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Misonidazole (MISO), a selective radiosensitizer of hypoxic cells, forms adducts with cellular biomolecules with rates which are 30-50 X higher under hypoxic as compared to aerobic conditions of incubation. This technique of sensitizer adduct formation was proposed as a possible means of measuring the hypoxic fraction of solid tumors by noninvasive procedures. Iodoazomycin riboside (5'-IAZR) and 5'-[125I]AZR were synthesized and chemically characterized. Measurements of in vitro cytotoxicity and radiosensitizing ability with EMT-6 tumor cells in vitro indicated that 5'-IAZR is approximately 3 X more toxic and effective than is azomycin riboside (AZR) and approximately 10 X more toxic and effective than is MISO. 5'-[125I]AZR was shown to selectively bind to hypoxic EMT-6 cells at rates which were 2.5-3 X faster than those of MISO. The absolute rates of binding of 5'-IAZR to hypoxic cells at concentrations of 10-100 microM are the highest observed in this laboratory for any hypoxic cell radiosensitizer tested to date. These data suggest that 5'-IAZR, when labeled with an appropriate radioisotope (e.g., 131I), might be a useful marker for hypoxic cells in solid tumors amenable to noninvasive detection. Additional studies with animal tumor models appear to be warranted.  相似文献   
Based on the high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structure of phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus, the orientation of the phosphatidylcholine substrate in the active site of the enzyme is proposed. The proposal is based on extensive calculations using the GRID program and molecular mechanics geometry relaxations. The substrate model has been constructed by successively placing phosphate, choline and diacylglycerol moieties in the positions indicated from GRID calculations. On the basis of the resulting orientation of a complete phosphatidylcholine molecule, we propose a mechanism for the hydrolysis of the substrate.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to isolate marine culturable bacteria with antibacterial activity and hence a potential biotechnological use. Seawater samples (244) and 309 swab samples from biotic or abiotic surfaces were collected on a global Danish marine research expedition (Galathea 3). Total cell counts at the seawater surface were 5 × 105 to 106 cells/ml, of which 0.1–0.2% were culturable on dilute marine agar (20°C). Three percent of the colonies cultured from seawater inhibited Vibrio anguillarum, whereas a significantly higher proportion (13%) of colonies from inert or biotic surfaces was inhibitory. It was not possible to relate a specific kind of eukaryotic surface or a specific geographic location to a general high occurrence of antagonistic bacteria. Five hundred and nineteen strains representing all samples and geographic locations were identified on the basis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequence homology and belonged to three major groups: Vibrionaceae (309 strains), Pseudoalteromonas spp. (128 strains), and the Roseobacter clade (29 strains). Of the latter, 25 strains were identified as Ruegeria mobilis or pelagia. When re-testing against V. anguillarum, only 409 (79%) retained some level of inhibitory activity. Many strains, especially Pseudoalteromonas spp. and Ruegeria spp., also inhibited Staphylococcus aureus. The most pronounced antibacterial strains were pigmented Pseudoalteromonas strains and Ruegeria spp. The inhibitory, pigmented Pseudoalteromonas were predominantly isolated in warmer waters from swabs of live or inert surfaces. Ruegeria strains were isolated from all ocean areas except for Arctic and Antarctic waters and inhibitory activity caused by production of tropodithietic acid.  相似文献   
The X-ray structure of the group 2 major allergen from Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f 2) was determined to 1.83 A resolution. The overall Der f 2 structure comprises a single domain of immunoglobulin fold with two anti-parallel beta-sheets. A large hydrophobic cavity is formed in the interior of Der f 2. Structural comparisons to distantly related proteins suggest a role in lipid binding. Immunoglobulin E (IgE) cross-reactivity between group 2 house dust mite major allergens can be explained by conserved surface areas representing IgE binding epitopes.  相似文献   
