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The co-ordinated regulation of oncogenes along with miRNAs play crucial role in carcinogenesis. In retinoblastoma (RB), several miRNAs are known to be differentially expressed. Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) gene is involved in many epithelial cancers including, retinoblastoma (RB) tumorigenesis. EpCAM silencing effectively reduces the oncogenic miR-17-92 cluster. In order to investigate whether EpCAM has wider effect as an inducer or silencer of miRNAs, we performed a global microRNA expression profile in EpCAM siRNA knockdown Y79 cells. MicroRNA profiling in EpCAM silenced Y79 cells showed seventy-three significantly up regulated and thirty-six down regulated miRNAs. A subset of these miRNAs was also validated in tumors. Functional studies on Y79 and WERI-Rb-1 cells transfected with antagomirs against two miRNAs of miR-181c and miR-130b showed striking changes in tumor cell properties in RB cells. Treatment with anti-miR-181c and miR-130b showed significant decrease in cell viability and cell invasion. Increase in caspase-3 level was noticed in antagomir transfected cell lines indicating the induction of apoptosis. Possible genes altered by EpCAM influenced microRNAs were predicted by bioinformatic tools. Many of these belong to pathways implicated in cancer. The study shows significant influence of EpCAM on global microRNA expression. EpCAM regulated miR-181c and miR-130b may play significant roles in RB progression. EpCAM based targeted therapies may reduce carcinogenesis through several miRNAs and target genes.  相似文献   
This analysis can be called energy accounting of solar water heating systems. Five types of solar water heating systems have been considered. With the help of material balance, energy content has been found in these systems. Yearly output of systems has been found by conducting transient simulations using hourly data of radiation and ambient temperature. Such analysis has been done separately for one representative city of each of six climatic zones of India. The energy payback for India ranges from 0.73 to 4.16 years for the thirty cases considered here.  相似文献   
Randolph , L. F. and Jyotirmay Mitra . (Cornell U., Ithaca.) Karyotypes of Iris pumila and related species. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2): 93-102. Illus. 1959.—The karyotypes of 30- and 32-chromosome geographical variants of the amphidiploid I. pumila from Russia and the Balkans were compared with the karyotype of the typical 32-chromosome Austrian forms of this species and with those of the diploid I. attica and I. pseudopumila, previously reported to be the basic species from which I. pumila originated. Plants from 3 collections of a Crimean form of I. pumila with 32 chromosomes had a pair of long chromosomes with submedian centromeres morphologically similar to chromosome 1 of the typical form of I. pumila. In addition, there was another heteromorphic pair of submedian chromosomes with one of the members having a shorter short arm. The manner in which this altered chromosome could have arisen as a result of a heterobrachial inversion is described. Five different collections of I. pumila with 30 chromosomes from Russia differ in several respects from the typical 32-chromosome I. pumila. They have an unusually long pair of chromosomes with a submedian centromere and a secondary constriction in the long arm. This chromosome is the original chromosome 2 which had been altered by the addition of a segment equivalent to the most of the long arm of one of the shorter chromosomes with subterminal centromere. The manner in which this could have occurred as the result of unequal reciprocal translocation is described. Loss of the remaining diminutive portion of the short chromosome with subterminal constriction assumed to have been involved in the unequal interchange of segments producing the modified, longer chromosome 2 would account for the reduction in chromosome number from 32 to 30 in the Russian form of I. pumila. Four pairs of chromosomes with satellites have been found in the 30-chromosome plants whereas 6 pairs of satellited chromosomes are present in the 32-chromosome I. pumila. The spontaneous occurrence of chromosomal alterations of the type here described are considered to be significant factors in the process of chromosomal repatterning resulting in the appearance of new geographical races, and eventually of species of iris, with altered chromosome numbers and modified karyotypes. More specifically it is concluded that amphidiploidy accompanied by chromosomal repatterning resulting from segmental interchange, heterobrachial inversion and related types of chromosomal alterations has played an important role in the evolution of I. pumila and karyological forms of this species occupying different geographical areas.  相似文献   
Innovative conservation tools are greatly needed to reduce livelihood losses and wildlife declines resulting from human–carnivore conflict. Spatial risk modeling is an emerging method for assessing the spatial patterns of predator–prey interactions, with applications for mitigating carnivore attacks on livestock. Large carnivores that ambush prey attack and kill over small areas, requiring models at fine spatial grains to predict livestock depredation hot spots. To detect the best resolution for predicting where carnivores access livestock, we examined the spatial attributes associated with livestock killed by tigers in Kanha Tiger Reserve, India, using risk models generated at 20, 100, and 200‐m spatial grains. We analyzed land‐use, human presence, and vegetation structure variables at 138 kill sites and 439 random sites to identify key landscape attributes where livestock were vulnerable to tigers. Land‐use and human presence variables contributed strongly to predation risk models, with most variables showing high relative importance (≥0.85) at all spatial grains. The risk of a tiger killing livestock increased near dense forests and near the boundary of the park core zone where human presence is restricted. Risk was nonlinearly related to human infrastructure and open vegetation, with the greatest risk occurring 1.2 km from roads, 1.1 km from villages, and 8.0 km from scrubland. Kill sites were characterized by denser, patchier, and more complex vegetation with lower visibility than random sites. Risk maps revealed high‐risk hot spots inside of the core zone boundary and in several patches in the human‐dominated buffer zone. Validation against known kills revealed predictive accuracy for only the 20 m model, the resolution best representing the kill stage of hunting for large carnivores that ambush prey, like the tiger. Results demonstrate that risk models developed at fine spatial grains can offer accurate guidance on landscape attributes livestock should avoid to minimize human–carnivore conflict.  相似文献   
