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ABSTRACT. Gymnodinium sanguineum, Gyrodinium uncatenum , and Ceratium furca are large phototrophic dinoflagellates that commonly form red tides in the mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay during the summer. Examination of protargol-stained specimens revealed that these dinoflagellates also feed heterotrophically as indicated by the presence of food vacuoles containing partially digested prey. Ingested prey were generally identified as nanociliates (≥20 μm) belonging to the oligotrich genera Strobilidium and Strombidium ; occasionally other small ciliates (e.g. Balanion sp. and Mesodinium sp.), dinoflagellates, and diatoms were observed in early stages of digestion. the percentage of these mixotrophs that had ingested prey was usually less than 20%, but approached 30% in some samples. Occurrence of food vacuoles in Gymno. sanguineum was positively correlated with ≤20 μm oligotrichous ciliate density; limited data for Gyro. uncatenum suggests a similar relationship, but C. furca feeding was not related to nanociliate densities.  相似文献   
Latitudinal gradients of life-history traits in animals are thought to be shaped by environmental variables. For example, it has been suggested that the increase in avian clutch size from the tropics towards the northern temperate regions is caused by a reduced survival of adult birds in the north due to increasing environmental seasonality. However, the tropical savannahs of East Africa show pronounced seasonality in resources caused by distinct rainy and dry seasons. This raises the question of whether survival and other life-history traits of birds living in these tropical savannahs are influenced by this seasonality, making them more similar to northern temperate species. We used 2-year monthly resighting data, a multistate modelling approach and the program MARK to test whether survival, transition probabilities between breeding states and other life-history traits of two resident Kenyan Sylvia species (Aves: Passeriformes: Sylviidae) are shaped by seasonality of rainfall in their environment. Contradicting our hypotheses, the two species showed only very slight influence of seasonality of rainfall on their survival. Survival in the dry months was hardly lower than in the rainy months. The species in the more seasonal environment ( S. boehmi , annual survival 71%) survived as well as the one in the more constant environment ( S. lugens , 56%). The observed survival rates correspond well to other life-history traits of the two species and are of similar magnitude to survival rates of other tropical passerines. This implies that either seasonality is not the driving force behind the life-history traits of the two species or the birds do not experience their environment as seasonal, as might be suggested by fluctuations in rainfall.  相似文献   
Iron is an essential element for the growth of nearly all organisms. In order to overcome the problem of its low bioavailability, microorganisms (including fungi) secrete siderophores, high-affinity iron chelators. As the acquisition of iron is also a key step in infection processes, siderophores have been considered as potential virulence factors in several host–pathogen interactions. Most fungi produce siderophores of the hydroxamate-type, which are synthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). Magnaporthe grisea , the causal agent of rice blast disease, produces ferricrocin as intracellular storage siderophore and excretes coprogens. In the M. grisea genome we identified SSM1 , an NRPS gene, and a gene encoding an l -ornithine N5-monooxygenase ( OMO1 ) that is clustered with SSM1 and responsible for catalysing the first step in siderophore biosynthesis, the N5 hydroxylation of ornithine. Disruption of SSM1 confirmed that the gene encodes ferricrocin synthetase. Pathogenicity of these mutants towards rice was reduced, suggesting a role of this siderophore in pathogenicity of M. grisea .  相似文献   
To improve our mechanistic understanding and predictive capacities with respect to climate change effects on the spring phytoplankton bloom in temperate marine systems, we used a process‐driven dynamical model to disentangle the impact of potentially relevant factors which are often correlated in the field. The model was based on comprehensive indoor mesocosm experiments run at four temperature and three light regimes. It was driven by time‐series of water temperature and irradiance, considered edible and less edible phytoplankton separately, and accounted for density‐dependent grazing losses. It successfully reproduced the observed dynamics of well edible phytoplankton in the different temperature and light treatments. Four major factors influenced spring phytoplankton dynamics: temperature, light (cloudiness), grazing, and the success of overwintering phyto‐ and zooplankton providing the starting biomasses for spring growth. Our study predicts that increasing cloudiness as anticipated for warmer winters for the Baltic Sea region will retard phytoplankton net growth and reduce peak heights. Light had a strong direct effect in contrast to temperature. However, edible phytoplankton was indirectly strongly temperature‐sensitive via grazing which was already important in early spring at moderately high algal biomasses and counter‐intuitively provoked lower and later algal peaks at higher temperatures. Initial phyto‐ and zooplankton composition and biomass also had a strong effect on spring algal dynamics indicating a memory effect via the broadly under‐sampled overwintering plankton community. Unexpectedly, increased initial phytoplankton biomass did not necessarily lead to earlier or higher spring blooms since the effect was counteracted by subsequently enhanced grazing. Increasing temperature will likely exhibit complex indirect effects via changes in overwintering phytoplankton and grazer biomasses and current grazing pressure. Additionally, effects on the phytoplankton composition due to the species‐specific susceptibility to grazing are expected. Hence, we need to consider not only direct but also indirect effects, e.g. biotic interactions, when addressing climate change impacts.  相似文献   
