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Normative adontometric data are presented on a sample of 100 adult Cercopithecus aethiops(51 male, 49 female). When correlation effects among the teeth were held constant through multivariate canonical analyses, contributions of individual tooth loci to the male-female distance were found to be similar to those isolated by univariate means. The present study fails to support Garn’s field theory of sex dimorphism. When these patterns of sexual dimorphism were contrasted with those of three other conspecific groups, the anterior teeth were found to show greater intrapopulation variation than the posterior teeth. This, together with the finding that Penrose’s shape distances between the groups were greater for anterior than postcanine teeth, provides evidence in support of Suolé’s hypothesis. The latter suggests, inter alia, that high coefficients of variation indicate a proportionately higher environmental than hereditary contribution to phenotypic variation. Negative correlations between tooth size and coefficients of variation suggest that tooth-size variability is related to size rather than occlusal complexity.  相似文献   
Normative odontometric data are presented on a sample of 66 adult thick-tailed bushbabies Otolemur crassicaudatus(34 male, 32 female). This species is characterized by low levels of sexual dimorphism, with univariate differences centered on the canines and the maxillary third molar. Multivariate canonical analysis isolates a third discriminator, the maxillary second molar. Stepwise discriminant analyses, performed after jackknifing, indicate high percentages of correct classification (males, 79.8–81.8%;females, 81–85.2%). When variability profiles consisting of arrays of CVs are compared, males and females are found to share similar patterns. Data for maxillary teeth offer support for Gingerich’s occlusal complexity model, while morphogenetic clusterings within regressions of variability on tooth size conform to those previously reported in other species. These relationships are lost in the mandibular dentition, suggesting an independence of upper from lower toothsize determination.  相似文献   
We describe the first protein of mammalian origin that induces the growth and differentiation of resting B lymphocytes. A proline-rich protein has been isolated from sheep colostrum. A purified proline-rich protein preparation (PRPP) induced resting mouse B cells into and supported their progression through the cell cycle at frequencies comparable with those seen for LPS. Differentiation of resting B cells to plaque formation was also supported as efficiently by PRPP as it was by LPS. However, PRPP was distinct from LPS in that it supported the growth and differentiation of resting B cells derived from either C3H/Tif or C3H/HeJ mice. Splenocytes from neonatal mice responded robustly to PRPP with the growth and differentiation of contained B cells to plaque formation. Unlike LPS, PRPP did not induce detectable Ig isotype switching.  相似文献   
Hypoxia led to a dramatic acceleration of amino acid breakdown together with succinate synthesis in the rat heart. Our data do not confirm the simultaneous conversion of aspartate and glutamate to succinate, which has been repeatedly assumed in the literature (7, 8, 21, 28-30), but rather suggest that different pathways are involved during developing hypoxia and that glutamate is the sole source for anaerobic succinate production from endogenous sources in the glucose-perfused heart. Perfusion of hypoxic rat hearts with 2-oxoglutarate, malate, and fumarate (5 mM each) increased succinate formation three- to fourfold. The beneficial effects of these substances on left ventricular systolic pressure, end diastolic pressure, and time of recovery may be due to the elevated content of ATP in these hearts compared to hypoxic controls with glucose as the sole substrate. However, the maintenance of a high rate of anaerobic glycolysis in hearts perfused with 2-oxoglutarate, malate, and fumarate and not the small stimulation of succinate synthesis is considered to be the most important mechanism of cardiac protection. A proposed pathway assumes that malate, after dehydration to fumarate, may serve as an alternative electron acceptor for cytosolic NADH during conditions of oxygen deficiency, thereby cancelling glycolytic inhibition.  相似文献   
