius, Euthalia ipona, and Euthalia euphemia, were genetically analysed by examining mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The E. phemius complex was also examined morphologically, with particular emphasis on wing markings and male genitalia. No significant differences amongst the three species in the complex were detected with respect to either genetic distance or genital morphology. We therefore conclude that the three currently recognized Euthalia species belong to a single species. Accordingly, E. ipona is synonymized with E. phemius. Euthalia euphemia is treated as a subspecies of E. phemius. Type specimens of all taxa and a synonymic list for the E. phemius complex are also given. In addition, we briefly discuss the evolution and biogeography of the species complex. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 304–327.  相似文献   
The female Truljalia hibinonis ingests metanotal secretions of the male during copulation. The effect of ingestion on oviposition behavior was compared between three female groups: females that copulated once with an intact male (a male that had not been manipulated; M group); females that copulated once with a male from which most of the metanotal secretion had been removed (NO group); and females that copulated once with an intact male followed by being artificially supplied with metanotal secretion three times (MS group). There were no obvious differences in female fecundity across the three groups. However, within the MS group, intake of an optimal amount of metanotal secretion increased the number of eggs laid. This effect appeared quickly after ingestion and was most effective on the first bout (eggs laid during the first few days after copulation) after ingestion of the metanotal secretion. In contrast, the number of eggs laid had a negative correlation with the amount of metanotal secretion ingested when the amount exceeded the optimal in this experimental arrangement.  相似文献   
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate CH4 emissions from a sandy paddy soil as influenced by rice cultivars and atmospheric CO2 elevation. The experiment with two CO2 levels, 370 μL L−1 (ambient) and 570 μL L−1 (elevated), was performed in a climatron, located at the National Institute for Agro‐Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan. Four rice cultivars were tested in this experiment, including IR65598, IR72, Dular and Koshihikari. Tiller number, root length and grain yield were clearly larger under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2. IR72 and Dular showed significantly higher tiller number, root length and grain yield than Koshihikari and IR65598. Average daily CH4 fluxes under elevated CO2 were significantly larger by 10.9–23.8% than those under ambient CO2, and varied with the cultivars in the sequence Dular ≧ IR72>IR65598 ≧ Koshihikari. Dissolved organic C (DOC) content in the soil was obviously higher under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2 and differed among the cultivars, in the sequence IR72>Dular>Koshihikari>IR65598. The differences in average daily CH4 fluxes between CO2 levels and among the cultivars were related to different root exudation as DOC content, root length and tiller number. This study indicated that Koshihikari should be a potential cultivar for mitigating CH4 emission and simultaneously keeping stable grain yield, because this cultivar emitted lowest CH4 emission and produced medium grain yield.  相似文献   
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