1. Measurements of total phosphorus (TP) concentrations since 1975 and a 50‐year time series of phytoplankton biovolume and species composition from Lake Mondsee (Austria) were combined with palaeolimnological information on diatom composition and reconstructed TP‐levels to describe the response of phytoplankton communities to changing nutrient conditions. 2. Four phases were identified in the long‐term record. Phase I was the pre‐eutrophication period characterised by TP‐levels of about 6 μg L?1 and diatom dominance. Phase II began in 1966 with an increase in TP concentration followed by the invasion of Planktothrix rubescens in 1968, characterising mesotrophic conditions. Phase III, from 1976 to 1979, had the highest annual mean TP concentrations (up to 36 μg L?1) and phytoplankton biovolumes (3.57 mm3 L?1), although reductions in external nutrient loading started in 1974. Phases II and III saw an expansion of species characteristic of higher nutrient levels as reflected in the diatom stratigraphy. Oligotrophication (phase IV) began in 1980 when annual average TP concentration, Secchi depth and algal biovolume began to decline, accompanied by increasing concentrations of soluble reactive silica. 3. The period from 1981 to 1986 was characterised by asynchronous trends. Annual mean and maximum total phytoplankton biovolume initially continued to increase after TP concentration began to decline. Reductions in phytoplankton biovolume were delayed by about 5 years. Several phytoplankton species differed in the timing of their responses to changing nutrient conditions. For example, while P. rubescens declined concomitantly with the decline in TP concentration, other species indicative of higher phosphorus concentrations, such as Tabellaria flocculosa var. asterionelloides, tended to increase further. 4. These data therefore do not support the hypotheses that a reduction in TP concentration is accompanied by (i) an immediate decline in total phytoplankton biovolume and (ii) persistence of the species composition characterising the phytoplankton community before nutrient reduction.  相似文献   
Evidence of chemical recovery from acidification in European freshwaters has emerged in recent years, with many previously damaged systems responding to decades of reduced acidifying emissions. Biological recovery, however, has often lagged behind, and this has been ascribed to several possible mechanisms, including inertia in the food web. We examined two decades of change in hindcasted food webs for Lochnagar, a Scottish mountain lake, to make inferences about the potential dynamical stability of the system and to assess the prospects for future biological recovery. Although community composition tracked temporal changes in acidity, this was neither sustained nor directional, and mainly manifested as shifts in relative abundances rather than the establishment of more acid‐sensitive species. The food web was highly interconnected and reticulate, especially in years when species richness was low, and subsidized by external inputs of detritus. Among the primary consumers, generalist herbivore–detritivores maintained feeding links with the scant algal resources, which appeared insufficient to support viable populations of specialist grazers. Together, these characteristics, which are shared with many other acidified freshwaters, are likely to make the community dynamically stable and resistant to invasions of potential new colonists, thereby slowing the pace of future biological recovery.  相似文献   
There are conflicting opinions on the relative importance of photosynthetic limitations under salinity. Quantitative limitation analysis of photosynthesis provides insight into the contributions of different photosynthetic limitations, but it has only been applied under saturating light conditions. Using experimental data and modelling approaches, we examined the influence of light intensity on photosynthetic limitations and quantified the osmotic and ionic effects of salinity on stomatal (LS), mesophyll (LM), biochemical (LB) and light (LL) limitations in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under different light intensities. Non‐linear dependencies of LS, LM and LL to light intensity were found. Osmotic effects on LS and LM increased with the salt concentration in the nutrient solution (Ss) and the magnitude of LM depended on light intensity. LS increased with the Na+ concentration in the leaf water (Sl) and its magnitude depended on Ss. Biochemical capacity declined linearly with Sl but, surprisingly, the relationship between LB and Sl was influenced by Ss. Our results suggest that (1) improvement of stomatal regulation under ionic stress would be the most effective way to alleviate salinity stress in cucumber and (2) osmotic stress may alleviate the ionic effects on LB but aggravate the ionic effects on LS.  相似文献   
