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Fe(II)/α-ketoglutarate-dependent lysine demethylases (KDMs) are attractive drug targets for several diseases including cancer. In this study, we designed and screened ortho-substituted anilides that are expected to function as Fe(II) chelators, and identified ortho-hydroxy anilide as a novel scaffold for KDM5A inhibitors. Treatment of human lung cancer A549 cells with a prodrug form of 4-carboxy-2-hydroxy-formanilide (9c) increased trimethylated lysine 4 on histone H3 level, suggesting KDM5 inhibition in the cells.  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of sub-lethal high temperatures on the development and reproduction of the brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). When first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 (41.8°C) mean development time to adult was increased in both males and females, from 15.2±0.3 and 18.2±0.3 days respectively in the control to 18.7±0.2 and 19±0.2 days in the treated insects. These differences in development arising from heat stress experienced in the first instar nymph did not persist into the adult stage (adult longevity of 23.5±1.1 and 24.4±1.1 days for treated males and females compared with 25.7±1.0 and 20.6±1.1 days in the control groups), although untreated males lived longer than untreated females. Total mean longevity was increased from 38.8±0.1 to 43.4±1.0 days in treated females, but male longevity was not affected (40.9±0.9 and 42.2±1.1 days respectively). When male and female first instar nymphs were exposed at their ULT50 of 41.8°C and allowed to mate on reaching adult, mean fecundity was reduced from 403.8±13.7 to 128.0±16.6 eggs per female in the treated insects. Following exposure of adult insects at their equivalent ULT50 (42.5°C), the three mating combinations of treated male x treated female, treated male x untreated female, and untreated male x treated female produced 169.3±14.7, 249.6±21.3 and 233.4±17.2 eggs per female respectively, all significantly lower than the control. Exposure of nymphs and adults at their respective ULT50 temperatures also significantly extended the time required for their progeny to complete egg development for all mating combinations compared with control. Overall, sub-lethal heat stress inhibited nymphal development, lowered fecundity and extended egg development time.  相似文献   
Genetic relationships of 15 Boesenbergia species were examined using AFLP analysis. A total of 893 fragments were generated from six primer combinations; of these, 99.78% were polymorphic. The mean genetic distance between pairs of taxa ranged from 0.435 to 0.935. The neighbor-joining tree resolved investigated species into two separate lineages (corresponding to species possessing compact or elongated inflorescences) and suggests a rapid radiation in Boesenbergia. In addition, SSCP patterns of the partial psbAtrnH spacer were not overlapping between different species and therefore can be used for authentication of Boesenbergia species. Morphologically similar Boesenbergia longiflora and Boesenbergia sp., which showed three SNPs based on psbAtrnH polymorphism were successfully differentiated by SSCP. Moreover, Boesenbergia curtisii displayed intraspecific ecomorphological variation but exhibited the same SSCP pattern. Therefore, AFLP and SSCP are rapid and cost-effective methods for analysis of genetic similarity and species identification in Boesenbergia.  相似文献   
The infection and subsequent replication rates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) affect the pathogenicity. The initial stage of HIV-1 infection is largely regulated by viral envelope sequence. We previously reported that the defective doughnut-shaped particles produced from a persistently infected cell clone, named L-2, obtained from human CD4+ T-cell line MT-4 that was persistently infected with HIV-1 LAI strain, efficiently form particle-mediated syncytia with uninfected human CD4+ T-cell line, MOLT-4. Here, we prepared a molecular clone (pL2) containing the L-2 provirus to characterize the viral genetic region contributing to this activity to form particle-mediated syncytia. Several recombinants were constructed with pNL4-3 by replacing the pL2-derived region including full-length env. Characterization of the particles obtained by transfection with these recombinant clones confirmed that pL2-derived env carried the particle-mediated syncytia formation activity. It is noteworthy that the pL2-derived env region could also contribute to enhancement of infectivity in CD4+ T-cell lines as well as primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Thus, the HIV-1 particle-mediated syncytium formation activity could also contribute to the enhancement of HIV-1 infectivity.  相似文献   
Presently, the diagnosis of virus infections is based mainly on serological assays. Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) have been increasingly used for the diagnosis of such viral infections, the risk of transfusion-transmitted blood-borne viruses remains. Furthermore, PCR and ELISA are expensive and time-consuming, and sometimes cause falsepositive or false-negative results. Therefore, a rapid, accurate and cost-effective diagnostic procedure is needed. We subjected plasma from individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as well as plasma from uninfected individuals as a control to near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, which may provide a rapid diagnostic method for HIV-1 infection without using any reagent. NIR spectra in the 600-1,000 nm region for plasma from pre-serologically HIV-1-infected individuals and healthy donors were subjected to partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis and leave-out cross-validation to develop a multivariate model to estimate the concentration of HIV-1. Simultaneously, the same plasma samples were examined for HIV-1 p24 by ELISA. The results obtained by the NIR spectroscopy model for HIV-1 yielded a good correlation with