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Previous studies have indicated that body mass can be estimated from stature and bi-iliac (maximum pelvic) breadth with reasonable accuracy in modern humans, supporting the use of this method to estimate body mass in earlier human skeletal samples. However, to date the method has not been tested specifically on high latitude individuals, whose body form in some ways more closely approximates that of earlier higher latitude humans (i.e., large and broad-bodied). In this study, anthropometric data for 67 Alaskan Inupiat and 54 Finnish adults were used to test the stature/bi-iliac body mass estimation method. Both samples are very broad-bodied, and the Finnish sample is very tall as well. The method generally works well in these individuals, with average directional biases in body mass estimates of 3% or less, except in male Finns, whose body masses are systematically underestimated by an average of almost 9%. A majority of individuals in the total pooled sample have estimates to within +/-10% of their true body masses, and more than three-quarters have estimates to within +/-15%. The major factor found to affect directional bias is shoulder to hip breadth (biacromial/bi-iliac breadth). Male Finns have particularly wide shoulders, which may in part explain their systematic underestimation. New body mass estimation equations are developed that include the new data from this study. When applied to a sample of earlier (late middle Pleistocene to early Upper Paleolithic) higher latitude skeletal specimens, differences between previous and new body estimates are small (less than 2%). However, because the Finns significantly extend the range of morphological variation beyond that represented in the original world-wide reference sample used in developing the method, thereby increasing its generality, it is recommended that these new formulas be used in subsequent body mass estimations.  相似文献   
Mechanical loading of muscle action is concentrated at muscle attachment sites; thus there may be a potential for site-specific variation in cortical bone thickness. Humeri from an early 20th-century Finnish (Helsinki) and two medieval English (Newcastle, Blackgate and York, Barbican) populations were subjected to pQCT scanning to calculate site-specific cross-sectional cortical bone area (CA) for four locations and to measure cortical thickness at muscle attachment sites and non-attachment sites. We found that CA at 80% of humerus length was significantly reduced compared to more distal cross-sections, which can be due to reduced stresses at the proximal shaft. The principal direction of loading at 80% humerus length was towards mediolateral plane, likely due to fixing the humerus close to the torso. At 35% the main direction of loading was towards anteroposterior plane, reflecting elbow flexing forces. The principal direction of loading varied between populations, sides and sexes at 50% humerus length due to preference between elbow and shoulder joint; thus this location might be useful when trying to infer differences in activity. These changes are likely due to overall shaft adaptation to forces acting at the humerus. In addition, we found a potential for site-specific variation in cortical thickness; cortical bone at muscle attachment sites was significantly thicker compared to non-attachment sites. Lastly, CA at 35% of humerus length and cortical thickness at non-attachment sites decreased with age. These results underline the importance of muscle loading for bone mass preservation as well as indicate that a site-specific variation of bone mass is possible.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the age adjustment of statures estimated with the anatomical method. The research material includes 127 individuals from the Terry Collection. The cadaveric stature (CSTA)–skeletal height (SKH) ratios indicate that stature loss with age commences before SKH reduction. Testing three equations to estimate CSTA at the age at death and CSTA corrected to maximum stature from SKH indicates that the age correction of stature should reflect the pattern of age‐related stature loss to minimize estimation error. An equation that includes a continuous and linear age correction through the entire adult age range [Eq. (1)] results in curvilinear stature estimation error. This curvilinear stature estimation error can be largely avoided by applying a second linear equation [Eq. (2)] to only individuals older than 40 years. Our third equation [Eq. (3)], based on younger individuals who have not lost stature, can be used to estimate maximum stature. This equation can also be applied to individuals of unknown or highly uncertain age, because it provides reasonably accurate estimates until about 60/70 years at least for males. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:96–106, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We examine how African apes’ postcranial skeletal dimensions and their combinations are related to body size, as represented by trunk volume, within sex-specific samples of a total of 39 central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and 34 western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). We examine this relationship by determining the strength of the correlation between selected skeletal dimensions and trunk volume. The findings indicate that sex should be taken into account when possible. Most two-predictor models perform better than most single-predictor models. Interspecific regressions based on log-transformed variables and sex/species-specific regression based on raw variables perform about equally well.  相似文献   


A number of studies have demonstrated the ontogenetic plasticity of long bone diaphyseal structure in response to mechanical loading. Captivity should affect mechanical loading of the limbs, but whether captive apes grow differently than wild apes has been debated. Here, we compare captive and wild juvenile and adult Gorilla to ascertain whether growth trajectories in cross‐sectional diaphyseal shape are similar in the two environments.

Materials and methods

A sample of young juvenile (n = 4) and adult (n = 10) captive Gorilla gorilla gorilla specimens, with known life histories, were compared with age‐matched wild G.g. gorilla (n = 62) and G. beringei beringei (n = 75) in relative anteroposterior to mediolateral bending strength of the femur, tibia, and humerus. Cross sections were obtained using peripheral quantitative CT.


Captive and wild adult G.g. gorilla differed in bending strength ratios for all three bones, but these differences were not present in young juvenile G.g. gorilla. In comparisons across taxa, captive juvenile G.g. gorilla were more similar to wild G.g. gorilla than to G.b. beringei, while captive adult G.g. gorilla were more similar in shape to G.b. beringei in the hind limb.


Captive and wild G. gorilla follow different ontogenetic trajectories in long bone diaphyseal shape, corresponding to environmental differences and subsequent modified locomotor behaviors. Differences related to phylogeny are most evident early in development.
The commonly held belief that the emergence and establishment of farming communities in the Levant was a smooth socio-economic continuum during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (ca. 12,000-9,000 cal BP) with only rare minor disruptions is challenged by recently obtained evidence from this region. Using a database of archaeological radiocarbon dates and diagnostic material culture records from a series of key sites in the northern Levant we show that the hitherto apparent long-term continuity interpreted as the origins and consolidation of agricultural systems was not linear and uninterrupted. A major cultural discontinuity is observed in the archaeological record around 10,000 cal BP in synchrony with a Holocene Rapid Climate Change (RCC), a short period of climatic instability recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. This study demonstrates the interconnectedness of the first agricultural economies and the ecosystems they inhabited, and emphasizes the complex nature of human responses to environmental change during the Neolithic period in the Levant. Moreover, it provides a new environmental-cultural scenario that needs to be incorporated in the models reconstructing both the establishment of agricultural economy in southwestern Asia and the impact of environmental changes on human populations.  相似文献   
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