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Summary A method is described by which the Na+ and K+ content in 0.5 mm sections of single roots of Hordeum distichon L. and Atriplex hortensis L. can be determined by use of flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy. By this method the longitudinal profiles of K+ and Na+ along low salt roots and roots which had been equilibrated with or grown in K+-free 1 mM Na+-solution were determined. The profiles reveal that high K+/Na+ ratios in the cytoplasm are maintained also in K+-free solutions. In solutions containing 1 mM Na+ a high K+/Na+ selectivity was found to be dependent on sufficient aeration. From the ion profiles the cytoplasmic (110 mM) and vacuolar (20 mM) K+ concentration in low salt barley roots—values which are unobtainable by compartmental analysis—could be estimated.  相似文献   
The effect of removal of the shoot apex of 92-d-old tobacco plants and its replacement by 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) on sink-source relationships and on the flows and partitioning of potassium and water has been studied over a short-term period of 7 d (intact control plants) or 8 d (decapitated and NAA-treated plants). For determining flows an upper, middle and lower stratum of three leaves each were analysed. Within the study period three new leaves were formed in control plants and 57.7% of the total dry matter increment during the experimental period was allocated to the apex and these newly formed leaves. An even higher proportion of the K+ taken up (93.8%) was deposited in these organs and this was imported via xylem (72%) and phloem (28%). Only 18.7% and 9.8% of the total dry matter increment were found in the previously present upper leaves and the roots, respectively, and substantial net K+ export occurred from middle and lower leaves and roots. Decapitation removed the dominant phloem sink and caused marked changes in sink-source relationships. After decapitation the net increase in root dry matter was twice that of control plants. 56.2% of the total net increments in dry matter and 70% of the absorbed K+ were deposited in upper leaves (below the excised apex). There was only slight net K+ export from the middle leaves. Application of NAA on the cut surface of the stem stump did not change the growth of plants that much, apart from a substantial increase in stem growth, correspondingly it stimulated the partitioning of K+ into the upper leaves and most dramatically into the stem, which deposited 64.5% or 27% of the K+ uptake, respectively. In these plants K+ uptake was increased and the K+ concentrations in upper, middle and lower leaves were increased from 4.7, 5.4 and 5.6 to 5.1, 6.1 and 6.1% of dry matter, respectively. Possible mechanisms of this effect of NAA on the improvement of K+ concentration in tobacco leaves are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
ABC transporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that translocate solutes across biological membranes at the expense of ATP. In prokaryotic ABC importers, the extracytoplasmic anchoring of the substrate-binding protein (receptor) is emerging as a key determinant for the structural rearrangements in the cytoplasmically exposed ATP-binding cassette domains and in the transmembrane gates during the nucleotide cycle. Here the molecular mechanism of such signaling events was addressed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of spin-labeled ATP-binding cassette maltose transporter variants (MalFGK2-E). A series of doubly spin-labeled mutants in the MalF-P2 domain involving positions 92, 205, 239, 252, and 273 and one triple mutant labeled at positions 205/252 in P2 and 83 in the Q-loop of MalK were assayed. The EPR data revealed that the substrate-binding protein MalE is bound to the transporter throughout the transport cycle. Concomitantly with the three conformations of the ATP-binding cassette MalK2, three functionally relevant conformations are found also in the periplasmic MalF-P2 loop, strictly dependent on cytoplasmic nucleotide binding and periplasmic docking of liganded MalE to MalFG. The reciprocal communication across the membrane unveiled here gives first insights into the stimulatory effect of MalE on the ATPase activity, and it is suggested to be an important mechanistic feature of receptor-coupled ABC transporters.  相似文献   
