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We use a recently developed formalism (1) to calculate the salt dependent part of the free energy determining DNA conformational stability in 1:1 electrolytes. The conformations studied are the A, B, C and alternating-B right-handed forms and the ZI, ZII left-handed forms of DNA. In the case of the B-ZI transition of d(G-C).d(G-C) helices in NaCl solution, the free energy contribution considered suffices to describe the transition in a quantitative manner. The theory also predicts the occurrence of salt-induced B-A transitions which have been recently observed with poly[d(n2 A-T)] and poly[d(G-C)]. In other cases, additional terms in the free energy balance, particularly due to hydration effects, must be at least as important as salt effects in determining conformational stability and structural transitions in solution. If diffuse ionic cloud electrostatic effects alone would dominate in all cases, the relative helical stabilities at 0.2 M monovalent salt would decrease in the order C greater than B greater than A greater than ZII greater than ZI greater than alternating-B. At high salt concentrations (2.0 M-5.0 M), the order would be alternating-B greater than ZI greater than A greater than ZII greater than B greater than C.  相似文献   
A F Corin  E Blatt  T M Jovin 《Biochemistry》1987,26(8):2207-2217
The experimental procedures for detecting the triplet states of chromophores in solutions (cuvettes) by fluorescence recovery spectroscopy (FRS) are described in detail, together with applications in studies of protein structure and protein-cell interactions in the microsecond to millisecond time domain. The experimental configuration has been characterized by measuring the emission intensities and anisotropies of eosin and erythrosin immobilized in poly(methyl methacrylate). The fluorescence data are compared with those from phosphorescence emission measurements and with theoretical predictions. Triplet-state lifetimes were obtained in 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, of concanavalin A labeled with eosin, tetramethylrhodamine, and fluorescein and of alpha 2-macroglobulin labeled with the first two probes. In the case of labeled concanavalin A, iodide quenching measurements gave bimolecular rate constants of approximately 10(9) M-1 s-1. The usefulness of FRS for studying protein-cell interactions is exemplified with eosin-labeled concanavalin A bound to living A-431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the technique are compared to those of the alternative phosphorescence emission method.  相似文献   
Detergent permeabilized Euplotes eurystomus (a fresh water hypotrichous ciliate) was reacted with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for either detyrosinated or tyrosinated alpha-tubulin (Glu- or Tyr-tubulin). The isolated cytoskeleton-nuclear complex was examined by Western immunoblotting and by immunofluorescent and electron microscopic methods. Both Glu- and Tyr-tubulins were detected by immunoblot analysis. Immunofluorescent microscopy indicated that the alpha-tubulin isotypes are concentrated in different regions of permeabilized cells: Glu-tubulin is located primarily in cirri, membranelles, and surrounding the macro- and micronuclei. Tyr-tubulin is principally at the bases of cirri and membranelles. This differential distribution of alpha-tubulin isotypes is discussed in terms of current concepts concerning the correlation of tubulin post-translational modifications to microtubule stability. Confocal immunofluorescent imaging was of critical importance in clearly differentiating the Glu-tubulin isotype surrounding the macro- and micronuclei from a brilliantly fluorescent environment originating from cytoskeletal structures. In conjunction with conventional and stereo-electron microscopy, confocal optical microscopy provided convincing evidence for a "basket" of microtubules surrounding both nuclei.  相似文献   
A parallel stranded linear DNA duplex incorporating dG.dC base pairs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA oligonucleotides with appropriately designed complementary sequences can form a duplex in which the two strands are paired in a parallel orientation and not in the conventional antiparallel double helix of B-DNA. All parallel stranded (ps) molecules reported to date have consisted exclusively of dA.dT base pairs. We have substituted four dA.dT base pairs of a 25-nt parallel stranded linear duplex (ps-D1.D2) with dG.dC base pairs. The two strands still adopt a duplex structure with the characteristic spectroscopic properties of the ps conformation but with a reduced thermodynamic stability. Thus, the melting temperature of the ps duplex with four dG.dC base pairs (ps-D5.D6) is 10-16 degrees C lower and the van't Hoff enthalpy difference delta HvH for the helix-coil transition is reduced by 20% (in NaCl) and 10% (in MgCl2) compared to that of ps-D1.D2. Based on energy minimizations of a ps-[d(T5GA5).d(A5CT5)] duplex using force field calculations we propose a model for the conformation of a trans dG.dC base pair in a ps helix.  相似文献   
