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Abstract The spatial distributions of most species are aggregated to varying degrees. A limited number of studies have examined the effects of spatial aggregation on interspecific and intraspecific interactions, generally finding that spatial aggregation can enhance coexistence between species by reducing the capacity for interspecific competition. Less well studied are the effects of spatial aggregation on complementarity (i.e. differences in resource use strategies) and resource use. Our primary hypothesis was that spatial aggregation reduces the complementarity between species owing to: (i) less interspecific interactions as a result of spatial separation; and (ii) less differences between species as a result of phenotypic plasticity. We further postulate that these negative effects of spatial aggregation on complementarity will reduce resource use by the community. Here we test these hypotheses in a pot experiment in which we applied three levels of spatial aggregation to three sets of two‐species mixtures of herbaceous perennial plant species from native grasslands of south‐eastern Australia. Both root and shoot biomass were significantly affected by spatial aggregation, although the nature of these affects depended upon the species involved, and the relative strengths of interspecific versus intraspecific competition. Complementarity between species in the distribution of their green leaves decreased significantly as spatial aggregation increased for one of the species mixtures, providing some evidence in support of our hypothesis that aggregation reduces complementarity through phenotypic plasticity. Spatial aggregation also altered light interception and use of soil moisture resources, although these effects were dependent on the species involved. We suggest that clear effects of spatial aggregation on complementarity and resource use may be obscured by the idiosyncratic way in which neighbour identity influences plant growth and hence plant size, limiting the ability to generalize, at the community level, any underlying effects of spatial pattern on ecological process.  相似文献   
Intraspecific modulatory multiplicity in the feeding mechanismof cichlids as elucidated by electromyography has profound implicationson small-scale trophic events the sum of which is the very coreof such large-scale population and evolutionary phenomena asefficiency of trophic exploitation niche width and overlap competitionand adaptation. The greatest paradox emerging from the studyon intra and interspecific differences in feeding repertoiresof cichlid fishes is that the most specialized taxa are notonly remarkable specialists in a narrow sense but also jacks-of-all-trades.If specialists are simultaneously jacks of-all-trades how couldthey have evolved according to the widely accepted hypothesisthat broadening the range of usable resources prevents speciesfrom specializing on individual types? The organism can be considered to be composed of structuralelements and functional components that exert mutual influences.As a result, a network of interacting constraints is set up.The nature of the network determines the direction and rangeof evolutionary changes the possibilities of optimizing adaptationsand built-in variability of the trait. A change in the networkcan put a static trait into a different context to become dynamic.These changes in variability due to changes in the structureof the network cannot be explained in terms of simple adaptationto the external environment. Fitness is considered to dependon the nature of a network of interacting constraints. The possibilitiesof optimization the sensitivity of the phenotypic traits toenvironmental differences and the correlated evolutionary responsesof different traits are all related to this network of interactingconstraints between the elements and components of the organism.Thus the experimental and comparative studies of these networksof interacting constraints should become an increasingly moreimportant focus for morphologists as they attempt to refinetheir understanding of adaptation.  相似文献   
The relationship between agricultural intensification and a decline in farmland bird populations is well documented in Europe, but the results are mostly based on data from the western part of the continent. In the former socialist eastern and central European countries, political changes around 1990 resulted in a steep decline in the intensity of agriculture. Therefore, one would expect populations of farmland birds to have recovered under these conditions of lower agricultural intensity. We explored population trends of 19 farmland bird species in the Czech Republic between 1982 and 2003 using data from a large‐scale monitoring scheme, and, additionally, we looked for relationships between such population changes and a number of variables describing the temporal development of Czech agriculture. Most farmland species declined during the focal period, and this decline was steepest in farmland specialists (Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Linnet Carduelis cannabina and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella). Although the intensity of agriculture was lower after than before 1990, the overall decline continued in most farmland bird species, albeit at a slower rate. The correlations between agricultural intensity and farmland bird decline showed opposite patterns to that found in other European studies, because bird populations were highest in years with the most intensive agriculture. We speculate that this pattern could have resulted from the impact of different driving forces causing farmland bird decline in different periods. The high intensity of agriculture could have caused the decline of the originally abundant populations before 1990. After 1990, the decreasing area of arable land could be the most important factor resulting in the continued decline of farmland bird populations. Our results demonstrate that the drivers of farmland bird population changes could differ across Europe, and thus investigations into the effect of farmland management in different parts of the continent are urgently required.  相似文献   
A species’ susceptibility to environmental change might be predicted by its ecological and life‐history traits. However, the effects of such traits on long‐term bird population trends have not yet been assessed using a comprehensive set of explanatory variables. Moreover, the extent to which phylogeny affects patterns in the interspecific variability of population changes is unclear. Our study focuses on the interspecific variability in long‐term population trends and annual population fluctuations of 68 passerine species in the Czech Republic, assessing the effects of eight life‐history and five ecological traits. Ordination of life‐history traits of 68 species revealed a life‐history gradient, from ‘r‐selected’ (e.g. small body mass, short lifespan, high fecundity, large clutch size) to ‘K‐selected’ species. r‐selected species had more negative population trends than K‐selected species, and seed‐eaters declined compared with insectivores. We suggest that the r‐selected species probably suffer from widespread environmental changes, and the seed‐eaters from current changes in agriculture and land use. Populations of residents fluctuated more than populations of short‐distance migrants, probably due to the effect of winter climatic variability. Variance partitioning at three taxonomic levels showed that whereas population trends, population fluctuations and habitat specialization expressed the highest variability at the species level, most life‐history traits were more variable at higher taxonomic levels. These results explain the loss of statistical power in the relationship between life histories and population trends after controlling for phylogeny. However, we argue that a lack of significance after controlling for phylogeny should not reduce the value of such results for conservation purposes.  相似文献   
KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》2009,151(2):352-360
I used time-lapse videotaping to identify predators of open songbird nests in fragmented deciduous woodland (nine plots, 2–10 ha each) in the Czech Republic from 2002 to 2006. I documented 22 species of predators at 171 nests of 13 species (mainly Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla , Song Thrush Turdus philomelos , Common Blackbird Turdus merula , Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs ). The main predators were Pine Marten Martes martes (37% of 178 predation events), Jay Garrulus glandarius (29%), Buzzard Buteo buteo (7%) and Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (7%); mammals accounted for 48% of total predation. At least 3% of nests were depredated by multiple predators. In spite of their local abundance, Hooded Crows Corvus cornix did not present a serious threat for shrub nesting songbirds (< 1% of total predation). No predation by mice was recorded, suggesting that their importance has been overestimated in artificial nest studies. The proportional species composition of predators depended on which species occupied the monitored nest and location (study plot), but not on the year or the time of season. Corvids and raptors accounted for a relatively larger percentage of total predation of small ('warblers') and large ('thrushes') prey species, respectively, whereas carnivores were important predators of all prey species. Active nests of thrushes were only rarely robbed by Jays (< 4% of 52 events), presumably due to parental nest defence. Predation by woodpeckers was spatially clumped, probably due to individual foraging specialization. Predation by the other major predators was documented on most/all study plots.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Respiratory gas bladders are found in the Osteoglossomorpha,Elopomorpha and Euteleostei and are absent in the Clupeomorpha.All teleosts with respiratory gas bladders share a common patternof air ventilation: during the transfer phase gas is transferredpassively from the gas bladder to the buccal cavity. Subsequently,gas is expelled during the active expulsion phase mediated byaction of the geniohyoideus muscle causing a positive pressurepulse in the buccal cavity. This is followed by an active intakephase by action of the sternohyoideus muscle creating a negativepressure pulse, which is succeeded by an extensive compressivephase by action of the geniohyoideus muscle forcing fresh airinto the gas bladder. Saltatory evolution of gas bladders andtheir buccal pumps seems to have proceeded by major transformationsin structural design without appreciable changes in the patternof neural control. The hypothesis of symmorphosis in gas bladderdesign is well corroborated by the independent evolution ofaccessory esophageal pumps in three unrelated lineages. Evolutionaryreversals (Primitive lung evolving into nonrespiratory hydrostaticswim bladder which subsequently reverts back to become a respiratorygas bladder) have occurred repeatedly. Such reversed shiftsare facilitated by the conserved neuromuscular pattern duringfunctional transformations. Experimental comparative evidenceis offered for the notion that evolutionary innovations mayinvolve the addition of entirely new functions (respiratory)of a structural complex (gas bladder) while the original functions(hydrostatic, hearing and sound production) are rigidly retained.The paucity in Elopomorpha and absence in Clupeomorpha of respiratorygas bladders reflect the lack of functional demands for newhabits in the environment rather than the absence of essentialpreexisting building blocks.  相似文献   
KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》1998,140(1):163-170
Incubation and brooding performance of the Cape Petrel Daption capense at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, in the 1991 -1992 austral summer is reported in detail and compared with data from two other areas. There was an inverse relationship between the mean foraging trip length and mean peak weight of chicks. Variation in shift length throughout incubation resulted from a combination of seasonal effects (food supply) and behavioural adjustment to hatching. The length of the last incubation shift was independent of its number but decreased with date of initiation. The average weight of nestattending birds increased steadily during the incubation period and at the same rate in both sexes. Females attained seasonal peak body-weight before the egg hatched, whereas males just recovered their pre-breeding weight. Males took on a slightly larger share of incubation (52%, range 40–63%) and invested more time in mutual nest attendance. Length of foraging trips varied consistently in pairs and individuals, its repeatability being twice as high in females as in males. The incubation performance of individual females (length of the first and an average foraging trip) was correlated with the size of the egg they had laid and also to subsequent chick growth and fledging success. There was a tendency in successful pairs to spend more time together at the nest and to have shorter foraging trips. I suggest that variation in breeding performance among pairs was mainly a result of individual variation in female quality, with pairs where the female contributed more to incubation being more successful. There is little evidence that egg losses were caused by parental errors.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The actinopterygian fishes are an exemplary cladefor the study of structural and functional evolutionary patterns.With over half of all vertebrate species, ray-finned fisheshave diversified into a wide variety of habitats, and considerableprogress has been made over the last fifteen years in understandingthe genealogical relationships of actinopterygians. This symposiumhas contributed to our understanding of phylogenetic patternsin actinopterygians and to knowledge of the major structuraland functional patterns in locomotor, auditory, trophic, andneural systems. A number of key areas for future research havebeen identified. (1) The relationships of "palaeonisciform"fishes, (2) the study of trends in feeding and locomotor systemswithin a phylogenetic context, (3) the identification of primitivepatterns of pharyngeal jaw movement and steady and unsteadylocomotor patterns in actinopterygians, (4) the homologies,identification, and functional significance of neural pathwaysin the telencephalon, and (5) the comparative study of form-functionrelations in the auditory system. The study of teleost fishbiology has proceeded at the expense of data on primitive actinopterygians(e.g., Polypterus, Polyodon, Aapenser, Lepisosteus, Amia) whichare especially important in the analysis of structural and functionalpatterns in ray-finned fishes.  相似文献   
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