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In Australia, in the past, pasture legumes were rotated mainly with cereals, but increasingly these rotations now involve pasture legumes with a wider range of crops, including legumes. This increasing frequency of the leguminous host in the rotation system may be associated with increased root rots in legumes in the current pasture-crop rotations. The primary aim of this study was to see whether the pathogenicity on pasture legumes of strains of Rhizoctonia solani sourced from lupins and cereals (common crops in rotation with pastures) is associated with increased incidence of root rots in pasture legumes in the disease conducive sandy soils of the Mediterranean regions of southern Australia. The second aim was to determine sources of resistance among newly introduced pasture legumes to R. solani strains originating from rotational crops as this would reduce the impact of disease in the pasture phase. Fifteen pasture legume genotypes were assessed for their resistance/susceptibility to five different zymogram groups (ZG) of the root rot pathogen R. solani under glasshouse conditions. Of the R. solani groups tested, ZG1–5 and ZG1–4 (both known to be pathogenic on cereals and legumes) overall, caused the most severe root disease across the genotypes tested, significantly more than ZG6 (known to be pathogenic on legumes), in turn significantly >ZG4 (known to be pathogenic on legumes) which in turn was >ZG11 (known to be pathogenic on legumes including tropical species). Overall, Ornithopus sativus Brot. cvs Cadiz and Margurita, Trifolium michelianum Savi. cvs Paradana and Frontier and T. purpureum Loisel. cv. Electro showed a significant level of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG11 (root disease scores ≤1.2 on a 1–3 scale where 3 = maximum disease severity) while O. sativus cvs Cadiz and Erica showed a significant level of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG4 (scores ≤1.2). O. compressus L. cvs Charano and Frontier, O. sativus cv. Erica, and T. purpureum cv. Electro showed some useful resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG6 (scores ≤1.8). This is the first time that cvs Cadiz, Electro, Frontier, Margurita and Paradana have been recognised for their levels of resistance to root rot caused by R. solani ZG11; and similarly for cvs Cadiz and Erica against ZG4; and for cvs Charano, Erica, and Electro against ZG6. These genotypes with resistance may also serve as useful sources of resistance in pasture legume breeding programs and also could potentially be exploited directly into areas where other rotation crops are affected by these R. solani strains. None of the tested genotypes showed useful resistance to R. solani ZG1–4 (scores ≥2.0) or ZG1–5 (scores ≥2.5). This study demonstrates the relative potential of the various R. solani ZG strains, and particularly ZG1–4, ZG1–5, ZG4 and ZG6 to attack legume pastures and pose a significant threat to non-pasture crop species susceptible to these strains grown in rotation with these pasture legumes. Significantly, the cross-pathogenicity of these strains could result in the continuous build-up of inoculum of these strains that may seriously affect the productivity eventually of legumes in all rotations. In particular, when choosing pasture legumes as rotation crops, caution needs to be exercised so that the cultivars deployed are those with the best resistance to the R. solani ZGs most likely to be prevalent at the location.  相似文献   
Summary Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a phenotype with clinical and biochemical heterogeneity. We report here that expression of the OI phenotype extends to the level of dermal fibroblast morphology in vitro. Growth characteristics and morphology of control (n=6) and OI cell strains (n=10, representing the four major OI categories, Sillence classification) were compared by measuring the following: (i) days required in culture to reach confluence after plating at uniform density; (ii) cell density at confluence; (iii) width and length of cells (measured on phase contrast micrographs at 300xmagnification). Our results show that: (i) OI fibroblasts take longer (11–27 days, mean 20 days) than control cells (10–19 days, mean 16 days) to reach stationary phase; (ii) all OI phenotypes achieve a lower cell density (0.87x106 cells/P60, range 0.3–1.6x106) at stationary phase relative to control cells (2.2x106 cells/P60, range 1.7–2.6x106; F4,77=56.1, p<0.01, indicating that OI cells are larger than normal). Cell shape (expressed as the width: length ratio) was also abnormal in OI cells. (F4,730=37.6, p<0.01), types I and II OI cells have significantly increased ratios (p<0.01) relative to control, type III, and type IV cells. Intra-group phenotypic heterogeneity was also apparent in the OI categories and also within the control population. These findings confirm deviant morphologic phenotypes in OI dermal fibroblasts and further demonstrate interindividual heterogeneity in the expression of genes that determine size and shape of dermal fibroblasts in both OI and normal donors.Publication No. 84013 from the Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute  相似文献   
