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Bretscher (1983) has shown that on uniformly spread giant HeLa cells, the receptors for low density lipoprotein (LDL) and transferrin are concentrated toward the periphery of the cells. To explain these nonuniform distributions, he proposed that on giant HeLa cells, recycling receptors return to the cell surface at the cell's leading edge. Since the distribution of coated pits on these cells is uniform, Bretscher and Thomson (1983) proposed that there is a bulk membrane flow toward the cell centers. Here we present a mathematical model that allows us to predict the distribution of cell surface proteins on a thin circular cell, when exocytosis occurs at the cell periphery and endocytosis occurs uniformly over the cell surface. We show that on such a cell, a bulk membrane flow will be generated, whose average velocity is zero at the cell center and increases linearly with the distance from the cell center. Our model predicts that proteins that aggregate in coated pits will have concentrations that are maximal at the cell periphery. We fit our theory to the data of Bretscher and Thomson (1983) on the distribution of ferritin receptors for the following cases: the receptors move by diffusion alone; they move by bulk membrane flow alone; they move by a combination of diffusion and bulk membrane flow. From our fits we show that tau m greater than 3.5 tau p, where tau m and tau p are the lifetimes of the membrane and the ferritin receptor on the cell surface, and that tau pD less than 6.9 X 10(-7) cm2, where D is the ferritin receptor diffusion coefficient. Surprisingly, we obtain the best fits to the data when we neglect membrane flow. Our model predicts that for proteins that are excluded from coated pits, the protein concentration will be Gaussian, being maximal at the cell center and decreasing with the distance from the cell center. If on giant HeLa cells a protein with such a distribution could be found, it would strongly support Bretcher's proposal that there is an inward membrane flow.  相似文献   
The -isopropylmalate synthase of the chemolithoautotrophic Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 is apparently a soluble enzyme but is strongly adsorbed to cell particles in ruptured cell suspensions. This was not observed with -acetohydroxy acid synthase or threonine deaminase. The formation of these regulatory enzymes of the branched chain amino acid biosynthesis pathway generally decreased with decreased growth rates. The addition of 5 mM valine plus isoleucine with and without 5 mM threonine caused a 6.6- and a 4-fold increase, respectively, in the formation of active -isopropylmalate synthase, but caused a strong decrease in the -actohydroxy acid synthase. The level of active -isopropylmalate synthase is apparently regulated by the level of leucine; whereas, the level of the -acetohydroxy acid synthase and threonine deaminase is influenced by the presence of several amino acids. A catabolic threonine deaminase was not encountered.Abbreviations IRS -Isopropylamalate - AHA -acetohydroxy acid - TDA throninedeaminase This paper is dedicated to Professor H. G. Schlegel, University Göttingen, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. I am grateful to a great teacher and scientist, who in his unique way stimulated enthusiasm and fascination in microbiology in his students throughout the years  相似文献   
Membrane fluidity and the probability of complement fixation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a mathematical theory of the role of membrane fluidity in the initiation of the IgG mediated complement cascade. The basic assumption is that C1q must be at least doubly bound to activate C1r, but that once C1q is doubly bound, C1r still requires some mean finite time tau to become enzymatically active. If C1q dissociates during this time interval, C1r cannot be activated. We consider the consequences of the simplest model of fluidity--one in which the difference between "fluid phase" lipids and "non-fluid phase" lipids is to allow protein mobility, but not a change in protein conformation. We show that under these conditions fluidity will effect C1r activation only if the rate of formation of multiply bound C1q is limited by diffusion in the membrane. If diffusion in the membrane is not rate-limiting, then, within the framework of this model, fluidity has no effect whatsoever on C1r activation. Thus, an experimental determination that C1q binding is not rate-limited by diffusion in the surface, but that fluidity does effect activation, would suggest a protein conformational change resulting perhaps from altered lipid composition. If diffusion in the surface does rate limit multiple C1q binding, we predict the possibility of an optimum diffusion coefficient for activation. For suitably chosen and reasonable parameter values this optimum will occur in the range (10(-11) less than or equal to D less than or equal to 10(-8) cm2/sec. We predict further, under these circumstances, a precipitous drop in the probability of activation above the optimum. The abrupt switch from a high probability of activation to essentially no probability of activation suggests the possibility of a very sensitive control mechanism exploitable by relatively small changes in membrane lipid composition.  相似文献   
The process of ligand binding to a cluster of membrane-associated receptors is examined theoretically. The theoretical model proposed involves the diffusion of ligands from the solution to the disc-like cluster of receptors on the surface of the spherical cell. When the ligand hits the internal part of the disc-like cluster, it begins to move laterally until it leaves the disc through its outer surface or is bound by one of the receptors inside the disc. If the ligand leaves the cluster, it returns to the solution and hits the disc again after a certain period, etc. According to our model the transition from a diffusion-limited to a reaction-limited process of binding is determined by the dimensionless parameter Dt c/a 2, where D is the lateral diffusion coefficient,t c is the characteristic time of reaction, anda is the radius of the disc-like cluster. The forward rate constantk f turns out to be a function of . Comparing the results of our calculations ofk f with some experimental data we found that agreement is achieved at high , i.e. the process of ligand binding by clustered receptors is predominantly reaction-limited.  相似文献   