Effective counselling and management of retinoblastoma families using genetic information is presently practised in many parts of the world. We studied histopathological, chromosomal and molecular-genetic data of two retinoblastoma patients from India. The two patients, one with bilateral and the other with unilateral retinoblastoma, underwent complete ophthalmic examination, cytogenetic study, retinoblastoma gene (RB1) mutational analysis andRB1 promoter region methylation screening. In the bilateral retinoblastoma patient deletion of chromosome region 13q14 in peripheral blood lymphocytes and a hemizygous novel 8-bp deletion in exon 4 ofRB1 in tumour sample were observed. In the unilaterally affected patient CGA to TGA transition protein truncation mutations were observed in exons 8 and 14 ofRB1.  相似文献   
Calculation of Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) of various energy systems and the computation of their Energy Yield Ratio (EYR) suggests that one single renewable energy technology cannot be said to be the best. Due to the difference in availability of renewable energy sources, their suitability varies from place to place. Wind energy converters, solar water heating systems and photovoltaic systems have been analysed for different types of locations. Comparing the general bandwidth of performance of these technologies, however, the wind energy converters tend to be better, followed by solar water heating systems and photovoltaic systems. Since a major part of the methodology of findingCED is very close to that of life cycle assessment and also because of the dominance of environmental impacts caused by the energy demand in the entire life cycle of any product or system, it is suggested that theCED can be used as an indicator of environmental impacts, especially in the case of power producing systems. Keywords: Cumulative energy demand; life cycle assessment; energy yield ratio; photovoltaics; solar water heating; wind energy Abbreviations: CED — Cumulative Energy Demand; EYR — Energy Yield Ratio; LCA — Life Cycle Assessment; Photovoltaics — PV; WEC — Wind Energy Converters  相似文献   
Pigeonpea production is severely constrained by wilt disease caused by Fusarium udum. In the current study, we discover the putative genomic regions that control resistance response to variant 2 of fusarium wilt using association mapping approach. The association panel comprised of 89 diverse pigeonpea genotypes including seven varieties, three landraces and 79 germplasm lines. The panel was screened rigorously for 3 consecutive years (2013–14, 2014–15 and 2015–2016) against variant 2 in a wilt-sick field. A total of 65 pigeonpea specific hypervariable SSR markers (HASSRs) were screened representing seven linkage groups and 29 scaffolds of the pigeonpea genome. A total of 181 alleles were detected, with average values of gene diversity and polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.55 and 0.47, respectively. Further analysis using model based (STRUCTURE) and distance based (clustering) approaches separated the entire pigeonpea collection into two distinct subgroups (K = 2). The marker trait associations (MTAs) were established based on three-year wilt incidence data and SSR dataset using a unified mixed linear model. Consequently, six SSR markers were identified, which were significantly associated with wilt resistance and explained up to 6% phenotypic variance (PV) across the years. Among these SSRs, HASSR18 was found to be the most stable and significant, accounting for 5–6% PV across the years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of identification of favourable alleles for resistance to variant 2 of Fusarium udum in pigeonpea using association mapping. The SSR markers identified here will greatly facilitate marker assisted resistance breeding against fusarium wilt in pigeonpea.  相似文献   
Randolph , L. F., and Jyotirmay Mitra . (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) Karyotypes of Iris species indigenous to the USSR. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 862–870. Illus. 1961.—The present center of diversity of the more than 200 species of Iris is in the eastern Mediterranean area of the Balkans and western Asia, with extensions of several important sections of the genus northeastward into the USSR. Karyotype analyses by the authors, previously limited chiefly to European, western Asian and American species, in this study included 10 tall bearded, dwarf bearded, regelia and oncocyclus species obtained from the USSR. A higher number of metacentric chromosomes was found in I. albertii than in any Iris species studied previously, suggesting a primitive status for this species, according to the Lewitsky concept of karyotype evolution. The 24-chromosome dwarfs, I. timofejewii and scariosa, also have more metacentric chromosomes than do Balkan dwarf species with the same chromosome number. Pumila dwarfs of the USSR have either 30, 31, or 32 chromosomes, and evidence of the mechanism concerned in this variation in number was obtained. A rare case of somatic translocation involving non-homologous acrocentric chromosomes was observed, and its significance as a source of chromosomal mutants was considered. The regelia species, I. longiscapa, rarely seen in cultivation, was found to have 18 chromosomes, which is a new number for a regelia species. The oncocyclus species, I. elegantissima and paradoxa, have karyotypes similar to those of other oncocyclus species studied previously. The potential value of Russian species of Iris in the production of more winter-hardy and otherwise desirable new kinds of garden hybrids is discussed.  相似文献   
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