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A new algorithm is proposed to determine the type-II restrictionendonucleases' recognition site knowing the digested DNA sequenceand fragment lengths in an actual case. The algorithm is implementedfor the Commodore 64 microcomputer. Received on January 6, 1987; accepted on June 19, 1987  相似文献   
Adding noise to a visual image makes object recognition more effortful and has a widespread effect on human electrophysiological responses. However, visual cortical processes directly involved in handling the stimulus noise have yet to be identified and dissociated from the modulation of the neural responses due to the deteriorated structural information and increased stimulus uncertainty in the case of noisy images. Here we show that the impairment of face gender categorization performance in the case of noisy images in amblyopic patients correlates with amblyopic deficits measured in the noise-induced modulation of the P1/P2 components of single-trial event-related potentials (ERP). On the other hand, the N170 ERP component is similarly affected by the presence of noise in the two eyes and its modulation does not predict the behavioral deficit. These results have revealed that the efficient processing of noisy images depends on the engagement of additional processing resources both at the early, feature-specific as well as later, object-level stages of visual cortical processing reflected in the P1 and P2 ERP components, respectively. Our findings also suggest that noise-induced modulation of the N170 component might reflect diminished face-selective neuronal responses to face images with deteriorated structural information.  相似文献   
Using a semiconductor freezing microtome, there is no difficulty in getting an ample supply of quite suitable sections of Ca formol fixed root tips ofVicia faba, applying Holt’s sirup or plain 0.88 M sucrose as media for keeping the material, getting the sections and treating them after sectioning, but the protoplasts shrink and often fall out from the cells. No improvement in this respect was revealed using — at different concentrations — sucrose and arabic gum alone. The changes in the proportions of the ingredients of the sirup were also ineffective. A series of experiments were therefore performed with plain sucrose, but none of the factors tested was efficient enough to improve the results as compared with the standard procedure, the gradual transfer being the only exception. Since this makes the procedure more laborious and time consuming, certain other media were tested, 0.88 M ethanol and 0.88 M dimethylsulf-oxide yielding the best results. Attempts are being made to understand some points of the present experience in connection with the results of other authors and on the basis of general theory respectively.  相似文献   
V této práci byly aplikovány na rostlinných objektech reakce s β-oxynaftyl-merkurichloridem a p-nitrobromacetofenonem, popsané k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH na materiálu ?ivo?i?ném. V rostlinných meristematických buňkách obě tyto techniky stejně jako DDD1 a RSR1 jeví vět?inou intensivněj?í zbarvení jader ne? cytoplasmy. Rovně? po aplikaci reakcí na bílkovinné karboxyly a tyrosin je jádro intensivněji zbarveno ne? cytoplasma. Z toho lze soudit, ?e rozdíly v intensitě zbarvení jádra a cytoplasmy v meristematických buňkách rostlinných technikami k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH jsou zp?sobeny spí? rozdílem v celkové koncentraci bílkovin ne? zv??ením podílu cysteinu v jaderných bílkovinách.  相似文献   
Abstract: A tritiated heptapeptide, [3H]Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe ([3H]Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7), with high specific radioactivity has been synthesized in order to characterize its opioid binding activity to frog brain membrane fractions. The apparent K D value of the radioligand calculated from homologous displacement experiments was 3.4 n M , and the maximal number of specific binding sites was 630 fmol/mg of protein. The K D determined from equilibrium saturation binding studies was found to be 3.6 n M . However, the Hill coefficient was far below unity ( n H = 0.43), which suggests the presence of a second, lower affinity binding site. The presence of this binding component is strengthened by the displacement experiments performed with levorphanol and some other ligands. It is assumed that the lower affinity site has no opiate character. The rank order of potency of the applied ligands in competing reversibly with [3H]Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 binding reflects a κ2- and/or δ-subtype specificity of the heptapeptide. Binding to a κ1 and/or μ site of opioid receptors is excluded, but the existence of a novel endogenous opiate receptor subtype for Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 in frogs cannot be ruled out. The [3H]Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 binding was inhibited by both sodium ions and GppNHp, which suggests the opioid agonist character of the heptapeptide.  相似文献   
