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WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. From an intermittent stream in College Station, Texas, a Paramecium was isolated that did not appear to belong to any recognized species. On the basis of nuclear and whole-body morphology, it can be assigned to the Paramecium aurelia species-complex, and it can be distinguished from other members of that complex on the basis of mating-type reactivity and isoenzyme patterns. These characteristics are felt sufficient to justify a new species assignment. The new species has been named Paramecium sonneborni n. sp. in honor of the late Dr. Tracy M. Sonneborn of Indiana University.  相似文献   
Protein contents and glutamate: glyoxylate, serine: glyoxylate,alanine: glyoxylate and glutamate: pyruvate aminotransferaseactivities per gram fresh weight declined sharply when Lemnaminor L., previously grown on nitrate medium, was starved ofnitrogen. Nitrogen replenishment after 5 d caused complete recoveryof these parameters with higher values in ammonium-fed thannitrate-fed plants 7 d after transfer of plants from nitrogen-freemedium. Glutamate: glyoxylate and alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferasespecific activities (based on total extracted protein) showedlittle change with nitrogen availability. Serine: glyoxylateaminotransferase increased slowly during nitrogen starvationand decreased following nitrogen replenishment whether withammonium or nitrate. After 1 d of nitrogen starvation the specificactivity of glutamate: pyruvate aminotransferase declined; itincreased following nitrogen replenishment and ammonium gaverise to agreater activity than nitrate. The results are discussed in relation to the differences instability of the various enzymes relative to the overall proteinturnover rate. Key words: Aminotransferases, Nitrogen source, Photorespiration  相似文献   
NIKLAS  KARL J. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(5):505-512
The elastic (Young's) modulus and flexural rigidity of internodeswith and without their clasping leaf sheaths were determinedfor culms from two cultivars (‘Astro’) and (‘Garry’)of Avena sativa L. Data indicate that early in the developmentof culms, leaf sheaths can have a higher elastic modulus thanthe internodes they envelope, and by virtue of their location,leaf sheaths contribute significantly to the flexural rigidity(hence, resistance to bending) of internodal segments. As culmsmature, the elastic modulus of leaf sheath and internodal tissuesreach parity. However, because of the acropetal pattern by whichnew internodes are produced by shoot apices, sheaths continueto provide mechanical support to distal internodes, particularlythe peduncle. Data for the two cultivars indicate that the elasticmodulus and flexural rigidity of culms can vary significantlywithin the species. Comparisons between the flexural rigidityof the two cultures and the resistance of stems to lodging indicatethat flexural rigidity is not significant to lodging. The engineeringprinciples relevant to the mechanical advantages conferred byclasping leaf sheaths are discussed within the context of grassshoot morphology. Biomechanics, leaf sheath, Avena, elastic modulus  相似文献   
Blue‐winged grasshoppers Oedipoda caerulescens (Linnaeus, 1758) are commonly found in flat, open, unprotected areas. In the event of immediate danger, they leave their camouflaged position and jump away at the last moment. The present study conducted in a flight arena shows that, despite jumping at short notice from a crouching position, the grasshoppers achieve the correct timing for an optimal leap. If both compound eyes are blinded and the animals are stimulated by touch to execute an unprepared jump, the take‐off of the flightless nymphs is delayed, and adults are delayed in raising their wings; the animals tumble backward during the leap (in the case of adults, if they do not open their wings). This is a result of the unprepared take‐off position; because the entire length of the hind legs cannot be used for acceleration, the body is rotated backward. However, the escape path is not ultimately affected because, in the air, physical processes compensate for the unfavourable starting conditions. In addition, no disadvantage is evident upon landing. In each case, a hook landing was completed safely (i.e. the grasshopper landed and swung round to face the direction it had come from). The impact force is reduced and the grasshopper stabilizes itself by rotating from a forward to a backward position, immediately after the first contact with the ground. The hook landing also serves to confuse the potential attacker, and the disappearance of the bright blue hind wings of the adult makes it difficult for predators to shift quickly enough to a different kind of search to relocate their prey. In conclusion, the present study shows that the escape behaviour of blue‐winged grasshoppers is adapted to extremely short escape distances.  相似文献   
The carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of C3 ecosystems is sensitive to water availability, and provides important information for the assessment of terrestrial carbon (C) sink/source activity. Here, we report the effects of plant available soil water (PAW) on community 13C signatures of temperate humid grassland. The 5‐year study was conducted on pastures exhibiting a large range of PAW capacity that were located on two site types: peat and mineral soils. The data set included the centennial drought year 2003, and data from wet years (2000 and 2002). Seasonal variation of PAW was modeled using PAW capacity of each pasture, precipitation inputs and evapotranspiration estimates. Community 13C signatures were derived from the δ13C of vegetation and segments of tail switch hair of cattle grown while grazing pastures. Hair 13C signatures provided an assimilation‐weighted 13C signal that integrated both spatial (paddock‐scale) and temporal (grazing season) variation of 13C signatures on a pasture. The δ13C of hair and vegetation increased with decreasing modeled PAW in the same way on mineral and peat soils. But, at a given PAW, the δ13C of hair was 2.6‰ less negative than that of vegetation, reflecting the diet‐hair isotopic shift. Furthermore, the δ13C of hair and vegetation on peat soil pastures was 0.5‰ more negative than on pastures situated on mineral soil. This may have resulted from a ~10 ppm CO2 enrichment of canopy air derived from ongoing peat mineralization. Community‐scale season‐mean 13C discrimination (Δ) exhibited a saturation‐type response towards season‐mean modeled PAW (r2=0.78), and ranged between 19.8‰ on soils with low PAW capacity during the drought year of 2003, and 21.4‰ on soils with high PAW capacity in a wet year. This indicated relatively small variation in season‐mean assimilation‐weighted pi/pa (0.68–0.75) between contrasting sites and years. However, this range is similar to that reported in other studies, which encompass the range from subtropical arid to humid temperate grassland. Furthermore, the tight relationship between season‐mean Δ and modeled mean PAW suggests that PAW may be used as proxy for Δ.  相似文献   
Abstract The herbicides DCMU, bentazon, amitrole, and SAN 6706 were tested for their ability to influence the carotenoid and pro-tochlorophyll(ide) composition as well as the protochloro-phyll(ide) phototransformation and the Shibata shift in dark-grown radish seedlings (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Saxa Treib). Bentazon enhanced the formation of lutein and carotenes, while SAN 6706 suppressed the biosynthesis of carotenoids. Amitrole led to a reduced accumulation of phototransformable pro-tochlorophyll(ide). The phototransformation of pro-tochlorophyll(ide) and the Shibata shift were not affected by any of the tested herbicides, irrespective of the presence or absence of activated phytochrome. From this we conclude that herbicides inhibiting photosystem II or producing chlorosis partly affect, but do not block, carotenoid and chlorophyll biosynthesis in dark-grown plants. The main herbicide effect becomes visible only after prolonged illumination.  相似文献   
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