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1. Populations in different locations can exchange individuals depending on the distribution and connectivity of suitable habitat, and the dispersal capabilities and behaviour of the organisms. We used an isotopic tracer, 15N, to label stoneflies (Leuctra ferruginea) to determine the extent of adult flight along stream corridors and between streams where their larvae live. 2. In four mass, mark‐capture experiments we added 15NH4Cl continuously for several weeks to label specific regions of streams within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, U.S.A. We collected adult stoneflies along the labelled streams (up to 1.5 km of stream length), on transects through the forest away from labelled sections (up to 500 m), and along an 800‐m reach of adjacent tributary that flows into a labelled stream. 3. Of 966 individual adult stoneflies collected and analysed for 15N, 20% were labelled. Most labelled stoneflies were captured along stream corridors and had flown upstream a mean distance of 211 m; the net movement of the population (upstream + downstream) estimated from the midpoint of the labelled sections was 126 m upstream. The furthest male and female travelled approximately 730 m and approximately 663 m upstream, respectively. We also captured labelled mature females along an unlabelled tributary and along a forest transect 500 m from the labelled stream, thus demonstrating cross‐watershed dispersal. 4. We conclude that the adjacent forest was not a barrier to dispersal between catchments, and adult dispersal linked stonefly populations among streams across a landscape within one generation. Our data on the extent of adult dispersal provide a basis for a conceptual model identifying the boundaries of these populations, whose larvae are restricted to stream channels, and whose females must return to streams to oviposit.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Bait-delivered pharmaceuticals, increasingly used to manage populations of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and feral pigs, may be ingested by nontarget species. Species-specificity could be achieved through a delivery system. We designed the BOSTM (Boar-Operated-System) as a device to deliver baits to wild pigs. The BOSTM consists of a metal pole onto which a round perforated base is attached. A metal cone with a wide rim slides up and down the pole and fully encloses the base onto which the baits are placed. We conducted a pilot, captive trial and found that captive wild boar fed from the BOSTM either directly, by lifting the cone, or indirectly, by feeding once another animal had lifted the cone. Thus, we tested whether free-living wild boar fed from the BOSTM and whether the BOSTM could prevent bait uptake by nontarget species. We observed that free-living wild boar fed regularly from the BOSTM and that the device successfully prevented bait uptake by nontarget species. The BOSTM should be trialed more extensively to confirm its effectiveness and species-specificity to distribute pharmaceuticals to wild suids. If successful, the BOSTM could be used to deliver vaccines in disease control programs as well as contraceptives to manage overabundant populations of wild suids.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Shark teeth and scales from the Gneudna Formation type section, Carnarvon Basin are rare, but they represent a diverse fauna as well as being the first Frasnian chondrichthyan remains found in Western Australia. In contrast numerous shark teeth and scales have been obtained from coeval sections in the Canning Basin. Teeth referred to as Phoebodus bifurcatus, Phoebodus fastigatus, Phoebodus cf. fastigatus, Phoebodus latus , Phoebodus sp. C and Protacrodus sp. 1 are described from two Canning Basin localities: Horse Spring Range and McIntyre Knolls. The phoebodont species described here have a global distribution and can, therefore, be placed within the standard Frasnian phoebodont zonation. The shark remains from the Gneudna Formation type section include one new genus Emerikodus ektrapelus gen. et sp. nov., described along with Helodontidae indet and Elasmobranchii gen. et sp. indet. It is proposed that the faunal differences observed between the localities are a result of environmental differences. In addition to shark remains, scales from the thelodont Australolepis seddoni were also recovered from each locality. The well-dated Zone 6–10 conodont faunas at Horse Spring constrain the range of A. seddoni with which they occur, and importantly indicate that the Gneudna Formation type section is wholly Frasnian.  相似文献   
Alterations in forest productivity and changes in the relative proportion of above‐ and belowground biomass may have nonlinear effects on soil organic matter (SOM) storage. To study the influence of plant litter inputs on SOM accumulation, the Detritus Input Removal and Transfer (DIRT) Experiment continuously alters above‐ and belowground plant inputs to soil by a combination of trenching, screening, and litter addition. Here, we used biogeochemical indicators [i.e., cupric oxide extractable lignin‐derived phenols and suberin/cutin‐derived substituted fatty acids (SFA)] to identify the dominant sources of plant biopolymers in SOM and various measures [i.e., soil density fractionation, laboratory incubation, and radiocarbon‐based mean residence time (MRT)] to assess the stability of SOM in two contrasting forests within the DIRT Experiment: an aggrading deciduous forest and an old‐growth coniferous forest. In the deciduous forest, removal of both above‐ and belowground inputs increased the total amount of SFA over threefold compared with the control, and shifted the SFA signature towards a root‐dominated source. Concurrently, light fraction MRT increased by 101 years and C mineralization during incubation decreased compared with the control. Together, these data suggest that root‐derived aliphatic compounds are a source of SOM with greater relative stability than leaf inputs at this site. In the coniferous forest, roots were an important source of soil lignin‐derived phenols but needle‐derived, rather than root‐derived, aliphatic compounds were preferentially preserved in soil. Fresh wood additions elevated the amount of soil C recovered as light fraction material but also elevated mineralization during incubation compared with other DIRT treatments, suggesting that not all of the added soil C is directly stabilized. Aboveground needle litter additions, which are more N‐rich than wood debris, resulted in accelerated mineralization of previously stored soil carbon. In summary, our work demonstrates that the dominant plant sources of SOM differed substantially between forest types. Furthermore, inputs to and losses from soil C pools likely will not be altered uniformly by changes in litter input rates.  相似文献   
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