The matriptase-prostasin proteolytic cascade is essential for epidermal tight junction formation and terminal epidermal differentiation. This proteolytic pathway may also be operative in a variety of other epithelia, as both matriptase and prostasin are involved in tight junction formation in epithelial monolayers. However, in polarized epithelial cells matriptase is mainly located on the basolateral plasma membrane whereas prostasin is mainly located on the apical plasma membrane. To determine how matriptase and prostasin interact, we mapped the subcellular itinerary of matriptase and prostasin in polarized colonic epithelial cells. We show that zymogen matriptase is activated on the basolateral plasma membrane where it is able to cleave relevant substrates. After activation, matriptase forms a complex with the cognate matriptase inhibitor, hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor (HAI)-1 and is efficiently endocytosed. The majority of prostasin is located on the apical plasma membrane albeit a minor fraction of prostasin is present on the basolateral plasma membrane. Basolateral prostasin is endocytosed and transcytosed to the apical plasma membrane where a long retention time causes an accumulation of prostasin. Furthermore, we show that prostasin on the basolateral membrane is activated before it is transcytosed. This study shows that matriptase and prostasin co-localize for a brief period of time at the basolateral plasma membrane after which prostasin is transported to the apical membrane as an active protease. This study suggests a possible explanation for how matriptase or other basolateral serine proteases activate prostasin on its way to its apical destination.  相似文献   
The Aminobacter sp. strain MSH1 has potential for pesticide bioremediation because it degrades the herbicide metabolite 2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM). Production of the BAM-degrading bacterium using aerobic bioreactor fermentation was investigated. A mineral salt medium limited for carbon and with an element composition similar to the strain was generated. The optimal pH and temperature for strain growth were determined using shaker flasks and verified in bioreactors. Glucose, fructose, and glycerol were suitable carbon sources for MSH1 (μ?=?0.1 h?1); slower growth was observed on succinate and acetic acid (μ?=?0.01 h?1). Standard conditions for growth of the MSH1 strain were defined at pH 7 and 25 °C, with glucose as the carbon source. In bioreactors (1 and 5 L), the specific growth rate of MSH1 increased from μ?=?0.1 h?1 on traditional mineral salt medium to μ?=?0.18 h?1 on the optimized mineral salt medium. The biomass yield under standard conditions was 0.47 g dry weight biomass/g glucose consumed. An investigation of the catabolic capacity of MSH1 cells harvested in exponential and stationary growth phases showed a degradation activity per cell of about 3?×?10?9 μg BAM h?1. Thus, fast, efficient, large-scale production of herbicide-degrading Aminobacter was possible, bringing the use of this bacterium in bioaugmentation field remediation closer to reality.  相似文献   
Floral scents of male and female inflorescences of three dioeciousSalix species were collected by head-space adsorption, and analysed by GC-MS. InSalix caprea andS. cinerea 1,4-dimethoxy benzene was the main compound, and male and female scents showed a high degree of resemblance. No dominant compound was found inS. repens and malefemale scent similarity was low. Floral scent inSalix is likely a strong orientation cue, guiding pollinators between male and female plants ensuring pollen transfer and pollination. We suggest that a high degree of male-female floral scent resemblance is coupled to a high degree of insect pollination. Floral scent does not promote reproductive isolation betweenS. caprea andS. cinerea.  相似文献   
The α4β2 subtype of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor has been pursued as a drug target for treatment of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders and smoking cessation aids for decades. Still, a thorough understanding of structure-function relationships of α4β2 agonists is lacking. Using binding experiments, electrophysiology and x-ray crystallography we have investigated a consecutive series of five prototypical pyridine-containing agonists derived from 1-(pyridin-3-yl)-1,4-diazepane. A correlation between binding affinities at α4β2 and the acetylcholine-binding protein from Lymnaea stagnalis (Ls-AChBP) confirms Ls-AChBP as structural surrogate for α4β2 receptors. Crystal structures of five agonists with efficacies at α4β2 from 21-76% were determined in complex with Ls-AChBP. No variation in closure of loop C is observed despite large efficacy variations. Instead, the efficacy of a compound appears tightly coupled to its ability to form a strong intersubunit bridge linking the primary and complementary binding interfaces. For the tested agonists, a specific halogen bond was observed to play a large role in establishing such strong intersubunit anchoring.  相似文献   