those obtained by the reference method (HIV-1 p24 ELISA). These results suggest that NIR spectroscopy using plasma could provide a rapid, accurate, cost-effective tool for large-scale diagnosis of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Genetic variation and molecular phylogeny of 22 taxa representing 14 extant species and 3 unidentified taxa of Boesenbergia in Thailand and four outgroup species (Cornukaempferia aurantiflora, Hedychium biflorum, Kaempferia parviflora, and Scaphochlamys rubescens) were examined by sequencing of 3 chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (matK, psbA-trnH and petA-psbJ). Low interspecific genetic divergence (0.25-1.74%) were observed in these investigated taxa. The 50% majority-rule consensus tree constructed from combined chloroplast DNA sequences allocated Boesenbergia in this study into 3 different groups. Using psbA-1F/psbA-3R primers, an insertion of 491 bp was observed in B. petiolata. Restriction analysis of the amplicon (380-410 bp) from the remaining species with Rsa I further differentiated Boesenbergia to 2 groupings; I (B. basispicata, B. longiflora, B. longipes, B. plicata, B.pulcherrima, B. tenuispicata, B. thorelii, B. xiphostachya, Boesenbergia sp.1 and Boesenbergia sp.3; phylogenetic clade A) that possesses a Rsa I restriction site and II (B.curtisii, B. regalis, B. rotunda and Boesenbergia sp.2; phylogenetic clade B and B. siamensis; phylogenetic clade C) that lacks a restriction site of Rsa I. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and indels found can be unambiguously applied to authenticate specie-origin of all investigated samples and revealed that Boesenbergia sp.1, Boesenbergia sp.2 and B. pulcherrima (Mahidol University, Kanchanaburi), B. cf. pulcherrima1 (Prachuap Khiri Khan) and B. cf. pulcherrima2 (Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi) are B. plicata, B. rotunda and B. pulcherrima, respectively. In addition, molecular data also suggested that Boesenbergia sp.3 should be further differentiated from B. longiflora and regarded as a newly unidentified Boesenbergia species.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is separated into several subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs). Here, infections of 4 clinical isolates (0-47-1, CU98-26, CU98-28, and CU98-31) from Thailand were examined in human CD4(+) T-cell lines, MT-4 and MOLT-4. The CU98-26 isolates in both cells and 0-47-1 in MT-4 established chronic infections, as in control 2 subtype B isolates from Japan, while 0-47-1 in MOLT-4 caused a latent infection. In contrast, CU98-28 and CU98-31 established aberrant infections in both cells. Integrated provirus was detected in all the chronic infections, including 0-47-1 in both cells. In contrast, extrachromosomal circular forms of HIV-1 DNA were detected in CU98-28- and CU98-31-infected cells, whereas the amount of the integrated form was below the limit of detection. Interestingly, phylogenetic trees and sequencing revealed that all the Thai isolates, except 0-47-1, displayed CRF15_01B-like mosaic structures of CRF01_AE with subtype B-like sequences in several regions that were apparently different from those of the inocula in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Thus, in the infections of most of the above Thai isolates it was suggested that a minor population with mosaic patterns having multiple breakpoints between CRF01_AE and subtype B in the inocula could be selected by the T-cell lines.  相似文献   
The brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is the most serious pest of rice across the world, especially in tropical climates. N. lugens nymphs and adults were exposed to high temperatures to determine their critical thermal maximum (CTmax), heat coma temperature (HCT) and upper lethal temperature (ULT). Thermal tolerance values differed between developmental stages: nymphs were consistently less heat tolerant than adults. The mean (± SE) CTmax of nymphs and adult females and males were 34.9±0.3, 37.0±0.2 and 37.4±0.2°C respectively, and for the HCT were 37.7±0.3, 43.5±0.4 and 42.0±0.4°C. The ULT50 values (± SE) for nymphs and adults were 41.8±0.1 and 42.5±0.1°C respectively. The results indicate that nymphs of N. lugens are currently living at temperatures close to their upper thermal limits. Climate warming in tropical regions and occasional extreme high temperature events are likely to become important limiting factors affecting the survival and distribution of N. lugens.  相似文献   
Previous data revealed that primary cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were killed by apoptosis at higher rates after infection with two CRF01_AE primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) than after infection with five other CRF01_AE primary isolates, five subtype B primary isolates, and two subtype B laboratory strains. Here, we show evidence that mutations at the vpu gene which were exclusively identified only in the two CRF01_AE isolates mentioned above are involved in their abilities to induce massive apoptosis in primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes. The rates of virus production by these two isolates in the culture media of infected PBMCs were lower (the same as those of the other CRF01_AE isolates) than those of the subtype B isolates. To confirm the correlation between the higher apoptosis-inducing abilities and the mutations at the vpu gene, infectious molecular clone pNL4-3-based vpu mutants were constructed and examined for their apoptosis induction levels. The apoptosis induction levels after introduction of the vpu mutations were greatly increased in primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes. In contrast, the apoptosis induction abilities of these vpu mutants were lower in human T-cell line MT-4. Thus, the Vpu protein of HIV-1 could play a protective role against virus-induced apoptosis in primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
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