The passive membrane properties of the tangential cells in the fly lobula plate (CH, HS, and VS cells, Fig. 1) were determined by combining compartmental modeling and current injection experiments. As a prerequisite, we built a digital base of the cells by 3D-reconstructing individual tangential cells from cobalt-stained material including both CH cells (VCH and DCH cells), all three HS cells (HSN, HSE, and HSS cells) and most members of the VS cell family (Figs. 2, 3). In a first series of experiments, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents were injected to determine steady-state I-V curves (Fig. 4). At potentials more negative than resting, a linear relationship holds, whereas at potentials more positive than resting, an outward rectification is observed. Therefore, in all subsequent experiments, when a sinusoidal current of variable frequency was injected, a negative DC current was superimposed to keep the neurons in a hyperpolarized state. The resulting amplitude and phase spectra revealed an average steady-state input resistance of 4 to 5 M and a cut-off frequency between 40 and 80 Hz (Fig. 5). To determine the passive membrane parameters R m (specific membrane resistance), R i (specific internal resistivity), and C m (specific membrane capacitance), the experiments were repeated in computer simulations on compartmental models of the cells (Fig. 6). Good fits between experimental and simulation data were obtained for the following values: R m = 2.5 kcm2, R i = 60 cm, and C m = 1.5 F/cm2 for CH cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.9 F/cm2 for HS cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.8 F/cm2 for VS cells. An error analysis of the fitting procedure revealed an area of confidence in the R m -R i plane within which the R m -R i value pairs are still compatible with the experimental data given the statistical fluctuations inherent in the experiments (Figs. 7, 8). We also investigated whether there exist characteristic differences between different members of the same cell class and how much the exact placement of the electrode (within ±100 m along the axon) influences the result of the simulation (Fig. 9). The membrane parameters were further examined by injection of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 10). The resulting compartmental models (Fig. 11) based on the passive membrane parameters determined in this way form the basis of forthcoming studies on dendritic integration and signal propagation in the fly tangential cells (Haag et al., 1997; Haag and Borst, 1997).  相似文献   
Summary The xylanase activity of the new thermophilic, anaerobic, Clostridium sp. EPP100 was induced by xylan, cellobiose, and lactose, a pattern previously noted only in cellulolytic organisms. The lactose-induced xylanase had microcrystalline cellulose binding activity. Induction of xylanase activity was dependent on inducer concentration and was not fully repressible by glucose, xylose, or any mono-sugars tested. The -glycosidases and xylanase were not induced coordinately by lactose and cellobiose.  相似文献   
Summary During growth in the presence of fibers composed of cellulose or hemicellulose, various strains of the thermophilic soil bacterium Clostridium thermocellum and several newly isolated thermophilic anaerobic soil bacteria adhered to the fibers. Attachment occurred via a fibrous ruthenium red-staining material. C. thermocellum sporulated while attached to the fibers when the pH dropped below 6.4. It is postulated that the attachment is involved in cellulose breakdown and that C. thermocellum gaines an advantage by remaining attached to its insoluble substrates when the environment is not suitable for rapid growth. The tendency to adhere to cellulose fibers was used in the purification of thermophilic cellulolytic anaerobes.  相似文献   
Two strains, JW 200 and JW 201, of an extreme thermophilic, non-spore-forming anaerobic bacterium were isolated from alkaline and slightly acidic hot springs located in Yellowstone National Park. Both strains were peritrichously flagellated rods. Cell size varied from 0.5–0.8 by 4–100 m; coccoid-shaped cells of about 1 m in diameter frequently occurred. Division was often unequal. Spheroplast-like forms were visible at the late logarithmic growth phase. The Gram reaction was variable. The DNA base composition of the two strains was between 37 and 39 mol% guanine plus cytosine as determined by buoyant density measurements and approximately 32% by the thermal denaturation method. The main fermentation products from hexoses were ethanol and CO2. Growth occurred between 37 and 78°C and from pH 4.4 to 9.8. The name Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus gen. nov., spec. nov. was proposed for the two, new isolates. Strain JW 200 was designated as the type strain.A preliminary account of this work was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Los Angeles, CA, 1979 (J. Wiegel and L. G. Ljungdahl, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol., 1979, 163, p. 105) and at the 27th IUPAC Congress Helsinki, 1979 (L. G. Ljungdahl and J. Wiegel, Abstracts p. 546)  相似文献   
2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) was anaerobically degraded in freshwater lake sediments. From observed intermediates in incubated sediment samples and from enrichment cultures, the following sequence of transformations was postulated. 2,4-DCP is dechlorinated to 4-chlorophenol (4-CP), 4-CP is dechlorinated to phenol, phenol is carboxylated to benzoate, and benzoate is degraded via acetate to methane and CO2; at least five different organisms are involved sequentially. The rate-limiting step was the transformation of 4-CP to phenol. Sediment-free enrichment cultures were obtained which catalyzed only the dechlorination of 2,4-DCP, the carboxylation of phenol, and the degradation of benzoate, respectively. Whereas the dechlorination of 2,4-DCP was not inhibited by H2, the dechlorination of 4-CP, and the transformation of phenol and benzoate were. Low concentrations of 4-CP inhibited phenol and benzoate degradation. Transformation rates and maximum concentrations allowing degradation were determined in both freshly collected sediments and in adapted samples: at 31 degrees C, which was the optimal temperature for the dechlorination, the average adaptation time for 2,4-DCP, 4-CP, phenol, and benzoate transformations were 7, 37, 11 and 2 days, respectively. The maximal observed transformation rates for these compounds in acclimated sediments were 300, 78, 2, 130, and 2,080 micromol/liter(-1)/day(-1), respectively. The highest concentrations which still allowed the transformation of the compound in acclimated sediments were 3.1 m/M 2,4-DCP, 3.1 mM 4-CP, 13 mM phenol, and greater than 52 mM benzoate. The corresponding values were lower for sediments which had not been adapted for the transformation steps.  相似文献   
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