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Abstract. The durations of the cell cycle and its component phases have been determined for the basal layer of the epidermis of the skin from the upper surface of the hind foot of the rat using single pulse [3H]-thymidine labelling and the percent labelled mitosis (PLM) technique. Rats of three age groups were used, namely 7, 14 and 52 weeks. The duration of DNA synthesis (Ts) and the G2 plus M phase (Tg2± m) were comparable in 7-week and 52-week-old rats ( P > 0–1). The major difference between 7-week and 52-week-old rats was in the duration of the G1 phase (Tg1). In 7-week-old rats Tg1 was 15.0 ± 0.8 h and in 52-week-old rats Tg1 was 31.2 ± 3.5 h. A consequence of this variation was that the overall duration of the cell cycle was longer in 52-week-old rats (53.9 ± 5.3 h) than in 7-week-old rats (30.1 ± 1.3 h).
Difficulties were found in fitting a simple curve to the PLM data for 14-week-old rats. This suggests that the proliferative cell population of the epidermis of rats of this age group may be heterogeneous. A satisfactory fit to the data was obtained using a computer model which assumed that the proliferative population of the epidermis of 14-week-old rats was a mixture of cells with cell cycle parameters the same as those of the 7-week and the 52-week-old rats. These two sub-populations of relatively slowly and rapidly proliferating cells were present in the ratio of 2:1.  相似文献   
Abstract. Cyclic haemopoiesis in Grey Collie dogs is characterized by stable oscillations in all haemopoietic lineages. It is proposed that in these animals, in contrast to normal animals, the maturation process of haemopoietic (in particular granuloid) cells from the primitive progenitors to the functional cells is characterized by an abnormally strong synchrony. It is conjectured that the marrow maturation time has a very small variance compared with non-cyclic normal dogs. With a mathematical model of haemopoiesis it is shown that small fluctuations are amplified via regular feedback processes such that stable granuloid oscillations are established. Erythroid oscillations are induced indirectly by granuloid feedback to the stem cell pool. The model calculations further show that the synchrony hypothesis of bone marrow maturation can quantitatively explain the following experimental results: (1) the maintenance of stable cycles of granuloid and erythroid bone marrow and blood cells with a period of approximately 14 d; (2) the disappearance of granuloid and erythroid cycles during the administration of the colony stimulating factor rhG-CSF; (3) the reappearance of oscillations when the administration of CSF is discontinued; (4) the cessation of cycles during endotoxin application; and (5) the persistence of cycles during erythroid manipulations (bleeding anaemia, hypoxia, hypertransfusion). We therefore conclude that cyclic haemopoiesis is not caused by a defect in the regulatory control system but by an unusual maturation process.  相似文献   
Abstract. The position-dependent mitotic index before, and 1, 2 and 3 h after vincristine was scored. the accumulation of cells in mitosis leads to an increase in the mitotic index from 0.06 to 0.34 at crypt positions 8-12. Surprisingly, the leading edge of the position-related mitotic index distribution moves to higher crypt positions although cell division was stopped. In addition, the vertical clustering of mitotic figures in sections was recorded. the data were examined using a previously described computer crypt model. We conclude: the average mitotic phase duration is about 0.7 h (40 min) and varies little with cell position; the geometrical correction factor for overscoring mitoses in crypt sections is about 0.6-0.7 and adjacent cell columns can merge. Lateral cell displacement after mitosis, as predicted in a previous model analysis, would be a mechanism to counteract other forces that tend to reduce the crypt circumference. In the normal steady state merging and expansion processes would just balance each other. This would not follow if one mechanism was blocked. Thus we propose a new concept in which the crypt geometry would be dynamically determined by cell proliferative activity in connection with lateral positioning of new cells on one hand and contracting forces on the other hand.  相似文献   
Various counts have been made of the number of mitotic figures in whole crypts and sections of crypts of the small intestine of the mouse. Samples were analysed from animals killed at different times of the day and at different times after administration of vincristine. Measurements have been made of the size of mitotic and interphase nuclei and of the radial position of mitotic figures. The correction factor, f, which is required to take into account the enhancement of mitotic counts in sections as a consequence of their centripetal position has been investigated. The results indicate the following: (1) transverse sections of the crypt differ from longitudinal sections if they involve cutting the intestine before fixation which may result in a relaxation of the crypt and its widening by 25%; (2) columnar cell nuclei have a shape that resembles a sphere flattened so that the average diameter is 20% greater in crypt transverse sections; (3) mitotic nuclei tend to be about half-way between the crypt edge and the central axis of the crypt; (4) between about four and seven times more mitotic figures have their mitotic axis parallel to the long axis of the crypt; (5) about one-third of all mitotic figures in a crypt are seen in a longitudinal section of the crypt. If this is related to the number of cells in the crypt as a whole and in a section, a correction factor fD for the mitotic index of 0.59 is obtained; (6) the correction factor fT derived from the shape and position of the mitotic figures measured in 3 microns longitudinal sections is 0.53; (7) relating cell cycle and mitotic accumulation data using a computer-based model of the crypt also permits a correction factor fmod to be estimated. This gives a value of 0.66. When sectioned material is used to calculate a mitotic index the most appropriate correction factor is fD; for mouse small intestine it is 0.59.  相似文献   
