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Summary Four hybrid plasmids were constructed from the cryptic plasmid pAM330 (from Brevibacterium lactofermentum; 4.5 kb) and the broadhost-range plasmid pGV1106 (9.0 kb; Kmr Smr) isolated from Escherichia coli. All of them were mobilized from E. coli into the Gram-negative methylotrophic bacterium Methylobacillus sp. and two of these constructs (pCEM300 and pCEM400) were transferred by transformation into B. flavum and Corynebacterium glutamicum. Their kanamycin-resistance determinant coming from Gram-negative hosts was expressed in these Gram-positive bacteria. Both pCEM300 and pCEM400 are very stably maintained in B. flavum and represent suitable vectors for gene cloning in coryneform producers of amino acids.  相似文献   
Experiments with sunflower and fodder cabbage showed that reversion of the leaf disks lower side upwards (towards the radiation source) decreased the photosynthetic rate by as much as 26% both at full (2. 105 erg. cm?2. sec.?1) and half density of irradiation. On placing two disks one on another the photosynthetic rate was decreased in the upper disk in a similar way as it was on reversion even if it were placed in the normal position (upper side upwards). But assimilation in the lower disk was only a fraction (0–40%) of that of the upper disk and in thick leaves was within the limits of the compensation point. The sum of the increase in dry weight in both disks due to photosynthesis exceeds the increment in one normally placed disk only in thin leaves and at high density of radiation. On the basis of the differences found it is advised to discard experimental samples where a quarter of the disks were reversed during exposure. On evaluating samples in which some of the disks were duplicated in error, it is most accurate to deduct the weight of one control disk from the weight obtained. The decrease in photosynthetic rate found in reversed and duplicated disks is evidently due to the simultaneous effect of differences in the supply of CO2 and radiation energy to the assimilating tissue and apparatus and also to differences in the photosynthetic capacity of different leaf tissues.  相似文献   
Gram-positive facultative methylotrophic coryneform bacterium Brevibacterium methylicum was efficiently transformed with various plasmids using electroporation of intact cells. In addition to the plasmid vectors pEC71 and pZ6-1 constructed on the basis of cryptic plasmids from coryneform bacteria, broad-host-range plasmids pLS5 (derivative of plasmid pMV158 from Streptococcus agalactiae) and RSF1010 belonging to the incompatibility group IncQ from Gram-negative bacteria were found to be present as autonomous structurally unchanged DNA molecules in B. methylicum transformants. With the exception of pZ6-1, all these plasmids were stably maintained in B. methylicum cells grown under non-selective conditions. When plasmid DNAs isolated from B. methylicum were used, the highest efficiency of transformation (105 transformants/g DNA) was achieved. Correspondence to: J. Nevera  相似文献   
In callus cultures of Taxus baccata grown on agar media according to Murashige and Skoog supplemented with different growth hormones 8 taxol analogues were identified.  相似文献   
The plant genus Silene has become a model for evolutionary studies of sex chromosomes and sex‐determining mechanisms. A recent study performed in Silene colpophylla showed that dioecy and the sex chromosomes in this species evolved independently from those in Silene latifolia, the most widely studied dioecious Silene species. The results of this study show that the sex‐determining system in Silene otites, a species related to S. colpophylla, is based on female heterogamety, a sex determination system that is unique among the Silene species studied to date. Our phylogenetic data support the placing of S. otites and S. colpophylla in the subsection Otites and the analysis of ancestral states suggests that the most recent common ancestor of S. otites and S. colpophylla was most probably dioecious. These observations imply that a switch from XX/XY sex determination to a ZZ/ZW system (or vice versa) occurred in the subsection Otites. This is the first report of two different types of heterogamety within one plant genus of this mostly nondioecious plant family.  相似文献   
The function of mate retention strategies is to preserve the bond between romantic partners and to prevent desertion, which is also why such behaviours are often elicited by the presence of a potential rival. Most existing studies on mate retention are based on self‐reports, which are prone to various biases. In this study, we observed non‐verbal behaviour of 47 long‐term romantic heterosexual couples during their interview with a female experimenter, whom the women in the couples may have perceived as a potential rival. We measured non‐verbal displays of mate retention tactics (direct guarding, intimacy inducement, appearance enhancement, and love and care display), as well as relationship maintenance strategies of openness and positivity. We expected that relationship quality as reported by both partners in the couple would be positively associated with ‘benefit‐provisioning’ mate retention behaviours and negatively associated with a ‘cost‐inflicting’ mate retention tactic (direct guarding). Relationship quality was assessed by Spanier's Dyadic Adjustment Scale using both the total score of dyadic adjustment and a Dyadic Satisfaction subscale. We found a significant association between both partners' dyadic adjustment and satisfaction and woman's appearance enhancement behaviours (such as self‐touch, hair flip and primp) in the presence of her partner and a potential rival. We also found a negative association between partner's dyadic adjustment and woman's direct guarding of partner using short looks, and a positive association between woman's intimacy‐inducing behaviour using long gaze and her own dyadic satisfaction and her partner's dyadic adjustment. Our results highlight the specific role of female attractiveness in later stages of romantic relationships within the context of mate retention and draw attention to the significance of the use of observational techniques in addition to self‐reports.  相似文献   
A terminal alpha1-3 linked Gal or GalNAc sugar residue is the common structure found in several oligosaccharide antigens, such as blood groups A and B, the xeno-antigen, the Forssman antigen, and the isogloboside 3 (iGb3) glycolipid. The enzymes involved in the addition of this residue display strong amino acid sequence similarities, suggesting a common fold. From a recently solved crystal structure of the bovine alpha3-galactosyltransferase complexed with UDP, homology modeling methods were used to build the four other enzymes of this family in their locked conformation. Nucleotide-sugars, the Mn2+ ion, and oligosaccharide acceptors were docked in the models. Nine different amino acid regions are involved in the substrate binding sites. After geometry optimization of the complexes and analysis of the predicted structures, the basis of the specificities can be rationalized. In the nucleotide-sugar binding site, the specificity between Gal or GalNAc transferase activity is due to the relative size of two clue amino acids. In the acceptor site, the presence of up to three tryptophan residues define the complexity of the oligosaccharide that can be specifically recognized. The modeling study helps in rationalizing the crystallographic data obtained in this family and provides insights on the basis of substrate and donor recognition.  相似文献   
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