Endometriosis is considered as a benign aseptic inflammatory disease, characterised by the presence of ectopic endometrium-like tissue. Its symptoms (mostly pain and infertility) are reported as constant stressors. Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and urocortin (UCN) are neuropeptides, strongly related to stress and inflammation. The effects of CRH and UCN are mediated through CRHR1 and CRHR2 receptors which are implicated in several reproductive functions acting as inflammatory components. However, the involvement of these molecules to endometriosis remains unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the expression of CRHR1 and CRHR2 in endometriotic sites and to compare the expression of CRHR1 and CRHR2 in eutopic endometrium of endometriotic women to that of healthy women. We further compared the expression of CRH, UCN, CRHR1 and CRHR2 in ectopic endometrium to that in eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis. Endometrial biopsy specimens were taken from healthy women (10 patients) and endometrial and endometriotic biopsy specimens were taken from women with endometriosis (16 patients). Τhe expression of CRH, UCN, CRHR1, and CRHR2 was tested via RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. This study shows for the first time that CRH and UCN receptor subtypes CRHR1β and CRHR2α are expressed in endometriotic sites and that they are more strongly expressed (p<0.01) in eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis compared to healthy women endometrium at the mRNA and protein level. CRH, UCN, CRHR1 and CRHR2 mRNA were also more highly expressed in ectopic rather than eutopic endometrium (CRH, UCN, CRHR2α: p<0.01, CRHR1β: p<0.05) and protein (CRH and UCN: p<0.05, CRHR1 and CRHR2: p<0.01) in women with endometriosis. These data indicate that CRH and UCN might play an immunoregulatory role in endometriotic sites by affecting reproductive functions such as decidualization and implantation of women with endometriosis.  相似文献   
The conformational distribution of the N-terminal domain of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCIIb) has been characterized by electron-electron double resonance yielding distances between spin labels placed in various domains of the protein. Distance distributions involving residue 3 near the N terminus turned out to be bimodal, revealing that this domain, which is involved in regulatory functions such as balancing the energy flow through photosystems (PS) I and II, exists in at least two conformational states. Models of the conformational sub-ensembles were generated on the basis of experimental distance restraints from measurements on LHCIIb monomers and then checked for consistency with the experimental distance distribution between residues 3 in trimers. Only models where residue 3 is located above the core of the protein and extends into the aqueous phase on the stromal side fit the trimer data. In the other state, which consequently is populated only in monomers, the N-terminal domain extends sideways from the protein core. The two conformational states may correspond to two functional states of LHCIIb, namely trimeric LHCIIb associated with PSII in stacked thylakoid membranes and presumably monomeric LHCIIb associated with PSI in nonstacked thylakoids. The switch between these two is known to be triggered by phosphorylation of Thr-6. A similar phosphorylation-induced conformational change of the N-terminal domain has been observed by others in bovine annexin IV which, due to the conformational switch, also loses its membrane-aggregating property.  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in quartz sand culture eitherwith a normal root system (controls) or with seminal roots only(‘single-rooted’). Development of adventitious rootswas prevented by using plants with an etiolated mesocotyl andthe stem base was positioned 5–8 cm above the sand. Eventhough the roots of the single-rooted plants were sufficientlysupplied with water and nutrients, the leaves experienced waterdeficits and showed decreased transpiration as trans plrationalwater flow was restricted by the constant number of xylem vesselspresent in the mesocotyl. As a consequence of this restriction,transpirational water flow velocities in the metaxylem vesselsreached mean values of 270 m h–1 and phloem transportvelocities of 5.2 m h–1. Despite limited xylem transportmineral nutrient concentrations in leaf tissues were not decreasedin single-rooted plants, but shoot and particularly stem developmentwas somewhat inhibited. Due to the lack of adventitious rootsthe shoot:root ratio was strongly increased in the single-rootedplants, but the seminal roots showed compensatory growth comparedto those in control plants. Consistent with decreased leaf conductance,ABA concentrations in leaves of single-rooted plants were elevatedup to 10-fold, but xylem sap ABA concentrations in these plantswere lower than in controls, in good agreement with the well-wateredconditions experienced by the seminal roots. Surprisingly, however,ABA concentrations in tissues of the seminal roots of the single-rooted plants were clearly increased compared to the controls,presumably due to increased ABA import via phloem from the water-stressedleaves. The results are discussed in relation to the role ofABA as a shoot to root signal. Key words: Zea mays, seminal roots, plant development, xylem transport, mineral nutrition, ABA, shoot-to-root signal  相似文献   