The main motivation for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 to the Tahitian Archipelago was the assumption that the last deglacial sea‐level rise is precisely recorded in the coral reefs of this far‐field site. The Tahitian deglacial succession typically consists of coral framework subsequently encrusted by coralline algae and microbialites. The high abundance of microbialites is uncommon for shallow‐water coral reefs, and the environmental conditions favouring their development are still poorly understood. Microbioerosion patterns in the three principal framework components (corals, coralline algae, microbialites) are studied with respect to relative light availability during coral growth and subsequent encrustation, in order to constrain the palaeobathymetry and the relative timing of the encrustation. Unexpectedly for a tropical, light‐flooded setting, ichnotaxa typical for the deep‐euphotic to dysphotic zone dominate. The key ichnotaxa for the shallow euphotic zone are scarce in the analysed sample set, and are restricted to the base of the deglacial succession, thus reflecting the deglacial sea‐level rise. At the base of the deglacial reef succession, the ichnocoenoses present in the corals indicate shallower bathymetries than those in the encrusting microbialites. This is in agreement with radiocarbon data that indicate a time gap of more than 600 years between coral death and microbialite formation. At the top of the deglacial reef succession, in contrast, the microbioerosion patterns in the three framework components indicate a uniform palaeobathymetry, and radiocarbon ages imply that encrustation took place shortly after coral demise. An enigma arises from the fact that the ichnocoenoses imply photic conditions that appear very deep for zooxanthellate coral growth. During the deglacial sea‐level rise increased nutrients and fluvial influx may have led to (seasonal?) eutrophication, condensing the photic zonation. This would have exerted stress on the coral ecosystem and played a significant role in initiating microbialite development.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The glaucocystophyte Cyanophora paradoxa is an obligatorily photoautotrophic biflagellated protist containing cyanelles, peculiar plastids surrounded by a peptidoglycan layer between their inner and outer envelope membranes. Although the 136-kb cyanelle genome surpasses higher plant chloroplast genomes in coding capacity by about 50 protein genes, these primitive plastids still have to import >2,000 polypeptides across their unique organelle wall. One such protein is transketolase, an essential enzyme of the Calvin cycle. We report the sequence of the pre-transketolase cDNA from C. paradoxa and in vitro import experiments of precursor polypeptides into cyanelles and into pea chloroplasts. The transit sequence clearly indicates the localization of the gene product to cyanelles and is more similar to the transit sequences of the plant homologues than to transit sequences of other cyanelle precursor polypeptides with the exception of a cyanelle consensus sequence at the N-terminus. The mature sequence reveals conservation of the thiamine pyrophosphate binding site. A neighbor-net planar graph suggests that Cyanophora , higher plants, and the photosynthetic protist Euglena gracilis acquired their nuclear-encoded transketolase genes via endosymbiotic gene transfer from the cyanobacterial ancestor of plastids; in the case of Euglena probably entailing two transfers, once from the plastid in the green algal lineage and once again in the secondary endosymbiosis underlying the origin of Euglena's plastids. By contrast, transketolase genes in some eukaryotes with secondary plastids of red algal origin, such as Thalassiosira pseudonana , have retained the pre-existing transketolase gene germane to their secondary host.  相似文献   
Large-scale climatic signatures in lakes across Europe: a meta-analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies have highlighted the impact of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on water temperature, ice conditions, and spring plankton phenology in specific lakes and regions in Europe. Here, we use meta-analysis techniques to test whether 18 lakes in northern, western, and central Europe respond coherently to winter climate forcing, and to assess the persistence of the winter climate signal in physical, chemical, and biological variables during the year. A meta-analysis approach was chosen because we wished to emphasize the overall coherence pattern rather than individual lake responses. A particular strength of our approach is that time-series from each of the 18 lakes were subjected to the same robust statistical analysis covering the same 23-year period. Although the strongest overall coherence in response to the winter NAO was exhibited by lake water temperatures, a strong, coherent response was also exhibited by concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus and soluble reactive silicate, most likely as a result of the coherent response exhibited by the spring phytoplankton bloom. Lake nitrate concentrations showed significant coherence in winter. With the exception of the cyanobacterial biomass in summer, phytoplankton biomass in all seasons was unrelated to the winter NAO. A strong coherence in the abundance of daphnids during spring can most likely be attributed to coherence in daphnid phenology. A strong coherence in the summer abundance of the cyclopoid copepods may have been related to a coherent change in their emergence from resting stages. We discuss the complex nature of the potential mechanisms that drive the observed changes.  相似文献   
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