Dinitrosyliron complexes (DNIC) have been found in a variety of pathological settings associated with NO. However, the iron source of cellular DNIC is unknown. Previous studies on this question using prolonged NO exposure could be misleading due to the movement of intracellular iron among different sources. We here report that brief NO exposure results in only barely detectable DNIC, but levels increase dramatically after 1–2 h of anoxia. This increase is similar quantitatively and temporally with increases in the chelatable iron, and brief NO treatment prevents detection of this anoxia-induced increased chelatable iron by deferoxamine. DNIC formation is so rapid that it is limited by the availability of NO and chelatable iron. We utilize this ability to selectively manipulate cellular chelatable iron levels and provide evidence for two cellular functions of endogenous DNIC formation, protection against anoxia-induced reactive oxygen chemistry from the Fenton reaction and formation by transnitrosation of protein nitrosothiols (RSNO). The levels of RSNO under these high chelatable iron levels are comparable with DNIC levels and suggest that under these conditions, both DNIC and RSNO are the most abundant cellular adducts of NO.  相似文献   
The rabbit fetal placenta plays an important physiological role in luteal maintenance in pregnancy, probably via the secretion of an unidentified placental "luteotropin." The objective of these studies was to examine conditioned medium from fetal placental-tissue incubations (FPI) for the presence of placental luteotropic hormones/factors, using the stimulation of progesterone accumulation by rabbit granulosa-lutein cells in culture, as an in vitro luteotropic bioassay. Progesterone accumulation by rabbit granulosa-lutein cells (during 5 days of culture) was increased (compared with controls), 1.5-fold by 10(-8) M estradiol-17 beta (E2) and 11.5-fold by 100 ng/ml luteinizing hormone (oLH). FPI stimulated progesterone accumulation (approximately 3-fold) and this was further increased in the presence of E2 (FPI + E2; approximately 6-fold). Luteotropic bioactivity in FPI (+ E2) was retained after dialysis (6000-8000 MW cutoff; 7.8-fold) and heating (90-95 degrees C for 1 h; 7.5-fold), but was destroyed after incubation with trypsin (1 mg/ml, 1 h at 37 degrees C; 0.9-fold). Media conditioned with skeletal muscle (1.2-fold), heart (1.6-fold), liver (1.5-fold), and uterus (0.5-fold) and 5-10% serum (less than 1-fold), from pseudopregnant rabbits, had little or no luteotropic bioactivity. These data indicate that FPI contains a luteotropic hormone/factor that is probably a heat-stable, trypsin-sensitive, protein/peptide of greater than 6000-8000 MW that acts in synergy with E2 to promote granulosa-lutein cell steroidogenesis. This placental hormone/factor is a good candidate for the elusive rabbit placental luteotropin.  相似文献   
Functional aspects of ano-rectal vascularity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The blood supply of the ano-rectum has been studied in cadaveric specimens by angiographic methods. The vascular anastomosis between the middle rectal and superior rectal vessels was found to be demonstrable on one side only. There appears to be a midline paucity of vessels in both the posterior and anterior rectal walls, and this may be important in the aetiology of anastomotic dehiscence in low anterior resection.  相似文献   
Cassava leaves as human food   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of cassava leaves as human food is reviewed and their value as a source of protein and vitamins for supplementing predominantly starchy diets reemphasized. The problem of the toxicity of the leaves is considered, and the effects on both nutritive value and toxicity of the traditional methods of preparing the leaves, such as drying, pounding, and long periods of boiling, are described and discussed. Loss of nutrients, particularly vitamins, occurs during processing but remaining levels can still make an important contribution to the diet. HCN levels are reduced considerably by the processing methods, although the toxic effects of residual levels need further investigation.  相似文献   
Our objective is to test an optimality model of human fertility that specifies the behavioral requirements for fitness maximization in order (a) to determine whether current behavior does maximize fitness and, if not, (b) to use the specific nature of the behavioral deviations from fitness maximization towards the development of models of evolved proximate mechanisms that may have maximized fitness in the past but lead to deviations under present conditions. To test the model we use data from a representative sample of 7,107 men living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, between 1990 and 1993. The model we test proposes that low fertility in modern settings maximizes number of grandchildren as a result of a trade-off between parental fertility and next generation fertility. Results do not show the optimization, although the data do reveal a trade-off