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Dormant life stages are important strategies for many aquatic organisms. The formation of resting stages will provide a refuge from unfavourable conditions in the water column, and their successive accumulation in the benthos will constitute a genetic reservoir for future planktonic populations. We have determined the genetic structure of a common bloom‐forming diatom, Skeletonema marinoi, in the sediment and the plankton during spring, summer and autumn two subsequent years (2007–2009) in Gullmar Fjord on the Swedish west coast. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to assess the level of genetic differentiation and the respective gene diversity of the two different habitats. We also determined the degree of genetic differentiation between the seed banks inside the fjord and the open sea. The results indicate that Gullmar Fjord has one dominant endogenous population of S. marinoi, which is genetically differentiated from the open sea population. The fjord population is encountered in the plankton and in the sediment. Shifts from the dominant population can happen, and in our study, two genetically differentiated plankton populations, displaying reduced genetic diversity, occurred in September 2007 and 2008. Based on our results, we suggest that sill fjords maintain local long‐lived and well‐adapted protist populations, which continuously shift between the planktonic and benthic habitats. Intermittently, short‐lived and mainly asexually reproducing populations can replace the dominant population in the water column, without influencing the genetic structure of the benthic seed bank.  相似文献   
1. Biological invasions are regarded as one of the greatest threats to biological diversity. One of the macroinvertebrate groups with the largest number of invasive species in fresh water are gammarid amphipods. Their omnivorous (including predatory) feeding behaviour may facilitate their spread and establishment in new areas. 2. Dikerogammarus villosus, the ‘killer shrimp’, is a well‐known example of a Ponto‐Caspian gammarid that is a very effective predator and successful coloniser in Europe. There are, however, other invasive Ponto‐Caspian amphipods, which have spread successfully in Northern, Central and Western Europe. Our aim here was to test whether two of such invaders (Pontogammarus robustoides and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes) are also more predacious than a native species (Gammarus fossarum). 3. Stable isotope analysis (δ15N and δ13C) of Ponto‐Caspian amphipods coexisting in a reservoir demonstrated that the trophic positions of P. robustoides and D. haemobaphes were similar to that of D. villosus. Echinogammarus ischnus and Chelicorophium curvispinum occupied the lowest position in the food web, while the native Gammarus fossarum (collected from another waterbody) had an intermediate trophic position. 4. Stomach content analysis of P. robustoides, D. haemobaphes and G. fossarum collected in the field, as well as laboratory feeding experiments, was used to compare diet and feeding preferences among the two invasive and one native species. All three species were omnivorous and predacious. However, the two invasive species (P. robustoides and D. haemobaphes) were more effective predators than G. fossarum and showed a clear preference for animal prey and tissue. 5. Pontogammarus robustoides and D. haemobaphes may, like D. villosus, also be called ‘killer shrimps’ and could have a similar impact as invaders of European freshwater and brackish waterbodies.  相似文献   
1. The performance of ant colonies depends on different factors such as nest site, colony structure or the presence of pathogens and social parasites. Myrmica ants host various types of social parasites, including the larvae of Maculinea butterflies and Microdonmyrmicae (Schönrogge) hoverfly. How these social parasites affect host colony performance is still unexplored. 2. It was examined how the presence of Maculinea teleius Bergsträsser, Maculinea alcon (Denis & Schiffermüller), and M. myrmicae larvae, representing different feeding and growth strategies inside host colonies, is associated with worker survival, the number of foragers, and colony productivity parameters such as growth and reproduction. 3. It was found that the presence of social parasites is negatively associated with total colony production and the production of ant larvae and gynes. Male production was lower only in nests infested by M. teleius, whereas the number of worker pupae was significantly higher in all types of infested colonies than in uninfested colonies. Laboratory observations indicated that nests infested by Maculinea larvae are characterised by a higher number of foragers compared to uninfested nests but we did not find differences in worker survival among nest types. 4. The observed pattern of social parasite influence on colony productivity can be explained by the feeding strategies of parasitic larvae. The most negative effect was found for M. teleius, which feeds on the largest host brood and eliminates a high number of sexual forms. The strong, adverse influence of all studied parasite species on gyne production may result in low queen production in Myrmica populations exposed to these social parasites.  相似文献   
1. Allochthonous detritus is the major source of energy in forested streams, but less is known of the importance of terrestrial subsidies to open‐canopy streams. Here, we used stable isotope analysis to assess the importance of allochthonous versus autochthonous energy sources to invertebrate shredders in four open‐canopy streams in Sweden. Shredders and potential food sources were analysed at both open sites and those with deciduous trees in the riparian zone. 2. Mixing models showed that allochthonous coarse particulate organic matter was the most important energy source to shredders at both the open and wooded sites, suggesting that terrestrial subsidies may be an important process in open‐canopy streams, just as they are in forested streams. 3. However, shredders at open sites had a larger proportion of biofilm in their diet than at wooded sites, indicating an ability of shredders to adjust their diet with food availability. 4. We also used the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures to assess the size of the feeding niche of shredders. Feeding on both allochthonous and autochthonous sources at open sites was reflected in a larger feeding niche than at wooded sites for one of the three species analysed. There was substantial overlap of the feeding niche among shredder species, indicating a high functional redundancy within this guild.  相似文献   
1. Winged dispersal is vital for aphids as predation pressure and host plant conditions fluctuate. 2. Ant‐tended aphids also need to disperse, but this may represent a cost for the ants, resulting in an evolutionary conflict of interest over aphid dispersal. 3. The combined effects of aphid alarm pheromone, indicating predation risk, and ant attendance on the production of winged aphids were examined in an experiment with Aphis fabae (Homoptera: Aphididae) (Scopoli 1763) aphids and Lasius niger (Formicidae: Formicinae) (Linné, 1758) ants. 4. This study is the first to investigate the joint effects of alarm pheromone and ant attendance, and also the first to detect an influence of alarm pheromone on the production of winged morphs in A. fabae. 5. After a period of 2 weeks, it was found that aphid colonies exposed to intermittent doses of alarm pheromone produced more winged individuals, whereas ant tending had the opposite effect. The effects were additive on a log scale, and ant attendance had a greater proportional influence than exposure to alarm pheromone. A tentative conclusion is that ants have gained the upper hand in an evolutionary conflict about aphid dispersal.  相似文献   
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