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D-amino acid oxidase is a widely distributed peroxisomal enzyme whose principal natural substrates are still unknown. Thiazolidine carboxylates, their derivatives and relatives, and the intermediates in their metabolism are among the more plausible substrate candidates. Using a cytochemical procedure, we have explored the distribution of peroxide-generating enzymatic activity against two thiazolidine carboxylates. We find that these compounds are effective substrates for peroxisomal oxidation in a variety of tissues that contain peroxisomal D-amino acid oxidase. Reaction was seen in the "classical" peroxisomes of rat liver and kidney, the peroxisomes of the fat body of firefly and of Drosophila and the peroxisomes of frog retina. Interestingly, both with the thiazolidine compounds and with more traditional D-amino acid oxidase substrates, the fireflies' photocyte granules, which are peroxisomes, lack activity.  相似文献   
The basic cellular organization of Heliobacterium chlorum is described using the freeze-etching technique. Internal cell membranes have not been observed in most cells, leading to the conclusion that the photosynthetic apparatus of these organisms must be localized in the cell membrane of the bacterium. The two fracture faces of the cell membrane are markedly different. The cytoplasmic (PF) face is covered with densely packed particles averaging 8 nm in diameter, while the exoplasmic (EF) face contains far fewer particles, averaging approximately 10 nm in diameter. Although a few differentiated regions were noted within these fracture faces, the overall appearance of the cell membrane was remarkably uniform. The Heliobacterium chlorum cell wall is a strikingly regular structure, composed of repeating subunits arranged in a rectangular pattern at a spacing of 11 nm in either direction. We have isolated cell wall fragments by brief sonication in distilled water, and visualized the cell wall structure by negative staining as well as deep-etching.Abbreviations PF protoplasmic fracture face - EF exoplasmic fracture face  相似文献   
Summary Proximal tubules were prepared from rat kidney cortex by collagenase digestion and purified by percoll gradient centrifugation. Their enrichment was estimated by comparing the specific activities of various cell-specific enzymes in homogenates of renal cortex and of the isolated tubules. The tubules were cultured in a 50:50 mixture of Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s and Ham’s F12 media supplemented with insulin, transferrin, epidermal growth factor, hydrocortisone, and prostaglandin E1. After 2 to 3 d an extensive outgrowth of epithelial cells developed from the attached tubules. After 5 to 7 d near confluent monolayers were obtained. Hormonal responsiveness, marker enzyme activities, and transport properties were determined to further characterize the primary cultures. The cultured cells exhibited increased cyclic AMP production in response to parathyroid hormone but not calcitonin or vasopressin, consistent with the absence of cells derived from distal and collecting tubules. The cells also retained significant levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-lα-hydroxylase, alkaline phosphatase, and ψ-glytamyltranspeptidase, three enzymes that are primarily associated with the proximal tubule. The cultured epithelial cells also exhibit a Na+-dependent phosphate and glucose transport systems. Therefore, the cells retain many functional properties that are characteristic of proximal tubules. Thus, the primary cultures should be suitable for the study of processes that occur specifically within this segment of the rat nephron. This work was supported in part by the Veterans Administration (JBP), Washington, DC, by grant DK-37124 (NPC) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and by grant BNS-86-17004 (CFL) from the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.  相似文献   
Summary Fast start-up of thermophilic upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors was achieved at process temperatures of 46, 55 and 64° C, using mesophilic granular sludge as inoculum and fatty acid mixtures as feed. The start-up was brought about by increasing the temperature of mesophilic UASB reactors in a single step, which initially led to a sharp drop in the methane production rate. Thereafter, stable thermophilic methanogenesis was achieved within a period of 1 or 2 weeks depending on the temperature of operation. Mesophilic granules functioned initially as effective carrier material for thermophilic organisms. However, long-term operation led to disintegration of the granules, resulting in wash-out of thermophilic biomass. The temperature optima for acetotrophic methanogenic activity of the sludges cultivated at 46, 55 and 64° C, were similar, but differed significantly from the temperature optimum of the mesophilic inoculum. All the sludges examined were dominated by Methanothrix-like rods. These could be distinguished by antigenic fingerprinting into two subpopulations, one predominant at 36° C and the other predominant at 46° C and above. Offprint requests to: J. B. van Lier  相似文献   