The passive membrane properties of the tangential cells in the fly lobula plate (CH, HS, and VS cells, Fig. 1) were determined by combining compartmental modeling and current injection experiments. As a prerequisite, we built a digital base of the cells by 3D-reconstructing individual tangential cells from cobalt-stained material including both CH cells (VCH and DCH cells), all three HS cells (HSN, HSE, and HSS cells) and most members of the VS cell family (Figs. 2, 3). In a first series of experiments, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents were injected to determine steady-state I-V curves (Fig. 4). At potentials more negative than resting, a linear relationship holds, whereas at potentials more positive than resting, an outward rectification is observed. Therefore, in all subsequent experiments, when a sinusoidal current of variable frequency was injected, a negative DC current was superimposed to keep the neurons in a hyperpolarized state. The resulting amplitude and phase spectra revealed an average steady-state input resistance of 4 to 5 M and a cut-off frequency between 40 and 80 Hz (Fig. 5). To determine the passive membrane parameters R m (specific membrane resistance), R i (specific internal resistivity), and C m (specific membrane capacitance), the experiments were repeated in computer simulations on compartmental models of the cells (Fig. 6). Good fits between experimental and simulation data were obtained for the following values: R m = 2.5 kcm2, R i = 60 cm, and C m = 1.5 F/cm2 for CH cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.9 F/cm2 for HS cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.8 F/cm2 for VS cells. An error analysis of the fitting procedure revealed an area of confidence in the R m -R i plane within which the R m -R i value pairs are still compatible with the experimental data given the statistical fluctuations inherent in the experiments (Figs. 7, 8). We also investigated whether there exist characteristic differences between different members of the same cell class and how much the exact placement of the electrode (within ±100 m along the axon) influences the result of the simulation (Fig. 9). The membrane parameters were further examined by injection of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 10). The resulting compartmental models (Fig. 11) based on the passive membrane parameters determined in this way form the basis of forthcoming studies on dendritic integration and signal propagation in the fly tangential cells (Haag et al., 1997; Haag and Borst, 1997).  相似文献   
The causes of the decreased immune responsiveness in tumor-bearing hosts are incompletely understood. The impact of a decreased immune response in cancer patients on the clinical response in immunotherapy trials has not been evaluated. The present report demonstrates a marked decrease in the therapeutic efficacy of adoptively transferred T lymphocytes obtained from murine hosts bearing tumor for greater than 30 days [late tumor-bearing mice (TBM)] as compared with normal mice and mice bearing tumor for less than 21 days (early TBM). In vitro analysis of the functions of the T lymphocytes from late TBM showed an apparently normal proliferative response to anti-CD3 and IL-2 with adequate lymphokine production from CD4+ cells, but a significant decrease in the cytotoxic function of CD8+ cells. The decreased cytotoxicity was not because of cell-mediated suppression. The expression of granzyme B mRNA was significantly delayed and decreased in magnitude in CD8+ cells from late TBM. Culture supernatants from two unrelated tumor cell lines were able to inhibit the cytotoxic activity of normal CD8+ cells in vitro. The tumor-derived suppressive factor is not transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), but it has not been further characterized. The data suggest that one potential mechanism responsible for immunologic defects in patients with large tumor burdens is a tumor-induced defect that compromises the function of CD8+ effector T cells.  相似文献   
It is currentlyunclear whether aging alters the perfusion of active muscles duringlarge-muscle dynamic exercise in humans. To study this issue, directmeasurements of leg blood flow (femoral vein thermodilution) andsystemic arterial pressure during submaximal cycle ergometry (70, 140, and 210 W) were compared between six younger (Y; 22-30 yr) and sixolder (O; 55-68 yr) chronically endurance-trainedmen. Whole body O2uptake, ventilation, and arterial and femoral venous samples forblood-gas, catecholamine, and lactate determinations were alsoobtained. Training duration (min/day), estimated leg muscle mass(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; Y, 21.5 ± 1.2 vs. O, 19.9 ± 0.9 kg), and blood hemoglobin concentration (Y, 14.9 ± 0.4 vs. O, 14.7 ± 0.2 g/dl) did not significantly differ (P > 0.05) between groups. Leg bloodflow, leg vascular conductance, and femoral venousO2 saturation were ~20-30%lower in the older men at each work rate (allP < 0.05), despite similarlevels of whole body O2 uptake. At210 W, leg norepinephrine spillover rates and femoral venous lactateconcentrations were more than twofold higher in the older men.Pulmonary ventilation was also higher in the older men at 140 (+24%)and 210 (+39%) W. These results indicate that leg blood flow andvascular conductance during cycle ergometer exercise are significantlylower in older endurance-trained men in comparison to their youngercounterparts. The mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon and theextent to which they operate in other groups of older subjects deservefurther attention.

Organoids enable in vitro modeling of complex developmental processes and disease pathologies. Like most 3D cultures, organoids lack sufficient oxygen supply and therefore experience cellular stress. These negative effects are particularly prominent in complex models, such as brain organoids, and can affect lineage commitment. Here, we analyze brain organoid and fetal single‐cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data from published and new datasets, totaling about 190,000 cells. We identify a unique stress signature in the data from all organoid samples, but not in fetal samples. We demonstrate that cell stress is limited to a defined subpopulation of cells that is unique to organoids and does not affect neuronal specification or maturation. We have developed a computational algorithm, Gruffi, which uses granular functional filtering to identify and remove stressed cells from any organoid scRNAseq dataset in an unbiased manner. We validated our method using six additional datasets from different organoid protocols and early brains, and show its usefulness to other organoid systems including retinal organoids. Our data show that the adverse effects of cell stress can be corrected by bioinformatic analysis for improved delineation of developmental trajectories and resemblance to in vivo data.  相似文献   
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