A F Corin  T M Jovin 《Biochemistry》1986,25(14):3995-4007
The delayed fluorescence properties of proflavin have been exploited in studies of the excited-state binding kinetics of the dye to poly[d(A-T)] and its brominated analogue poly[d(A-br5U)] at room temperature and pH 7. The two analyzed luminescence decay times of the DNA-dye complex are dependent on the total nucleic acid concentration. This dependence is shown to reflect a temporal coupling of the intrinsic delayed emission decay rates with the dynamic chemical kinetic binding processes in the excited state. Temperature-jump kinetic studies conducted on the brominated polymer and corresponding information on poly[d(A-T)] from a previous study [Ramstein, J., Ehrenberg, M., & Rigler, R. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 3938-3948] provide complementary information about the ground state. In the ground state, the poly[d(A-T)]-proflavin complex has one chemical relaxation time, which reaches a plateau at high DNA concentrations. The brominated DNA-dye complex exhibits two relaxation times: a faster relaxation mode that behaves similarly to that for the unhalogenated DNA and a slower relaxation mode that is apparent at high DNA concentrations. The ground-state kinetic data are analyzed in terms of two alternative models incorporating series and parallel reaction schemes. The former consists of two sequential binding steps--a fast bimolecular process followed by a monomolecular step--while the latter consists of two coupled bimolecular steps. A similar analysis for the excited-state data yields reasonable kinetic constants only for the series model, which, in accordance with previous proposals for acridine intercalators, consists of a fast outside binding step followed by intercalation of the dye. A comparison of the ground- and excited-state kinetic parameters reveals that the external binding process is much stronger and the intercalation is much weaker in the excited state. That the excited-state data are only consistent with the series model suggests that delayed luminescence studies may provide a general tool for distinguishing between the two kinetic mechanisms. In particular, we demonstrate the use of delayed luminescence spectroscopy as a tool for probing dynamic DNA-ligand interactions in solution.  相似文献   
Anti-Z-DNA polyclonal and monoclonal immunoglobulins raised against left-handed polynucleotides show various degrees of specificity for base sequence and substitution. Class 1 IgGs recognize all Z-DNA with equal affinity; class 2 IgGs show a preference for d(G-C)n sequences and class 3 IgGs for d(G-C)n sequences with substitutions at the C5 position of the pyrimidine. These antibodies served as probes for the localization of Z-DNA in polytene and metaphase chromosomes and in interphase chromatin by indirect immunofluorescence. A quantitative assessment of the binding of anti-Z-DNA IgGs to polytene chromosomes of Chironomus and Drosophila was made by scanning microphotometry and by computer-assisted image analysis of double immunofluorescence and DNA-specific dye fluorescence images. The three classes of antibodies bind to most of the bands in acid fixed polytene chromosomes of C. thummi; however, preferential binding of one class of antibody over another can be observed in certain regions. These differences can be quantitated by arithmetic division or subtraction of the normalized digital images. If a class 2 antibody is first bound at saturating concentrations the binding of class 1 antibody is reduced throughout most bands by 40-50%. However, the telomeres of the three large chromosomes bind greater than 10 times as much class 1 antibody as class 2 antibody, indicating that the Z-DNA tracts in these regions are comprised largely of alternating sequences containing the A X T basepair, e.g., A-C. High-resolution image analysis of class 1 and class 2 immunofluorescence patterns and the total DNA distribution from polytene chromosomes of D. melanogaster show that the two antibody distributions are very similar in a large majority of the bands, but they often deviate from the mean DNA distribution profile. Z-DNA sequences of both G-C and A-C type are detectable at all levels of ploidy from 2n to 2(13)n and in species as diverse as insects and man. We conclude that the vast majority of polytene chromosome bands (genes) contain one or a few DNA sequences with potential for undergoing the B----Z transition and contain both alternating purine-pyrimidine G-C and A-C tracts or mixed sequences. Highly heterochromatic bands and telomeres have more Z potential sequences than do other bands.  相似文献   