Summary Culturing human prostate PC-3 cells for 4, 24, or 72 h in the presence of 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), an inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism and cholesterol biosynthesis, markedly altered the morphology and reduced the number of mitochondria in the treated cells. Using quantitative electron microscopic morphometry, we documented changes in the number, form, area, matrix density, and integrity of the cristae and limiting membranes of mitochondria in cells cultured with ETYA. The inhibition of cholesterol synthesis or the substitution of ETYA for polyunsaturated fatty acids in the inner membrane may participate in the disruption of the mitochondria, which resembles the morphologic sequelae of oxidative stress. If sufficiently extensive, these changes could contribute to the inhibition of cellular proliferation by ETYA.  相似文献   
Infection of cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, larvae by the entomophilic nematode Neoaplectana carpocapsae was accomplished in the laboratory. The Breton strain of N. carpocapsae provided higher larval mortality at lower dosages than did the DD-136 strain. Adult nematodes were evident in the insect hemocoel after 48 h; however, no infective third-stage larvae were produced. Larval flea infection increased with an increase in the moisture content of sand from 2% to 7% and of sandy clay from 7% to 12%. Larval flea infection was also obtained on turf containing dauer larvae. Nematode penetration of cocoons with invasion of prepupal and pupal fleas was apparent.  相似文献   
Summary Two stable epithelial-like cell lines, the pig kidney strain (LLC-PK1) and a Wilms' tumor line (TuWi), previously established in other laboratories, were found to exhibit a number of properties characteristic of kidney proximal tubular epithelium. Electron micrographs of LLC-PK1 monolayers revealed cells forming rosettes reminiscent of tubules. Numerous elongated microvilli and an amorphous basal laminar material surrounded the cell membranes. Cell junctions were located between cell membranes at regions adjacent to the patent lumens. Wilms' cells in culture were similar in appearance to the pig kidney cells; they exhibited numerous microvilli, a thin basal laminar coating on the membrane, and desmonsomes between cells. No rosette formation was evident. Neither cell line was found to produce extracellular reticulin fibers when grown in the presence ofl-ascorbic acid for 1 week. Absence of stainable reticulin in cell monolayer culture after ascorbicacid treatment has been noted only in cell lines of apparent epithelial origin. Histochemically, both lines reacted positively for activities of a number of enzymes found in high amounts in normal kidney tubular epithelium. Pig kidney cells were highly positive for γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and moderately active for acid phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase activities. Wilms' tumor cells were markedly active for γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, 5′-nucleotidase, ATPase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and acid phosphatase activities. These findings in conjunction with the ultrastructural observations indicate that these two lines in culture maintain many of the properties typical of proximal kidney tubular epithelium.  相似文献   
Subcellular fractions, isolated from the lymphoid cell line IM-1, are capable of stimulating a weak proliferative response in allogeneic lymphocytes. They also stimulate the generation of cytotoxic effector lymphocytes. The proliferative response to subcellular fractions, as measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation, is only one-fourth to one-sixth as great as that to intact IM-1 cells, suggesting that a component(s) synthesized during the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), or a short-lived cellular constituent, may be responsible for the ability of intact cells to stimulate a lymphocyte proliferative response. This component appears to be lacking or in limiting quantity in subcellular fractions, including the soluble fractions. In contrast to the decreased proliferative response to subcellular fractions, the cytotoxic capacity of the stimulated lymphocytes is comparable to that after stimulation by intact IM-1 cells. The data demonstrate that, in this system, cytotoxic effector lymphocytes can be generated in the absence of the extensive proliferative response normally observed in the MLR. The antigenic stimulus responsible for the generation of cytotoxic effector cells appears to reside on intracellular components as well as on plasma membrane. In these reactions, specificity is shown by the failure of the cytotoxic cells to release 51Cr from autologous target cells. In fact, reactivity of lymphocytes stimulated by subcellular fractions is more specific than the reactivity of cells stimulated by intact IM-1 as judged by their lytic capacity for another target cell, RPMI 4265.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are related to bacterial amidases. In Drosophila, PGRPs bind peptidoglycan and function as central sensors and regulators of the innate immune response. PGRP-LC/PGRP-LE constitute the receptor complex in the immune deficiency (IMD) pathway, which is an innate immune cascade triggered upon Gram-negative bacterial infection. Here, we present the functional analysis of the nonamidase, membrane-associated PGRP-LF. We show that PGRP-LF acts as a specific negative regulator of the IMD pathway. Reduction of PGRP-LF levels, in the absence of infection, is sufficient to trigger IMD pathway activation. Furthermore, normal development is impaired in the absence of functional PGRP-LF, a phenotype mediated by the JNK pathway. Thus, PGRP-LF prevents constitutive activation of both the JNK and the IMD pathways. We propose a model in which PGRP-LF keeps the Drosophila IMD pathway silent by sequestering circulating peptidoglycan.  相似文献   
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