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1. Larval success was compared when one, two, or three egg clutches were laid in kumquat fruits (≈ 10 ml in volume) either successively on the same day or at the rate of one clutch per day. 2. Increased clutch density was associated with a significant decrease in larval survival rate and non‐significant decreases in larval growth rate and pupal mass. 3. Larval and pupal parameters showed significantly larger variance when clutches were laid on successive days than on the same day, suggesting a competitive advantage for older larvae over younger larvae. 4. The results suggest that, in small fruit, reduced fitness due to larval competition may act against possible fitness benefits due to social facilitation among adult females, hence reducing the likelihood of non‐linear population dynamics caused by processes such as the Allee effect.  相似文献   
用云南山楂(Crataegus scabrifolia(Franch.)Rehd.)成年树茎尖和实生芽两种不同发育阶段的材料为外殖体,诱导它们休眠芽萌动,丛生芽条并诱导芽条生根。实验结果如下:1.以成年态的云南山楂侧芽为外植体,培养在附加IAA 0.1—0.5mg/l+6-BA 1-2mg/l的MS培养基上可诱导芽的萌发;将芽继代培养在附加0.5—1mg/l 6-BA的SH或MS培养基上,40天后芽数增殖4—6倍;将芽条截下置于1/2MS培养基上,附加不同浓度的IAA或IBA,可得到50—80%的生根率。2.以实生芽为外殖体,在相同条件下,则20天后芽数增殖便可获4—6倍;98%以上生根。结果表明:云南山楂的幼年态要比成年态易脱分化和再分化。  相似文献   
Summary In the rat, gastric histamine is stored predominantly in the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, which are located basally in the oxyntic mucosa. The functional significance of histamine in the ECL cells is a matter of speculation. In this study the effect of depletion of histamine on the properties and ultrastructure of the ECL cells was examined. Histamine synthesis was inhibited with -fluoromethylhistidine (3 mg·kg-1·h-1) given via osmotic minipumps over a period of 24 h. The treatment reduced the histidine decarboxylase activity (approximately 20% remaining) and histamine concentration (less than 20% remaining) in the oxyntic mucosa, as well as the intensity of histamine- and chromogranin A-immunostaining in the ECL cells, compared to control rats. The cytoplasmic (secretory) granules/vesicles were greatly reduced in number and size following -fluoromethylhistidine administration. The histamine immunostaining of the mast cells, which occurs at the mucosal surface and in the submucosa, appeared unaffected. We conclude that ECL cell histamine accounts for at least 80% of the total oxyntic mucosal histamine in the rat and that it represents a more mobile pool than mast cell histamine. The reduction in the number and size of the ECL cell granules/vesicles following histamine depletion is in accord with the idea that they represent the storage site for histamine.  相似文献   
Summary An -glucosidase fromAspergillus carbonarious CCRC 30414 was employed for investigating the enzymatic synthesis of isomaltooligosaccharides from maltose. The enzyme transferred a glucose unit from the nonreducing end of maltose and other -linked glucosyl oligosaccharides to glucose and other glucosyl oligosaccharides which function as accepting co-substrates. The transfer of a glucose unit occurs most frequently to the 6-OH position of the nonreducing end of acceptor, but transfer to 4-OH position also occurs. Treatment of 30 % (w/v) maltose with the enzyme under optimum conditions afforded more than 50% isomaltooligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Water stress is one of the most important factors limiting sustainable crop production. Therefore, the effects of the plant growth regulators (PGRs) fulvic acid (FA), brassinolide (BR), and uniconazole (Uni) on seedling growth and physiology of two maize (Zea mays L.) varieties were evaluated under???0.7 MPa water stress induced by polyethylene glycol-6000. Under drought stress, the PGRs promoted seedling growth, altered the root-to-shoot ratio, and significantly increased root biomass, length, surface area, diameter, and volume. In addition, depending on the PGR, net photosynthesis rate, SPAD value (indicating chlorophyll content), and water use efficiency increased significantly, under drought stress, whereas transpiration rate decreased. The PGRs also significantly increased antioxidant enzyme activities and significantly decreased malondialdehyde accumulation in leaves and roots under drought stress. Zhengdan958 showed greater variation in physiological responses and stronger drought resistance than Xundan20. In alleviating drought stress in maize seedlings, FA had the greatest effects on shoot growth and leaf physiology; Uni exerted its effects by regulating root structure, and BR effects were intermediate. Under drought stress, the three PGRs increased maize seedling growth, which reduced drought stress-induced damage and improved plant ability to resist the adversity. Based on a comprehensive analysis of physiological indices of drought resistance, Uni is recommended as the best PGR to improve maize seedlings resistance to drought.

世界自然遗产地是全球最具有保护价值的自然保护地,强调全球突出普遍价值的完整性和在全球的唯一性。世界自然遗产有助于更好地保护生态系统的完整性和原真性,促进人类与自然的可持续发展。该研究在大量文献资料的基础上,以海南潜在世界自然遗产地(海南热带雨林国家公园)原生动植物及植被群落(亚洲北缘热带雨林)为研究对象,从植被类型、物种多样性、区系组成、特有种等生物生态过程方面,评估海南潜在世界自然遗产地的全球突出普遍价值。结果表明:(1)海南潜在世界自然遗产地分布有3 653种野生维管植物,资源植物种类丰富。陆栖脊椎动物有540种,各类野生动物占全国的比例高达10%~30%,生物多样性极高。(2)植物区系独特,海南岛的热带雨林植被区划属于印度-马来雨林群系,属马来区的部分呈现出热带性和与中国华南大陆的共源性显示出明显的热带边缘性质,为中国华南植物区系与亚洲热带雨林的过渡类型。(3)植物区系中的植物物种特有性较低,特有属仅有7个,特有种仅约占岛内植物的1/10,较低的特有性表明了其大陆起源特征,是生物多样性不可替代的元素,具有鲜明的环境指示特色。该研究明确了海南潜在世界自然遗产地在全球背景下的突出普遍价值,为海南未来申遗提供科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
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