Summary Each one of at least three unlinked STA loci (STA1, STA2 and STA3), in the genome of Saccharomyces diastaticus controls starch hydrolysis by coding for an extracellular glucoamylase. Cloned STA2 sequences were used as hybridization probes to investigate the physical structure of the family of STA genes in the genomes of different Saccharomyces strains. Sta+ strains, each carrying a single genetically defined STA locus, were crossed with a Sta strain and the segregation behavior of the functional locus (i.e. Sta+) and sequences homologous to a cloned STA2 glucoamylase structural gene at that locus were analyzed. The results indicate that in all strains examined there is a multiplicity of sequences that are homologous to STA2 DNA but that only the functional STA loci contain extensive 5 and 3 homology to each other and can be identified as residing on unique fragments of DNA; that all laboratory yeast strains examined contain extensive regions of the glucoamylase gene sequences at or closely linked to the STA1 chromosomal position; that the STA1 locus contains two distinct glucoamylase gene sequences that are closely linked to each other; and that all laboratory strains examined also contain another ubiquitous sequence that is not allelic to STA1 and is nonfunctional (Sta), but has retained extensive sequence homology to the 5 end of the cloned STA2 gene. It was also determined that the DEX genes (which control dextrin hydrolysis in S. diastaticus), MAL5 (a gene once thought to control maltose metabolism in yeast) and the STA genes are allelic to each other in the following manner: STA1 and DEX2, STA1 and MAL5, and STA2 and DEX1 and STA3 and DEX3.  相似文献   
Arylsulfatase B (arylsulfate sulfohydrolase; EC activities in C57BL/6J, SWR/J, and A/J mouse liver approximate a 5:3:1 ratio. Each enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity, and the properties of the three purified enzymes were compared. The purified enzyme behaved as a monomer with an apparent molecular weight of 50,000. The purified enzyme catalyzed the hydrolysis of p-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS), 4-methylumbelliferyl sulfate (4MUS), and chondroitin-4-sulfate (C4S) heptasaccharide. Purified SWR/J arylsulfatase B possessed a higher relative electrophoretic mobility at pH 4.0 than the A/J and C57BL/6J isozymes, and the SWR/J enzyme was more thermostable than either the C57BL/6J or the A/J enzyme. No differences were observed among the three enzymes with respect to their Michaelis constants for 4MUS and pNCS, isoelectric points, responses to inhibitors, pH optima, or electrophoretic mobilities at pH 8.3. The relative in vivo rates of synthesis of C57BL/6J, A/J, and SWR/J arylsulfatase B were comparable.  相似文献   
Chlamydia trachomatis was recovered from the cervices of 9.8 percent (268/2,729) of women attending seven family planning clinics. The infection rate varied from 5.5 percent to 22.5 percent in different clinics. Chlamydial infection could be associated with younger age, nulliparity, being black and use of oral contraceptives. Most (70 percent) of the chlamydial infections were inapparent and presumptive indicators for antichlamydial therapy that are useful for symptomatic women will not make a major impact on this reservoir. It is concluded that chlamydial cultures are needed to deal with the high prevalence of these infections.  相似文献   
Data were obtained which indicated the possible cause of the defective elution from erythrocytes of the mutant virus (NDV(pi)) isolated from L cells persistently infected with the Herts strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV(o)). The chicken erythrocyte receptors for the mutant and wild-type viruses were equally sensitive to the action of Vibrio cholera filtrate neuraminidase; this suggests that the failure of NDV(pi) to elute from chicken erythrocytes is not due to a specific neuraminidase-resistant receptor for this virus on the erythrocyte membrane. There was no difference in the enzyme content of the intact virions of NDV(o) and NDV(pi) when tested with a soluble substrate, indicating that the inefficient elution of NDV(pi) was not due to a reduced enzyme content. The neuraminidase activity of intact NDV(pi) virions was significantly more stable at 55 C than the enzyme of NDV(o) virions, whereas the dissociated enzymes of the two viruses were inactivated at the same rate. On the basis of these findings, it seems likely there is a structural difference between the two viruses. The neuraminidase protein of the mutant NDV(pi) may be incorporated into the viral envelope in such a manner that it is prevented from reacting with the substrate in the erythrocyte membrane, although it can react with a soluble substrate. The hemagglutinin activity of both intact and disrupted NDV(pi) was significantly more resistant to thermal inactivation than that of the wild-type NDV(o). This finding suggests a genetic difference in the hemagglutinin protein of the two viruses.  相似文献   
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