Oxidatively damaged DNA may be important in carcinogenesis. 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua) is an abundant and mutagenic lesion excised by oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1) and measurable in urine or plasma by chromatographic methods with electrochemical or mass spectrometric detectors, reflecting the rate of damage in steady state. A common genetic OGG1 variant may affect the activity and was associated with increased levels of oxidized purines in leukocytes without apparent effect on 8-oxoGua excretion or major change in cancer risk. 8-OxoGua excretion has been associated with exposure to air pollution, toxic metals, tobacco smoke and low plasma antioxidant levels, whereas fruit and vegetable intake or dietary interventions showed no association. In rodent studies some types of feed may be source of 8-oxoGua in collected urine. Of cancer therapies, cisplatin increased 8-oxoGua excretion, whereas radiotherapy only showed such effects in experimental animals. Case-control studies found high excretion of 8-oxoGua in relation to cancer, dementia and celiac disease but not hemochromatosis, although associations could be a consequence rather than reflecting causality of disease. One prospective study found increased risk of developing lung cancer among non-smokers associated with high excretion of 8-oxoGua. Urinary excretion of 8-oxoGua is a promising biomarker of oxidatively damaged DNA.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the inhibition of Vibrio by Roseobacter in a combined liquid-surface system. Exposure of Vibrio anguillarum to surface-attached roseobacters (107 CFU/cm2) resulted in significant reduction or complete killing of the pathogen inoculated at 102 to 104 CFU/ml. The effect was likely associated with the production of tropodithietic acid (TDA), as a TDA-negative mutant did not affect survival or growth of V. anguillarum.Antagonistic interactions among marine bacteria are well documented, and secretion of antagonistic compounds is common among bacteria that colonize particles or surfaces (8, 13, 16, 21, 31). These marine bacteria may be interesting as sources for new antimicrobial drugs or as probiotic bacteria for aquaculture.Aquaculture is a rapidly growing sector, but outbreaks of bacterial diseases are a limiting factor and pose a threat, especially to young fish and invertebrates that cannot be vaccinated. Because regular or prophylactic administration of antibiotics must be avoided, probiotic bacteria are considered an alternative (9, 18, 34, 38, 39, 40). Several microorganisms have been able to reduce bacterial diseases in challenge trials with fish or fish larvae (14, 24, 25, 27, 33, 37, 39, 40). One example is Phaeobacter strain 27-4 (17), which inhibits Vibrio anguillarum and reduces mortality in turbot larvae (27). The antagonism of Phaeobacter 27-4 and the closely related Phaeobacter inhibens is due mainly to the sulfur-containing tropolone derivative tropodithietic acid (TDA) (2, 5), which is also produced by other Phaeobacter strains and Ruegeria mobilis (28). Phaeobacter and Ruegeria strains or their DNA has been commonly found in marine larva-rearing sites (6, 17, 28).Phaeobacter and Ruegeria (Alphaproteobacteria, Roseobacter clade) are efficient surface colonizers (7, 11, 31, 36). They are abundant in coastal and eutrophic zones and are often associated with algae (3, 7, 41). Surface-attached Phaeobacter bacteria may play an important role in determining the species composition of an emerging biofilm, as even low densities of attached Phaeobacter strain SK2.10 bacteria can prevent other marine organisms from colonizing solid surfaces (30, 32).In continuation of the previous research on roseobacters as aquaculture probiotics, the purpose of this study was to determine the antagonistic potential of Phaeobacter and Ruegeria against Vibrio anguillarum in liquid systems that mimic a larva-rearing environment. Since production of TDA in liquid marine broth appears to be highest when roseobacters form an air-liquid biofilm (5), we addressed whether they could be applied as biofilms on solid surfaces.  相似文献   
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