The rotational diffusion of the complexes of epidermal growth factor (EGF) with its specific receptor on plasma membrane vesicles prepared from human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells was studied using the time-resolved polarization of phosphorescence of erythrosin-labeled hormone. The measured rotational correlation times of 16-20 microseconds at 4 degrees C are consistent with monomeric freely diffusing EGF receptor. Upon increasing the temperature to 37 degrees C, the rate of rotational diffusion slows down as evidenced by an increase in the correlation time to 75 microseconds. This finding suggests that small clusters of the occupied EGF receptor (microaggregation) form at the higher temperature, a property we have reported previously for occupied receptors on living A431 cells. Subsequent cooling of the membranes leads to a partial reversal of the microaggregation. We conclude that clustering of occupied EGF receptors can proceed at 37 degrees C in the absence of metabolic energy and external interactions, e.g. with components of the cytoskeleton, and thus reflects inherent properties of the receptor protein in its natural environment. A lag phase in the time course of microaggregation observed with the isolated membrane preparations may reflect cooperativity in the process of receptor association.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization and corresponding quaternary state of fluorescent labelled cholera toxin were determined at different time points after exposure to living cells by a novel form of fluorescence confocal microscopy. The compartmentalization and locus of separation of the pentameric B subunits (CTB) from the A subunit (CTA) of the toxin were evaluated on a pixel-by-pixel (voxel-by-voxel) basis by measuring the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between CTB labelled with the sulfoindocyanine dye Cy3 and an antibody against CTA labelled with Cy5. The FRET efficiency was determined by a new technique based on the release of quenching of the Cy3 donor after photodestruction of the Cy5 acceptor in a region of interest within the cell. The results demonstrate vesicular transport of the holotoxin from the plasma membrane to the Golgi compartment with subsequent separation of the CTA and CTB subunits. The CTA subunit is redirected to the plasma membrane by retrograde transport via the endoplasmic reticulum whereas the CTB subunit persists in the Golgi compartment.  相似文献   
The infrared spectra of three different 25-mer parallel-stranded DNAs (ps-DNA) have been studied. We have used ps-DNAs containing either exclusively dA x dT base pairs or substitution with four dG x dC base pairs and have them compared with their antiparallel-stranded (aps) reference duplexes in a conventional B-DNA conformation. Significant differences have been found in the region of the thymine C = O stretching vibrations. The parallel-stranded duplexes showed characteristic marker bands for the C2 = O2 and C4 = O4 carbonyl stretching vibrations of thymine at 1685 cm-1 and 1668 cm-1, respectively, as compared to values of 1696 cm-1 and 1663 cm-1 for the antiparallel-stranded reference duplexes. The results confirm previous studies indicating that the secondary structure in parallel-stranded DNA is established by reversed Watson--Crick base pairing of dA x dT with hydrogen bonds between N6H...O2 and N1...HN3. The duplex structure of the ps-DNA is much more sensitive to dehydration than that of the aps-DNA. Interaction with three drugs known to bind in the minor groove of aps-DNA--netropsin, distamycin A and Hoechst 33258--induces shifts of the C = O stretching vibrations of ps-DNA even at low ratio of drug per DNA base pair. These results suggest a conformational change of the ps-DNA to optimize the DNA-drug interaction. As demonstrated by excimer fluorescence of strands labeled with pyrene at the 5'-end, the drugs induce dissociation of the ps-DNA duplex with subsequent formation of imperfectly matched aps-DNA to allow the more favorable drug binding to aps-DNA. Similarly, attempts to form a triple helix of the type d(T)n.d(A)n.d(T)n with ps-DNA failed and resulted in the dissociation of the ps-DNA duplex and reformation of a triple helix based upon an aps-DNA duplex core d(T)10.d(A)10.  相似文献   
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