Climate change and biological invasions are threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide. It has now been widely acknowledged that climate change will affect biological invasions. A large number of studies have investigated predicted shifts and other changes in the geographic ranges of invasive alien species related to climate change using modeling approaches. Yet these studies have provided contradictory evidence, and no consensus has been reached. We conducted a systematic review of 423 modeling case studies included in 71 publications that have examined the predicted effects of climate change on those species. We differentiate the approaches used in these studies and synthesize their main results. Our results reaffirm the major role of climate change as a driver of invasive alien species distribution in the future. We found biases in the literature both regarding the taxa, toward plants and invertebrates, and the areas of the planet investigated. Despite these biases, we found for the plants and vertebrates studied that climate change will more frequently contribute to a decrease in species range size than an increase in the overall area occupied. This is largely due to oceans preventing terrestrial invaders from spreading poleward. In contrast, we found that the ranges of invertebrates and pathogens studied are more likely to increase following climate change. An important caveat to these findings is that researchers have rarely considered the effects of climate change on transport, introduction success, or the resulting impacts. We recommend closing these research gaps, and propose additional avenues for future investigations, as well as opportunities and challenges for managing invasions under climate change.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Variations in cytokine and immune mediator expression patterns in amniotic fluid due to gestational age, maternal age and fetal gender were investigated. METHODS: Amniotic fluid samples were obtained from 192 women, 82 with a mid-trimester amniocentesis (median gestational age 17 weeks) and 110 with a caesarean section not in labor (median gestational age 39 weeks). Amniotic fluid was screened by commercial ELISAs for the TH1/TH2/TH17 cytokines and immune mediators IL-1 beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-15, IL-17, TNF alpha, GROalpha, MIP1alpha, MIP1beta, histone, and IP10. Analysis was by Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. RESULTS: None of the 15 examined cytokines revealed any differences in expression patterns regarding fetal gender and age of the mothers. Significant differences were found in IL-4, IL-10, IL-12 TNF- alpha and MIP1-beta with respect to gestational age. CONCLUSIONS: Cytokines utilized as biomarkers in the diagnosis of intrauterine infections are not influenced in their expression pattern by fetal gender or maternal age, but may vary with respect to gestational age.  相似文献   
The carbohydrate molecules Sialyl Lewis X (SLeX), Sialyl Lewis A (SLeA), Lewis Y (LeY) and Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (TF) are known to mediate the adhesion between tumor cells and endothelium. They are used as serum markers in diagnosis and treatment in a broad spectrum of human carcinomas, but their expression profile and role in the development of cervical cancer remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of SLeX, SLeA, LeY and TF in normal cervical squamous epithelium, cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. Slides of paraffin-embedded tissue were fixed and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against SLeX, SLeA, LeY and TF. Immunohistochemical staining was evaluated by using a semi-quantitative score (IRS Score). We found a significant difference of SLeA expression in invasive cervical cancer compared to normal epithelium (p=0.006) and all grades of dysplasia (p=0.002). The expression of SLeX in normal epithelium was less intense than in carcinoma in situ (p=0.036). Staining for LeY showed the weakest results of the investigated markers. Significant differences were found when normal epithelium was compared to CIN I (p=0.011), to CIN II (p=0.013) and to invasive cervical cancer (p=0.005). For TF, significant differences were found in normal epithelium compared to CIN I (p=0.011), CIN II (p=0.013) and compared to invasive cervical cancer (p=0.005). This is the first study on the expression of SLeA, SLeX, LeY and TF in normal cervical endothelium, cervical dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive cervical cancer. Further studies and higher numbers are desirable.  相似文献   
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