Summary Novel and efficient protocols for plant regeneration and genetic transformation from longitudinally-halved cotyledons ofin vitro raised seedlings in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) are described. After co-cultivation withAgrobacterium vectors harboring neomycin phosphotransferase (nptll) as selectable marker, transgenic plantlets were regenerated on selective media containing 100 mg/l kanamycin. Transformants were recovered from embryogenic calli induced by 4 mg/l-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and from organogenic calli induced by the addition of 2 mg/l zeatin plus 0.01 mg/l NAA. Nineteen independent transgenic lines were grown to maturity. The structural integrity, expression and sexual transmission of the introduced genes for neomycin phosphotransferase and ß-glucuronidase (gus) were investigated.  相似文献   
Microstratification of phytoplankton in the large shallow Lake Balaton (Hungary) was studied during a 24 h period. Dissolved O2 showed biological stratification; flagellates exhibited a definite circadian rhythm. In the middle of the investigation a heavy storm broke out which was followed by the disappearance of differences between different layers of water. Storm-induced destratification is described by cluster-analysis. Abundances of dominant species changed differently in connection with the storm. Numbers of Nitzschia sp. increased due to stirring up from the sediment surface. Numbers of single-celled or colony-forming species (Cyclotella comta, Crucigenia quadrata, Coelosphaerium kuetzingianum) practically did not change. Numbers of all the three dominant filamentous species (Aphanizomenon fos-aquae f. klebahnii, Lyngbya limnetica, Planctonema lauterbornii) significantly decreased, which might be attributed to an unknown loss process and was followed by a competitive displacement by algae of small cell size.  相似文献   
A polyspecific antiserum against protein extracted from PSTV-infected tomato leaves was prepared and the IgGs were separated by affinity chromatography on a beaded cellulose adsorbent with an immobilized “healthy” antigen. The antibody not adsorbed entered into a preferential reaction with the antigen from PSTV-infected leaves as estimated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The immunochemical reactions did not significantly exceed the control background, if antigens from tomato leaves infected with potato viruses X, Y and M were analyzed. By immunoblot technique we revealed, however, that several antigens not detected in healthy leaves appeared in the leaves infected either with PSTV or with viruses X and M. An accumulation of a major antigen having a molecular mass of about 70 kDa was observed in viroid-infected leaves only, suggesting the specificity for viroid infection. The antigen was found not to be an alkaline endoproteinase - the pathogenesis-related protein P-69. Some antigens with molecular masses approximately 38.0, 23.7 and 22 kDa, which occurred in PSTV-infected leaves and in healthy calluses, were not detectable in PSTV-infected calluses. No reaction exceeding the control level was observed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antigens from silver nitrate-treated tomato leaves, although such leaves showed symptoms similar to that caused by viroids.  相似文献   
As an extension of earlier studies performed in our laboratory on enzyme localization on tissue level, the distribution of starch was examined in seedling root tips of peaPisum sativum L., broad beanFaba vulgaris Moench., maizeZea mays L., lupinLupinus albus L., and pumpkinCucurbita maxima Duch., and in tips of adventive roots of onionAllium cepa L. by means of the alcian blue /JJK procedure applied to paraffin sections. In pea, some genetic (various cultivars) and eco-physiological (different harvests, various localities, diverse way of germination, uneven seedling age, unequal stage of cell growth) factors were studied concerning the present problem. In all these cases the starch localization pattern remains constant though the amounts of starch vary in particular cell complexes. From the evaluation of the starch localization at the level of the beginning cell growth in particular species and from comparison of the findings in different species it follows that starch localization and histogenesis patterns are different. This supports the view that the two phenomena are caused or controlled by uneven factors.  相似文献   
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