between parental fertility and offspring education and income. We propose that two characteristics of modern economies have led to a period of sustained fertility reduction and to a corresponding lack of association between income and fertility. The first is the direct link between costs of investment and wage rates due to the forces of supply and demand for labor in competitive economies. The second is the increasing emphasis on cumulative knowledge, skills, and technologies in the production of resources. Together they produce historically novel conditions. These two features of modern economies may interact with evolved psychological and physiological mechanisms governing fertility and parental investment to produce behavior that maximizes the economic productivity of lineages at the expense of fitness. If cognitive processes evolved to track diminishing returns to parental investment and if physiological processes evolved to regulate fertility in response to nutritional state and patterns of breast feeding, we might expect non-adaptive responses when returns from parental investment do not diminish until extremely high levels are reached. With high economic payoffs from parental investment, people have begun to exercise cognitive regulation of fertility through contraception and family planning practices. Those cognitive processes maynot have evolved to handle fitness trade-offs between fertility and parental investment. A preliminary presentation of this data was published in R. I. M. Dunbar, ed.,Human Reproduction Decisions: Biological and Social Perspectives. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. Support for the research project, “Male Fertility and Parenting in New Mexico,” began with two seed grants from the University of New Mexico’s Biomedical Research Grants Program, 1988 and 1989, and one from the University of New Mexico Research Allocations Committee, 1988. Further seed money as well as interim funding came from the William T. Grant Foundation (#89130589 and #91130501). The major support for the project came from the National Science Foundation from 1990 to 1993 (#BNS-9011723 and #DBS-911552). Both National Science Foundation grants included Research Experience for Undergraduates supplements. Hillard S. Kaplan is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. His earlier research and publications focused on food sharing, time allocation, parental investment, and reproductive strategies among Ache hunter-gatherers in Paraguay, Machiguenga and Piro forager-horticulturalists in Peru, and villagers of several ethnicities in Botswana. New research and theory concern fertility, parental investment, and mating strategies in developed and developing nations. This research formulates a new theory of reproductive decision-making and the demographic transition, integrating human capital and parental investment theory in a synthesis of economic and evolutionary approaches. Jane B. Lancaster is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of New Mexico. Her research and publications are on human reproductive biology and behavior, especially human parental investment; women’s reproductive biology of pregnancy, lactation, and child-spacing; and male fertility and investment in children. Current research with Hillard S. Kaplan is on male life history strategies among a large sample of men in New Mexico. She has coedited three books on human parental investment:School-Age Pregnancy and Parenthood (with B. Hamburg),Parenting across the Life Span (with J. Altmann, A. Rossi, and L. Sherrod), andOffspring Abuse and Neglect (with R. Gelles). She is scientific editor of a quarterly journal,Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary, Biosocial Perspective published by Aldine de Gruyter. She is also a council member of the newly formed Human Behavior and Evolution Society. John A. Bock is Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow in Epidemiology and Population Health at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University. His research focuses on the allocation of parental investment and the determinants of children’s activities, integrating aspects of economic and evolutionary theory. He has ongoing field research with Bantu and Bushmen agro-pastoralists and forager-horticulturalists in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. He is also collaborating with Lancaster and Kaplan on the determinants of progeny distribution and homosexuality among New Mexican men. Sara E. Johnson is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of New Mexico. Her major research trajectory focuses on trade-offs in life history characters. Her research experience includes participation in a study of variation in growth and development among children in a multi-ethnic community in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, in addition to her dissertation work on individual variation in growth and mortality among juvenile baboons. She is collaborating with Lancaster and Kaplan on the association between survival and fertility among Albuquerque men.  相似文献   
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