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While hundreds of novel microRNA (miRNA) genes have been discovered in the last few years alone, the origin and evolution of these non-coding regulatory sequences remain largely obscure. In this report, we demonstrate that members of a recently discovered family of human miRNA genes, hsa-mir-548, are derived from Made1 transposable elements. Made1 elements are short miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs), which consist of two 37 base pair (bp) terminal inverted repeats that flank 6 bp of internal sequence. Thus, Made1 elements are nearly perfect palindromes, and when expressed as RNA they form highly stable hairpin loops. Apparently, these Made1-related structures are recognized by the RNA interference enzymatic machinery and processed to form 22 bp mature miRNA sequences. Consistent with their origin from MITEs, hsa-mir-548 genes are primate-specific and have many potential paralogs in the human genome. There are more than 3,500 putative hsa-mir-548 target genes; analysis of their expression profiles and functional affinities suggests cancer-related regulatory roles for hsa-mir-548. Taken together, the characteristics of Made1 elements, and MITEs in general, point to a specific mechanism for the generation of numerous small regulatory RNAs and target sites throughout the genome. The evolutionary lineage-specific nature of MITEs could also provide for the generation of novel regulatory phenotypes related to species diversification. Finally, we propose that MITEs may represent an evolutionary link between siRNAs and miRNAs.  相似文献   
We sought to evaluate the extent of the contribution of transposable elements (TEs) to human microRNA (miRNA) genes along with the evolutionary dynamics of TE-derived human miRNAs. We found 55 experimentally characterized human miRNA genes that are derived from TEs, and these TE-derived miRNAs have the potential to regulate thousands of human genes. Sequence comparisons revealed that TE-derived human miRNAs are less conserved, on average, than non-TE-derived miRNAs. However, there are 18 TE-derived miRNAs that are relatively conserved, and 14 of these are related to the ancient L2 and MIR families. Comparison of miRNA vs. mRNA expression patterns for TE-derived miRNAs and their putative target genes showed numerous cases of anti-correlated expression that are consistent with regulation via mRNA degradation. In addition to the known human miRNAs that we show to be derived from TE sequences, we predict an additional 85 novel TE-derived miRNA genes. TE sequences are typically disregarded in genomic surveys for miRNA genes and target sites; this is a mistake. Our results indicate that TEs provide a natural mechanism for the origination miRNAs that can contribute to regulatory divergence between species as well as a rich source for the discovery of as yet unknown miRNA genes.  相似文献   


Non-random patterns of genetic variation exist among individuals in a population owing to a variety of evolutionary factors. Therefore, populations are structured into genetically distinct subpopulations. As genotypic datasets become ever larger, it is increasingly difficult to correctly estimate the number of subpopulations and assign individuals to them. The computationally efficient non-parametric, chiefly Principal Components Analysis (PCA)-based methods are thus becoming increasingly relied upon for population structure analysis. Current PCA-based methods can accurately detect structure; however, the accuracy in resolving subpopulations and assigning individuals to them is wanting. When subpopulations are closely related to one another, they overlap in PCA space and appear as a conglomerate. This problem is exacerbated when some subpopulations in the dataset are genetically far removed from others. We propose a novel PCA-based framework which addresses this shortcoming.  相似文献   
Phytoestrogens have been implicated in the prevention of bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Recently, an active phytoestrogen from Curcuma comosa Roxb, diarylheptanoid (DPHD), (3R)-1,7-diphenyl-(4E,6E)-4,6-heptadien-3-ol, was found to strongly promote human osteoblast function in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrated the protective effect of DPHD on ovariectomy-induced bone loss (OVX) in adult female Sprague-Dawley rats with 17β-estradiol (E2, 10 µg/kg Bw) as a positive control. Treatment of OVX animals with DPHD at 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg Bw for 12 weeks markedly increased bone mineral density (BMD) of tibial metaphysis as measured by peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT). Histomorphometric analysis of bone structure indicated that DPHD treatment retarded the ovariectomy-induced deterioration of bone microstructure. Ovariectomy resulted in a marked decrease in trabecular bone volume, number and thickness and these changes were inhibited by DPHD treatment, similar to that seen with E2. Moreover, DPHD decreased markers of bone turnover, including osteocalcin and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity. These results suggest that DPHD has a bone sparing effect in ovariectomy-induced trabecular bone loss and prevents deterioration of bone microarchitecture by suppressing the rate of bone turnover. Therefore, DPHD appears to be a promising candidate for preserving bone mass and structure in the estrogen deficient women with a potential role in reducing postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   
The Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter transports Na(+) with citric acid cycle intermediates such as succinate and citrate. The present study focuses on transmembrane helix 3, which is highly conserved among the members of the SLC13 family. Fifteen amino acids in the extracellular half of transmembrane helix (amino acids 98-112) as well as Lys-84, previously shown to affect substrate affinity, were mutated individually to cysteine and expressed in the human retinal pigment epithelial cell line. Transport specificity ratio analysis shows that determinants for distinguishing succinate and citrate are found at amino acids Lys-84, Glu-101, Trp-103, His-106, and Leu-111. All of the mutants were tested for sensitivity to the membrane-impermeant cysteine-specific reagent (2-sulfonatoethyl) methanethiosulfonate (MTSES), but only K84C was sensitive to MTSES inhibition. The sensitivity of K84C to MTSES was greatest in the presence of sodium, and the inhibition could be prevented by addition of substrate or replacement of sodium, indicating that the accessibility of Lys-84 changes with conformational state. The substrate protection of MTSES inhibition of K84C appears to occur early in the transport cycle, before the large-scale conformational change associated with translocation of substrate. The results point to a new location for Lys-84 within the substrate access pore of the Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter, either in a transmembrane helix or a reentrant loop facing a water-filled pore.  相似文献   

Herein, we demonstrate that the degrees of catalytic performance of M-CeO2-based catalysts (M=Mn, Cu, Ru or Zr) for an ammonia selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR) of nitric-oxide (NO) can be estimated using three theoretical terms; (i) an oxygen vacancy formation energy of a catalyst, (ii) an adsorption energy of NO and (iii) an adsorption energy of NH3. Those terms predict the trend of the catalytic performance as the order; Mn–CeO2 > Cu–CeO2 > Ru–CeO2 > Zr–CeO2 > CeO2. To verify the theoretical prediction, the catalysts were synthesized and tested their performances on the NH3-SCR of NO reaction. The normalized NO conversion rates at low temperatures (100–200 °C) were measured for Mn–CeO2, Cu–CeO2, Ru–CeO2, Zr–CeO2 and CeO2 as 2.61–7.46, 1.30–6.82, 0.73–3.02, 0.81–3.31 and 1.55–2.33 mol s?1 m?2, respectively. In addition, a concept of a structure-activity relationship analysis shows a strong relationship between theoretical and experimental results. Consequently, an application of predicting the catalytic performance of catalysts from theoretical calculations prior the catalyst synthesis is useful in catalyst design and screening that can reduce time and cost.  相似文献   
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