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Vibration and sound communication in solitary bees and wasps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT. Females of solitary bees ( Colletes cunicularius L.) and of digger wasps ( Bembix rostrata L.) produce buzzing sounds and are known to secrete volatile odours when digging their way from the subterranean nests to the soil surface. The odours allow patrolling males to determine the approximate position of the digging virgin female. The buzzes are measured as substrate-borne sound (soil buzz vibrations) and as air-borne sound (soil buzz sounds). Play-back experiments suggest that the soil buzzes are used by the males as additional cues for localization. Faint buzz sounds are emitted regularly by the male during genital contact in copulation. They may serve to change the receptivity of the female. Intense and broadband buzz sounds are produced by bees of either sex, if restrained from moving, perhaps serving to deter predators.  相似文献   
WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. From an intermittent stream in College Station, Texas, a Paramecium was isolated that did not appear to belong to any recognized species. On the basis of nuclear and whole-body morphology, it can be assigned to the Paramecium aurelia species-complex, and it can be distinguished from other members of that complex on the basis of mating-type reactivity and isoenzyme patterns. These characteristics are felt sufficient to justify a new species assignment. The new species has been named Paramecium sonneborni n. sp. in honor of the late Dr. Tracy M. Sonneborn of Indiana University.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. To investigate the contribution of hatchlings from lake- Daphnia resting eggs (ephippia) to population and community structure, hatching was monitored in situ from April to November 1986 in two north German lakes. Hatching traps were placed on the sediments and the incidence, genetic and species composition of ephippial hatchlings determined twice-weekly.
2. Hatching began in April after the thawing of ice. and continued for 3–4 weeks until the lakes stratified. There was no obvious relationship between the onset and duration of hatching and the environmental variables recorded, namely Secchi depth, surface temperature, temperature and oxygen concentration at the sediment-water interface.
3. Among the hatchlings were D. galeata, D. hyalina and their interspecific hybrid.
4. In the lake which contained overwintering animals the number of ephippial hatchlings was approximately one third of the total number of juveniles present in the lake.
5. In the second lake, no adults were recorded during winter and the population was probably founded by ephippial hatchlings alone. There was good agreement, in the short term, between the proportion of each species represented among hatchlings and the subsequent species composition in the lake.
6. The hatchlings were genetically diverse, and alleles were representative of those alleles present in contemporary populations.  相似文献   
Global nitrogen (N) deposition rates in terrestrial environments have quadrupled since preindustrial times, causing structural and functional changes of ecosystems. Different emission reduction policies were therefore devised. The aim of our study was to investigate if, and over what timescale, processes of soil organic matter (OM) transformation respond to a decline in atmospheric N deposition. A N‐saturated spruce forest (current N deposition: 34 kg ha?1 yr?1; critical N load: 14 kg ha?1 yr?1), where N deposition has been reduced to 11.5 kg ha?1 yr?1 since 1991, was studied. Besides organic C and organic and inorganic N, noncellulosic carbohydrates, amino sugars and amino acids were determined. A decline in organic N in litter indicated initial effects at plant level. However, there were no changes in biomarkers upon the reduction in N deposition. In addition, inorganic N was not affected by reduced N deposition. The results showed that OM cycling and transformation processes have not responded so far. It was concluded that no direct N deposition effects have occurred due to the large amount of stored organic N, which seems to compensate for the reduction in deposited N. Obviously, the time span of atmospheric N reduction (about 14.5 years) is too short compared with the mean turnover time of litter to cause indirect effects on the composition of organic C and N compounds. It is assumed that ecological processes, such as microbial decomposition or recycling of organic N and C, react slowly, but may start within the next decade with the incorporation of the new litter.  相似文献   
The male postabdomen and the internal parts of the male genital system of Bibio marci (Bibionomorpha) were examined and reconstructed 3‐dimensionally. Several features differ from the presumptive dipteran groundplan. The bases of the gonopods are fused with each other and with tergite IX. The penis is not tube‐shaped and only sclerotized on the ventral side. The vasa deferentia are S‐shaped, and two pairs of accessory glands are present. In contrast to these characteristics, the arrangement of the internal parts is probably close to the ancestral condition. With its specific shape, the penis is well suited for the transfer of a spermatophore. The dorsal sclerite of the copulatory organ probably represents the medially fused parameres. A cladistic analysis of 27 characters of the postabdomen yielded two most parsimonious trees, with the strict consensus as follows: Nannochoristidae (outgroup) + (Culicidae [Culicomorpha] + ((Nymphomyiidae + (Tipulidae + Trichoceridae)) + (Tabanidae [Brachycera] + (Bibionidae, Anisopodidae, Axymyiidae [Bibionomorpha])))). Potential synapomorphies of Bibionomorpha (including Axymyiidae) and Brachycera are the fusion of sternum IX with the gonocoxites, the fusion of the parameres forming the dorsal sclerite and the presence of an entire series of postabdominal muscles (M4, M20, M23, M26, M27, M31, M35 and M37). The results of the analysis are preliminary as it is based on a single‐character system with a limited taxon sampling. However, the main result – a clade Bibionomorpha + Brachycera – is fully compatible with current hypotheses on dipteran phylogeny.  相似文献   
Protein contents and glutamate: glyoxylate, serine: glyoxylate,alanine: glyoxylate and glutamate: pyruvate aminotransferaseactivities per gram fresh weight declined sharply when Lemnaminor L., previously grown on nitrate medium, was starved ofnitrogen. Nitrogen replenishment after 5 d caused complete recoveryof these parameters with higher values in ammonium-fed thannitrate-fed plants 7 d after transfer of plants from nitrogen-freemedium. Glutamate: glyoxylate and alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferasespecific activities (based on total extracted protein) showedlittle change with nitrogen availability. Serine: glyoxylateaminotransferase increased slowly during nitrogen starvationand decreased following nitrogen replenishment whether withammonium or nitrate. After 1 d of nitrogen starvation the specificactivity of glutamate: pyruvate aminotransferase declined; itincreased following nitrogen replenishment and ammonium gaverise to agreater activity than nitrate. The results are discussed in relation to the differences instability of the various enzymes relative to the overall proteinturnover rate. Key words: Aminotransferases, Nitrogen source, Photorespiration  相似文献   
NIKLAS  KARL J. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(5):505-512
The elastic (Young's) modulus and flexural rigidity of internodeswith and without their clasping leaf sheaths were determinedfor culms from two cultivars (‘Astro’) and (‘Garry’)of Avena sativa L. Data indicate that early in the developmentof culms, leaf sheaths can have a higher elastic modulus thanthe internodes they envelope, and by virtue of their location,leaf sheaths contribute significantly to the flexural rigidity(hence, resistance to bending) of internodal segments. As culmsmature, the elastic modulus of leaf sheath and internodal tissuesreach parity. However, because of the acropetal pattern by whichnew internodes are produced by shoot apices, sheaths continueto provide mechanical support to distal internodes, particularlythe peduncle. Data for the two cultivars indicate that the elasticmodulus and flexural rigidity of culms can vary significantlywithin the species. Comparisons between the flexural rigidityof the two cultures and the resistance of stems to lodging indicatethat flexural rigidity is not significant to lodging. The engineeringprinciples relevant to the mechanical advantages conferred byclasping leaf sheaths are discussed within the context of grassshoot morphology. Biomechanics, leaf sheath, Avena, elastic modulus  相似文献   
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